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Communications System
Lucent Technologies Audix Administration And Data Acquisition Guide
Lucent Technologies Audix Administration And Data Acquisition Guide
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Page 151
AUDIX Administration and Data Acquisition Package 585-302-502 Issue 14 May 1999 Scheduling PC2AUDIX Data Retrieval 8-5 Scheduling Events 8 nAc tivity The ac tivity that is to b e performed at the sc heduled time. Valid ac tivities are as follows: —verify Sc hed ule sub sc rib er d atabase verific ation. —traffic Sc hed ule retrieval of voic e mail traffic d ata. —logs Sc hed ule retrieval of voic e mail error, alarm, and/or events logs. You may retrieve the events log only for the...
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AUDIX Administration and Data Acquisition Package 585-302-502 Issue 14 May 1999 Scheduling PC2AUDIX Data Retrieval 8-6 Scheduling Events 8 5. When you have entered all Ad d Sc hed ule Entry information this event, p ress (CHANGE/RUN) to sc hed ule the event. PC2AUDIX verifies that the fields entered are ac c ep table. If any entered data is invalid, PC2AUDIX displays an error message. 6. If you sc hed uled a traffic ac tivity in the p revious step s, you must next sp ec ify the start and...
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AUDIX Administration and Data Acquisition Package 585-302-502 Issue 14 May 1999 Scheduling PC2AUDIX Data Retrieval 8-7 Scheduling Events 8 7. Dep end ing on whic h d ata c ollec tion sc reen ap p ears, you are promp ted for the following information: nHourly System Traffic Data Collec tion sc reen — Promp ts for start c ollec tion month/d ay/year/hour and stop c ollec tion month/d ay/year/hour up to 192 hours total. Also used for DEFINITY AUDIX system p erformanc e d ata. nDaily System...
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AUDIX Administration and Data Acquisition Package 585-302-502 Issue 14 May 1999 Scheduling PC2AUDIX Data Retrieval 8-8 Scheduling Call Detail Recording (CDR) Data Retrieval 8 9. After sc hed uling the event, p ress to return to the Disp lay/Ed it Sc hed ule sc reen to sc hed ule another even. (or p ress to return to the PC2AUDIX Root Menu). 10. When you have sc hed uled all events, selec t 0) Run Sc heduled Event) on the PC2AUDIX Root Menu. The Sc hed ule Mod e sc reen ap p ears. The c...
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AUDIX Administration and Data Acquisition Package 585-302-502 Issue 14 May 1999 Scheduling PC2AUDIX Data Retrieval 8-9 Displaying and Editing Scheduled Events 8 Displaying and Editing Scheduled Events Perform the following step s to display and ed it sc hed uled events: 1. At the PC2AUDIX Root Menu, selec t 5) Sc hed ule Ed itor to d isp lay the Sc heduling Menu. The following sc reen appears: 2. Choose one of the following : nSe le c t 1 ) D is p la y/ Ed i t Sc h e d u le b y d a y/ t...
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AUDIX Administration and Data Acquisition Package 585-302-502 Issue 14 May 1999 Scheduling PC2AUDIX Data Retrieval 8-10 Displaying and Editing Scheduled Events 8 The following sc reen d isp lays all sc hed uled events: 3 . Pre s s (PREV PG) , (N XT PG) , ( PREV EN TRY) , a n d ( N EXT ENTRY) as req uired to sc roll throug h the sc hed uled events and hig hlig ht the entry you want to edit. 4. Press (EDIT ENTRY) to edit the hig hlig hted entry. The following screen appears...
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AUDIX Administration and Data Acquisition Package 585-302-502 Issue 14 May 1999 Scheduling PC2AUDIX Data Retrieval 8-11 Displaying the Scheduled Event Log 8 5. Choose from the following : nTo d elete the d isp layed sc hed uled event, p ress (DELETE). nTo ed it the d isp layed sc hed uled event, c hang e data in the field s as ap p rop riate; and p ress (CHANGE/RUN). If the sc hed uled event is for a traffic , verify, log s, or p erform ac tivity, the event’s Data Collec tion sc reen ap...
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AUDIX Administration and Data Acquisition Package 585-302-502 Issue 14 May 1999 Scheduling PC2AUDIX Data Retrieval 8-12 Displaying the Scheduled Event Log 8 Perform the following step s to display the sc heduled event log : 1. At the PC2AUDIX Root Menu, selec t 5) Sc hedule Ed itor to d isp lay the Sc heduling Menu. 2. At the AUDIX Sc hed uling Menu, selec t 3) Disp lay Event Log for Sc h e d u le r. A sc reen similar to the following ap p ears: 3. The event log is a c hronolog ic al...
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PC2AUDIX Site Specific Data 9-1 Overview 9 AUDIX Administration and Data Acquisition Package 585-302-502 Issue 14 May 1999 9 PC2AUDIX Site Specific Data Overview PC2AUDIX site spec ific d ata tools provid e you with the following c ap ab ilities: nYou c an c hang e sub sc rib er names and extensions in the PC2AUDIX d atab ase. PC2AUDIX automatic ally up d ates these c hang es in the voic e mail database. nYou c an enter d ata sp ec ific to PC2AUDIX in ind ivid ual loc al sub sc rib er rec...
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AUDIX Administration and Data Acquisition Package 585-302-502 Issue 14 May 1999 PC2AUDIX Site Specific Data 9-2 Selecting Site Specific Data Options 9 Selecting Site Specific Data Options Perform the following step s to display and manip ulate PC2AUDIX site-sp ec ific data. 1. Call the PC2AUDIX interfac e software. 2. At the PC2AUDIX Root Menu, selec t 4) Site Spec ific Data. The following sc reen appears: 3. Selec t the ap prop riate op tion for the site-sp ec ific op eration you wish to...