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Communications System
Lucent Technologies Audix Administration And Data Acquisition Guide
Lucent Technologies Audix Administration And Data Acquisition Guide
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AUDIX Administration and Data Acquisition Package 585-302-502 Issue 14 May 1999 PC2AUDIX Database Searches 7-3 List Subscribers with Bills Over Specified Amount 7 List Subscribers with Bills Over Specified Amount This op tion searc hes the b illing rec ord s for the last b illing c yc le (g enerated b y the Monthly Billing Calc ulation und er Customer Billing ) and lists sub sc rib ers with b ills g reater than the sp ec ified amount. You c an also use this op tion (c omb ined with the...
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AUDIX Administration and Data Acquisition Package 585-302-502 Issue 14 May 1999 PC2AUDIX Database Searches 7-4 List Subscribers with Bills Over Specified Amount 7 The following sc reen appears: The month sp ec ific ation is set to the last b illing c yc le c alc ulated . The “ Bills Greater than” field d efaults to $25.00, whic h you c an mod ify to suit your req uirements. The d efault outp ut d evic e is the p rinter d efined in the PC2AUDIX Setup Parameters. You c an d isp lay the rep ort...
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AUDIX Administration and Data Acquisition Package 585-302-502 Issue 14 May 1999 PC2AUDIX Database Searches 7-5 List Subscribers with Usage Over/ Under Specified Limits 7 List Subscribers with Usage Over/ Under Specified Limits This option searc hes the most rec ent sub sc rib er traffic d ata to loc ate subsc ribers who use the voic e mail system more or less than the sp ec ified amount. The d efault sp ec ific ations are set to searc h for sub sc rib ers with less than five ac c esses d uring...
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AUDIX Administration and Data Acquisition Package 585-302-502 Issue 14 May 1999 PC2AUDIX Database Searches 7-6 List Subscribers with Usage Over/ Under Specified Limits 7 The following sc reen appears: The month sp ec ific ation is set to the last traffic d ata c ollec ted . If you c hang e this d ate and traffic information d oes not exist for that month, the d ate field c hang es to the month for whic h traffic information d oes exist c losest to the d ate you c hose. The d efault outp ut d...
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AUDIX Administration and Data Acquisition Package 585-302-502 Issue 14 May 1999 PC2AUDIX Database Searches 7-7 List Subscriber Space Threshold Exceptions 7 List Subscriber Space Threshold Exceptions This option searc hes the most rec ent sub sc rib er traffic d ata to loc ate subsc ribers with mailb oxes that exc eed the sp ec ified sp ac e threshold . Note that this d ata is only as c urrent as the last traffic d ata retrieved from the voic e mail system. The following is an examp le of the...
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AUDIX Administration and Data Acquisition Package 585-302-502 Issue 14 May 1999 PC2AUDIX Database Searches 7-8 List Subscriber Space Threshold Exceptions 7 The following sc reen appears: The month sp ec ific ation is set to the month in whic h traffic d ata last was c ollec ted . If you c hang e this d ate and traffic information d oes not exist for that month, the Month field c hang es to the month for whic h traffic information d oes exist c losest to the d ate you c hose. If you d esire...
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Scheduling PC2AUDIX Data Retrieval 8-1 Overview 8 AUDIX Administration and Data Acquisition Package 585-302-502 Issue 14 May 1999 8 Scheduling PC2AUDIX Data Retrieval Overview With the PC2AUDIX sc hed uling op tion, you c an estab lish a sc hed ule for regularly retrieving ap p rop riate system and sub sc rib er traffic d ata, error and alarm log d ata, p erformanc e statistic s, and rep orted maintenanc e events (DEFINITY AUDIX system only). You also c an sc hed ule sub sc rib er d atab...
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AUDIX Administration and Data Acquisition Package 585-302-502 Issue 14 May 1999 Scheduling PC2AUDIX Data Retrieval 8-2 Scheduling Events 8 Scheduling Events Perform the following steps to schedule events: 1. At the PC2AUDIX Root Menu, selec t 5) Sc hed ule Ed itor to d isp lay the AUDIX Sc hed uling Menu. The following sc reen appears: 2. Choose one of the following : nSe le c t 1 ) D is p la y/ Ed i t Sc h e d u le b y d a y/ t im e nSelec t 2) Disp lay/Ed it Sc hed ule b y mac hine/d...
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AUDIX Administration and Data Acquisition Package 585-302-502 Issue 14 May 1999 Scheduling PC2AUDIX Data Retrieval 8-3 Scheduling Events 8 The following sc reen appears: 3. Press (ADD ENTRY) to ad d a new entry to the PC2AUDIX sc hedule of events. The following sc reen appears: F4
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AUDIX Administration and Data Acquisition Package 585-302-502 Issue 14 May 1999 Scheduling PC2AUDIX Data Retrieval 8-4 Scheduling Events 8 4. Enter the following information on the Ad d Sc hed ule Entry sc reen: nMac hine The name of the work d irec tory you c reated for a partic ular voic e mail system. The Mac hine name may b e a maximum of 10 characters. nDay The d ay for whic h to sc hed ule the event. Valid entries are as follows: — A three-c harac ter abb reviation for the d ay of...