Gateway tablet pc User Manual
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281 keyboard 33 modem 39 printer 41, 184 scanner 41, 184 surge protector 24 to Ethernet 40 to Internet 41 to network 40 to Web site 81 video camera 114 connections AC adapter 6, 14, 230 audio 8, 229 digital camera 7, 228, 229 digital video camera 41, 114, 229 diskette drive 7, 228, 229 Ethernet 7, 40, 229 external speakers 8, 229 Firewire 7, 41, 114, 229 FlexDock 7 headphone 8, 14, 229 i.Link 7, 41, 114, 229 IEEE 1394 7, 14, 41, 114, 229 keyboard 7, 228, 229 LAN 7, 14, 40, 229 microphone 8, 14, 229 modem 7, 39 monitor (VGA) 7, 14, 111, 230 mouse 7, 228, 229 network 7, 40, 229 power 6, 21, 230 printer 7, 228, 229 scanner 7, 228, 229 speaker 8, 229 troubleshooting 248 USB 7, 14, 41, 228, 229 VGA 7, 14, 111, 230 video camera 7, 114, 229 Zip drive 7, 228, 229 copying CD 108 files and folders 63, 75 text and graphics 75 copyright notice 277 creating data CD 100 data DVD 100 desktop icons 58 desktop shortcuts 58 documents 71 folders 62 movies 114 music CD 104 startup diskette 191 cursor pad 4 Customer Service Accounting 264 Sales 264 Warranty 264 customizing 149 cutting files and folders 63, 75 text and graphics 75 D Dashboard 4, 131, 160 Standby button 131 wireless operations 177 default printer 258 defragmenting hard drive 199 deleting files and folders 56, 65, 66, 75, 196 desktop 55 adding icons 58 adding shortcuts 58 adjusting settings 151 changing background 155 changing color depth 151 changing color scheme 154 changing number of colors 151 selecting screen saver 157 using 56 using Start menu 56 device drivers See drivers dialing codes 144

282 digital camera connecting 112 USB port 7, 228, 229 digital photography connecting a digital camera 112 digital video camera connecting 114 IEEE 1394 port 7, 229 directional keys 34 Disk Cleanup 196 Disk Defragmenter 199 diskette creating startup 191 inserting 93 troubleshooting 241 write-protecting 192 diskette drive 93 activity indicator 93 eject button 93 troubleshooting 241 using 93 display adjusting brightness 150 brightness 150 changing orientation 150 changing resolution 152 cleaning 261 conserving battery power 133 maintaining 188 orientation 150, 255 performance 261 properties 111 settings 151 troubleshooting 242, 243, 258 using 28 using screen saver 157 Do More With Gateway 49 docking connector 7, 231, 235 documentation eSupport 51 Gateway Web site 51 help 47 HelpSpot 47 online help 50 documents creating 71 opening 73 printing 74 saving 72 double-clicking 28, 38 double-tapping 28 downloading files 82 dragging 38 drivers 209 reinstalling 209 updating 52, 211 drives 133 backing up files 201 checking for errors 198 checking for free space 196 defragmenting 199 deleting files 196 diskette 93 DVD/CD-RW 94, 100 sharing 166 troubleshooting 241, 243, 245 viewing contents 61 viewing files and folders 61 DSL modem 41, 78, 170, 173 DVD cleaning 245 creating data 100 inserting 96 playing 99 troubleshooting 243 DVD drive See DVD/CD-RW drive DVD/CD-RW drive activity indicator 96 eject button 96 manual eject hole 96 troubleshooting 243 using 94, 100 E eject button

283 diskette drive 93 DVD/CD-RW drive 96 electrostatic discharge (ESD) 221 e-mail 79, 83 address 83 checking for messages 84 sending 83 transferring settings from old computer 184 emergency startup diskette 191 EmPower power adapter 133 Error-checking 198 escape button 3, 4 eSupport 12 using 52 Ethernet connecting 40 jack 7, 40, 229 troubleshooting 254 turning wireless Ethernet on or off 177 wired network 168, 169 wireless network 168, 172 external monitor 230 EZ Pad touchpad See touchpad F FAQs 261 Fast Ethernet 169 faxes 115 automatically canceling 125 canceling 123 configuring Fax 117 failed transmission 125 installing Fax 116 receiving and viewing 123 retrying 124 sending 120 sending from program 122 sending scanned image 122 setting up cover page template 121 troubleshooting 252 files backing up 201 copying 63, 75 cutting 63, 75 deleting 56, 65, 75, 196 downloading 82 finding 66, 68 moving 63 opening 38, 56 pasting 63, 75 recovering 65 renaming 75 searching for 66, 68, 181 transferring 145, 181 troubleshooting 245 types 181 viewing list 61 Files and Settings Transfer Wizard 180 finding files and folders 66, 68, 181 HelpSpot topics 48 specifications 12 Firewire port 7, 41, 114, 229 FlexDock docking connector 7 purchasing 14 setting up 233 troubleshooting 248 floppy disk See diskette Fn button 3, 4 Fn key 34, 35 folders copying 63, 75 creating 62 cutting 63, 75 deleting 56, 65, 75 finding 66, 68 moving 63 opening 38, 61 pasting 63, 75 recovering 65 renaming 75

284 searching for 66, 68 viewing list 61 fragmentation 199 Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) 261 function keys 34 G game multi-player 167 Gateway eSupport 12 model number 11 serial number 11, 12 Web address 51 Web site 51 gateway.your.way dial-up server 251 Get Going with Tablet PC 45 gigabit Ethernet 169 H hard drive backing up files 201 bay 9 checking for errors 198 checking for free space 196 defragmenting 199 deleting files and folders 196 scanning for errors 198 status indicator 5 troubleshooting 245, 255 hard top 188 headphone jack 8, 14, 229 help online 50 using 47 Help and Support Center 44, 47, 54 searching 48 starting 47 Hibernate mode 6, 26, 134, 140 troubleshooting 258 home office network 165 Hot Key 1 3, 4, 160 Hot Key 2 3, 4, 150 hot-swapping 41, 218 hyperlinks 80 I i.Link port 7, 41, 114, 229 IEEE 1394 port 7, 41, 114, 229 IEEE 802.11 168, 172 using while traveling 145 indicators See status indicators Inkball 46, 54 inkjet printer 15 installing battery 131 camera 112 cards 218 device drivers 209 devices 41, 240 digital camera 41, 112 digital video camera 41 drivers 209 Fax 116 InterVideo DVD player 99 memory 222 Microsoft Fax 116 Nero Express 100 PC Card 218 peripheral devices 41, 184 printer 41, 184 programs 185, 212 scanner 41, 184 Windows 214 Internal wireless label 11 Internet 78 account 79 broadband connection 41 connecting to 81 downloading files 82 requirements to access 79 sharing access 166 transferring settings from old computer 183

285 troubleshooting 246 Internet connection sharing 166 troubleshooting 246, 251 Internet service provider (ISP) 78, 79 setting up account 79 transferring settings from old computer 183 IRQ conflicts 240 ISP See Internet service provider J jacks See connections K Kensington cable lock 146 lock slot 9 key combinations 35 keyboard buttons 33 cleaning 203 connecting 33 features 33 icon 31 shortcuts 75 troubleshooting 248 USB port 7, 228, 229 keys application 34 arrow 34 directional 34 Fn 34, 35 function 34 navigation 34 numeric keypad 34 Pad Lock 35 Scroll Lock 35 system 34 system key combinations 35 Windows 34 L label internal wireless 11 Microsoft Certificate of Authenticity 12 model number 11 serial number 11 wireless networking 11 laser printer 15 latch battery 10 LCD panel changing resolution 152 cleaning 204 troubleshooting 242 using screen saver 157 line protector 144 line tester 144 links 80 lock Kensington cable 9, 146 M maintenance 187 backing up files 201 checking for drive errors 198 checking hard drive space 196 cleaning case 203 cleaning component exteriors 203 cleaning computer display 204 cleaning keyboard 203 cleaning mouse 204 creating startup diskette 191 defragmenting 199 deleting files 196 display screen 188 general guidelines 188, 189 pen 189 suggested schedule 190 using Scheduled Task Wizard 201 virus protection 193 Max Battery power setting 133, 257, 261

286 maximize button 60 Media Player 91, 97 memory adding 222 bay 10 installing 222 purchasing 15 removing 222 replacing 222 troubleshooting 249 upgrading 222 menu bar 60 messages checking e-mail 84 sending e-mail 83 microphone built-in 3 jack 8, 14, 229 troubleshooting 260 Microsoft Certificate of Authenticity 12 Fax 115 Wordpad 71 MIDI file 91 minimize button 60 model number 11, 146 modem cable 41, 78 connecting 39 connecting to Internet 79 connection speed 251 DSL 41, 78 international adapter 144 jack 7, 39 protecting from power surge 24 troubleshooting 250 monitor adding an external 111 changing resolution 152 color quality 111 controls 151 display properties 111 port 7, 230 screen resolution 111 using screen saver 157 VGA port 7, 230 mouse cleaning 204 troubleshooting 254 USB port 7, 228, 229 moving files 63 files from old computer 179, 181 folders 63 Internet settings from old computer 183 pointer 38 screen objects 38 settings from old computer 179 MP3 file 91 playing 91 streaming 167 MPEG file See MP3 file multimedia adjusting volume 86 playing audio CD 97 playing DVD 99 recording audio 89 using CD drive 94 using diskette drive 93 using DVD drive 94 using Windows Media Player 91, 97, 99 multi-player game playing 167 music See audio muting sound 86 N navigation keys 34 Nero Express 100, 104, 108 NeroVision Express 114 network jack 7, 40, 229

287 troubleshooting 254 network equipment shopping list 171, 174, 176 networking access point 173, 174 ad hoc 175, 176 computers 165 data transfer speed 169, 172 Ethernet 168, 169 games 167 internal wireless label 11 peer-to-peer 175, 176 selecting connection type 168 sharing devices 167 sharing drives 166 sharing Internet connections 166 sharing printers 167 signal strength 172 streaming audio 167 streaming video 167 turning off wireless Ethernet 177 turning on wireless Ethernet 177 wired connections 168, 169 wireless connections 168, 172 non-technical support Accounting 264 Sales 264 Warranty 264 Norton Antivirus 193, 194 numeric keypad 34 status indicator 35, 36 O online help 47, 50 opening documents 73 files 38, 56 folders 38, 61 programs 38, 56 shortcut menu 38 operating system troubleshooting 255 orientationchanging 150 P Pad Lock status indicator 35, 36 system key 35 password 146, 255 pasting files and folders 63, 75 text and graphics 75 PC Card See cards PCMCIA card See cards peer-to-peer networking 175, 176 pen 3, 28 button 30 calibrating 29, 256 care 189 gestures 30 replacing point 189 tether anchor 6 tips 31 troubleshooting 256 peripheral devices FlexDock 14, 227 installing 41 purchasing 15 troubleshooting 257 photography See digital photography playing audio CD 97 audio file 89, 91 DVD 99 Media Player file 91 multimedia files 91 multi-player games 167 music CD 97 Windows Media Player file 91 Plug and Play devices IEEE 1394 support for 41 USB support for 41

288 pointer 37 moving 38 ports See connections power AC adapter 21, 133 advanced settings 135, 139 alarms 135, 137 automobile/airplane adapter 133, 134 battery 27, 128, 130, 131, 133 changing modes 134 changing schemes 136 changing settings 135 connector 6, 21, 230 conserving battery power 133 damaged cord 23, 24 EmPower adapter 133 extending battery life 133 Hibernate mode 134, 140 indicator 26 international adapter 147 management 127, 133 schemes 135, 136 source problems 24 SpeedStep settings 135 Standby mode 26, 134 status indicator 5 surge protector 24 switch 6, 25, 135 troubleshooting 256, 257 turning off tablet PC 26 turning on tablet PC 25 power adapter airplane 13 automobile 13 power management Max Battery setting 133 Power Options Properties 6 Power/Battery icon 133 printer default 258 inkjet 15 installing 41, 184 laser 15 sharing 167 troubleshooting 258 USB port 7, 228, 229 printing documents 74 programs closing 75 closing unresponsive 27 Dashboard 160 installing 185, 212 opening 38, 56 reinstalling 185, 212 R radio approval authorities 145 radio frequency wireless connections 145 RAM See memory rebooting tablet PC 27 recharging battery 130 recordable drive activity indicator 96 eject button 96 manual eject hole 96 troubleshooting 243 using 94, 100 recording audio file 89 data CD 100 data DVD 100 music CD 104 recovering files and folders 65 Recycle Bin 56 deleting files and folders 65 emptying 66 recovering files and folders 65 re-dialing telephone 124 reinstalling drivers 209 peripheral devices 184 printer 184

289 programs 185, 212 scanner 184 software 185, 212 Windows 214 removing files and folders 56, 65, 66, 75, 196 renaming files and folders 75 replacing See installing resetting tablet PC 27 resolution changing 152 restarting tablet PC 27 Restoration CDs 208 restoring files and folders 65 right-clicking 28, 38 rotating display orientation 161 tablet in FlexDock 232 router 170, 171 S safety caring for computer 189 general precautions 18, 20, 267 guidelines for troubleshooting 238 static electricity 221 saving documents 72 ScanDisk See Error-checking scanner installing 41, 184 USB port 7, 228, 229 scanning drive for errors 198 for viruses 193 Scheduled Tasks Wizard 201 screen adjusting settings 151 changing color depth 151 changing number of colors 151 changing resolution 152 resolution 111 saver 157 troubleshooting 242, 260 screen objects getting information 38 moving 38 selecting 38 Scroll Lock status indicator 35, 36 system key 35 Search utility 68 searching for files and folders 66, 68, 181 in Help and Support Center 48 security button 3, 4 security features Kensington cable lock 9 security while travelling 146 serial number 11, 12, 146 setting up safety precautions 268 sharing devices 167 drives 166 Internet connection 166 printer 167 See also networking shortcut menus accessing 38 shortcuts adding to desktop 58 closing programs 75 closing windows 75 copying 75 cutting 75 deleting files and folders 75 keyboard 75 opening menu 38 pasting 75 renaming files and folders 75 selecting adjacent items in list 75 selecting items in list 75 switching between files, folders, or programs 75

290 shutting down tablet PC 26, 27 small office network 166 SO-DIMM 222 software See programs sound adjusting 86 controls 86 muting 86 troubleshooting 260 Sound Recorder making audio recordings 89 playing file 89 speakers built-in 8 jack 8, 229 specifications 12 speech recognition 31, 54, 162 SpeedStep technology 135 Standby 6, 26, 131, 231 troubleshooting 258 Standby mode 26, 134 Start button 56 Start menu 56 starting programs 38, 56 tablet PC 25 startup diskette 191 password 146 static electricity 221 status indicators battery status 5, 129 Caps Lock 36 hard drive 5 location 3 numeric keypad 35, 36 Pad Lock 35, 36 power 5 Scroll Lock 35, 36 wireless Ethernet activity 5 Sticky Notes 54 streaming audio and video 167 support Help and Support Center 44, 54 surge protector 24 system identification label 11 system keys 34 combinations 35 System Properties 242 T Tablet and Pen Settings 54, 158, 262 Tablet PC Input Panel 4, 31, 54 Take a Tour of Windows XP 45 tapping 28 Task Manager 4 taskbar 56 Technical Support 264 technical support automated troubleshooting 264 eSupport 12 FaxBack support 264 resources 263 Technical Support 264 tips before contacting 263 tutorial service 264 telephone acoustic handset coupler 144 automatically canceling fax 125 canceling fax 123 configuring Fax 117 installing Fax 116 line protector 144 line tester 144 receiving and viewing faxes 123 retrying fax 124 sending fax 120 sending faxes from program 122 sending scanned image fax 122 setting up fax cover page template 121 using Fax 115 telephone support 263 tips pen 31