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Key Voice Voice Processing System Installation And Maintenance Manual

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Page 371

INSTALLATION AND MAINTENANCE MANUAL 4/0012-22Configuration FileEntryDescriptionMinimumValue toMaximumValueDefault SetupMBOX DEFAULT
(Enter this as one line
of text in the VM.CFG
file.)When the VP system plays a mailbox greeting to a
caller, and the field AFTER PLAYING GREETING is
set to WAIT FOR DIGIT, the VP system plays the
complete greeting, then waits 5 seconds for the caller
to enter a digit. If the caller does not enter a digit, the
VP system normally takes whatever action is specified
in the...

Page 372

INSTALLATION AND MAINTENANCE MANUAL 4/0012-23Configuration FileEntryDescriptionMinimumValue toMaximumValueDefault SetupMW OFF REPSIf the host telephone system does not reliably control
the message-waiting lamps on the extensions, you can
use this option to force the VP system to try more than
one time to turn off an extension’s message-waiting
lamp. For example, if you want the VP system to try 3
times to turn off a message-waiting lamp, insert the
following line in the VM.CFG file:
MW OFF REPS = 31 to...

Page 373

INSTALLATION AND MAINTENANCE MANUAL 4/0012-24Configuration FileEntryDescriptionMinimumValue toMaximumValueDefault SetupNO PC BEEPThis option prevents the VP system from making a
beep sound (for example, when reporting an error or
when you reach the end of an input field).The beep is
enabled.NO RECORD BEEPWhen the VP system is about to record a message,
greeting, etc., it says, “Please speak after the tone,”
then plays a short tone.  Include this option if you want
to disable this tone.  The tone is...

Page 374

INSTALLATION AND MAINTENANCE MANUAL 4/0012-25Configuration FileEntryDescriptionMinimumValue toMaximumValueDefault SetupOFFHOOK DELAYThe VP system defaults to begin accepting digits 500
milliseconds after answering the call.  Some telephone
systems may begin sending digits before the 500 ms
has expired, so the VP system may miss them.  If you
find that the VP system is missing digits at the
beginning of a call, you can lower the 500 ms time to
300 ms, by entering the following line in the VM.CFG

Page 375

INSTALLATION AND MAINTENANCE MANUAL 4/0012-26Configuration FileEntryDescriptionMinimumValue toMaximumValueDefault SetupPA.BUSYThis parameter specifies the sequence that the VP
system is to dial to get back to the caller on hold, if the
PA system is busy.  The sequence can consist of the
digits 0-9, A-D, and the following special characters:
Short pause (duration can be changed in TECHNICAL
INFORMATION screen (VP systems) / PBX
INFORMATION screen (NTVP systems) - default is 1
Medium pause...

Page 376

INSTALLATION AND MAINTENANCE MANUAL 4/0012-27Configuration FileEntryDescriptionMinimumValue toMaximumValueDefault SetupPA.REPEATSWhen the VP system calls the PA system, it
announces the call.  You can control how many times
the VP system should repeat the announcement.  For
example, if you would like the announcement to be
repeated 4 times, enter the following line in the
VM.CFG file:
The PA announcements can be re-recorded using the
prompt recording utility.1 to 10Announcement
repeats 3...

Page 377

INSTALLATION AND MAINTENANCE MANUAL 4/0012-28Configuration FileEntryDescriptionMinimumValue toMaximumValueDefault SetupPLAYBACK DELAYSome telephone systems, as well as some cellular
telephones, have a short period following the pressing
of a DTMF digit in which incoming audio transmission
is blocked.  This can cause the calling party to miss
the first few words of a prompt, greeting or message
playback.  This parameter allows a delay to be
introduced following the receipt of a DTMF digit before

Page 378

INSTALLATION AND MAINTENANCE MANUAL 4/0012-29Configuration FileEntryDescriptionMinimumValue toMaximumValueDefault SetupPULSE
(Enter this as one line
of text in the VM.CFG
file.)If you are using the rotary detection capabilities of the
Rhetorex 464 or Vantage boards, you need to ask the
caller to dial a known digit at the beginning of each
call, so that the VP system can calibrate itself to match
that specific rotary dial.  It is best to use the digit 0 or 9
for calibration.  For example, to...

Page 379

INSTALLATION AND MAINTENANCE MANUAL 4/0012-30Configuration FileEntryDescriptionMinimumValue toMaximumValueDefault SetupQBOX HIDE ACCT
(Enter this as one line
of text in the VM.CFG
file.)If you are using a Question box as a data entry device,
the VP system stores the account number in the data
file.  However, if you have software that processes the
data files, and you do not want the format of the data
files to change, then you should enter the following line
in the VM.CFG file:

Page 380

INSTALLATION AND MAINTENANCE MANUAL 4/0012-31Configuration FileEntryDescriptionMinimumValue toMaximumValueDefault SetupREMOTE PAUSEWhen remotely changing the pager/notification/transfer
number, you can insert a pause in the number to be
dialed by entering three stars (***).  The default is for
the VP system to replace these three stars with a
single comma (defined by PAUSE LENGTH on the
PBX INFORMATION screen (NTVP systems)).
However, you can use the REMOTE...
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