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HP DSS 5 User Manual

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Page 101

Table 3-20  Addressing tab (continued)
Callout Component Description
◦Type in the Path to Start Search (BaseDN, Search Root) or click
Auto Find to have DSS find the path.
◦Select a Source for Attribute Names or click Auto Find to have
DSS find the source.
◦Type in the attribute to match the recipient's name, e‑mail
address, and fax number.
◦In the Advanced Search Options section, Select the Maximum
LDAP Addresses and the Maximum Search Time from the drop-
down menus, and then type in the LDAP Filter...

Page 102

Table 3-21  Address book synchronization
Method Description Effect at the control panel
Using a replicated LDAP address book DSS takes a snapshot of the LDAP
server database and populates the
device address book with the
addresses that it finds. The
Configuration Utility can be used to
either initiate the task manually or
schedule it to run automatically at a
certain time.As the user types the initial characters
in a name, the device attempts to
complete the name from the names in
the address book. The...

Page 103

To set up automatic replication of the LDAP address book
1.On the DSS server, open the Configuration Utility, and then click the Addressing tab.
2.Click to select the Enable Network Contacts check box. The screen expands to show the steps
for configuring the LDAP server.
Figure 3-54  Enable Network Contacts section
3.Click the arrow next to Sync schedule. The screen expands to show sync options.
4.Select a replication schedule from the Sync drop-down menu. Click Sync Now to replicate now.
The Last...

Page 104

Guest address book
The Guest address book is always available to all devices and cannot be disabled. This address book
is used to store addresses added by un-authenticated users ("guests") from the front panel of
Public address book
The Public address book is always available to all devices and cannot be disabled. An administrator
can use the Address Book Management tab in the Configuration Utility to manage the contents of the
address book.
When enabled any address book entries added...

Page 105

4.Click to select the Enable Network Contacts (use LDAP server) check box, and then click the
arrow next to LDAP Database Search Settings (Step 3).
Figure 3-55  The LDAP Database Search Settings section
5.In the LDAP Filter condition text box, type in the syntax to filter the LDAP search.
To exclude the groups setting for Exchange 5.5, the filter would be (!
Other e‑mail settings could include but not limited to the following:
●iPlanet: (!(objectclass=groupofuniquenames))...

Page 106

2.Click to select the Enable Authentication check box, and then select Microsoft Windows from the
Authentication Method drop-down menu.
Figure 3-56  Authentication tab
3.Type in the domain name in the Trusted Domains text box, and then click Add.
4.In the Test Windows Sign In section, select the domain from the Domain drop-down menu, and
then type in the username and password for an authenticated user in the Username and
Password text boxes. Click Test to test the credentials.
5.Click Apply.

Page 107

NOTE:NTLM authentication can be used as the bind method for option one. Option two only
provides Simple authentication. If Simple is chosen, the username and password are transmitted over
the network as ‘cleartext.’ This means that this information can be read by anyone with access to the
data on the network.
Configure the Service-Based Address Book
Follow these steps to configure the service-based address book.
1.Open the DSS Configuration Utility and click the Addressing tab.
2.Click to select the...

Page 108

Pre-FutureSmart templates are derived from the configuration settings of pre-FutureSmart products.
FutureSmart templates are derived from the configuration settings of FutureSmart products. For more
information on creating templates, see 
Create a template on page 100.
The Template Product Family column in the Template List area of the Template Configuration tab
lists the product-family class for each template. Move your cursor over the 'i' 
 icon to view the...

Page 109

6.Click the OK button to complete the creation of the template.
7.Check the template to be sure there are no issues. To check for issues, configure the template
and make sure none of the tabs within the template show an exclamation mark (!) next to the tab
name. If an exclamation mark is present, go to that tab and fix the problem, and then save the
changes. See 
Configure a template on page 105 for information on configuring templates.
NOTE:New templates can have issues if the settings copied from the...

Page 110

Figure 3-58  DSS Template Configuration tab
Table 3-22  DSS Template Configuration tab
Callout Component Description
GroupsA list of the template groups defined on the DSS server.
2Template ListA list of the templates defined on the DSS server.
Template groups
The Template Groups area of the Template Configuration tab allows you to create, organize, and
group templates for application to products.
Create a template group
Use the following steps to create a template group:
1.Click the Add...
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