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HP DSS 5 User Manual

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◦HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Hewlett-Packard\HP Digital Sending Software
◦HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Hewlett-Packard\HP Digital Sending Software 5.00
●Users must also have permission to host a service on port 7627. The following command can be
used to give this permission to a Windows group. The group should be given permission and
non-administrator users should be made members of this group. This command must be run...

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Like the Admin User, the Config User’s password ships as blank as a factory default. The password
can be set within the EWS in the same location as the Admin User’s password. These are set on the
Security Tab in the General Security section. Unlike the Admin user however, the Config user is
inactive if the password blank. This user is only activated when the password is configured within the
EWS. See the screenshot below.
The Config User has been added so that companies can change the Admin password, if...

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Figure 3-2  DSS common and device-specific credentials flow
Set the DSS common credentials
1.Click the Device Sign In button in the Configuration Utility.
ENWW Planning the DSS deployment 35 

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2.In the Administrator credentials are required dialog, use “admin” or “config” for the Username
field, and then enter and verify a password in the Password and Verify Password fields.
Figure 3-3  Set the DSS common credentials
3.Click the Apply button to set the common credentials.
36 Chapter 3   Installation and configuration ENWW 

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This section contains the following topics:
Pre-installation checklist
Installer screens and options
Pre-installation checklist
1.Review the hardware and software requirements for the DSS server. See System and
environment requirements on page 24 for more information.
2.Verify that devices planned for connection to DSS have the minimum required firmware.
3.If you are upgrading from a previous version of DSS, make a backup of the existing
Installer screens and options...

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4.The License Agreement screen appears. Click Print to print a copy of the license agreement.
Click I do not accept the terms in the license agreement, and then click Next to cancel the
After reading the license agreement, click to select I accept the terms in the license agreement,
and then click Next to continue the installation.
Figure 3-5  Software Installation – license agreement (2 of 11)
5.The Destination Folder screen appears. Accept the default installation folder or click the...

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6.The Windows Firewall Configuration screen appears. Click to select the Allow DSS Installer to
open the required ports in Windows Firewall. check box, and then click Next to continue.
Figure 3-7  Software Installation – firewall configuration (4 of 11)
7.The External Database Configuration screen appears. This screen allows for a database other
than the default Microsoft SQL Server database installed by DSS to be used with DSS. When
this feature is used, the DSS installer does not install the default MS...

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Figure 3-9  Software Installation – external database configuration (6 of 11)
b.The HP DSS 5.0 External Database Configuration Tool screen appears.
Figure 3-10  Software Installation – external database configuration (7 of 11)
The following settings are required for configuring an external database:
●Create database using area: Enter values for the User name and Password fields.
These credentials are used by DSS to configure databases for DSS use. DSS will not
do the initial creation of these databases,...

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initial database configuration. Enter the credentials for a SQL-authorized user account,
not a Windows-authorized user account.
The “Create database using” user must have, as a minimum, the following roles in
SQL Server:
◦Server role: public
◦Database roles for the two DSS databases: db_owner
●The Access database using area: Enter values for the User name and Password
fields. DSS uses these credentials for all database operations, except the database
initialization process
The “Access database using”...

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The Configuration preview field displays the connection strings for the machine and
customer databases as the connections strings are being entered. When the HP DSS
5.0 External Database Configuration Tool is opened after the initial configuration, the
Configuration preview field displays the saved connection string settings.
●Click the Test Connection button to test the following configuration settings:
◦The SQL Server instance exists
◦The “create database” credentials are valid
◦The “access database”...
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