Lucent Technologies Definity Audix System Release 4.0 Guide
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Planning for the DEFINITY AUDIX System Release 4.0 585-300-602 Issue 1 May 1999 DEFINITY AUDIX System Administration Worksheets C-5 C Worksheet C-3: Assign the DEFINITY AUDIX Machine ID The information you sup p ly here will b e inp ut on the MACHINE sc reen d uring c ut-to-servic e ad ministration. Enter the ad d ress ranges for subsc riber extensions for eac h mac hine in the tab le b elow. The p refix c an b e used to d isting uish b etween mac hines that have overlapp ing extensions.D ate _________________________ Pre p ar ed B y _________________________ C on tac t Tel ep ho ne N u mb er _________________________ Field Default Desired Mac hine Name loc al Mac hine Type aud ixaudix Loc ation loc allocal Voic ed Name n Extension Leng th 4 Vo i c e I D 00 Default Community Messag es without a c ommunity ID are assumed to have been sent from this c ommunity. See DEFINITY AUDIX System — Feature Desc rip tions, 585-300-206 for information on c ommunities and the Sending Restric tions feature. Start Extension En d Ex t e n s i o n Machine Prefix Start Extension End Extension 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

Planning for the DEFINITY AUDIX System Release 4.0 585-300-602 Issue 1 May 1999 DEFINITY AUDIX System Administration Worksheets C-6 C Worksheet C-4 Worksheet C-4 d oes not ap p ly to most new installations. For further information ab out mig rations and installations in existing switc hes, see DEFINTIY AUDIX System — System Desc rip tion , 585-300-214. For Worksheet C-4, see Installation and Switc h Ad ministration for the DEFINITY AUDIX System Release 4.0, 585-300-122.

Planning for the DEFINITY AUDIX System Release 4.0 585-300-602 Issue 1 May 1999 DEFINITY AUDIX System Administration Worksheets C-7 C Worksheet C-5: Set System Parameters Limits Th e in f o r m a t i o n y o u s u p p ly h e re w i ll b e i n p u t o n t h e SYSTEM -PA RA M ETERS LIMITS sc reen d uring initial ad ministration.D ate _________________________ Pre p ar ed B y _________________________ C on tac t Tel ep ho ne N u mb er _________________________ LimitDefault Desired Maximum Messag e Length (sec ond s) 1200 Minimum Message Leng th (tenths of sec onds) 10 Total Messages in all Mailb oxes The ap p rop riate value depend s on the disk size and the numb er of loc al sub sc rib ers. The rec ommended numb er is 10 times the numb er of sub sc rib ers.50000 Maximum Messag es Awaiting Delivery The ap p rop riate value depend s on the disk size and the numb er of loc al sub sc rib ers. The rec ommended numb er is the numb er of sub sc rib ers.5000 Maximum Number of Loc al Sub sc ribers 1 1. The numb er of loc al sub sc rib ers should b e 2000 or less. The ap propriate value d epend s on the d isk size. See DEFINITY AUDIX System — System Desc rip tion, 585-300-214 for more information.1000 Maximum Number of Administered Remote Subsc ribers The ap propriate value d epend s on the d isk size. See DEFINITY AUDIX System — System Desc rip tion, 585-300-214 for more information.1000 Total List Entries This is the total entries allowed in all sub sc rib ers lists. 50000 Total Numb er of Lists p er Sub sc rib er 100 Maximum Total Numb er of Rec ip ients p er List 250 Maximum Ad ministration Log Entries 1000

Planning for the DEFINITY AUDIX System Release 4.0 585-300-602 Issue 1 May 1999 DEFINITY AUDIX System Administration Worksheets C-8 C Worksheet C-6: Assign the Time Zone The information you supply here will be input on the SWITCH TIME ZONE sc reen d uring initial ad ministration. Valid United States time zones are as follows: nEastern — 5 nCentral — 6 nMountain — 7 nPac ific — 8 nAlaska — 9 nHawaii — 10 D ate _________________________ Pre p ar ed B y _________________________ C on tac t Tel ep ho ne N u mb er _________________________ In what time zone will your DEFINITY AUDIX system b e installed (0–23)? Do you ob serve daylig ht savings time (y/n)?

Planning for the DEFINITY AUDIX System Release 4.0 585-300-602 Issue 1 May 1999 DEFINITY AUDIX System Administration Worksheets C-9 C Worksheet C-7: Activate Parameters and Basic Features Th e in f o r m a t i o n y o u s u p p ly h e re w i ll b e i n p u t o n t h e SYSTEM -PA RA M ETERS FEATURES sc reen d uring c ut-to-servic e ad ministration.D ate _________________________ Pre p ar ed B y _________________________ C on tac t Tel ep ho ne N u mb er _________________________ Field Default Desired Log -in Parameters Maximum Login Retries 33 Consec utive Invalid Attempts 18 System Guest Password b lank Minimum Password Leng th 0 (Luc ent Tec hnolog ies rec ommend s c hang ing this field to at least 5 ). Password Ag ing Limits (d ays) Sub sc rib er Mailb oxes Password exp iration interval (0 for no p assword ag ing) 0 0–999 Minimum ag e b efore c hang es 00–99 Exp iration warning (0 for no warning) 00–99 Password Ag ing Limits (d ays) Ad ministrator Log in Password exp iration interval (0 for no p assword aging ) Minimum ag e b efore c hang es Exp iration warning (0 for no warning) Inp ut Time Limits (sec ond s) Normal 60 Full Mailb ox Timeout (sec ond s) 5 Wa i t (*W) 180 Inp ut Time Limits (sec ond s) Between d ig its at auto-attend ant or stand alone menu (3–12)50 Disc onnec t Op tions Quic k Silenc e Disc onnec t? n Silenc e Limit? (5–30 sec ond s) 30 Tone Based Disc onnec t? n Misc ellaneous Features Broadc ast Mailb ox Extension System Prime Time, Start 8:00 System Prime Time, End 17:00 Weekly Bac kup Enab led? y

Planning for the DEFINITY AUDIX System Release 4.0 585-300-602 Issue 1 May 1999 DEFINITY AUDIX System Administration Worksheets C-10 C Inc rement (l/s), Rewind ? s Inc rement (l/s), Ad vanc e? s Feature Ac tivation Traffic Collec tion? n Name Record by Subscriber? y Multiple Personal Greeting s? y End of Message Warning? y Warning Time (sec ond s) 15 Priority on Call Answer? n Call Transfer Out of AUDIX Transfer Type? (b asic /none) none Transfer Restric tion (subsc rib ers/dig its) subsc rib ers Covering Extension b lank Announc ement Sets System stand ard Administrative b lank Rescheduling Increments For Unsuccessful Message Delivery 1 1. For information on d efault values, see DEFINITY AUDIX System Release 4.0 — Screens Reference , 585-300-213. Increment Days Hours Minutes 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10Field Default Desired

Planning for the DEFINITY AUDIX System Release 4.0 585-300-602 Issue 1 May 1999 DEFINITY AUDIX System Administration Worksheets C-11 C Worksheet C-8: Add Subscribers The information you sup p ly here will b e inp ut on the SUBSCRIBER and COS sc reens d uring c ut-to-servic e ad ministration. Comp lete the following information for each subscriber to be added to the DEFINITY AUDIX database during c ut-to-servic e ad ministration. The minimum information need ed to ad d a sub sc rib er to the DEFINITY AUDIX datab ase is a name and an extension for the sub sc rib er. The DEFINITY AUDIX system will sup p ly d efaults for all the remaining field s on the SUBSCRIBER sc reen. You must ad minister the following information for eac h subsc riber to b e ad d ed to the DEFINITY AUDIX system d atab ase: nSub sc rib er name nSub sc rib er extension nInitial p assword nClass of Servic e (COS) — 12 c lasses of servic e c an b e d efined for the DEFINITY AUDIX system; see DEFINITY AUDIX System — Administration, 585-300-507 and DEFINITY AUDIX System — System Desc rip tion, 585-300-214 for more information on Class of Servic e. Values for the d efault Class of Servic e, found on the CHANGE SUBSCRIBER sc reen (pag e 2) and the CHANGE COS sc reen, ap p ear on the next p ag e. nMisc ellaneous nSwitc h ID —The numb er id entifying the switc h on whic h the sub sc rib er is ad ministered . (The d efault value rep resents the loc al switc h.) Enter 0 if there is no station on the switc h. In suc h a c ase, no lamp up d ates will b e performed. nCovering extension nCommunity ID — The number id entifying the c ommunity of sub sc rib ers to whic h this sub sc rib er will b elong ; c ommunity ID c an b e used to ad minister, for examp le, messag e send ing restric tions. nBroad c ast mailb ox D ate _________________________ Pre p ar ed B y _________________________ C on tac t Tel ep ho ne N u mb er _________________________

Planning for the DEFINITY AUDIX System Release 4.0 585-300-602 Issue 1 May 1999 DEFINITY AUDIX System Administration Worksheets C-12 C Options Default Values for COS 0 Ad d ressing Format extension System Multiling ual is ON Log in Announc ement Set (sp ec ific ) Call Answer Lang uage Choic e? y Call Answer Primary Annc . Set (sp ec ific ) Call Answer Sec ondary Annc . Set (sp ec ific ) PERM I SSI O N S Typ e c all-answer Announc ement Control n Outc alling n Priority Message n Broad c ast none IMAPI Access n IMAPI Voic e File Ac c ess n INCOMING MAILBOX Ord er fifo Category Order nuo New Messag e Retention Time 10 Old Message Retention Time 10 Unopened Messag e Retention Time 10 OUTGOING MAILBOX Ord er fifo Category Order ufdan File Cab inet Retention Time 10 Delivered/Nond eliverab le Retention Time 10 Voic e Mail Messag e (sec ond s) Maximum Leng th 300 sec . Minimum Need ed 32 sec . Call Answer Messag e (Sec ond s) Maximum Leng th 120 sec . Minimum Need ed 8 sec . End of Messag e Warning Time (sec ond s) 15 Maximum Mailing Lists 25 Total Entries in All Lists 250 Mailb ox Size (sec onds) Maximum 1200 sec . Minimum Guarantee 0 sec .

Planning for the DEFINITY AUDIX System Release 4.0 585-300-602 Issue 1 May 1999 DEFINITY AUDIX System Administration Worksheets C-13 C You c an make c op ies of this p age to use in c ollec ting the information need ed for eac h sub sc rib er. Name (last, first) ExtensionInitial Password COS Misc.Switch IDCovering Extension Comm. IDBroadcast Mailbox?

Planning for the DEFINITY AUDIX System Release 4.0 585-300-602 Issue 1 May 1999 DEFINITY AUDIX System Administration Worksheets C-14 C Worksheet C-9: Set Up Alarm Origination The p rojec t manag er or the tec hnic ian will inp ut the information from this w o r k sh e e t o n t h e SYSTEM - PARA M ETERS M A I N TEN A N C E s c re e n i n i n s t a l la t io n Task 16. In Task 16 you will c all the RSC and have them ad d the c ustomer to the d atab ase and test the Alarm Orig ination feature.D ate _________________________ Pre p ar ed B y _________________________ C on tac t Tel ep ho ne N u mb er _________________________ What is the name1 of the DEFINITY AUDIX system? 1. This is a uniq ue name the RSC uses to ac c ess the system. The RSC c an help in assig ning this name. Onc e the name is assigned , only the RSC c an c hange it. This name is not used b y any other Luc ent Tec hnolog ies g roup or b y the c ustomer. (Luc ent Tec hnolog ies identifier) What is the DEFINITY AUDIX system loc ation? What is the telep hone numb er the c ustomer c an c all to rep ort p rob lems with the DEFINITY AUDIX system or to ask for help ? In the United States this numb er is 1-800-242-2121. What is the automatic alarm rep orting telep hone numb er? This is the mod em c ommand string for automatic alarm referral c alls generated by the DEFINITY AUDIX system. The INADS ad ministrator will g ive this string to the installer. Will Alarm Orig ination be ac tivated throug h the DEFINITY AUDIX system only (enter audix only), throug h the switc h only (enter switc h only), or b oth (enter audix & switc h). What is the telep hone numb er for the remote maintenanc e p ort? What is the mod em initialization string (if the mod em is not a US Rob otic s Sp ortster)?