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HP DSS 5 User Manual

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9.The Microsoft SQL Server 2008 Setup Progress screen displays the installation progress for the
SQL server. The DSS install program will install the IRIS OCR engine, an instance of SQL
Server (unless an external database is to be used), and then the DSS software itself. If the
install program detects that some necessary OS components are missing, such as .NET 3.5, it
will also install those components.
Figure 3-12  Software Installation – SQL Server setup progress screen (9 of 11)
10.The Installing HP...

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11.When the installation completes, the InstallShield Wizard Completed screen appears. Based on
your configuration and the options installed, a reboot of the DSS server might be required. Click
the Launch HP Digital Sending Software 5.0 check box to launch the software when the installer
closes. Click the Show me the readme file check box if you want to see the product readme file
when the installer closes. Click the Show the Windows Installer log check box to view the
Windows log file for the...

Page 53

The HP Digital Sending Software (DSS) executes as a Windows service and allows users to scan
documents at DSS-enabled devices, and send the scanned images to various types of destinations
(such as e‑mail, fax and folder). This software package includes a Configuration Utility that allows you
to set up DSS features in a way that works best in your environment. Each DSS feature must be
configured before it is available for use on DSS-enabled devices.
Most DSS functions require some...

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Figure 3-15  Configuration Utility elements
Table 3-6  Configuration Utility elements
Callout Component Description
1Exclamation pointAn exclamation point (!) next to the name of a tab indicates that required
data for that feature has not been supplied, or that some data is invalid. If
an exclamation point exists on any tab you must navigate to that tab and
change the settings so that the exclamation point is removed. There will be
a blue field at the top of the dialog explaining what needs to be...

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Figure 3-16  General tab – DSS Configuration Utility
2.In the Licenses section, click Add.... The Add License dialog box appears.
Figure 3-17  Add License dialog box
3.Type in the 20-digit license key code for the license you are installing, and then click OK.
4.The new license appears in the Licenses list and the Seats field updates to reflect the additional
seats provided by this license.
Remove licenses
In rare instances it is necessary to remove licenses from the DSS server. One condition that would...

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Figure 3-18  General tab – DSS Configuration Utility
2.In the Licenses section, click the license you want to remove, and then click Remove.
3.The license is removed from the Licenses list and the Seats field updates to reflect the current
number of seats provided by any remaining licenses.
NOTE:If by removing a license, your total number of seats falls below the number of devices
you currently have configured for Digital Sending features, you will be required to remove
devices from the Device List on...

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Backup and Restore
Figure 3-19  DSS Backup
Click the Backup button on the General tab of the Configuration Utility to reveal the DSS backup
dialog box. The DSS Backup backs up DSS data stored on the DSS server. The DSS Backup does
not include data which is stored on the devices themselves. When a device is opened for
configuration via the Device Configuration tab of the CU, DSS displays device data that is not backed
When performing a DSS backup, all of the server data is collected; users...

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Figure 3-20  DSS Restore
Administrators may access the Restore functionality in the CU by selecting the Restore button in the
General tab. The Restore function first prompts the administrator to select a DSS backup file from the
file system. The DSS Restore dialog box appears when the administrator selects a backup file.
Administrators must provide an encryption key for encrypted backup files. This is the same encryption
key provided at the time the backup file was created.
By default, the...

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Figure 3-21  Device Configuration tab
The Device Configuration tab contains the following elements.
Table 3-7  Device Configuration tab
Callout Component Description
1Group ListUse this list to organize the devices using the DSS service.
●Add Group. Click to create a new group.
●Remove Group. Click to remove a group.
●Rename. Click to change a group name.
ENWWConfiguration 51 

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Table 3-7  Device Configuration tab (continued)
Callout Component Description
2Device ListThis list shows the individual devices using the DSS service as well as the
features that are enabled or not enabled on each device. The Device List
contains the following headings:
●Send to E‑mail icon
●Send to Fax icon
●Send to folder icon
●Workflow icon
●Authentication icon
●Addressing icon
●IP Address
●Hostname (will be blank if the device has been added by IP address)
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