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HP DSS 5 User Manual

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Configure the Device
Figure 3-31  Authentication subtab – Configure Devices tab set
The Authentication subtab on the Configure Devices tab set contains the following elements.
Table 3-11  Authentication subtab — Configure Devices tab set
Callout Component Description
1Sign In and Permission
PoliciesRequires Sign-In: To require that a user must sign-in to use a feature in the
device, check the Requires Sign In checkbox in that feature's row.
Sign In method: In the Sign-In Method drop down list, select...

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●Log subtab
Preferences subtab
For information about the remaining tabs, see the following topics:
Table 3-11 Authentication subtab — Configure Devices tab set on page 63
●Fax subtab — 
Configure the Device on page 78
Table 3-18 Send to Workflows subtab – Configure Devices tab set on page 89
General subtab
Figure 3-32  General subtab in the Configure Devices tab set
The General subtab in the Configure Devices tab set contains the following elements.
Table 3-12  General subtab on the Configure...

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Addressing subtab
Figure 3-33  Addressing subtab on the Device Configuration tab set
The Addressing tab is used to configure a device's ability to get address information directly from an
LDAP server, without the use of DSS. This direct device addressing can be used whether or not DSS
LDAP replication is enabled. Any addresses collected directly by the device will be merged with
addresses from DSS address books for the user to select from at the control panel.
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Log subtab
The Log subtab on the Configure Device tab set displays the job log information for jobs sent from
that device.
Figure 3-34  Log subtab in the Configure Devices tab set
Preferences subtab
The Preferences subtab is only available on pre-FutureSmart devices.
Figure 3-35  Preferences subtab in the Configure Devices tab set
The Preferences subtab contains the following controls.
66 Chapter 3   Installation and configuration ENWW 

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Table 3-13  Preferences subtab on the Configure Devices tab set
Callout Component Description
1Default Scanner SettingsUse Default Scanner Settings to set the default settings for document size,
expected page content, and duplexing:
●Original Size
●Optimize Text/Picture
●Original Sides
NOTE:On FutureSmart devices these settings are set individually for
each send feature – e-mail, fax, folder, and workflow. On pre-FutureSmart
devices these settings are set once and apply globally to 
all the send...

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Table 3-14  Send to Folder tab
Callout Component Description
1Predefined foldersThe Predefined folders list shows the folders as they are added to the DSS
service. These folders are available at the device. The Display name, UNC
Folder path, and Credentials for each folder are listed here.
The following controls are also available for configuring the folders.
●Add. Click to add a new folder
●Edit. Click to edit settings for the selected folder.
●Copy. Click to copy a folder.
●Remove. Click to remove a...

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Figure 3-37  Add a Predefined Folder screen
1.Click the Add button to open the Add Network Folder Path screen.
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Figure 3-38  Add Network Folder Path screen
2.Click the Browse button to select a folder path.
3.Select the credentials that should be used to gain access to the folder in the
Authentication Settings section. Click to select Use credentials of user to connect after
Sign-in at the control panel to use the credentials of the user when logged into the
device. Or click to select Use common credentials to use the credentials designated in
the Credentials to Access Public Folders section on the Send to Folder...

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8.Repeat steps 1 through 7 to add more folders.
9.Click the OK button to save the folder settings.
Configure the Device
In the Configuration Utility, use the Send to Folder subtab on the Device Configuration tab set to set
up the Send to Folder feature on the device.
Configure the device to use Send To Folder
1.Click to select the Enable Send to Folder check box on the Send To Folder subtab on the
Configure Devices tab set.
2.To enable options for OCR processing the scanned documents, select an OCR file...

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Figure 3-39  E‑mail tab
The E‑mail tab contains the following elements.
Table 3-15  E‑mail tab
Callout Component Description
1Outgoing E‑mail Server
(SMTP) Gateway ServerUse the Outgoing E‑mail Server (SMTP) Gateway Server to manage e‑mail
servers for the DSS server. The e‑mail servers are listed here by priority.
Use the up and down arrows to move e‑mail servers up or down in the list.
The following controls are available for configuring the e‑mail servers.
●Add. Click to add a new e‑mail server....
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