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Lucent Technologies Audix Administration And Data Acquisition Guide

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Page 191

AUDIX Administration and Data Acquisition Package  585-302-502  Issue 14
May 1999
PC2AUDIX Database Management Tools 
10-25 Restoring Retrieved Data 
Restore Subscriber Site Data
Perform the following  step s to restore sub sc rib er site d ata: 
1. At the Restore Data from Diskette menu, selec t 7) Sub sc rib er Site Data. 
The Restore Sub sc rib er Site Data sc reen app ears.
2. Press   (CHANGE/RUN) to start the restore. 
The following messag es ap p ear: 
Restore Databases Matching  from Diskette...

Page 192

AUDIX Administration and Data Acquisition Package  585-302-502  Issue 14
May 1999
PC2AUDIX Database Management Tools 
10-26 Restoring Retrieved Data 

Page 193

Using the ADAP Command Line Language 
11-1 Overview 
AUDIX Administration and Data Acquisition Package  585-302-502  Issue 14
May 1999
Using the ADAP Command Line 
This c hapter d esc rib es how to use the ADAP c ommand  line lang uag e. It tells 
nHow to log  into or out of the voic e mail system from your PC.
nHow to use ADAP c ommand s to retrieve data d irec tly from the 
ADAP-supp orted  voic e mail sc reens. 
nHow to use ADAP c ommand s to mod ify sub sc rib er rec ord...

Page 194

AUDIX Administration and Data Acquisition Package  585-302-502  Issue 14
May 1999
Using the ADAP Command Line Language 
11-2 Logging Into the Voice Mail System 
Logging Into the Voice Mail System
To use ADAP c ommand s, you must first log  into the voic e mail system from your 
PC. You c an log in from the MS-DOS p romp t C> , from an MS-DOS b atc h file, or 
from within an ap p lic ation p rog ram. Onc e you are log g ed  into the voic e mail   
system, you may exec ute a series of instruc tions with...

Page 195

AUDIX Administration and Data Acquisition Package  585-302-502  Issue 14
May 1999
Using the ADAP Command Line Language 
11-3 Logging Into the Voice Mail System 
Mod em initialization string  flag ; must b e followed b y mod em 
initialization string
mod em 
initialization stringSp ec ifies an initialization string  to b e sent to the mod em 
b efore c onnec tion to the voic e mail system is attemp ted . 
The default is a null string . 
Causes the system to b yp ass the searc h for the 
d ata...

Page 196

AUDIX Administration and Data Acquisition Package  585-302-502  Issue 14
May 1999
Using the ADAP Command Line Language 
11-4 Logging Into the Voice Mail System 
Th e  -P
 op tion is req uired  when log g ing  into a DEFINITY AUDIX system as 
 and  is invalid  otherwise. 
While exec uting  this c ommand , the software makes three attemp ts to c onnec t 
with the voic e mail system. If the -R
 (retry) op tion flag  is set and errors oc c ur   
d uring the log in (suc h as an invalid  log in...

Page 197

AUDIX Administration and Data Acquisition Package  585-302-502  Issue 14
May 1999
Using the ADAP Command Line Language 
11-5 Logging Into the Voice Mail System 
Th e  -I
 feature is intend ed  to send  initialization string s to Hayes and  Hayes-
c omp atib le mod ems. However, you c an use the -I
 op tion to send  a startup string  
any loc al c onnec tion-estab lishing  d evic e, suc h as a PDM or mod em, that 
returns the string  OK to the c omp uter up on p roc essing  and  ac ting  on a valid...

Page 198

AUDIX Administration and Data Acquisition Package  585-302-502  Issue 14
May 1999
Using the ADAP Command Line Language 
11-6 Logging Into the Voice Mail System 
If you enter an invalid  arg ument with the login
 c ommand , the following messag e 
ap p ears: 
C:\PCIFCE\LOGIN.EXE: illegal option -- option
Usage:  login [b ] [p ] [r 
release] [iV]
If all arg uments are c orrec t, the following  messages ap p ear on the sc reen with 
the c ursor p ositioned  on the next line (no p romp t ap p ears): 

Page 199

AUDIX Administration and Data Acquisition Package  585-302-502  Issue 14
May 1999
Using the ADAP Command Line Language 
11-7 Logging Into the Voice Mail System 
After you run the login
 c ommand , p erform the following  step s: 
1. Use one of the following  p roc ed ures, d epend ing  on your PC c onfiguration: 
Hayes or AT&T 4000 modem connection
a. Type atdt
b . Enter the p hone number of the voic e mail mac hine ad ministration 
MPDM connection
a. Press   (Break). 
b . Enter the p...

Page 200

AUDIX Administration and Data Acquisition Package  585-302-502  Issue 14
May 1999
Using the ADAP Command Line Language 
11-8 Logging Out of the Voice Mail System 
8. If this messag e d oes not app ear, p ress   to log  out of an R1 AUDIX      
system; then g o b ac k to step  1 and  log  in ag ain. On a DEFINITY AUDIX or 
Luc ent I
NTUITY system, press   to exit the login
 c ommand . Then 
re-enter the login
 c ommand  and  g o b ac k to step  1 to log  in ag ain. 
Otherwise, g o on to the next step ....
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