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Figure 3-22  Device Configuration tab
2.Click Add Device.... The Add Devices dialog box appears.
Figure 3-23  Add Devices dialog box
3.If you know the hostname or TCP/IP address of the device, you can type it in the Hostname or
IP Address text box under Manually enter a device's network name heading. Click the right-
arrow > or press the Enter key to add the device to the Device List.
Select a device from the Devices on the network list, and then click the right-arrow > or press the
Enter key to...

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Figure 3-24  Device Configuration tab
2.In the Device List, click to select the device you want to remove, and then click Remove Device.
The Remove Device dialog box appears.
Figure 3-25  Remove Device dialog box
3.Click Yes to remove DSS-enabled devices.
Device configuration
After adding a new device (or group of devices), use the following procedure to configure the Digital
Sending features for the device or group.
1.On the DSS server, open the Configuration Utility and click the Device Configuration...

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4.On the General tab, server administrators name, phone number, e-mail address, and optional
5.On the Authentication tab, click to select the check box for the authentication method you want
to use to enable authentication for the selected device. Select the check boxes next to the
features that are being enabled. Enabling authentication requires the user to log in before using
the selected features. Select the network domain from the Default Domain drop-down menu.
6.On the Send to E‑mail tab,...

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Table 3-8  Device List icons (continued)
Icon Description
The device was seized by another computer that is running the Configuration Utility. The TCP/
IP address of the other computer is available under the Status heading on the Device List. To
reclaim ownership of a seized device, right-click the crossbones icon and click OK in the two
dialog boxes that appear.
DSS is unable to establish communication with the device and the settings are unknown.
Device grouping
Device grouping provides the ability to...

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Remove devices from a group
1.Right-click on a device and select Remove.
2.Click Remove from Group.
Authentication is a security feature that requires users to provide a network username and password
before using Digital Sending features. Authentication can be turned on or off for individual features
within each device that DSS supports.
NOTE:At no time are the credentials that are used to authenticate at the device written to either the
DSS server or the device hard disk. In addition,...

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Figure 3-27  Authentication tab – LDAP Server
The LDAP Server option on the Authentication tab contains the following elements.
Table 3-9  Authentication tab – LDAP Server
Callout Component Description
1Authentication methodSelect LDAP Server from the drop-down menu.
58 Chapter 3   Installation and configuration ENWW 

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Table 3-9  Authentication tab – LDAP Server (continued)
Callout Component Description
2LDAP Sign In SetupUse the following fields to set up the sign-in method. Provide the
appropriate LDAP attribute name for your environment.
●LDAP Server address
●Port number
NOTE:Select Use a secure connection (SSL) to enable an SSL
(Secure Sockets Layer) connection.
●Bind prefix: This is the attribute that guarantees uniqueness between
any container in the Directory and other containers at the same level in

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Figure 3-28  LDAP authentication
1. User credentials
6. Authenticated user’s
e-mail addresses5. Query results 3. Authentication result
4. LDAP query 2. User credentials
(simple bind) Encrypted using SSL
Microsoft Windows
When a user signs-in for Windows authentication, they provide a domain, user name, and password.
DSS communicates with the domain controller associated with the domain provided by the user to
authenticate the user. In addition to domain...

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Table 3-10  Authentication tab – Microsoft Windows (continued)
Callout Component Description
2Windows Sign in Setup
(Kerberos and NTLM)Click Add to add domains to the Trusted Domains list. Click Remove to
remove domains from the list. Select the Default Windows Domain from the
drop-down menu.
Use the following fields to set up the sign-in method.
●Match the name entered with this attribute
●Retrieve the user's e‑mail address using this attribute
3Test Windows Sign InType information into the...

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Figure 3-30  Windows Active Directory authentication
server LDAP server
1. User credentials
6. Authentication user’s
e-mail address3. Authentication result
(API-encrypted) 2. User credentials
4. LDAP quer
5. Query re
Windows Two Server authentication
DSS can be configured to use an LDAP database other than the Active Directory database for user
data retrieval. The configuration for Two Server authentication is partially done using the...
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