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HP DSS 5 User Manual

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Figure 3-40  The E‑mail tab
2.Click Add. The Add SMTP Gateway dialog box appears.
Figure 3-41  Add SMTP Gateway dialog box
3.Type the host name or TCP/IP address of the SMTP server in the Server Name or Address field.
Or click Auto Find to find all of the SMTP servers on the network. A list of SMTP servers
appears. Select one or more SMTP servers and click OK.
4.Select any of the following additional SMTP gateway options:
●Enable SMTP SSL Protocol
●Server Requires Authentication
●E-mail: Send...

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●Fax: send faxes when the fax send method is set to Internet Fax. Since the Send to Fax
feature also uses an e-mail interface, checking this box indicates the SMTP server being
configured can be used for both Send to e-mail and Send to Fax.
●Split e‑mails if larger than (MB). Use this control to set a maximum file size for the specified
SMTP gateway. If an e‑mail attachment exceeds the specified file size, the attachment is
divided into two or more smaller attachments.
●Send a test e‑mail to. Type an...

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Analog fax
DSS can be used to configure the settings for the embedded analog fax modem in a device. Use the
Send to Fax tab in the Device Configuration interface to configure these settings on individual
Digital fax
Digital Fax is the name for a process where the original file is scanned and digitized before it is sent
to its destination via a fax modem. In the DSS digital fax process the original files are scanned on the
device, sent to DSS, and then routed via DSS to a third party software...

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Figure 3-42  Fax tab – Internet fax option
To configure Internet fax
With an Internet fax service, faxes are sent in e‑mail. When using DSS, the user specifies a fax
number at the device, and then the software creates and sends the e‑mail behind the scenes.
1.On the DSS server, open the Configuration Utility and click the Fax tab.
2.Select Internet Fax from the Fax Send Method drop-down list.
3.Set up the Outgoing E‑mail Server (SMTP) Gateway Server. Click the Add... button to open the
Add SMTP Gateway...

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8.Select the check box to use the authenticated user's e‑mail address as the return e‑mail
address. If the device user's e‑mail address is not available, the Default Fax Account E‑mail
Address e‑mail address is used.
NOTE:If you select this option, the user's e‑mail address must be registered with the Internet
fax service provider in order to fax successfully.
9.Click Apply to save the Internet fax settings.
LAN fax
DSS uses a shared folder interface to communicate with a third party LAN Fax...

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7.Complete the Dialing Settings section by typing in the values you want to use in the Maximum
Retry Attempts and Retry Interval (minutes) text boxes.
8.Complete the Input Settings section by selecting the values you want to use in the Notification
and Error Correction Mode drop-down menus. Type in the value you want to use in the
Notification Timeout (minutes) text box.
9.Complete the Output Settings section by selecting the values you want to use in the
Transmission Speed and Cover Page drop-down...

Page 87

The available destinations for workflow are:
●FTP sites
Metadata files are not created and printed for send to printer workflows. Some reasons to use send to
printer are:
●When printing a file scanned at a scanner only device
●When printing a file to a color printer that was scanned at a device with a color scanner but only
a mono printer
Workflow organizational structures
Workflows are arranged in an hierarchical fashion. The top-most level is Groups. The default group...

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Figure 3-44  The Workflows tab
Table 3-16  Workflows tab
Callout Component Description
1WorkflowsThis list shows the workflows that are set up and available for use to any of
the devices connected to the DSS server. Click to select the Display Prompt
Text check box to show the prompt text for each workflow in the list. The
following controls are available to help configure workflows.
●Add Group. Click to add a group to a workflow.
●Add Menu. Click to add a menu to a workflow.
●Add Form. Click to add a...

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The first step in creating a workflow process is to create a workflow group.
NOTE:Rather than creating a new group, the default group, called the Common Device Group can
also be used. This group cannot be deleted. Custom groups are optional and provide a way to
associate different workflows with different devices or groups of devices.
1.On the DSS server, open the Configuration Utility and click the Workflows tab.
2.Click Add Group. The Workflow Group dialog box appears.
3.Type the name of the new...

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are saved in the metadata file, which is stored with the document image for use by the third-
party workflow software program.
Follow these instructions to add prompts.
a.Click Add. The Add Prompts dialog box appears.
Figure 3-45  Add Prompts dialog box
b.Prompts that are already available are listed on the left hand side of the dialog. To create
new prompts, click the New... button. This opens the Workflow Prompt dialog box.
Figure 3-46  Workflow Prompt dialog box
i.Under Prompt Settings in the Workflow...
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