HP 5500 Ei 5500 Si Switch Series Configuration Guide
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2 Static routes are easy to configure and require less system resources. They work well in small and stable networks. In networks where topology changes may occur frequently, using a dynamic routing protocol is better. To display brief information about a routing table, use the display ip routing-table command, as shown in the following example: display ip routing-table Routing Tables: Public Destinations : 7 Routes : 7 Destination/Mask Proto Pre Cost NextHop Interface Direct 0 0 Vlan11 Static 60 0 Vlan12 OSPF 10 2 Vlan13 … A route entry includes the following key items: • Destination —IP address of the destination host or network. • Mask —The network mask specifies, in company with the destination address, the address of the destination network. A logical AND operation between the destination address and the network mask yields the address of the destination network. For example, if the destination address is and the mask, the address of the destination network is A network mask is made up of a certain number of consecutive 1s. It can be expressed in dotted decimal format or by the number of the 1s. • Pre—Preference of the route. Among routes to the same destination, the one with the highest preference is optimal. • Cost —When multiple routes to a destination have th e same preference, the one with the smallest cost becomes the optimal route. • NextHop —Specifies the IP address of the next hop. • Interface —Specifies the interface through which a ma tching IP packet is to be forwarded. Dynamic routing protocols Dynamic routing protocols dynamically collect and repo rt reachability information to adapt to topology changes. They are suitable for large networks. Compared with static routing, dynamic routing protoc ols require more resources, and are complicated to configure. Dynamic routing protocols can be classified based on different criteria, as shown in Tabl e 2: Table 2 Dynamic routing protocols Criterion Categories Optional scope • Interior gateway protocols (IGPs) —Work within an autonomous system (AS). Examples include RIP, OSPF, and IS-IS. • Exterior gateway protocols (EGPs) —Work between ASs. The most popular one is BGP.

3 Criterion Categories Routing algorithm • Distance-vector protocols —RIP and BGP. BGP is also considered a path-vector protocol. • Link-state protocols —OSPF and IS-IS. Destination address type • Unicast routing protocols —RIP, OSPF, BGP, and IS-IS. • Multicast routing protocols —PIM-SM and PIM-DM (For more information, see IP Multicast Configuration Guide ). IP version • IPv4 routing protocols —RIP, OSPF, BGP, and IS-IS. • IPv6 routing protocols —RIPng, OSPFv3, IPv6 BGP, and IPv6 IS-IS. NOTE: An AS refers to a group of routers sharing the same routing policy and working under the same administration. Routing preference Different routing protocols can find different routes to the same destination. However, not all of those routes are optimal. For route selection, routing protocols, direct routes, and static routes are assigned different preferences. The route with the highest preference is preferred. The preference of a direct route is always 0 and cannot be changed. You can manually configure preferences for any other route type. Each static rout e can be configured with a different preference. The following table lists the types of routes and the default preferences. The smaller the preference value, the higher the preference. Table 3 Route types and their default route preferences Routing approach Preference Direct route 0 OSPF 10 IS-IS 15 Static route 60 RIP 100 OSPF ASE 150 OSPF NSSA 150 IBGP 255 EBGP 255 Unknown (route from an untrusted source) 256 Load sharing A routing protocol can be configured with multiple equal-cost routes to the same destination. These routes have the same preference and will all be used to accomplish load sharing if there is no route with a higher preference available.

4 Static routing/IPv6 static routing, RIP/RIPng, OSPF/OSPFv3, BGP/IPv6 BGP, and IS-IS/IPv6 IS-IS supports ECMP load sharing. The load sharing function is available only on the HP 5500 EI Switch series. Route backup Route backup can improve network availability. Among mul t i p l e ro u t e s t o t h e s a m e d e s t i n a t i o n, t h e ro u t e with the highest preference is the main route and all others are backup routes. The router forwards matching packets through the main route. When the main route fails, the route with the highest preference among the backup routes is selected to forward packets. When the main route recovers, the router uses it to forward packets. Route recursion To use a BGP, static, or RIP route that has an indire ctly-connected next hop, a router must perform route recursion to find the outgoing interface to reach the next hop. Link-state routing protocols, such as OSPF and IS-IS, do not need route recursion, because they obtain directly-connected next hops through route calculation. Route redistribution Route redistribution enables routing protocols to le arn route information from each other. A dynamic routing protocol can redistribute routes from other protocols including direct routes and static routes. For more information, see the respective chapters on those routing protocols in this configuration guide. Displaying and maintaining a routing table Task Command Remarks Display information about the routing table. display ip routing-table [ vpn-instance vpn-instance-name ] [ verbose ] [ | { begin | exclude | include } regular-expression ] Available in any view Display information about routes permitted by an IPv4 basic ACL. display ip routing-table [ vpn-instance vpn-instance-name ] acl acl-number [ verbose ] [ | { begin | exclude | include } regular-expression ] Available in any view Display information about routes to the specified destination. display ip routing-table [ vpn-instance vpn-instance-name ] ip-address [ mask | mask-length ] [ longer-match ] [ verbose ] [ | { begin | exclude | include } regular-expression ] Available in any view Display information about routes with destination addresses in the specified range. display ip routing-table [ vpn-instance vpn-instance-name ] ip-address1 { mask | mask-length } ip-address2 { mask | mask-length } [ verbose ] [ | { begin | exclude | include } regular-expression ] Available in any view

5 Task Command Remarks Display routing information permitted by an IPv4 prefix list. display ip routing-table [ vpn-instance vpn-instance-name ] ip-prefix ip-prefix-name [ verbose ] [ | { begin | exclude | include } regular-expression ] Available in any view Display routes of a routing protocol. display ip routing-table [ vpn-instance vpn-instance-name ] protocol protocol [ inactive | verbose ] [ | { begin | exclude | include } regular-expression ] [ | { begin | exclude | include } regular-expression ] [ | { begin | exclude | include } regular-expression ] Available in any view Display statistics about the routing table. display ip routing-table [ vpn-instance vpn-instance-name ] statistics [ | { begin | exclude | include } regular-expression ] Available in any view Clear statistics for the routing table. reset ip routing-table statistics protocol [ vpn-instance vpn-instance-name ] { protocol | all } Available in user view Display IPv6 routing table information. display ipv6 routing-table [ vpn-instance vpn-instance-name ] [ verbose ] [ | { begin | exclude | include } regular-expression ] Available in any view Display routing information permitted by an IPv6 ACL. display ipv6 routing-table [ vpn-instance vpn-instance-name ] acl acl6-number [ verbose ] [ | { begin | exclude | include } regular-expression ] Available in any view Display routing information for a specified destination IPv6 address. display ipv6 routing-table [ vpn-instance vpn-instance-name ] ipv6-address prefix-length [ longer-match ] [ verbose ] [ | { begin | exclude | include } regular-expression ] Available in any view Display IPv6 routing information for an IPv6 address range. display ipv6 routing-table [ vpn-instance vpn-instance-name ] ipv6-address1 prefix-length1 ipv6-address2 prefix-length2 [ verbose ] [ | { begin | exclude | include } regular-expression ] Available in any view Display routing information permitted by an IPv6 prefix list. display ipv6 routing-table [ vpn-instance vpn-instance-name ] ipv6-prefix ipv6-prefix-name [ verbose ] [ | { begin | exclude | include } regular-expression ] Available in any view Display IPv6 routing information of a routing protocol. display ipv6 routing-table [ vpn-instance vpn-instance-name ] protocol protocol [ inactive | verbose ] [ | { begin | exclude | include } regular-expression ] Available in any view Display IPv6 routing statistics. display ipv6 routing-table [ vpn-instance vpn-instance-name ] statistics [ | { begin | exclude | include } regular-expression ] Available in any view Clear specified IPv6 routing statistics. reset ipv6 routing-table statistics protocol [ vpn-instance vpn-instance-name ] { protocol | all } Available in user view

6 Configuring static routing Hardware compatibility The HP 5500 SI Switch Series does not support VPN and BFD related parameters or FRR. Introduction Static route Static routes are manually configured. If a networks top o l o g y i s s i m p l e, yo u o n l y n e e d t o c o n f i g u re s t a t i c routes for the network to work properly. The proper configuration and usage of static routes can improve network performance and ensure bandwidth for important network applications. The disadvantage of using static routes is that they cannot adapt to network topology changes. If a fault or a topological change occurs in the network, the relevant routes will be unreachable and the network breaks. When this happens, the network administrat or must modify the static routes manually. The term router in this chapter refers to both routers and Layer 3 switches. Default route Without a default route, a packet that does not match any routing entries is discarded. A default route is used to forward packets that do not match any routing entry. It can be configured in either of the following ways: • The network administrator can configure a default route with both the destination and mask being The router forwards any packet whose de stination address fails to match any entry in the routing table to the next hop of the default static route. • Some dynamic routing protocols, such as OSPF, RIP, and IS-IS, can also generate a default route. For example, an upstream router running OSPF can generate a default route and advertise it to other routers, which install the default route with the next hop being the upstream router. Static route configuration items Before you configure a static route, you must know the following concepts: • Destination address and mask In the ip route-static command, an IPv4 address is in dotted decimal format. A mask can be either i n do tte d dec imal f o r mat o r i n the fo r m of mas k le ng th—the nu mbe r of c o ns ec u ti ve 1s i n the mask . • Output interface and next hop address When you configure a static route, specify either the output interface, next hop address, or both depending on the specific occasion. The next ho p address cannot be a local interface IP address; otherwise, the route configur ation will not take effect. Each route lookup operation has to find the next hop to resolve the destination link layer address. When you specify the output interface, follow these guidelines:

7 { If the output interface is a Null 0 interface, no next hop address is required. { If you specify a broadcast interface (such as an Ethernet interface or VLAN interface) as the output interface, you must specify the corresponding next hop for the output interface. • Other attributes You can configure different priorities for different static routes so that route management policies can be more flexible. For example, specifying the same priority for different routes to the same destination enables load sharing, bu t specifying different priorities for these routes enables route backup. NOTE: The load sharing function is available on ly on the HP 5500 EI Switch series. Configuring a static route Before you configure a static route, complete the following tasks: • Configure the physical parameters for related interfaces. • Configure the link-layer attributes for related interfaces. • Configure the IP addresses for related interfaces. Follow these guidelines when you configure a static route: • The next hop addresscannot be the IP address of a local interface (such as Ethernet interface and VLAN interface). Otherwise, the static route does not take effect. • If you do not specify the preference when you configure a static route, the default preference will be used. Reconfiguring the default preference applies only to newly created static routes. • You can flexibly control static routes by configuring tag values and using the tag values in the routing policy. • If the destination IP address and mask are both configured as with the ip route-static command, then the route is the default route. • For more information about track, see High Availability Configuration Guide. To configure a static route: Step Command Remarks 1. Enter system view. system-view N/A

8 Step Command Remarks 2. Configure a static route. • Approach 1: ip route-static dest-address { mask | mask-length } { next-hop-address [ track track-entry-number ] | interface-type interface-number [ next-hop-address ] | vpn-instance d-vpn-instance-name next-hop-address [ track track-entry-numbe r ] } [ preference preference-value ] [ tag tag-value ] [ permanent ] [ description description-text ] • Approach 2: ip route-static vpn-instance s-vpn-instance-nam e& dest-address { mask | mask-length } { next-hop-address [ public ] [ track track-entry-number ] | interface-type interface-number [ next-hop-address ] | vpn-instance d-vpn-instance-name next-hop-address [ track track-entry-number ] } [ preference preference-value ] [ tag tag-value ] [ permanent ] [ description description-text ] Use either approach. By default, preference for static routes is 60, tag is 0, and no description information is configured. Do not specify the permanent and track keywords simultaneously. If the output interface is down, the permanent static route is still active. 3. Configure the default preference for static routes. ip route-static default-preference default-preference-value Optional. 60 by default. Configuring BFD for static routes NOTE: Only the HP 5500 EI Switch Series supports BFD for static routes. Bidirectional forwarding detection (BFD) provid es a general-purpose, standard, medium-, and protocol-independent fast failure detection mechanism. It can uniformly and quickly detect the failures of the bidirectional forwarding paths between two routers for protocols, such as routing protocols. For more information about BFD, see High Availability Configuration Guide . A dynamic routing protocol notifies BFD of its neighbor information. BFD uses such information to establish sessions with neighbors by sending BFD control packets. Static routing has no neighbor discovery mechanism. This section descri bes how static routing implements BFD. BFD control packet mode To use BFD control packets for bidirectional detection between two devices, you must enable BFD control packet mode for each device’s static route destined to the peer. To configure a static route and enable BFD control pa cket mode for it, specify an outbound interface and a direct next hop—BFD establishes a direct session, or specify an indirect next hop and a specific BFD packet source address—BFD establishes an indirect session—for the static route. To configure a static route with BFD control packet mode enabled (direct session):

9 Step Command Remarks 4. Enter system view. system-view N/A 5. Configure a static route and enable BFD control packet mode for it. • Approach 1: ip route-static dest-address { mask | mask-length } i nterface-type interface-number next-hop-address bfd control-packet [ preference preference-value ] [ tag tag-value ] [ description description-text ] • Approach 2: ip route-static vpn-instance s-vpn-instance-name& dest-address { mask | mask-length } interface-type interface-number next-hop-address bfd control-packet [ preference preference-value ] [ tag tag-value ] [ description description-text ] Use either approach. To configure a static route with BFD control packet mode enabled (indirect session): Step Command Remarks 1. Enter system view. system-view N/A 2. Configure a static route and enable BFD control packet mode for it. • Approach 1: ip route-static dest-address { mask | mask-length } next-hop-address bfd control-packet bfd-source ip-address [ preference preference-value ] [ tag tag-value ] [ description description-text ] • Approach 2: ip route-static vpn-instance s-vpn-instance-name& dest-address { mask | mask-length } next-hop-address bfd control-packet bfd-source ip-address [ preference preference-value ] [ tag tag-value ] [ description description-text ] Use either command. BFD echo packet mode IMPORTANT: • Enabling BFD for a flapping route could worsen the situation. • Do not use BFD for a static route with the outbound interface having the spoofing attribute. With BFD echo packet mode enabled for a static route, the local device sends BFD echo packets to the peer, which loops it back to test the link. For the echo mode, only one end needs to establish the BFD session, and the source address of echo packets must be configured. To configure BFD echo packet mode for static routes: Step Command Remarks 1. Enter system view. system-view N/A 2. Configure the source address of echo packets. bfd echo-source-ip ip-address Not configured by default.

10 Step Command Remarks 3. Enable BFD echo packet mode for static routes. • Approach 1: ip route-static dest-address { mask | mask-length } interface-type interface-number next-hop-address bfd echo-packet [ preference preference-value ] [ tag tag-value ] [ description description-text ] • Approach 2: ip route-static vpn-instance s-vpn-instance-name& dest-address { mask | mask-length } interface-type interface-number next-hop-address bfd echo-packet [ preference preference-value ] [ tag tag-value ] [ description description-text ] Use either approach. Configuring static route FRR NOTE: Only the HP 5500 EI Switch Series supports static route FRR. When a link or a router fails, the packets on the path may be discarded, or a routing loop occurs. To avoid such problems, you can enable static route fast reroute (FRR). Figure 1 Network diagram As shown in Figure 1, upon a link failure, FRR designates a bac kup next hop by using a routing policy for routes matching the specified criteria. Packets are directed to the backup next hop to avoid traffic interruption. Configuration prerequisites Configuring static route FRR needs to reference a routing policy. You can specify a backup next hop in a routing policy by using the apply fast-reroute backup-interface command. For more information about the command and routing policy configurations, see Configuring routing policies. Configuration guidelines • FRR takes effect only for static routes that have both an outbound interface and next hop. • Do not use FRR and BFD at the same time. Configuration procedure To configure static route FRR:

11 Step Command Remarks 1. Enter system view. system-view N/A 2. Configure the source address of echo packets. bfd echo-source-ip ip-address Not configured by default. 3. Configure static route FRR. ip route-static [ vpn-instance vpn-instance-name ] fast-reroute route-policy route-policy-name Not configured by default. Displaying and maintaining static routes Task Command Remarks Display information of static routes. display ip routing-table protocol static [ inactive | verbose ] [ | { begin | exclude | include } regular-expression ] Available in any view Delete all the static routes. delete [ vpn-instance vpn-instance-name ] static-routes all Available in system view For more information about the display ip routing-table protocol static [ inactive | verbose ] [ | { begin | exclude | include } regular-expression ] command, see Layer 3—IP Routing Command Reference . Static route configuration examples Basic static route configuration example Network requirements Configure static routes in Figure 2 for interconnection between any two hosts. Figure 2 Network diagram Configuration procedure 1. Configure IP addresses for inte rfaces. (Details not shown.) 2. Configure static routes: