Lucent Technologies Definity Audix System Release 4.0 Guide
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Planning for the DEFINITY AUDIX System Release 4.0 585-300-602 Issue 1 May 1999 New System Ordered with New Switch 2-7 2 Verify customer op tionsInstaller The fac tory normally ac tivates the c ustomer op tions b efore ship ping. Use Wor k sh ee t C- 1 to check port ac tivation, the switch and port c onnection typ es, the Dig ital Networking and Multiling ual options, and maximum numb er of I NTUITY Messag e Manager log in sessions. If necessary, chang e the setting s for these f e a tu r e s o n t he SYSTEM- PA RA METERS CUSTOMER OPTIONS sc reen as desc rib ed in Installation and Switc h Administration for the DEFINITY AUDIX System Release 4.0, 585-300-122. Contact the MMISC to c onfirm the c hang es. Activate AUDIX server hard ware (LAN) op tionsInstaller Use Wo r ks he et C- 2 and the instructions in Installation and Switc h Administration for the DEFINITY AUDIX System Release 4.0, 585-300-122, to c hec k c onnec tion of the system to the LAN and activation of I NTUITY Messag e Manag er. Also see INTUITY Messag e Manag er User’s Guid e , 585-310-731. Perform initial DEFINITY AUDIX ad ministrationInstaller Use the worksheets from App end ix C , as well as the instruc tions in Installation and Switc h Ad ministration for the DEFINITY AUDIX System Release 4.0, 585-300-122, to perform the initial DEFINITY AUDIX system ad ministration. Te s t A l a r m OriginationPro j ec t manag er Ü Fill in Wo r k s h e e t C - 9. Enter the information from this worksheet on the SYSTEM -PA RA M ETERS M A IN TEN A N C E sc reen and then test the Alarm Orig ination feature. Call the RSC to ad d the c ustomer to the Initialization and Ad ministration System (INADS) d atab ase and request maintenanc e supp ort. Table 2-1. New System with New Switch (Continued) Task Party RequirementsDate Complete Continued on next page

Planning for the DEFINITY AUDIX System Release 4.0 585-300-602 Issue 1 May 1999 New System Ordered with New Switch 2-8 2 For detailed instruc tions on testing Alarm Orig ination, see DEFINITY AUDIX System Release 4.0 — Installation and Switch Ad ministration . Te s t t h e D EFI N I TY AUDIX featuresInstaller Test the DEFINITY AUDIX features. For d etailed instruc tions, see Installation and Switch Ad ministration for the DEFINITY AUDIX System Release 4.0, 585-300-122. Perform initial sub sc rib er ad ministrationSoftware sp ec ialist and customerAd d the initial sub sc ribers. Use Wo r ks he et C- 8 . Perform customer initial ad ministrationCustomer Install the AUDIX Ad ministration and Data A c q ui s it i on Pac ka g e ( A D A P) . Se e AUDIX Ad ministration and Data Ac q uisition Pac kag e , 585-302-502. Rec ord and ad minister Automated Attend ants. See DEFINITY AUDIX System — Ad ministration , 585-300-507, for c omp lete instructions. Rec ord and ad minister c ustomized announc ements. See DEFINITY AUDIX System — Ad ministration , 585-300-507, for c omp lete instructions. Id entify p rimary and sec ond ary lang uag e announc ement sets. See DEFINITY AUDIX System — Ad ministration , 585-300-507, for c omp lete instructions. Ad minister any other op tional features you p urchased . See Appendix D for more information and worksheets for op tional features. Table 2-1. New System with New Switch (Continued) Task Party RequirementsDate Complete Continued on next page

Planning for the DEFINITY AUDIX System Release 4.0 585-300-602 Issue 1 May 1999 New System Ordered with New Switch 2-9 2 Test any features you ad ministered in this step . Bac k up the d ata you entered using the magneto-optical disk drive. Administer Dig ital Networking p er sp ec p rovid edSoftware sp ec ialistAd minister and test Dig ital Networking. See Appendix B for more information about Digital Networking. Table 2-1. New System with New Switch (Continued) Task Party RequirementsDate Complete Continued on next page

Planning for the DEFINITY AUDIX System Release 4.0 585-300-602 Issue 1 May 1999 New System Ordered with New Switch 2-10 2

New System Ordered for Existing Switch 3-1 3 Planning for the DEFINITY AUDIX System Release 4.0 585-300-602 Issue 1 May 1999 3 New System Ordered for Existing Switch Tab le 3-1 is a c hec klist that summarizes the tasks req uired for p lanning and installing a DEFINITY AUDIX system when it is ord ered for a switc h that the c ustomer alread y has on site. The c hec klist is d esig ned to help all p arties involved c oord inate their p lanning and imp lementation ac tivities. Where it is ap p rop riate, tasks refer to d oc uments that c ontain more d etailed instruc tions or information. The symbol Ü in the c hec klist p oints to a worksheet in the ap p endixes that should b e filled in at that p oint of the p lanning p roc ess. Tab le 3-1 is d esig ned to b e used in c onjunc tion with the AUDIX Streamlined Imp lementation p roc ess flow. For more d etailed information on DEFINITY AUDIX implementation, see the binders produced for AUDIX Streamlined Imp lementation. These b ind ers should b e in eac h Luc ent Tec hnologies b ranc h offic e. NOTE: This tab le d oes not inc lud e information about c ontrol link integ ration, whic h may b e relevant for some DEFINITY AUDIX system installations in switc h releases b elow DEFINITY G3 Release 7.1. For more information ab out installation op tions in earlier switc h releases, see DEFINITY AUDIX System Release 4.0 — System Desc rip tion, 585-300-214, and Installation and Switc h Ad ministration for the DEFINITY AUDIX System Release 4.0 , 585-300-122.

Planning for the DEFINITY AUDIX System Release 4.0 585-300-602 Issue 1 May 1999 New System Ordered for Existing Switch 3-2 3 Table 3-1. New System with Existing Switch Task Party RequirementsDate Complete Performing Assessment and Contract Tasks Comp lete need s assessmentAcc ount executiveDetermine the app rop riate voice messag ing and software app lic ation solution for the c ustomer. If a DEFINITY AUDIX System is the b est solution, d etermine the ap proximate number of voic e p orts, hours of voic e storag e, and PC software ap p lications the c ustomer need s. For further information ab out DEFINITY AUDIX c ap acity and sizing, see DEFINITY AUDIX System — System Desc ription , 585-300-214. Verify that the switc h and switch software load can ac commod ate the DEFINITY A U D I X Sy st e m. See Ta b l e 1 - 1 for a list of c omp atible switches and switch software load s. ÜDetermine whether the customer will op erate the system in d isp lay set or c ontrol link integ ration. Fill in Worksheet A-1 to id entify the eq uip ment need ed for the c onnec tion. See Installation and Switc h Ad ministration for the DEFINITY AUDIX System Release 4.0, 585-300-122, for d etailed information ab out c ontrol link integ ration. NOTE: The c ustomer must have an existing Proc essor Interface (PI) or Processor Gateway (PGATE) c irc uit p ac k in the switc h to op erate the DEFINITY AUDIX system in control link integ ration. Continued on next page

Planning for the DEFINITY AUDIX System Release 4.0 585-300-602 Issue 1 May 1999 New System Ordered for Existing Switch 3-3 3 If the DEFINITY AUDIX system will b e used as a server for I NTUITY Messag e Manag er over a LAN, work with the c ustomer’s LAN ad ministrator to set up a demarc ation p oint on the wallfield . This point must be within 25 feet from the b ack of the switc h. A 10BaseT c onnec tion is need ed. Lucent Tec hnolog ies p rovides a 104A mounting b loc k as the d emarcation p oint on the wall for this c onnec tion to p lug into. Luc ent Tec hnolog ies also p rovid es a D8W mod ular wall c ord to make the c onnec tion b etween the mounting b loc k and the DEFINITY AUDIX ad apter c ab le. ÜFill in Worksheet C-2 to identify the eq uip ment need ed for I NTUITY Message Manag er. ÜDetermine whether the customer will use AMIS Analog or Dig ital Networking . Fill out Worksheet D-1. For more information ab out the system’s req uirements for AMIS Analog and Digital Networking , see DEFINITY AUDIX System Release 4.0 — System Desc ription , 585-300-214. Determine what p rimary and sec ond ary Multiling ual announcement sets will b e used . ÜFill in Worksheet C-1 and Worksheet C-7 to activate the Multiling ual op tion, and Wor k sh ee t C- 8 to sp ec ify language sets. Id entify any p erip heral eq uip ment need ed , inc lud ing terminals, mod ems, and c ab les not inc lud ed with the DEFINITY AUDIX system PEC. ÜFill in Worksheet E-1. Table 3-1. New System with Existing Switch (Continued) Task Party RequirementsDate Complete Continued on next page

Planning for the DEFINITY AUDIX System Release 4.0 585-300-602 Issue 1 May 1999 New System Ordered for Existing Switch 3-4 3 Determine DEFINITY AUDIX locationAcc ount executiveSe e D EFI N I TY A U D IX Sys te m — Sys t em Desc ription , 585-300-214 for d etailed information ab out environmental c onsid erations. Comp lete the Switch Carrier Config uration worksheets in Ap pendix A, and find two c ontiguous p ort slots (one slot in a CMC) into whic h the DEFINITY AUDIX system c an b e installed. Give the c ompleted worksheets to the p rojec t manager. Generate a config urationAcc ount executiveSe e D EFI N I TY A U D IX Sys te m — Sys t em Desc ription, 585-300-214, for d etailed information ab out the DEFINITY AUDIX system. ÜIf the customer wants to use Digital Networking , c omp lete form 1154 in Appendix H. Perform site survey Projec t manag erVerify that the switc h and switch software load can ac commod ate the DEFINITY AUDIX system. See Ta b l e 1- 1 for a list of c omp atible switches and switch software load s. Using the information in Ap pendix A , make sure there are enoug h c ontig uous slots availab le in a c arrier that are suitab le for the DEFINITY AUDIX system. Review equipment room req uirementsPro j ec t manag er or ac c ount executiveReview eq uip ment room environmental requirements with the c ustomer and obtain the c ustomer’s sig nature. Table 3-1. New System with Existing Switch (Continued) Task Party RequirementsDate Complete Continued on next page

Planning for the DEFINITY AUDIX System Release 4.0 585-300-602 Issue 1 May 1999 New System Ordered for Existing Switch 3-5 3 Preparing for Installation Ord er d ocumentation Acc ount executiveIf the customer wants d oc umentation to arrive b efore the DEFINITY AUDIX system, order it at this time, or any time b efore you p lac e the ord er for the system. The CD-ROM, DEFINITY AUDIX System Release 4.0 Doc uments , 585-300-803, inc lud es the following d ocumentation: Planning for the DEFINITY AUDIX System Release 4.0 , 585-300-602 DEFINITY AUDIX System — System Desc ription , 585-300-214 DEFIN ITY A UDI X Sys t em — Fea t u re Desc riptions , 585-300-206 BCS Prod uct Sec urity Handb ook, 555-025-600 DEFINITY AUDIX System — Ad ministration, 585-300-507 DEFINITY AUDIX System Release 4.0 — Sc reens Referenc e , 585-300-213 Installation and Switch Administration for the DEFINITY AUDIX System Release 4.0, 585-300-122 DEFINITY AUDIX System Release 4.0 — Maintenance, 585-300-121 AUDIX Administration and Data Ac quisition Pa c k ag e , 585-302-502 AMIS Analog Networking, 585-300-512 Table 3-1. New System with Existing Switch (Continued) Task Party RequirementsDate Complete Continued on next page

Planning for the DEFINITY AUDIX System Release 4.0 585-300-602 Issue 1 May 1999 New System Ordered for Existing Switch 3-6 3 DEFINITY AUDIX System — Dig ital Networking , 585-300-534 Attend training Customer If you p urchased any DEFINITY AUDIX system training classes, attend b efore the system arrives. If you want to p urc hase the CD-ROM-b ased training c ourses for ad ministration, order it b efore the system arrives. Order switch carrier rec onfigurationPro j ec t manag erPlac e an ord er for switc h c arrier reconfig uration, if req uired . Any switc h c arrier reconfig uration should b e c ompleted b efore material on job (MOJ) for the DEFINITY AUDIX hard ware. Perform software and station reviewsPro j ec t manag er and customerDetermine how the customer wants the switc h and the DEFINITY AUDIX system ad ministered d uring initial ad ministration. ÜFill in the worksheets in Appendix B, Appendix C , and Appendix D. Se e Installation and Switch Ad ministration for the DEFINITY AUDIX System Release 4.0, 585-300-122, and DEFINITY AUDIX System — Ad ministration , 585-300-507, for c omp lete information on translations and ad ministration. Disc uss system sec urity issues with the c ustomer, inc lud ing toll fraud . For more information ab out system features and switc h integ rations, see BCS Produc t Security Handbook , 855-025-600, DEFINITY AUDIX System — System Desc rip tion , 585-300-214, and DEFINTY AUDIX System — Feature Descrip tions , 585-300-602. Table 3-1. New System with Existing Switch (Continued) Task Party RequirementsDate Complete Continued on next page