Lucent Technologies Definity Audix System Release 4.0 Guide
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Planning for the DEFINITY AUDIX System Release 4.0 585-300-602 Issue 1 May 1999 New System Ordered for Existing Switch 3-7 3 Disc uss the system p assword with the c ustomer. Customers can chang e the system p assword for the cust login to whatever they want. Luc ent Tec hnolog ies c ontrols the p assword for the craft and other log ins, so the RSC c an p erform remote maintenance. Remove switc h translationsInstaller Remove any translations for c irc uit p ac ks to b e moved to rec onfig ure the c arrier. For d etailed information on using switch ad ministration screens, see the imp lementation manual ap prop riate for the c ustomers switc h. Rec onfigure switch carrierInstaller See Wor k sh ee t A - 1 and Wo r k s h e e t A - 2 to see whic h c irc uit p ac ks should b e moved. Perform remove and ad d functions to move the circuit packs. Rewire cables and c ross-c onnec t field , as req uired . See the c ustomers switc h d ocumentation for information on using switc h sc reens. Administer moved circuit packsInstaller Ad minister any c ircuit p acks that were moved . Test the switc h for the new p hysic al arrang ement of the c irc uit pac ks and for p rop er ad ministration. Chec k the c ustomer sitePro j ec t manag erIf reconfig uration was req uired for the c arrier c irc uit p ac k, verify the rec onfiguration is c omp lete. Allocate a Direc t Inward Dialing (DID) or Central Offic e (CO) Line for AUDIX maintenanc e p ortPro j ec t manag er and customerThe c ustomer is resp onsib le for p rovid ing a remote-acc ess line to the mod em of the DEFINITY AUDIX system. The c ustomer can p urc hase a 1FB from the loc al telep hone servic e p rovid er or p rovid e a DID line from the switch. A c ircuit terminating at the switc h c onsole or other answering p osition is not suitab le. Table 3-1. New System with Existing Switch (Continued) Task Party RequirementsDate Complete Continued on next page

Planning for the DEFINITY AUDIX System Release 4.0 585-300-602 Issue 1 May 1999 New System Ordered for Existing Switch 3-8 3 Prep are the site Customer Prep are eq uip ment room for installation. See DEFINITY AUDIX System — System Desc ription , 585-300-214, for c omp lete information ab out environmental c onsid erations. In ord er to install the DEFINITY AUDIX system, eac h station need s a uniq ue extension and c aller ID. For examp le, the DEFINITY AUDIX system will reject the switc h d atab ase if two extensions have the same c aller ID. The DEFINITY AUDIX system will also rejec t the d atab ase if there is more than one extension with no c aller ID b ec ause this ap p ears to the system as a d uplicate ID. Modify the switc h d atab ase at this time, if nec essary, to ensure that eac h station has a unique c aller ID. Rec eive eq uip ment Customer Receive the DEFINITY AUDIX system. Installing the System Install the DEFINITY AUDIX Hard wareInstaller Install the DEFINITY AUDIX hardware in the slots d esig nated on Worksheet A-2 . Install cab les, terminals, mod ems, and any other peripherals. See Installation and Switc h Ad ministration for the DEFINITY AUDIX System Release 4.0, 585-300-122, for d etailed instructions. Test the hard ware Installer Test the DEFINITY AUDIX hardware. See Installation and Switch Administration for the DEFINITY AUDIX System Release 4.0, 585-300-122, for detailed instruc tions. Perform initial switc h ad ministrationSoftware sp ec ialist or d esig n sp ec ialistUse the worksheets from Appendix B and the instruc tions in Installation and Switc h Ad ministration for the DEFINITY AUDIX System Release 4.0, 585-300-122, to p erform the initial switc h ad ministration. Table 3-1. New System with Existing Switch (Continued) Task Party RequirementsDate Complete Continued on next page

Planning for the DEFINITY AUDIX System Release 4.0 585-300-602 Issue 1 May 1999 New System Ordered for Existing Switch 3-9 3 Verify customer op tions Installer The fac tory normally ac tivates the c ustomer op tions before ship ping. Use Worksheet C-1 to c hec k port activation, the switch and p ort c onnec tion typ es, the Dig ital Networking and Multiling ual op tions, and maximum numb er of I NTUITY Messag e Manag er log in sessions. If nec essary, chang e the setting s for these features on the SYSTEM-PARAMETERS CUSTOMER OPTIONS screen as described in Installation and Switch Administration for the DEFINITY AUDIX System Release 4.0, 585-300-122. Then contac t the MMISC to c onfirm the chang es. Activate AUDIX server hard ware (LAN) op tions.Installer Use Wor k sh ee t C- 2 and the instruc tions in Installation and Switch Administration for the DEFINITY AUDIX System Release 4.0, 585-300-122, to check connection of the system to the LAN and ac tivation of I NTUITY Message Manag er. Also see INTUITY Message Manag er User’s Guid e , 585-310-731. Perform initial DEFINITY AUDIX ad ministrationSoftware sp ec ialistUse the worksheets from Appendix C , as well as the instruc tions in Installation and Switc h Ad ministration for the DEFINITY AUDIX System Release 4.0, 585-300-122, to p erform the initial DEFINITY AUDIX system ad ministration. Test Alarm Orig ination Projec t Manag er Ü Fill in Worksheet C-9. Enter the information from this worksheet on the SYSTEM-PARAMETERS MAINTENANCE screen and then test the Alarm Orig ination feature. Call the RSC to ad d the customer to the Initialization and Ad ministration System (INADS) d atab ase and request maintenanc e support. Table 3-1. New System with Existing Switch (Continued) Task Party RequirementsDate Complete Continued on next page

Planning for the DEFINITY AUDIX System Release 4.0 585-300-602 Issue 1 May 1999 New System Ordered for Existing Switch 3-10 3 For d etailed instructions on testing Alarm Orig ination, see DEFINITY AUDIX System Release 4.0 — Installation and Switc h Ad ministration . Test the DEFINITY AUDIX featuresInstaller Test the DEFINITY AUDIX features. For d etailed instructions, see Installation and Switc h Ad ministration for the DEFINITY AUDIX System Release 4.0, 585-300-122. Perform initial sub sc rib er ad ministrationSoftware sp ec ialist and customerAd d the initial sub sc rib ers. Use Wor k sh ee t C- 8 . Perform customer initial ad ministrationCustomer Install the AUDIX Ad ministration and Data Ac q uisition Package (ADAP). See AUDIX Ad ministration and Data Ac q uisition Pa c k ag e , 585-302-502. Ad minister and rec ord automated attendants. See DEFINITY AUDIX System — Ad ministration , 585-300-507, for c omplete instruc tions. Record and ad minister customized announc ements. See DEFINITY AUDIX System — Ad ministration , 585-300-507, for complete instructions. Id entify primary and sec ond ary language announc ement sets. See DEFINITY AUDIX System — Ad ministration , 585-300-507, for complete instructions. Ad minister any other optional features you p urc hased. See Ap pendix D for more information and worksheets for optional features. Table 3-1. New System with Existing Switch (Continued) Task Party RequirementsDate Complete Continued on next page

Planning for the DEFINITY AUDIX System Release 4.0 585-300-602 Issue 1 May 1999 New System Ordered for Existing Switch 3-11 3 Test any features you ad ministered in this step . Back up the d ata you entered using the magneto-optical disk drive. Administer Dig ital Networking Installer Test and ad minister Dig ital Networking . See Appendix B for more information ab out Dig ital Networking . Table 3-1. New System with Existing Switch (Continued) Task Party RequirementsDate Complete Continued on next page

Planning for the DEFINITY AUDIX System Release 4.0 585-300-602 Issue 1 May 1999 New System Ordered for Existing Switch 3-12 3

Switch Carrier Configuration Worksheets A-1 A Planning for the DEFINITY AUDIX System Release 4.0 585-300-602 Issue 1 May 1999 A Switch Carrier Configuration Worksheets To install a DEFINITY AUDIX system in a System 75 or DEFINITY switc h at a c ustomer site, the switc h must have two1 c ontig uous p ort slots availab le in a c arrier. If the switc h d oes not have two c ontiguous p ort slots availab le, the system will have to b e rearrang ed or a new c arrier p urc hased . NOTE: Verify that the switc h and switc h software load c an ac c ommod ate the DEFINITY AUDIX system. See Ta b l e 1 - 1 for a list of c omp atib le switc hes and switc h software load s. Whoever is assig ned the task of rec onfig uring the c irc uit p ac ks should c omp lete the following steps: 1. Complete Worksheet A-1 . In the first row, ind ic ate the of c arrier, suc h as p ort c arrier or c ontrol c arrier. In the remaining rows, write the c irc uit p ac k c urrently oc c up ying the ind ic ated p ort slot. The total numb er of p ort slots d ep end s on the typ e of switc h and func tion of the c arrier. 2. Using the c arrier c onfig uration rules in the c orrec t d oc ument for the c ustomer’s switc h, determine how two 1 c ontig uous p ort slots c an b e ob tained for the DEFINITY AUDIX system. nFor System 75, R1V3, use AT&T System 75 Referenc e Manual, System Description , 555-200-200, Issue 3 or later nFor System 75 G1, and G3V1, use DEFINITY Communic ations System Generic 1 and System 75 Feature Desc rip tion, 555-200-201 and DEFINITY 75/85 Communic ations System Generic 1.1 Imp lementation, 555-204-654 1. For the CMC, the DEFINITY AUDIX system only need s one slot if it is installed in slot 6.

Planning for the DEFINITY AUDIX System Release 4.0 585-300-602 Issue 1 May 1999 Switch Carrier Configuration Worksheets A-2 A nFor System 75 XE, use AT& T Sy st e m 7 5 XE Sy st e m D e sc ri p t io n, 555-201-200, Issue 1 or later nFor DEFINITY Generic 1 or Generic 3, use D EFI N I TY® Communic ations System Generic 1 and Generic 3 System Desc rip tion and Sp ec ific ations , 555-230-200, Issue 1 nFor G3V2 or hig her, use DEFINITY Communic ations System Generic 3 System Desc rip tion and Sp ec ific ations , 555-230-201, Issue 2 or hig her. nFor ProLog ix R6 or higher, DEFINITY Enterp rise Communic ations Server Release 6 — System Description Pocket Reference , 555-230-211, Issue 3 or hig her. In rec onfiguring the c irc uit p ac ks use the following g uid elines: nMove as few p ac ks as possible; look for a c arrier that has one or two c ontig uous p ort slots already availab le. nConsid er the c osts of testing once the c arrier has b een rearrang ed (for example, tie trunks and DS1 p ac ks are more exp ensive to test than some other types of c irc uit p ac ks). nKeep in mind the ease with whic h c irc uit p ac ks c an b e moved . Some c irc uit p ac ks are listed b elow in ord er of easiest to most d iffic ult to move. This list, however, is not c omp lete: — Analog p ac ks: stations, CO, WATS, DID, and AUX — Hybrid p acks — Dig ital p acks NOTE: (Try to avoid p ac ks assoc iated with any of the following : d ata sets with many feature b uttons, c onsole, d ata lines, emerg enc y transfer line, CEO’s line, sp eec h synthesizers, announc ements.) —BRI packs — Tone d etec tor p ac ks — Tie trunk p ac ks — ISDN p ac ks —DS1 packs — Pooled mod em pac ks — Tone Cloc k Board (not movab le) — ASAI-related pac ks 3. Complete Worksheet A-2 to show whic h two1 c ontig uous slots the DEFINITY AUDIX system will use and where the other c irc uit pac ks should b e p lac ed . Give the c omp leted Worksheet A-2 to the tec hnic ian who will rearrang e the c arrier c irc uit p ac ks.

Planning for the DEFINITY AUDIX System Release 4.0 585-300-602 Issue 1 May 1999 Switch Carrier Configuration Worksheets A-3 A Worksheet A-1: Port Slot Assignments (Before Carrier Rearrangement) Complete the following worksheet to ind ic ate how c irc uit p ac ks are c urrently arrang ed in the switc h c arrier. On the worksheet, the slots are numb ered as seen from the front of the carrier, with slot 1 on the far left and slot 20 on the far rig ht. It is not nec essary to fill in the worksheet for all existing c ircuit packs. Specify only those circuit packs that must b e moved (if any) in the c arrier rec onfig uration p roc ess. D ate _________________________ Pre p ar ed b y _________________________ C on tac t tel ep hon e nu mb er _________________________ Carrier A Carrier B Carrier C Carrier D Carrier E Carrier Function Port slot 1 Port slot 2 Port slot 3 Port slot 4 Port slot 5 Port slot 6 Port slot 7 Port slot 8 Port slot 9 Port slot 10 Port slot 11 Port slot 12 Port slot 13 Port slot 14 Port slot 15 Port slot 16 Port slot 17 Port slot 18 Port slot 19 Port slot 20

Planning for the DEFINITY AUDIX System Release 4.0 585-300-602 Issue 1 May 1999 Switch Carrier Configuration Worksheets A-4 A Worksheet A-2: Port Slot Assignments (For Carrier Rearrangement) Complete the following worksheet to ind ic ate how c irc uit p ac ks should b e arrang ed in the switc h c arrier b efore the DEFINITY AUDIX system is installed . On the worksheet, the slots are numb ered as seen from the front of the c arrier, with slot 1 on the far left and slot 20 on the far rig ht. It is not nec essary to fill in the worksheet for all existing c irc uit p ac ks. Sp ec ify only the new positions of c irc uit p ac ks that must b e moved (if any) and then ind ic ate the two slots the DEFINITY AUDIX system is to oc c up y. Use the information in this app end ix to d etermine the c arrier into whic h the DEFINITY AUDIX system should b e installed. D ate _________________________ Pre p ar ed b y _________________________ C on tac t tel ep hon e nu mb er _________________________ Carrier A Carrier B Carrier C Carrier D Carrier E Carrier Function Sl o t 1 Sl o t 2 Sl o t 3 Sl o t 4 Sl o t 5 Sl o t 6 Sl o t 7 Sl o t 8 Sl o t 9 Slot 10 Slot 11 Slot 12 Slot 13 Slot 14 Slot 15 Slot 16 Slot 17 Slot 18 Slot 19 Slot 20