HP 5500 Ei 5500 Si Switch Series Configuration Guide
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60 Step Command Remarks 8. Add a user to the SNMPv3 group. snmp-agent usm-user v3 user-name group-name [ [ cipher ] authentication-mode { md5 | sha } auth-password [ privacy-mode { 3des | aes128 | des56 } priv-password ] ] [ acl acl-number | acl ipv6 ipv6-acl-number ] * N/A 9. Configure the maximum SNMP packet size (in bytes) that the SNMP agent can handle. snmp-agent packet max-size byte -count Optional. By default, the SNMP agent can receive and send SNMP packets up to 1500 bytes. 10. Configure the DSCP value for SNMP responses. snmp-agent packet response dscp dscp-value Optional. By default, the DSCP value for SNMP responses is 0. Configuring SNMPv1 or SNMPv2c basic parameters Step Command Remarks 1. Enter system view. system-view N/A 2. Enable the SNMP agent. snmp-agent Optional. By default, the SNMP agent is disabled. You can also enable the SNMP agent service by using any command that begins with snmp-agent except the snmp-agent calculate-password and snmp-agent ifmib long-ifindex enable commands. 3. Configure system information for the SNMP agent. snmp-agent sys-info { contact sys-contact | location sys-location | version { all |{ v1 | v2c | v3 }* } } By default, the contact information is Hewlett-Packard Development Company, L.P , the location information is null, and the protocol version is SNMPv3 . 4. Configure the local engine ID. snmp-agent local-engineid engineid Optional. The default local engine ID is the company ID plus the device ID.
61 Step Command Remarks 5. Create or update a MIB view. snmp-agent mib-view { excluded | included } view -name oid -tree [ mask mask-value ] Optional. By default, the MIB view ViewDefault is predefined and its OID is 1. Each view-name oid-tree pair represents a view record. If you specify the same record with different MIB subtree masks multiple times, the last configuration takes effect. Except the four subtrees in the default MIB view, you can create up to 16 unique MIB view records. 6. Configure the SNMP access right. • (Approach 1) Create an SNMP community: snmp-agent community { read | write } community -name [ mib-view view-name ] [ acl acl-number | acl ipv6 ipv6-acl-number ] * • (Approach 2) Create an SNMP group, and add a user to the SNMP group: a. snmp-agent group { v1 | v2c } group-name [ read-view read-view ] [ write-view write -view ] [ notify-view notify-view ] [ acl acl-number | acl ipv6 ipv6-acl-number ] * b. snmp-agent usm-user { v1 | v2c } user-name group-name [ acl acl-number | acl ipv6 ipv6-acl-number ] * Use either approach. By default, no SNMP group exists. In approach 2, the username is equivalent to the community name in approach 1, and must be the same as the community name configured on the NMS. 7. Configure the maximum size (in bytes) of SNMP packets for the SNMP agent. snmp-agent packet max-size byte -count Optional. By default, the SNMP agent can receive and send the SNMP packets up to 1500 bytes. 8. Configure the DSCP value for SNMP responses. snmp-agent packet response dscp dscp-value Optional. By default, the DSCP value for SNMP responses is 0.
62 Switching the NM-specific interface index format A network management (NM) -specific ifindex identifies an interface and is provided by the SNMP managed device to the NMS. A network management -specific ifindex takes one of the following two formats: • 16-bit NM-specific ifindex —The system dynamically assigns 16-bit NM-specific ifindex values to uniquely identify its interfaces. The 16-bit NM-specific ifindex value starts from 1 and increments by 1. • 32-bit NM-specific ifindex —A 32-bit NM-specific ifindex value comprises an Offset, Interface Type, Slot ID, and Chassis ID, as shown in Figure 24. Figure 24 32-bit NM-sp ecific ifindex { Offset —This field is 16 bits long an d distinguishes different interfac es of the same type on the same interface card. { Interface type —This field is 7 bits long and contains the enumerated value specific to the interface type. It supports up to 128 differen t interface types and supports more than 80 interface types at present. { Slot ID—This field is 5 bits long and contains the number of the physical slot that holds the interface. { Chassis ID —This field is 4 bits long. For a distributed device in IRF mode, this field indicates the member ID of the device that provides the interfac e. For other types of devices, this field has no meanings and the value is 0. Configuration guidelines • Use the 32-bit NM-specific ifindex format if the NMS requires the format to get information such as the slot that contains a specific interface. If the network protocol operating on the NMS does not support 32-bit NM-specific ifindex values, make su re NM-specific ifindex values on the device are 16-bit. By default, the device adopts the 16-bit NM-specific ifindex format. • An NM-specific ifindex format change invalidates the NM-specific ifindex dependent settings, and these settings cannot become valid until you switch the format back. To use these settings in the new format, you must re-configure them. For example, if an RMON alarm group or private alarm group has alarm variables in the format OID/variable-name.NM-specific-ifindex , you must reconfigure these variables after an NM-specific ifindex format change. Configuration procedure To switch the NM-specific ifindex format: Step Command Remarks 1. Enter system view. system-view N/A 2. Switch the format of an NM-specific ifindex from 16-bit to 32-bit. snmp-agent ifmib long-ifindex enable Optional. By default, an NM-specific ifindex is in 16-bit format. Slot IDInterface Type 0 22 15OffsetChassis ID 27 31
63 Step Command Remarks 3. Switch the format of an NM-specific ifindex from 32- bi t to 16 - b i t. undo snmp-agent ifmib long-ifindex enable Optional. By default, an NM-specific ifindex is in 16-bit format. Configuring SNMP logging IMPORTANT: Disable SNMP lo gging in normal cases to prevent a large amount of SNMP logs from decreasing device performance. The SNMP logging function logs Get requests, Set requests, and Set responses, but does not log Get responses. • Get operation —The agent logs the IP address of the NMS, name of the accessed node, and node OID. • Set operation —The agent logs the NMS IP address, name of accessed node, node OID, and error code and index for the Set operation. The SNMP module sends these logs to the information center as informational messages. You can configure the information center to output these me ssages to certain destinations, for example, the console and the log buffer. The total output size for the node field (MIB node name) and the value field (value of the MIB node) in each log entry is 1024 bytes. If this limit is exceeded, the information center truncates the data in the fields. For more information about the information center, see Configuring the inf ormation center . To configure SNMP logging: Step Command Remarks 1. Enter system view. system-view N/A 2. Enable SNMP logging. snmp-agent log { all | get-operation | set-operation } By default, SNMP logging is disabled. Configuring SNMP traps The SNMP agent sends traps to inform the NMS of important events, such as a reboot. Traps fall into generic traps and vendor-specific traps. Generic traps include authentication, coldstart , linkdown , linkup and warmstart. All other traps are vendor-defined. SNMP traps generated by a module are sent to the information center. You can configure the information center to enable or disable outputting the traps from a module by severity and set output destinations. For more information about the information center, see Configuring the information center. Enabling SNMP traps Enable SNMP traps only if necessary. SNMP tr aps are memory-intensive and may affect device performance.
64 To generate linkUp or linkDown traps when the link state of an interface changes, you must enable the linkUp or linkDown trap function globally by using the snmp-agent trap enable [ standard [ linkdown | linkup ] * ] command and on the interface by using the enable snmp trap updown command. After you enable a trap function for a module, whether the module generates traps also depends on the configuration of the module. For more information, see the configuration guide for each module. To e n ab l e t raps : Step Command Remarks 1. Enter system view. system-view N/A 2. Enable traps globally. snmp-agent trap enable [ arp rate-limit | bgp | configuration | default-route | flash | ospf [ process-id ] [ ifauthfail | ifcfgerror | ifrxbadpkt | ifstatechange | iftxretransmit | lsdbapproachoverflow | lsdboverflow | maxagelsa | nbrstatechange | originatelsa | vifcfgerror | virifauthfail | virifrxbadpkt | virifstatechange | viriftxretransmit | virnbrstatechange ] * | pim [ candidatebsrwinelection | electedbsrlostelection | interfaceelection | invalidjoinprune | invalidregister | neighborloss | rpmappingchange ] * | standard [ authentication | coldstart | linkdown | linkup | warmstart ]* | system | vrrp [ authfailure | newmaster ] ] By default, all traps are enabled. The HP 5500 SI switches do not support the bgp, ospf , pim , or vrrp keyword. 3. Enter Layer 2 Ethernet interface view, Layer 3 Ethernet interface view, or VLAN interface view. interface interface-type interface-number Only the HP 5500 EI switches support Layer 3 Ethernet port configuration. 4. Enable link state traps. enable snmp trap updown By default, the link state traps are enabled. Configuring the SNMP agent to send traps to a host The SNMP module buffers the traps received from a module in a trap queue. You can set the size of the queue, the duration that the queue holds a trap, and trap target (destination) hosts, typically the NMS. To successfully send traps, you must also perform the following tasks: • Co mp l e te t h e b as ic SN M P se t t i n g s a n d ve ri f y t h a t t h ey are t h e s a m e as o n t h e N MS. I f SN M P v 1 or SNMPv2c is used, you must configure a community name. If SNMPv3 is used, you must configure an SNMPv3 user and MIB view. • Make sure the device and the NMS can reach each other. To configure the SNMP agent to send traps to a host: Step Command Remarks 1. Enter system view. system-view N/A
65 Step Command Remarks 2. Configure a target host. snmp-agent target-host trap address udp-domain { ip-address | ipv6 ipv6-address } [ udp-port port-number ] [ dscp dscp-value ] [ vpn-instance vpn-instance-name ] params securityname security-string [ v1 | v2c | v3 [ authentication | privacy ] ] If the trap destination is a host, the ip-address argument must be the IP address of the host. Only the HP 5500 EI switches support the vpn-instance keyword. 3. Configure the source address for traps. snmp-agent trap source interface-type interface-number Optional. By default, SNMP chooses the IP address of an interface to be the source IP address of traps. 4. Extend the standard linkUp/linkDown traps. snmp-agent trap if-mib link extended Optional. By default, standard linkUp/linkDown traps are used. Extended linkUp/linkDown traps add interface description and interface type to standard linkUp/linkDown traps. If the NMS does not support extended SNMP messages, use standard linkUp/linkDown traps. 5. Configure the trap queue size. snmp-agent trap queue-size size Optional. The default trap queue size is 100. When the trap queue is full, the oldest traps are automatically deleted for new traps. 6. Configure the trap holding time. snmp-agent trap life seconds Optional. The default setting is 120 seconds. A trap is deleted when its holding time expires. Displaying and maintaining SNMP Task Command Remarks Display SNMP agent system information, including the contact, physical location, and SNMP version. display snmp-agent sys-info [ contact | location | version ]* [ | { begin | exclude | include } regular-expression ] Available in any view Display SNMP agent statistics. display snmp-agent statistics [ | { begin | exclude | include } regular-expression ] Available in any view Display the local engine ID. display snmp-agent local-engineid [ | { begin | exclude | include } regular-expression ] Available in any view Display SNMP group information. display snmp-agent group [ group-name ] [ | { begin | exclude | include } regular-expression ] Available in any view
66 Task Command Remarks Display basic information about the trap queue. display snmp-agent trap queue [ | { begin | exclude | include } regular-expression ] Available in any view Display the modules that can send traps and their trap status (enable or disable). display snmp-agent trap-list [ | { begin | exclude | include } regular-expression ] Available in any view Display SNMPv3 user information. display snmp-agent usm-user [ engineid engineid | username user-name | group group-name ] * [ | { begin | exclude | include } regular-expression ] Available in any view Display SNMPv1 or SNMPv2c community information. display snmp-agent community [ read | write ] [ | { begin | exclude | include } regular-expression ] Available in any view Display MIB view information. display snmp-agent mib-view [ exclude | include | viewname view-name ] [ | { begin | exclude | include } regular-expression ] Available in any view SNMP configuration examples This section gives examples of how to configure SNMPv1 or SNMPv2c, SNMPv3, and SNMP logging. SNMPv1/SNMPv2c configuration example Network requirements As shown in Figure 25, the NMS ( uses SNMPv1 or SNMPv2c to manage the SNMP agent (, and the agent automatically sends traps to report events to the NMS. Figure 25 Network diagram Configuration procedure 1. Configure the SNMP agent: # Configure the IP address of the agent, and ma ke sure the agent and the NMS can reach each other. (Details not shown.) # Specify SNMPv1 and SNMPv2c, and create a read-only community public and a read and write community private. system-view [Agent] snmp-agent sys-info version v1 v2c [Agent] snmp-agent community read public [Agent] snmp-agent community write private # Configure contact and physical location information for the agent. [Agent] snmp-agent sys-info contact Mr.Wang-Tel:3306 [Agent] snmp-agent sys-info location telephone-closet,3rd-floor
67 # Enable SNMP traps, set the NMS at as an SNMP trap destination, and use public as the community name. (To make sure the NMS can receive traps, specify the same SNMP version in the snmp-agent target-host command as is configured on the NMS.) [Agent] snmp-agent trap enable [Agent] snmp-agent target-host trap address udp-domain params securityname public v1 [Agent] quit 2. Configure the SNMP NMS: # Configure the SNMP version for the NMS as v1 or v2c, create a read-only community and name it public , and create a read and write community and name it private. For information about configuring the NMS, see the NMS manual. NOTE: The SNMP settings on the agent and the NMS must match. 3. Verify the configuration: # Try to get the count of sent traps from the agent. The attempt succeeds. Send request to ... Protocol version: SNMPv1 Operation: Get Request binding: 1: Response binding: 1: Oid=snmpOutTraps.0 Syntax=CNTR32 Value=18 Get finished # Use a wrong community name to get the value of a MIB node from the agent. You can see an authentication failure trap on the NMS. V1 Trap = authenticationFailure SNMP Version = V1 Community = public Command = Trap Enterprise = GenericID = 4 SpecificID = 0 Time Stamp = 8:35:25.68 SNMPv3 configuration example Network requirements As shown in Figure 26, t h e N M S ( 1.1.1. 2 / 2 4 ) u s e s S N M P v 3 t o monitor and manage the interface status of the agent (, and the agent automatically sends traps to report events to the NMS. The NMS and the agent perform authentication when they set up an SNMP session. The authentication algorithm is MD5 and the authentication key is authkey. The NMS and the agent also encrypt the SNMP packets between them by using the DES algorithm and the privacy key prikey.
68 Figure 26 Network diagram Configuration procedure 1. Configure the agent: # Configure the IP address of the agent and make sure the agent and the NMS can reach each other. (Details not shown.) # Assign the NMS read and write access to the objects under the snmp node (OID, and deny its access to any other MIB object. system-view [Agent] undo snmp-agent mib-view ViewDefault [Agent] snmp-agent mib-view included test snmp [Agent] snmp-agent group v3 managev3group read-view test write-view test\ # Set the username to managev3user, authentication algorithm to MD5, authentication key to authkey , encryption algorithm to DES56, and privacy key to prikey. [Agent] snmp-agent usm-user v3 managev3user managev3group authentication\ -mode md5 authkey privacy-mode des56 prikey # Configure contact person and physical location information for the agent. [Agent] snmp-agent sys-info contact Mr.Wang-Tel:3306 [Agent] snmp-agent sys-info location telephone-closet,3rd-floor # Enable traps, specify the NMS at as a trap destination, and set the username to managev3user for the traps. [Agent] snmp-agent trap enable [Agent] snmp-agent target-host trap address udp-domain params securityname managev3user v3 privacy 2. Configure the SNMP NMS: { Specify the SNMP version for the NMS as v3. { Create two SNMP users: managev3user and public. { Enable both authentication and privacy functions. { Use MD5 for authentication and DES for encryption. { Set the authentication key to authkey and the privacy key to prikey. { Set the timeout time and maximum number of retries. For information about configuring the NMS, see the NMS manual. NOTE: The SNMP settings on the agent and the NMS must match. 3. Verify the configuration: # Try to get the count of sent traps from the agent. The get attempt succeeds. Send request to ... Protocol version: SNMPv3 Operation: Get
69 Request binding: 1: Response binding: 1: Oid=snmpOutTraps.0 Syntax=CNTR32 Value=18 Get finished # Try to get the device name from the agent. The get attempt fails because the NMS has no access right to the node. Send request to ... Protocol version: SNMPv3 Operation: Get Request binding: 1: Response binding: 1: Oid=sysName.0 Syntax=noSuchObject Value=NULL Get finished # Execute the shutdown or undo shutdown command on an idle interface on the agent. You can see the interface state change traps on the NMS: V3 Trap = linkdown SNMP Version = V3 Community = managev3user Command = Trap V3 Trap = linkup SNMP Version = V3 Community = managev3user Command = Trap SNMP logging configuration example Network requirements C o n f i g u r e t h e S N M P a g e n t ( / 2 4 ) i n Figure 27 to lo g the SNMP operations performed by the NMS. Figure 27 Network diagram Configuration procedure This example assumes you have configured all required SNMP settings for the NMS and the agent (see SNMPv1/SNMPv2c configuration example or SNMPv3 configuration example) .