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Lucent Technologies Audix Administration And Data Acquisition Guide

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Page 201

AUDIX Administration and Data Acquisition Package  585-302-502  Issue 14
May 1999
Using the ADAP Command Line Language 
11-9 Command Line Commands 
Command Format
Datab ase retrieval and  mod ific ation c ommand s are assoc iated  with sp ec ific  
voic e mail system ad ministrative and  maintenanc e sc reens that are sup p orted  b y 
ADAP. Eac h c ommand  option b eg ins with a d ash, followed  immediately b y a 
one-letter op tion id entifier. If the op tion requires an arg ument, the arg ument...

Page 202

AUDIX Administration and Data Acquisition Package  585-302-502  Issue 14
May 1999
Using the ADAP Command Line Language 
11-10 Command Line Commands 
Release numb er flag . Must b e followed by the release 
numb er, whic h id entifies the version of the DEFINITY 
AUDIX system (D-r3.2, D-r3.1, D-r3.0, D-r2.0, or D-r1.0), 
the R1 AUDIX system (r1v8, r1v7, r1v6, r1v5, r1v4_5, 
r1v4, r1v3, r1v2), or the I
(I-r5.0, I-r4.0, I-r3.3, I-r3.2, or I-r2.0) with whic h it is 
c ommunic ating...

Page 203

AUDIX Administration and Data Acquisition Package  585-302-502  Issue 14
May 1999
Using the ADAP Command Line Language 
11-11 Command Line Commands 
  When using the -v
 op tion or p ressing  v
 in c ommunic ating  the voic e mail 
  system,  the following  information ap p ears in the following  seq uenc e: 
You d o this in a manner similar to the ab ove. Prior to exec uting  retrieval and  
mod ify c ommand s, set the AUDIX_RELEASE environment variab le to the 
release value you want b y entering...

Page 204

AUDIX Administration and Data Acquisition Package  585-302-502  Issue 14
May 1999
Using the ADAP Command Line Language 
11-12 Command Line Commands 
Record Description Tables
The ADAP c ommand s ac c ep t inp ut and  c reate outp ut in rec ord  formats. This 
sec tion d esc ribes the inp ut and  outp ut rec ord formats used  b y these c ommand s. 
The tab les in Chapter 12, Command  Line Datab ase Retrieval Commands
, and  
Chapter 13, Command  Line Datab ase Mod ific ation Command s
, tell you what...

Page 205

AUDIX Administration and Data Acquisition Package  585-302-502  Issue 14
May 1999
Using the ADAP Command Line Language 
11-13 Command Line Commands 
All rec ord s c onsist of field s joined  b y field  sep arators and  terminated  with a 
 c harac ter. Eac h tab le row d esc rib es the following  field  c harac teristic :
Th e  getmlist
 c ommand  d epic ted  ab ove mig ht retrieve a rec ord , for DEFINITY 
AUDIX R1.0 (D-r1.0), that looks like this:
The machine name is Seattle
, the...

Page 206

AUDIX Administration and Data Acquisition Package  585-302-502  Issue 14
May 1999
Using the ADAP Command Line Language 
11-14 Command Line Commands 
Field Types
There are six field  typ es used  in the ADAP c ommand  line inp ut and  outp ut 
rec ord s.
C (Character)
Set of c harac ters enc losed  b y d elimiters. The d efault 
d elimiter is the d oub le q uote (). Any c harac ter 
(alp hab etic , numeric , sp ec ial c harac ter, or blank) may 
b e in the string . The maximum wid th c olumn sp ec...

Page 207

AUDIX Administration and Data Acquisition Package  585-302-502  Issue 14
May 1999
Using the ADAP Command Line Language 
11-15 Command Line Commands 
Voice Mail Version Columns
Eac h tab le c ontains c olumns for the three voic e mail systems that ADAP 
sup p orts. These c olumns identify whic h field s are valid inp ut or exp ec ted  outp ut 
for whic h system release(s). The information in the tab le b elow is an examp le 
There are four typ es of entries in the voic e mail version c olumn: a...

Page 208

AUDIX Administration and Data Acquisition Package  585-302-502  Issue 14
May 1999
Using the ADAP Command Line Language 
11-16 Command Line Commands 
Th e  op en end ed  set, is shown b y a release numb er followed  by a p lus (+ ) sig n. 
This means that the p artic ular field  is valid  inp ut or outp ut for the d esig nated  
release and  any later, newer releases. An examp le of an op en end ed  set is the 
r1v4_5+  d esig nation ap p earing  in the mac hine typ e field  row of the rec ord  

Page 209

AUDIX Administration and Data Acquisition Package  585-302-502  Issue 14
May 1999
Using the ADAP Command Line Language 
11-17 Command Line Commands 
When c onstruc ting  inp ut rec ord s for ADAP c ommand s, all field s, 
reg ard less of typ e, must b e enc losed  in d oub le q uotation marks and  
sep arated  b y c ommas. The rec ord s must b e terminated  with a NEWLINE. 
These rules hold  true whether the inp ut is red irec ted  from a file or entered  
interac tively from the keyb oard...

Page 210

AUDIX Administration and Data Acquisition Package  585-302-502  Issue 14
May 1999
Using the ADAP Command Line Language 
11-18 Command Line Commands 
Redirecting Input from Files 
Onc e you have c onstruc ted  an inp ut file, you c an use it to retrieve d ata. For 
examp le, if you wanted  to retrieve rec ord s for all sub sc rib ers on the voic e mail 
system, using  an inp ut file c alled  d ir.d at, you c ould  enter the following  c ommand .
      getsub < dir.dat > sub.dat
Sub sc rib er...
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