Inter-Tel Imx/Gmx 256/832 Manual
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INTER-TEL PRACTICES FEATuREs IMX/GMX 256/832 ATTENDANT COMPUTER CONSOLE Issue 1, November 1994 ‘: e. If you hear a repeating signal of four fast .A tones and a pause, and the call a&-play shows “ZN DND* and the selected do-not-dsturb message the station is in do-not-disturb. You can use the busy station callback feature, leave a message waiting indication, or, ifen- abled on your station, use the do-not-disturb override feature by pressing the FEAT key, then Fl to select the override feature. To can- cel the intercom call, press RELEASE. f. Zf the called station is a busy keyset and ifall the necessary conditions for OWA are en- abled, you can announce the call using the off-hook voice announce feature. For a com- plete explanation of this feature, refer to page 2-22. C. KING INTERCOM ALWAYS 6.8 Always place private calls by programming the station with the ring intercom always feature code. While this feature is enabled, the called party hears re- peating double tones and must lilt the handset (or press the SPKR key or IC key) to answer. 6.9 To PROGRAM THE Sz;pTION To ALWm PLACE PRlk!! IN!lERCOM CALLS (RING INTERCOMALWWS): (1) Press the FEKI key. A list of features appears in the lower half of the screen. (2) Move the highlight bar to “Ring Intercom Always” and press the associated function key or RETURN. 6.10 To CANCEL RLNG LNTERCOMALWM: Repeat the procedure shown above. The feature name will have changed to “Ring Intercom Al- ways Cancel” in the feature list. D. INTERCOM CAMP ON AND BUSY S’IXTION CALLBACK (QUEUE) Camp On 6.11 When a station user calls a busy station or hunt group, the system sends a busy signal. The caller can wait off hook to camp on (after the camp-on timer ex- pires) and hear music (if enabled) while waiting until the called station is available. The system periodically sends call waiting signals to the busy station, if camp-on tones are enabled. 6.12 If a called station enables do-not-disturb while an intercom call is camped on, the caller is removed from the camped on state and receives do-not-disturb indica- tions. Intercom callers cannot camp on to a station that is in do-notdisturb. 6.13 To CAMP ON To ANIZXTENSIONNUMBER: When calling an extension number and you wish to camp on, do not hang up. You hear music (if enabled) while camped on. When the station is available, a private call is automatically placed and you hear repeating double tones until the call is answered. Busy Station Callback (Queue) 6.14 When a called station is busy or in do-not- disturb, the caller can request a callback (queue) and hang up until the station is available. This can be done before or after the call camps on. Each station can have only one active queue request at a time. 6.15 Queue callbacks must be answered before the queue callback timer expires. If a callback is not answered, the queue is canceled. If the station is busy when called back, the queue request is placed behind any other waiting queue requests. 6.16 To QUEUE A STAlTON: (1) When calling an extension number that is busy or in do-not-disturb, press the QUEUE key. (2) When the queued station is available, you hear a repeating signal of three tones and a long pause and see a callback message in the incoming call list. Highlight the callback and press RETURN, CNECI’, or ANSW. A private call is automati- cally placed to the queued station. 6.17 lDCANCEZAQlJEUEREQUEST{BEFORE~QUEUED SZiTION BECOMES AV’LE): While the console is idle, press the ALT and QUEUE keys at the same time. The transient dis- play shows “Canceling Queue.= Page 2-21
FEATURJZS Issue 1, November 1994 INTER-TEL PRACTICES IMX/GMX 256/832 A’I-lTNDANT COMPUTER CONSOLE E. OFF-HOOK VOICE ANNOUNCE (OEIVA) 6.18 When a digital keyset, a 12&e or M-line analog keyset, or an Inter-Tel/DVK keyset is busy, you can use the off-hook voice anuounce (OHVA) feature (if en- abled). This feature allows you to establish voice con- tact with the called keyset user, even though the user al- ready has a call in progress on the handset. The called keyset user can then talk freely on both uumections, us- ing the handset for the original call and the speaker- phone for your OHVA intercom call. Note that the caller on the handset call will be able to hear your OHVA call (unless the keyset user presses the MUTE key). 6.19 The OHVA feature must be enabled in the data- base. Each digital keyset, 12/244ine analog keyset, and Inter-Tel/DVK keyset can be programmed for placing and/or receiving OHVA calls, and each console, keyset, and single-line set can be programmed for placing OHVA calls, as desired. (Consoles, Wine analog key- sets, and single-line sets cannot receive OWA calls since they do not have secondary voice path circuitry.) 6.20 OHVAcalls cannot be processed if the secondary voice path or the speakerphone of the called keyset is not available. Also, OHVA calls are not possible if you are placing a forced private intercom call. 6.21 (1) (2) To PUCE AN OFF-HOOK VOICE ANNOUNCE CALL: When an intercom call is placed to a busy keyset, do not hang up. You hear busy signals until the camp-on timer and the OHVA screening timer expire. (If you hear music after the camp-on timer expires, conditions for an OHVA call were not met and you are camped-on. gee paragraph 6.11.) When the OHVA screening timer expires (and if the keyset’s secondary voice path is available), you are automatically connected to the called party’s speakerphone. --. Page 2-22
INTER-TELPRACTICES IMWGMX 256/832 ATTENDANT COMPUTER CONSOLE FEATURES Issue 1, November 1994 I _‘m. .A, 7. INTER-STATION MESSAGES 7.1 If a station is busy or in do-notdisturb, or if there is no answer, you may leave a message waiting indication. The called station’s MSG key flashes (consoles and dis- play keysets also show the message source). There are two message options: 0 Have the called party return your call. (Display keysets and consoles show the source of the message.) When the called party responds to the message indication, a call is automatically placed to your station. l Leave a message with the called party’s message center. (Display keysets and consoles show that a message was left with the user’s assigned message center.) When the called party responds to the mes- sage indication, a call is automatically placed to his or her message center. ,, ._-A 7.2 To signal that a message is waiting, a called keyset’s MSG key flashes and the display shows the message source. Enhanced Single-Line Sets (ESLSs) are equipped with message waiting lamps that, if en- abled in the database, light when the station receives a message. For all single-line sets, a system programming option can be enabled that sends six short message wait- ing tones when the user lifts the handset or presses the hookswitch. 7.3 When a message waiting indication is left at anAt- tendant Computer Console, “MSG” appears in the alarms/notices area at the toy of the screen. When you press the SHIFT and MSG keys at the same time, a list- ing of waiting messages appears in the lower half of the screen. Messages are listed in the order they were re- ceived. Each message is identified with the caller’s name, department, and current status (busy, forwarded, etc.). The waiting messages can be answered or can- celed as desired. 7.4 Any station can be designated as the message cen- ter for any other station. However, a station cannot be programmed as its own message center. If the desig- nated message center is a voice mail system, the voice mail system is called. When the voice mail system an- swers the call, the called party’s “mail box” is automati- cally dialed. The caller can then leave a message in the mailbox. The called party’s MSG key flashes and the display shows MESSAGE RECEIVED FROM poice Mail]. 73 Each station user can leave message waiting indi- cations at more than one station, but only one per sta- tion. A. LEAVING MESSAGES 7.6 lDLTAVEAMESSAGE W~GINLKAlTON: (1) Place a call to the desired extension number. (2) press the MSG key. The call handling window shows “Release to leave at station or wait for MSG center” if the called station has a message center. NOTE: If the station you are calling does not have a designated message center or if you are calling your message center, you will see “Mes- sage Left At Station” immediately after pressing the MSG key. The station will receive a message waiting indication. (3) To have the called party call you: Press RELEASE. To leave the message with the called party’s message center: Do not hang up. When the mes- sage timer expires, a private call is automatically placed to the called party’s message center. (If the message center is a voice mail system, the called party’s mailbox is automatically dialed af- ter the voice mail system answers the call.) Leave your message with the message center and hang up. The called station receives message waiting indications. NOTE: If the message center does not answer, the station will still call the message center when responding to the message waiting indication. You may wish to call the station again and leave a message at the station instead of the message center. 7.7 TO LEAVE A MESSAGE WmG INDICATlON U?ll?IOUT CALLING THE SZ4TION (SILENTMESSAGE): Highlight the desired extension number in the in- tercom directory and press the MSG key. The transient display shows “Message Left At Sta- tion.” Page 2-23
FEATURES Issue 1, November 1994 INTER-TELPRACTICES IMX/GMX 256/832 A’ITENDANT COMPUTER CONSOLE Canceling A Message Waiting Indication That You Left 71 Occasionally, you may wish to cancel a message waiting indication that you left before the station user responds to the message. Ifthe message was left with the station’s message center, you cannot cancel the message waiting indication; only the message center can cancel the message, using the procedure outlined below. 7.9 To WCELAMESSAGE YOULEET: (1) Dial or highlight the desired extension number. (2) Press the ALT and MSG keys at the same time. The transient display shows “Message Canceled At Station.” B. RECEIVING MESSAGES Answering Messages 7.10 (1) (2) To Ah’SUER MESSAGES: If“MSG” appears in the alarm/notice area at the top of the screen, press the SHlFT and MSG keys at the same time to view the message directory. A list of waiting messages appears in the lower half of the screen. To reply by calling the station: press the fimc- tion key associated with the desired message (or move the highlight bar to the desired message and press RETURN or CNEEI’). A private call is placed to the party identified in the message. To reply by calling voice mail: press the VMAlL key and then press the function key as- sociated with the desired message (or move the highlight bar to the desired message and press REiTURN or CNECT). The mailbox number for the station that is identified in the message is au- tomatically dialed. NOTE: Ifthe station does not answer the private call, is busy, or is in do-not-disturb, the directory continues to indicate a waiting message unless you leave a message before hanging up or cancel the message after hanging up. The message wait- ing indications are canceled automatically only when you are actually connected with the station that left the message. (3) Repeat this procedure for each message you wish to answer. Canceling A Waiting Message 7.11 (1) (2) (3) To CANCEL.AMESSAGE WllHOUTANSWERlNG: If “MSG” appears in the alarm/notice area at the top of the screen, press the SHIFT and MSG keys at the same time. A directory of waiting mes- sages appears in the lower half of the screen. Move the highlight bar to the message to be can- celed and press the AL.T and MSG keys at the same time. Repeat this procedure for each message you wish to cancel. , ._, , Page 2-24
INTER-TELPRACTICES IMx/GMX 256/832 A’ITENDANT COMPUTER CONSOLE FEATURES Issue 1, November 1994 8. OUTSIDE CALLS 8.1 When a trunk group is selected for receiving or placing an outside call, the voice channel is seized and cannot be used by any other station (unless Privacy re- lease is enabled, see page 2-32, or the conferencing fea- ture is used, see page 2-29). If all trunks in the desired group are busy, you can camp on or request a callback (queue). Refer to the 256 or 4161832 manual for an ex- planation of trunk groups, auto trunks, and outgoing-ac- cess, allowed-answer, and ring-in assignments. 8.2 After answering an outside call, the operator can tag it with a name and/or note by pressing the TAG key and typing the name of the caller and, if a note is desired, a backslash followed by the note. The caller’s name and the note will replace the trunk identification. Ifthe call is placed on hold and recalls, the operator will be able to see the name of the waiting party. Also, when text mes- saging is used, the name is automatically inserted in the PROM line. Tagged calls can also be added to the CO directory as described in paragraph 8.8 below. A. TEIE CO DIRECTORY 8.3 The console CO directory is displayed when an outgoing call is placed. It includes the system speed-dial numbers and any additional numbers that were entered by the operator(s) using the procedure given on page 2-55 or the tagging procedure described below. To view the complete directory, an operator can use the program- ming sequence (shown on page 2-SS), or Press OUTGN followed by any letter and a BACKSPACE. 8.4 The numbers added by .he operator(s) can be giv- en names and/or notes as desired. Each operator can add numbers to the CO directory, but because all operators of a single console share the CO directory, all will have access to the numbers (the added numbers are not “pri- vate” for each operator on a shared console). The names can be 20 letters long and the notes can be 10 letters long. Do not use digits or backslashes in the names or notes. 8.5 System speed-dial entries are shown in the direc- tory with the speed-dial location number in the “notes” field. Unless the console user is an attendant or the sys- tem speed-dial Programming station, non-display speed-dial numbers will show only the name (not the telephone number) and they cannot be added as personal entries in the CO directory or redialed. 8.6 While viewing’a CO directory entry, the console user can press the “at” key (@) to display the area code, location, and local time of the telephone number. If the time is shown as XXXX, the area code spans two time zones and the local time is estimated. If you know the actual time for that telephone number, the local time can be modified as described on page 2-55. 8.7 In the directory, toll-free “800” numbers are pre- ceded by “$0” to indicate that they are free calls. Toll numbers that begin with 9xX are preceded with “$$“. 8.8 l07XZ;4CACALLORREDL4LhTJMBERAND~OR~lTIN THE CO DIREClWX: (1) (2) (3) While on an outgoing call or while viewing a highlighted redial number in your personal CO directory, Press the TAG key. When prompted, enter the name and, if desired, a backslash (j) followed by a note. To tug the call and place the number in the CO directory: press SHlFI’ and TAG at the same time. The name and note replaces the trunk iden- tification. To tag the call without adding it to the dinx- tory: press RETURN. The name and note replaces the trunk identification. (You can later add the call to the CO directory by repeating steps l-3.) To remove the tag from a tagged call: press AUT and TAG at the same time. (This does not remove the CO directory entry, if one was add- ed.) 8.9 The numbers added by the operator(s) to the CO directory can be listed by first name or last name, as de- sired. If the entry was made with the names reversed (for example, “Joe Smith” was entered and “Smith, Joe” is desired), the names can be reversed by highlighting the entry and pressing GIRL and TAG at the same time. 8.10 When CO directory entries contain numbers that exceed the space allotted, a plus (+) appears next to the number. To view the expanded information, place the highlight bar on the entry (using the ARROW keys) and then press the question mark (?) key. To return to the shorter display, press the question mark key again. Page 2-25
FEATURES Issue 1, November 1994 INTER-TELPRACTICES IhWGMX 256/832 A’ITEN-DANT COMPUTER CONSOLE B. PLACING OUTSIDE CALLS 8.11 lVPLACEANOUlXDECALL: (1) To select the default outgoing trunk: Press the OUTGN key. A trunk is selected according to the customized option you have programmed (see page 2-56). To select a trunk other than the default selec- tion: Press the ALT and OUTGN keys at the same time. A list of all trunk group access codes is displayed in the lower half of the screen. Press the associated function key (or highlight the de- sired option and press REZURN or cmcr). (2) If you wish to use your class-of-service account co&, press the FEAT key and then press Fl to se- lect Gptional Account Code. A prompt appears to allow you to enter the account code. Enter the account code and press RETURN or CNECT. You hear a single progress tone when the code is accepted. Your usual toll restriction is now in ef- fect. (3) if you hear intercom dial tone: You have accessed a dial-repeating E&M trunk. You can dial an extension number to reach a station on the other telephone system. Or, you can enter a valid trunk access code (determined by the other tele- phone system) and dial and outside telephone number. If you hear outside dial tone: Dial a telephone number using one of the following methods: To dial directly: Dial the desired number and press RETURN or CNECT. To use the console CO directory: Begin entering a last name, first name (preceded with a comma), a note (preceded with a back- slash), or number. (If you make a mistake, use the DEL key to back up and make correc- tions.) The bottom portion of the screen will display the closest matches. (To display list- ings with the next letter in the alphabet, press the right arrow. To move back one letter, press the left arrow.) When the desired num- ber is displayed, press the function key asso- ciated with it (or press the arrow keys until the highlight bar rests on the desired number and then press RETURNorCNECQ.Or continue entering characters until a complete number is shown then press RETURN or CNECT. To use a system speed-dial number: Enter the system speed-dial location number followed by a right bracket ( ] ). To redial a number or use your personal speed-dial directory: If the redial/speed- dial directory is displayed, select a number from the directory shown in the bottom half of the screen by pressing the associated fnnc- tion key (or moving the highlight bar to the desired number and pressing RETURN or CNECX). (4) Zf an account code is requi~$ the screen Prompts you to enter an account code. Enter a forced account code (refer to page 2-27) and press RETURN or CNECX (5) The call handling window shows “PLACING OUTGOING CALL” and then shows the call in- formation including the trunk group selected, the number dialed, elapsed time of the call, and “CONNECTED!” Zf you hear @eating n?omkr tones: You are restricted from the trunk group chosen; start over and choose another trunk group. If your call has been blocked because the weekly toll limit has been exceeded, the display shows CALL FAILED - TOLL LIMIT EXCEEDED. I If you hear busy sign&: The chosen trunk group is busy. Camp on, use the busy trunk callback (queue) feature, or start over and select another trunk group. NOTE: To turn DTMF mode on or off (depending on the default mode), press the ALT key and any keypad digit key. That digit and all digits dialed after it use the new mode. To return to the default mode, disconnect from the call or press ALT and any keypad key again. Page 2-26 ,,-.’ :/ ‘I :::’ ,’
INTER-TELPRACTICES IMx/GMX 256/832 ATTENDANT COMPUTER CONSOLE Issue 1, No”%= C. TRUNK CAMP ON AND BUSY TRUNK ..-..’ GROUP CALLBACK (QUEUE) Camp On 8.12 When you attempt to access a busy outgoing trunk group, the system sends a busy signal. You can wait off hook to camp on until a trunk is available. 8.13 ToCAKPONlDANOUlGOlNGlRUNKGROUP: When you hear a busy signal after pressing the OUTGN key, do nothing. You camp on and hear music until a trunk in the trunk group is avail- able. When the trunk is available, your call is placed automatically. Busy ‘lhnk Callback (Queue) 8.14 If you attempt to access a busy outgoing trunk group and hear a busy signal or if you camp on, you can request a callback (queue) and hang up until the system signals your station that a trunk in the trunk group is available. Each station can place only one queue request at a time. If a second request is made, the first request is canceled and replaced by the second request. _.,, 8.15 Queue callbacks must be answered before the queue callback timer expires. If a callback is not an- swered, the queue is canceled. Ifthe station is busy when a trunk in the queued trunk group becomes available, the queue request is placed at the end of the queue list. 8.16 TO QUEUE ABUSYOUTC;U‘NG TRUNKGROUP: (1) When you hear a busy signal while selecting a trunk or if you are camped on, press the QUEUE key. (2) Your station rings (a repeating signal of three tones and a long pause) when the queued trunk is available. Answer the callback by highlighting it in the incoming call list and pressing ANSW or CNECX Your call is placed automatically. 8.17 To CANCEL A QUEUE BEFORE THE QUEUED IllSUNK GROUPBECOMES AVWLE: While the console is idle, press the ALT and QUEUE keys at the same time. The transient dis- play shows “Canceling Queue.” 0 Standard account codes automatically appear in the SMDR report (if programmed) to identify the station that answered or initiated the call. 0 Forced account codes are programmed on a station- by-station basis. If required, a forced account code must be entered before the user is given access to a selected outgoing trunk group (refer to step 5, on page 2-26, for procedures). The account code en- tered by the user must match any one of the pro- grammed forced account codes before outgoing ac- cess is granted. 0 Forced account codes for toll calls only can be pro- grammed for stations with LCR-On1 y toll restriction in day and night modes. When this account code type is enabled, the user only has to enter an account code if the system detects that a toll call has been dialed when LCR is used. 0 Optional account codes are used to identify calls to and from customers for billing purposes. They can be entered at any time during a call. These userde- fined codes are not pre-programmed, but must be the same length as the standard and forced account codes. If entered, optional account codes are printed in the SMDRlSMDA report for that call in place of standard or forced codes that may have been used. 0 Class-of-service account codes: If the system-wide class-of-service account code option is enabled, in- dividual stations can be assigned account codes that the users can enter at other stations to enable their usual SCOS. When a user is at a station other than his own, he can enter his class of service account code before placing an outgoing call. The system will then check the station circuit that is associated with that account code and apply the appropriate SCOS (it will not apply the trunk access permission or LCR advance class of service). The class-of-service account code can be entered when the system re- quests a forced account code or by using the optional account code feature code (described below). The SCOS is enabled for one call only. When the call is completed, the station’s normal SCOS goes back into effect. D. ACCOUNT CODES 8.18 There are four types of account codes in the sys- tem. All account codes are assigned the same character length (4-g characters) in database programming. The four types are as follows: Page 2-27
FEATURES Issue 1, November 1994 lNTEFGTELPRAcTIcES IMX/GMX 256/832 ATTEND ANT COMPUTER CONSOLE 8.19 Forced account codes can be validated or non-validated. 0 0 Validated: If tht entered code matches one of the preprogrammed forced account codes in the data- base, the call is allowed. Ifthe code does not match, the call is blocked. Non-Validated: The code is not checked against any lists and the call is allowed as soon as the code is en- tered. 8.20 TOEh’lERANOi=WONALACCOUNTCODE WhYLE ONAN OVlXDE CALL: (1) press the FEKF key and press Fl to select Optional Account Code. A prompt appears that allows you to enter the account code. (2) Enter the account code and press FUZTURN or CNECT. You hear a single progress tone when the code is accepted. (If an account code is en- tered that has fewer than the programmed num- ber of digits, the display shows “Invalid Account Code -Enter any character to continue.” press any character, then enter the code again, or press ESC to cancel the account code display.) E. HOOKFLASH 8.21 A hookflash may be required to access certain external PBX or telephone company features. The dura- tion of the hookflash can be changed by reprogramming the CO hookflash timer (default value is 600ms). 8.22 TOSENDAlZMEDIiOOKFZASH~ONANOUTSLDE l7WN.K: Press the FTASH key. Page 2-28
INTER-TELPRACTICES IMWGMX 256/832 AlTENDANT COMPUTER CONSOLE FlcATuREs Issue 1, November 1994 ‘_>’ 9. REVERSE TRANSFER (CALL PICK-UP) 9.1 Calls ringing or recalling at a station, a hunt group, or a transfer-to-park location can be picked up at any other station, using this feature. Calls on hold can also be picked up from stations and from transfer-to-park loca- tions. 9.2 If more than one call is ringing or holding at the station, a priority list determines which call is reverse transferred. Calls are selected in the following order, and if more than one call of the same type is at the sta- tion, the calls are picked up in the order they were re- ceived: 1. Outside calls a. direct ring-in calls b. transferred and camped-on calls c. recalls d. calls on individual hold 2. Intercom calls a. ringing calls (incoming, transferred, or recalling) b. holding calls 9.3 When a call is picked up from a hunt group, the system uses a different priority list. The system follows the hunt group list (always beginning with the first sta- .- tion on the list) to check each station in the hunt group and then the overflow station for one type of call at a time. If there is more than one call of the same type at the selected station, the call that was received by the station first is picked up. Camped-o;. calls, holding calls, and queue callbacks cannot be picked up. The hunt group call pick-up priority is as follows: 1. Ringing outside calls a. direct ring-in calls b. transferred calls c. recalls 2. Ringing intercom calls (incoming, transferred, or recalling) 9.4 To REYERSE TRANSFER (PICK UP) A CALL: EITHER, Dial the extension or pilot number where the call is ringing or holding and press the PICK UP key. The reverse transferred call’s in- formation and “Retrieved from XXXX” is dis- played in the transient display. ” : : . *‘.f OR, Press the PICKUP key and then dial the ex- tension or pilot number (or select it from the di- rectory). The reverse transferred call’s informa- tion and “Retrieved from XXXX” is displayed in the transient display. 10. CONFERENCE CALLS 10.1 Users can establish a three- to eight-party confer- ence without operator assistance. Auser can initiate one conference at a time. In addition to the initiating station, the conference can include any combination of up to seven intercom and/or outside calls. The initiating sta- tion is considered one of the conferencing parties. 10.2 If a conference is terminated using the hold fea- ture, the remaining callers hear music while they are waiting. The user must return to the callers one at a time. If the hold timer expires, the calls on hold recall the sta- tion that placed them on hold in the order they were placed. If still unanswered after the recall timer expires, they recall the station’s attendant. 10.3 While a conference call is in progress, the inside parties cannot dial numbers, enter hookflashes, or use the call transfer features. Also, if any inside party exits the conference by pressing the CNP key, the remaining inside parties may not use the conference wait or hold features to exit or terminate the conference. NOTE: During a conference, some reduction in voice volume may be noticed, depending on CO trunk quality. A. PLACING A CO NFJZRJWCE CALL lo.4 To PUCE A CONFERENCE CALL: (1) While on a call, press the CNP key. The party is on conference wait hold (hears music) and the call information appears in the lower half of the screen. The transient display shows “CONFER- ENCE SETUP - 1 CALL PENDING.” NOTE: If you hear a busy signal followed by music, all conference resources are busy. Attempt the conference again by pressing the CNF key. (2) Place intercom or outside calls to other parties (or access existing calls) to be included in the conference and place them on conference wait hold as described in the first step. The transient display shows the number of calls pending and the call information is listed in the lower half of the screen. NOTE: After placing the first call on conference hold, if you cannot reach the other parties and need to speak to the caller on conference hold, press CNF. (3) When all parties are on conference wait hold, press the CNP key again. All parties are connected. Display shows “IN CONFERENCE” and the call information shows “CONNECI- ED!” at the end of each line. Page 2-29
FEATURES Issue 1, November 1994 INTER-TELPRACTICES IMX/GMX 256/832 ATTENDANT COMPUTER CONSOLE NOTE: If you attempt to add more than the max- imum number of parties, “MAXlMUM CON- PERENCE SIZE REACHED” appears in the transient display, and the last party you called will be placed on individual hold. The confer- ence is unaffected. B. ADD PARTIES TO A CONFERENCE 103 To ADD IHRTLZS TOANEAXZWG CONFERENCE: NOTE: Only one party in the conference can perform this procedure at a time. This procedure cannot be per- formed if the maximum number of conference partici- pants has been reached. (1) During the conference, press the CNP key. The other parties remain connected. (2) Place an intercom or outside call to (or access an existing call with) the other party to be included in the conference. Then press the CNP key. (3) To connect the conference: Press the CNP key again to connect all parties in a conference. To add another party: Repeat steps 1 and 2. C. EXlTING A CONFERENCE 10.6 l0 EXIT l?LE CONFERENCE AND LEAVE THE OlHER i?tRnEsCONNE~: (1) During the conference, press the CNP key. The parties remain in conf...rence. The lower half of the screen changes to the incoming call list and the conference is placed on the list as a holding call. The transient display shows the number of calls ringing and holding. You may place or answer other calls or use other console features. (2) 10.7 (1) (2) 10.8 To return to the conference: Press the function key associated with the conference (or highlight the conference and press RETURN, CNECT, or ANSW). NOTE: If all remaining parties are outside parties and the conference hold timer expires while you are out of the conference, the parties will hear a warning tone. One of the parties may reset the timer by pressing any M’h4P key. If the timer is not reset, the parties recall your station. You hear recall tones and the call information shows that the conference is a recall. Return to the conference as described above. If the recall is not answered before the recall and abandoned call timers expire, the conference will be discon- nected; it will not recall your attendant. To PLACE THE OTHER PAR= ONHOLD: During a conference call press HOLD. The con- ference is terminated and the parties are placed on individual hold. The lower half of the screen changes to the incoming call list and the transient display shows the number of calls ringing and holding. Return to the parties one at a time by pressing the associated function key (or highlighting the de- sired call and pressing RETURN, CNECT, or ,“-. ANSW). To EA?D THE CONFERENCE: During a conference call press RELEASE. If there are no other inside parties, the conference is terminated and all the calls are disconnected. The console returns to the idle state. (If there is another inside party, only you are removed from the conference and control is transferred to the other inside party.) -/ Page 2-30