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Inter-Tel Imx/Gmx 256/832 Manual

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    Issue 1, November 1994 
    :,, (4) 
    ‘. .,:..“G 
    Set the PC Modem Card with the following 
    parameters: COM Port 2, DIR and DCD 
    followed by the modem, and auto answer. 
    Replace the cover on the PC and re-install the 
    Plug one end of a two-pair mod-to-mod line cord 
    into jack 54 on the Interface Card. Plug the other 
    end of the line cord into the jack labeled 
    “WALL” on the PC Modem Card. 
    Check the setting of DIP switch 1 on the bottom 
    of the keyboard. 
    If connected to anXT, the switch 
    should bc in the OFF position. 
    Zf connected to an 
    AT or 386, the switch should be in the ON posi- 
    Comect the keyboard cable, monitor cable, and 
    power cable according to the PC manufacturer’s 
    Before mounting the modular jack assembly and 
    connecting the console, measure the voltage on 
    the RED terminal of the modular jack assembly 
    with respect to the GREEN terminal. (Ihe “com- 
    mon” probe of the voltmeter is placed on the 
    GREEN terminal.) It must measure +3OVDC 
    (&:ZOVDC). If -30VDC is measured, check the 
    cabling for a reversed pair. Ifthe power pair is re- 
    versed, the console will not operate. 
    Mount the modular jr ::k assembly on the wall. 
    Plug one end of the six-conductor line cord into 
    jack 53 on the Interface Card. Plug the other end 
    of the line cord into the modular jack assembly 
    mounted in step 10. 
    Plug the handset cord (or headset cord, if used 
    instead) into jack J5 on the Interface Card. 
    Zf using an extenuzl speaker, plug its line cord 
    into jack 57 on the Interface Card. 
    If installing an auxiliary single-line set, plug one 
    end of a mod-to-mod line cord into the jack 
    labeled “PHONE” on the PC Modem Card. Plug 
    the other end of the line cord into the single-line 
    Turn on the console unit’s AC power switch. 
    If necessary, install the appropriate interface 
    software as described in the next section. B. SOFTWXRE INSTALLATION 
    3.3 ‘ho floppy disks, one with 256 interface software 
    and one with 416/832 interface software, are provided 
    so that the console can be installed on either system. 
    NOTE: Although the console’s hardware is the same for 
    both systems, the interface software is different. The 
    console will not jhction unle.ss the appropriate inter- 
    face software is installed 
    For information on software 
    compatibility, refer to section B on page l-2. 
    Initial Software Installation 
    If not already installed, load DOS onto the hard 
    NOTE: When installing MS-DOS 6.2, do 
    use the DoubleSpace or MemMaker utilities. 
    Insert the Installation Disk (1 of 1) into the con- 
    sole unit’s floppy disk drive. I 
    NOTE: Rather than two 360k floppy disks, the 
    new console software is contained on 
    one 1.2MB 
    floppy disk. 
    At the C: prompt, type “a:install” and press EN- 
    TER. (The monitor displays “Installing Atten- 
    dant’s Console software, please wait...“, fol- 
    lowed by a series of installation messages and 
    Follow the on-screen instructions. (When the in- 
    stallation is complete, the monitor displays 
    “Attendant’s Console software has been in- 
    stalled. The Attendant’s Console will need to be 
    restarted. Remove the installation disk from the 
    disk drive. Strike a key when ready.“) 
    Remove the Installation Disk and press any key 
    on the keyboard to begin the power-up sequence. 
    Allow the PC to complete its power-up sequence 
    (wait for the Attendant Computer Console dis- 
    play screen and “Station is Idle” message). 
    If the 
    console unit hesnot complete theproperpower- 
    up sequence, 
    contact Customer Support. 
    Perform the database configuration procedures 
    as described on page l-9. 
    Perform the database download procedures as 
    described on page l-10. 
    When the database download is complete, the 
    unit should be a functional Attendant Computer 
    Console. However, before using the unit, the 
    attendant should perform the configuration pro- 
    cedures beginning on page 2-48. 
    Page l-5  
    Issue 1, November 1994 INTER-TELPRACTICES 
    Removing Existing Interface Software (If 
    3.5 When upgrading from one 416B32 interface soft- 
    ware version to another 416/832 interface software ver- 
    sion, no special installation procedure is required. Sim- 
    ply install the new software as outlined on the previous 
    page. This same easy installation method also applies 
    when upgrading from one 256 interface software ver- 
    sion to another 256 interface software version. 
    3.6 However, when switching from 416/832 interface 
    software to 256 interface software (or vice versa), or 
    when reverting back to a previous version of interface 
    software (no matter what the system), certain existing 
    interface software files and directories must first be re- 
    moved as outlined below. 
    Turn on the console unit’s AC power switch and 
    allow the console to complete the power-up se- 
    quence (wait for the Attendant Computer Con- 
    sole display screen and *Station is Idle” mes- 
    press the GIRL, SHlFT, and X keys all at the 
    same time. (The monitor displays the “C:\OP- 
    TERM>” prompt.) 
    At the C:\OPTERM> prompt, type “de1 opera- 
    tor” and press ENTER to delete all of the files 
    within the operator directory. (The monitor dis- 
    plays “Are you sure (y/n)?“) 
    Type “y” and press ENTER. (The monitor dis- 
    plays the “C:\OPTERM>” prompt.) 
    Repeat steps 3 and 4 for any of the following 
    directories that exist within the opterm directory: 
    help busytmk 
    event tmp\operator 
    NOTE: Depending on the version of interface 
    software already installed, one or more of these 
    directories may not exist within the opterm 
    directory. If so, proceed to the next directory on 
    the list. ---,, 
    : ! 
    At the C:\OPTERM> prompt, type “rd operator” 
    and press ENTER to remove the operator direc- 
    tory. (The monitor displays the “C:\OFIERM>” 
    Repeat step 6 for any of the following directories 
    that exist within the opterm directory: 
    hiStOry help busytmk 
    event tmp\operator 
    outgoing tmP 
    NOTE: Depending on the version of interface 
    software already installed, one or more of the 
    above directories may not exist within the op 
    term directory. If so, proceed to the next directo- 
    ry on the list. 
    At the C:\OP’IERM> prompt, type “de1 
    l .*” and 
    press ENTER to delete all the remaining files 
    within the opterm directory. (The monitor dis- 
    plays “Are you sure (y/n)?“) 
    _ ._ 
    Type “y” and press ENTER. (The monitor dis- 
    plays the “C:\OPTERM>” prompt.) 
    At the C:\OPTERM> prompt, type “cd..” and 
    press ENTER. (The monitor displays the C drive 
    programming prompt %k”.) 
    NOTE: It is not necessary to delete the opterm 
    directory itself. Also, be careful not to delete or 
    remove any other files or directories that may re- 
    side on the hard disk drive. 
    Install the appropriate interface software as out- 
    lined on the previous page. 
    Page l-6  
    Issue 1, November 1994 
    . ...,,:, Changing The Interface Card Address And 
    Interrupt Level 
    3.8 Ifnecessary, the Interface Card canbe set at an ad- 
    dress other than $300. To use other addresses, the Sl DIP 
    switches can be set in different combinations. Using the 
    following information, you can determine the correct 
    settings for all 64 On/Off combinations that yield ad- 
    dresses $200-$3F8. 
    3.9 The address has three digits which are set as fol- 
    l The first digit can be a 2 or 3 and is set by placing 
    switch 6 in the ON position (2) or OFF position (3). 
    l The second digit is set by placing switches 2-5 in the 
    desired positions as shown in the chart below. 
    _:-I’ ::, 
    ‘, :: 
    .L Diglt 1 Sib 1 S14 1 Sl-2 1 S1-2 1 
    5 On off On off 
    6 On off off On 
    On Off Off Off 
    8 Off On On On 
    I g 1 Off 1 On 1 On 1 Off 
    A off On off On 
    B Off On Off Off 
    I I 
    I I 
    F 1 Off 1 Off 1 Off 1 Off 
    0 The third digit can be a 0 or 8 and is set by placing 
    switch 1 in the ON (0) or OFF (8) Position. 3.10 For example, address $208 is achieved by setting 
    switches 2-6 in the ON position and switch 1 in the OFF 
    position. Be sure that the address you select is not re- 
    served for a specific function by your PC manufacturer. 
    Other common addresses and their uses include the fol- 
    3.11 If necessary, you can change interrupt level of the 
    Interface Card. Other common levels and their uses in- 
    clude the following: 
    *On an Al’or 386, IRQ 8 through IRQ 15 appear as IRQ 
    2. Common uses for IRQ 8-15 are: 
    IRQ 8 -Clock 
    IRQ 9-IRQ2 
    IRQ 10 - Reserved 
    IRQ 11 - Reserved 
    IRQ 12 - Reserved 
    IRQ 13 - Coprocessor 
    IRQ 14 - Fixed disk 
    IRQ 15 - Reserved 
    Page l-7  
    Issue 1, November 1994 INTER-TELPRACTICES 
    Special Key Sequences 
    Occasionally, special circumstances arise in 
    which you may need 
    to clear the keyboard buffer (user 
    error, after an object has rested against the keyboard, 
    etc.). To clear the buffer, press the CTRL and C keys at 
    the same time. 
    3.13 If desired, you can access the DOS prompt by 
    pressing CTRL, SHlFT, and X simultaneously (if a MA- 
    JOR ALARh4 display is showing, press CTRL and C). 
    The console will not be able to place or receive calls un- 
    til the Attendant Console function is re-enabled. To re- 
    turn to the Attendant Console function, type “opterm” 
    and press ENTER when the C:\OPTERM prompt is dis- 
    3.14 Another key sequence can be used to reboot the 
    PC. Before the keyboard driver has been loaded, you 
    must press CTRL, ALT, and SPLIT at the same time. 
    Once the keyboard driver has been loaded, CPRL, ALT, 
    DEL will reboot the system. USE THIS KEY SE- 
    THE AlTENDANT COMPVT.ER CONSOLE. 3.15 If a printer is attached to the PC, pressing CTRL, 
    ALT, and PAGE at the same time will print the screen 
    being viewed. 
    3.16 When troubleshooting the console, error mes- 
    sages can be enabled by pressing GIRL, SHlFI’, and E 
    at the same time. This will cause any error messages to 
    be displayed on the monitor as they occur. To disable the 
    error messages, press CTRL, SHIFT, and E again. 
    3.17 Service personnel may request that the error his- 
    tory information be stored immediately on the console 
    hard disk. If so, press the CI’RL, SHlFI’, and D keys at 
    the same time. This will disable the buffer and the tran- 
    sient display will show “History Input Buffering Is Dis- 
    abled.” To reenable the buffer when requested, repeat 
    the CTRL-SHIFT-D command. The transient display 
    will then show “History Input Buffering Is Enabled.” 
    3.18 If the console “locks up” and the alarm message 
    shows “ALARM: OTIC board reset,” turn the power 
    switch of the console PC off for several seconds and then 
    on again. 
    Page l-8  
    Issue 1, November 1994 
    : , 
    ,, 1. 
    ‘,...:.:’ 4. DATABASE DOWNLOAD 
    4.1 The Attendant Computer Console database is 
    derived from the system database. Information is trans- 
    ferred to the console by performing a database down- 
    4.2 A download must be performed when the console 
    is first installed and when any changes are made in the 
    system database through the system programming mon- 
    itor. (Information programmed at the console is auto- 
    matically communicated to the system.) 
    4.3 When the Attendant Computer Console is 
    installed on a 4161832 System, a download cannot be 
    performed while any other programming session is in 
    progress. If the system has an active remote or on-site 
    session, wait for the programmer to exit before attempt- 
    ing the download. 
    4.4 When the Attendant Computer Console is 
    installed on a 256 System, the download can be per- 
    formed any time that the modem is available. 
    4.!5 If desired, an automatic daily download can be 
    programmed to take place by setting the desired down- 
    load time as described below. Communications parame- 
    ters are also explained below. Instructions for perform- 
    ing a backup are shown on page l-11. 
    4.6 If the Attendant Computer Console is not 
    equipped with a modem, a manual database download 
    can be performed. Refer to the PROGRAMMING sec- 
    tion of the IMX/GMX 256 c‘ 4161832 System manual 
    for instructions. 
    NOTE: If the system database is changed and no longer 
    matches the console database, if devices are pro- 
    grammed without extension numbers, or cabling prob- 
    lems prevent proper communication, the console will 
    generate an alarm message. The message “Database In- 
    consistency - Download To Clear” will be displayed 
    until a download is performed or the console is reset. To 
    reset the console, press CTRL, SHIFT, and X simulta- 
    neously; to return to the Attendant Console function, 
    type “opterm” and press ENTER when the C:\OPTERM 
    prompt is displayed. See page l-10 for download proce- 
    4.7 The Database Utility is used for setting the com- 
    munications parameters for the database download and 
    for setting the time for the automatic daily database 
    download. Press CONPG and then F6 to program the 
    following parameters. Phone Number 
    (1) Press CONPG and then the F6 key to select 
    “Database.“Alist of options appears in the lower 
    half of the screen. 
    (2) Press Fl to select “Phone Number.” The screen 
    Prompts you to enter the “Modem Download 
    (3) Enter the extension number of the system 
    modem (default is 2600 for 4161832 and 271 for 
    256) and press ENTER. The “Modem Options 
    for Database Download” window returns. 
    Baud Rate 
    (1) Press CONPG and then the F6 key to select 
    “Database.“Alist of options appears in the lower 
    half of the screen. 
    (2) Press P2 to select “Baud Rate.” The screen 
    prompts you to “Select Baud Rate for Database 
    (3) Press a key (Fl-F6) to select the desired baud 
    rate (default is 1200). The available baud rates 
    are 300, 1200, 2400, 4800, 9600, and 19200 
    baud. The “Modem Options for Database Down- 
    load” window returns. 
    Communication Port 
    (1) Press CONFG and then the F6 key to select 
    “Database.” A list of options appears in the lower 
    half of the screen. 
    (2) Press P3 to select “Port.” The screen prompts 
    you to “Select Communication Port for Down- 
    (3) Press Fl for communication port 1 or P2 for port 
    2 (default is COM2). The “Modem Options for 
    Database Download” window returns. (rf you 
    change the COM port, make sure the DIP 
    switches on the console’s modem are configured 
    Time For Automatic Download 
    (1) Press CONPG and then the F6 key to select 
    “Database.“Alist of options appears in the lower 
    half of the screen. 
    Page l-9  
    Issue 1, November 1994 INTER-TELPRACTICES 
    (2) Press F4 to select “Time.” The screen prompts 
    you to “Enter the Time to Begin Database Down- 
    (3) Enter the time in the indicated format with the 
    hours and minutes separated with a colon (for ex- 
    ample, “13:OO” or“l:OOpm”) and pressENTER. 
    The “Modem Options for Database Download” 
    window returns. (If you wish to disable the auto- 
    afownlo~ erase the current entry and do 
    not enter a time before pressing ENTER.) 
    NOTE: Do not set the time for “290 am”. Other 
    system functions are preprogrammed to take 
    place at that time, which cause conflicts. 
    4.12 A database download can be performed at any 
    time using the following procedure. However, during a 
    download, the Attendant Computer Console cannot be 
    used for placing or receiving calls. Therefore, it is rec- 
    ommended that you perform the download before or af- 
    ter regular business hours, or forward the console station 
    to another station before performing the download. A 
    download will take between 2.5 and 5 minutes depend- 
    ing on the size of the 256 or 416/832 system database. 4.13 
    (1) Press the FEAT key and then press F3 to select 
    “Database Download.” The transient display 
    shows “Database Download” and gives the fol- 
    lowing messages while the download is in prog- 
    a. Initializing modem 
    b. Waiting for carrier (you may hear the console 
    dial and access the system modem) 
    c. Waiting for login 
    d. Downloading database... (this may take sev- 
    eral minutes) 
    e. Download complete 
    NOTE: You can cancel the download at any 
    stage by pressing the ESC key. The transient dis- 
    play will show “Aborting Download.” 
    (2) After the “Download Complete” message, the 
    screen resets. When the “Station is Idle” mes- 
    sage appears with a flashing period at the end of 
    the message, the console is fully functional and 
    ready for use. 
    Page l-10  
    ._-, ,, > 
    +z Release Date and Tme: XXWWX XXXX >> 
    -uP Displays how the interface card is configured. 
    Utilities Hard disk backup and restore: Maintenance. 
    Diagnostics Perform interface card diagnostics. 
    Download Perform multiple downloads. 
    Quit Exit to DOS. 
    5.1 The Attendant Computer Console software con- 
    tains a utilities program that allows the installer or con- 
    sole user to check the Interface Card configuration, to 
    save the console data on a floppy disk or restore the data 
    from the floppy disk, and to run a self-test on the console 
    NOTE: The console cannot place or receive calls while 
    the utility program is being used. 
    5.2 To access the utility routines, press CTRL, SHIFT 
    and X simultaneously to display the DOS prompt 
    (C:\OFIERM>). Then type “ACUTL” and press EN- 
    TER. The window shown above appears. 
    5.3 To select a routine, first highlight it by pressing the 
    first letter of the routine name (S, U, D, or Q) or use the 
    arrow keys to move the highlight to the desired routine. 
    Then press ENTER. The routines are described sepa- 
    rately in the following paragraphs. 
    5.4 When finished, select Quit to return to the DOS 
    prompt. To return to the Attendant Console function, 
    type OPTERM and press ENTER when the C:\OP- 
    TERM> prompt is displayed. 
    A. SETUP 
    5.5 When “Setup” is selected from the window shown 
    above, the screen shows the Interface Card configura- 
    tion. It lists the firmware version, if available, and the 
    address and interrupt level of the card. Ensure that this 
    information matches the settings selected in the proce- 
    dures on page l-4, paragraph 3.2. After viewing the in- 
    formation, press any key and the display will return to 
    the window shown above. 
    5.6 The arrow at the end of the second line indicates 
    that the Utilities option accesses an additional window. 
    When “Utilities” is selected from the window shown 
    above, another window appears that gives you the op- tions of backing up or restoring the OPTERM directory 
    files on the console hard disk or updating the CO direc- 
    tory time zone information. The options are: 
    l Backup- Back up the hard disk. 
    0 Restore - Restore the hard disk. 
    l Update CO Times -Update the CO directory time 
    5.1 The options are discussed individually in the fol- 
    lowing paragraphs. To exit from the option window 
    without selecting Backup, Restore, or Update CO 
    Times, press ESC. The main window, shown at the top 
    of this page, returns. 
    5.8 To save the hard disk OPTERM directory files on 
    floppy disks, select “Backup” by pressing B and then 
    ENTER. The following prompts tell you how to com- 
    plete the backup routine: 
    Backing up ALL Attendant’s Console 
    files.. . 
    Insert backup diskette 01 in drive A: 
    Warning1 Files in the target drive 
    A: root directory will be erased. 
    Strike any key when ready. 
    5.9 Insert a blank, formatted floppy diskette in drive A 
    and press any key. The backup copy will fill 3-10 
    double-sided/double-density (36Ok) floppy disks. The 
    prompts continue with: 
    Backing up files to drive A: *** 
    Diskette Number 01: 
    (lists files as they am copied) 
    5.10 Aa each diskette is filled, another prompt will ask 
    you to insert another diskette into drive A. After chang- 
    ing disks, press any key to continue. When all console 
    files have been copied, the Backup/Restore window re- 
    turns. Press ESC to exit to the Utilities window. 
    Page 1-11  
    To restore the console OPTERM directory files 
    to the hard disk, from the backup floppy disks, select 
    “Restore” by pressing R and then ENTER. The follow- 
    ing prompts tell you how to complete the restore rou- 
    Restoring ALL Attendant * s 
    files.. . 
    All Attendants Console files are 
    going to be overwritten. Press ctrl-c 
    to abort, any other key to continue. 
    Strike a key when ready... 
    5.12 If you decide not to restore the files at this time, 
    press Cl’RL and C simultaneously. If you wish to begin 
    restoring files, press any other key. The next prompt is: 
    Insert backup diskette 01 in drive A: 
    Strike any 
    key when ready. 
    5.13 Lmert the first backup diskette in drive A, and 
    press any key. The prompts continue as follows: 
    ***Files were backed up XX-XX-19xX*** 
    ***Restoring files from drive A: *** 
    Diskette 01 
    (lists files as they are copied) 
    5.14 As each diskette is copied, another prompt will 
    ask you to insert another dir?ette into drive A. After 
    changing disks, press any key to continue. When all con- 
    sole files have been copied, the window shown on the 
    preceding page returns. Press ESC to exit to the Utilities 
    Update CO Times 
    In the event that area codes or their time zones 
    change, the console can be updated with the new infor- 
    mation. The area code/time zone table is located in a file 
    named CO-TIME.TBL in the OPTERM directory. 
    5.16 To update the time zone information, select “Up- 
    date” by pressing U and then ENTER. The following 
    prompt appears: 
    The time information in the CO 
    directory will be updated based on 
    the contents of the co-time.tbl file. 
    Press ESC to abort or press any other 
    character to continue. 5.17 To exit to the Utilities window without changing 
    the time zone table, press ESC. To update the time zone 
    table, press any key. The following prompt appears: 
    Proceeding with update... WARNING: DO 
    NOT interrupt. 
    5.18 Allow the update to proceed uninterrupted. 
    When the process is finished, the Utilities window re- 
    When “Diagnostics” is selected from the main 
    utilities window shown on page l-11, the following 
    window appears, showing the functions that will be 
    - Interface Card Diagnostics: 
    Firmware version: 
    (tifmwafe version) 
    Interface card memory test 
    Dial tone at speaker 
    Silence at speaker 
    Tones (31) at speaker 
    Speaker volume adjust 
    System beeps at speaker 
    Dial tone at handset 
    Silence at handset 
    Tones (31) at handset 
    Handset volume adjust 
    MODEM test - Responding 
    Ring SL 
    SL Hook Status -1 
    5.20 Complete the diagnostics routine as follows: 
    0 Interface card 
    memory test: This test runs auto- 
    matically when you select Diagnostics. If the Inter- 
    face Card memory passes the test, PASSED appears 
    on the line. If not, a flashing FAILED message ap 
    pears. The prompt moves to the next line. 
    0 Dial tone at speaker: The prompt shows “PASSED? 
    (y/N).” You should hear dial tone over the speaker. 
    If you do not, press N and a FAILED message will 
    appear. If you hear dial tone, press Y and a PASSED 
    message appears. The prompt moves to the next line. 
    0 Silence 
    at speaker: The prompt shows “PASSED? 
    (Y/N).You shouldnothearanynoisethroughthe 
    speaker. If you do, press N and a FAILED message 
    will appear. If the speaker is silent, press Y and a 
    PASSED message appears. The prompt moves to the 
    next line. 
    Tones (31) at speaker: The prompt shows 
    “PASSED? (Y/N/R).” You should hear 31 tones 
    . . 
    _ . . 
    Page 1-12  
    Issue 1, November 1994 . .._) 
    . ._ 
    played over the speaker. If you wish to have the tones 
    play again, press R. If you do not hear the tones, 
    press N and a FAILED message will appear. If you 
    hear the tones, press Y and a PASSED message 
    appears. The prompt moves to the next line. 
    Speaker volume adjust: The Prompt shows 
    “PASSED? (Y/N/R).” You should hear a single tone, 
    that increases in volume, over the speaker. If you 
    wish to have the tone play again, press R. If you do 
    not hear the tone or if the volume does not change, 
    press N and a FAlLED message will appear. If you 
    hear the tone increase in volume, press Y and a 
    PASSED message appears. The prompt moves to the 
    next line. 
    System beeps at speaker: The prompt shows 
    “PASSED? (Y/N/R).” You should hear a single 
    beep. If you wish to hear the beep again, press R. If 
    you do not hear the beep, press N and a FAILED 
    message will appear. If you hear the beep, press Y 
    and a PASSED message appears. The prompt moves 
    to the next line. 
    Dial tone at handset: The prompt shows“PASSED? 
    (Y/N/R).” You should hear dial tone over the hand- 
    set or headset. If you do not, press N and a FAlLED 
    message will appear. If you hear dial tone, press Y 
    and a PASSED message appears. The prompt moves 
    to the next line. 
    Silence at handset: The prompt shows “PASSED? 
    (Y/N/R).” You should not hear any noise through the 
    handset or headset. If you do, press N and a FAILED 
    message will appear. If ine handset or headset is 
    silent, press Y and a PASSED message appears. The 
    prompt moves to the next line. 
    Tones (31) at handset: The prompt shows 
    “PASSED? (Y/N/R).” You should hear 31 tones 
    played over the handset or headset. If you wish to 
    have the tones play again, press R. If you do not hear 
    the tones, press N and a FAILED message will ap 
    pear. If you hear the tones, press Y and a PASSED 
    message appears. The prompt moves to the next line. 
    Handset volume adjust: The prompt shows 
    “PASSED? (Y/N/R).“You should hear a single tone, 
    that increases in volume, through the handset or 
    headset. If you wish to have the tone play again, 
    press R. If you do not hear the tone or if the volume 
    does not change, press N and a FAILED message 
    will appear. If you hear the tone increase in volume, 
    press Y and a PASSED message appears. The 
    prompt moves to the next line. 
    MODEM test -Responding: This test runs auto- 
    matically. If the modem passes the test, PASSED ap pears on the line. If not, a flashing FAlLED message 
    appears. The prompt moves to the next line. A win- 
    dow appears that asks if you want to “Check the 
    single-line port.” Press N and EATER if there is not 
    a single-line set connected to the console, or Y and 
    ENTER if there is a single-line set. If you select N . 
    the test ends. If you select Y, the prompt moves to the 
    next line. 
    Ring SL: The prompt shows “PASSED? (Y/N/IQn 
    The single-line set connected to the console should 
    ring. If it does not, press N and a FAILED message 
    will appear. If it rings, press Y and a PASSED mes- 
    sage appears. The prompt moves to the next line. 
    SL Hook Status: A box at the end of this line shows 
    “On Hook” or “Off Hook” to indicate the present sta- 
    tus of the single-line set. The prompt shows 
    “PASSED? (Y/N).” Ifthe box does not show the cor- 
    rect status when the single-line set hookswitch is 
    pressed and released or 
    if the test times out and you 
    hear a beep, 
    press N and a FATLED message 
    appears. If the status changes correctly, press Y and a I 
    PASSED message appears. 
    5.21 When the test is complete, “Press any key to con- 
    tinue” appears at the bottom of the screen. Note which 
    tests, if any, failed. When you press a key, “Clearing/Re- 
    setting modem” appears momentarily, and then the Uti- 
    lities window (shown on page l-11) returns. 
    5.22 If the Interface Card test failed: Turn off the 
    console, open the PC, and verify that the Interface Card 
    components are seated properly. Then, reassemble the 
    console and run the diagnostics test again. Ifthe test fails 
    again, contact Customer Support for assistance. 
    5.23 If any of the speaker tests failed: Turn off the 
    console, open the PC, and check the speaker connec- 
    tions. Then, reassemble the console and mn the diagnos- 
    tics test again. If the speaker fails again, contact Cus- 
    tomer Support for assistance. 
    5.24 If any of the handset tests failed: Remove the 
    handset or headset and install a new one. Then run the 
    diagnostics test again. If the handset or headset fails 
    again, contact Customer Support for assistance. 
    5.25 If the modem test fails: Turn off the console, 
    open the PC, and verify that the modem parameters are 
    set correctly, as listed in step 4 on page l-5. Then, 
    reassemble the console and run the diagnostics test 
    again. If the test fails again, contact Customer Support 
    for assistance. 
    5.26 If either of the single-line set tests failed: 
    Remove the single-line set and install a new one. Then 
    run the diagnostics test again. If the single-line set fails 
    again, contact Customer Support for assistance. 
    Page 1-13  
    1. DOWNLOAD 
    .27 The download option is used to test the modem 
    ard installed in the Attendant Computer Console by 
    erforming several downloads. It tests the modem card 
    x compatibility with the Attendant Computer Console 
    nterface Card and tests the performance of the modem. 
    .28 When “Download” is selected from the main uti- 
    ties window shown on page l-11, the following 
    rindow appears, showing the modem parameters. 
    Multiple Download Parameters: 
    CR for next field, 
    ENTER to accept, ESC to exit 
    Baud Rate: 1200 
    Modem Number: 
    Comm Port Number: 2 
    Delay Time (Sets): 10 
    Repeat Count: 20 
    Initialization Wait Time (Se@: 30 
    .29 Perform the download test as follows: 
    (1) Set the download parameters. press RETURN to 
    move among the fields in the parameter list. 
    0 Baud Rate: get this to the baud rate of the 
    modem. Default is 1200. 
    l Modem Number: This is the extensionnum- 
    her of the modem on the telephone system. It 
    defaults to 2600. 
    0 Comm Port Number: This identifies the 
    serial port of the modem. It defaults to 2. (2) 
    Delay Time: This is the amount of time, in 
    seconds that will be allowed to elapse be- 
    tween downloads. The default delay is 10 
    Repeat Count: This determines how many 
    downloads will be performed. The count de- 
    faults to 20. 
    Initialization Wait Time: This determines 
    how long the Attendant Computer Console 
    &ll wait, before the first download, for the 
    telephone system to acknowledge that the 
    Console is on line. It defaults to 30 seconds, 
    but can be set higher or lower depending on 
    system activity and the number of stations in 
    do-notdisturb or forward mode. 
    When the parameters are correct, press ENTER 
    to begin the test. A message about the initializa- 
    tion appears on the screen, followed by the num- 
    ber of downloads being performed. Modem sta- 
    tus messages appear at the bottom of the screen. 
    If an error occurs, the test stops and a message 
    appears. The modem is either incompatible with 
    the Interface Card or it is not functioning proper- 
    ly. In either case, your must replace the modem 
    Zf the test is succe.r~JX, turn off the Attendant 
    Computer Console and then turn it on again. 
    Repeat steps 2 and 5 two more times to fully test 
    the modem. 
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    Page 1-14  
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