Garmin 430w Manual
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201 Full-Scale deflection and defined path for normal approach Sensitivity must change from ±1 NM FSD to either ±0.3 NM or ±2° FSD, whichever is less at the FAF. Change occurs over 2 NM and is completed at the FAF. Full-Scale deflection and defined path for VTF approach Why does my CDI not respond like a VOR when OBS mode is active? Unlike a VOR, the CDI scale used on GPS equipment is based on the cross-track distance to the desired course, in OBS mode not an angular relationship to the desti- nation. Therefore, the CDI deflection on the GPS will be constant regardless of the distance to the destination, and will not become less sensitive when you are further away from the destination. 2 NM 2 NM2 NM 2 NM 1 NM 1 NM CDI Comparison: GPS vs. VOR APPENDIX C Troubleshooting Q & A 190-00356-00 Rev K

202 What is the correct missed approach procedure? How do I select the missed approach holding point? The 400W-series unit does not automatically sequence past the MAP. Waypoint sequencing to the first waypoint in the missed approach procedure will be enabled when the OBS key is pressed after crossing the MAP. All pub- lished missed approach procedures must be followed, as indicated on the approach plate. To execute the missed approach procedure prior to the MAP (not recommended), select the active flight plan page and use the direct-to key (by pressing it twice) to activate the missed approach portion of the procedure. How do I re-select the same approach or activate a new approach after a missed approach? After flying all missed approach procedures, you may reactivate the same approach for another attempt from the procedures page. Once you have been given clearance for another attempt, activate the approach from the procedures page by highlighting “Activate Approach?” and then press- ing ENT. The 400W-series unit will provide navigation along the desired course to the waypoint and rejoin the approach in sequence from that point on. See Section 4 - Active Flight Plan Leg Selection for information on activat- ing a specific flight plan leg. To activate a new approach for the same airport, se- lect the new procedure from the procedures page. To view the procedures page, press PROC and turn the large right knob to highlight “Select Approach?”. Press ENT and turn the large right knob to highlight the new approach you want to fly. Press ENT to select the approach, then select the desired transition. Finally, highlight “Activate?” at the bottom right corner of the screen and press ENT to acti- vate the new approach. To activate a new approach to a different airport, press direct-to and select the desired airport using the small and large right knobs. Press ENT to accept the selected airport, then follow the steps in the preceding paragraph to select an approach for the new airport. See Section 4 - Flight Plan Options for more information on selecting and activating approaches. NOTE: Do not attempt to reactivate the same ap- proach you’re currently on, prior to crossing the missed approach point (MAP). If you attempt to do so, an alert message (“Are you sure you want to discontinue the current approach?”) appears. If you still proceed with reactivating the ap- proach, the 400W-series unit directs you back to the transition waypoint and does NOT take into consideration any missed approach procedures. APPENDIX C Troubleshooting Q & A 190-00356-00 Rev K

203 Index Symbols 3D navigation 8, 56 A Abbreviations 120, 122, 123, 129, 130, 131, 181, 189 Accessories iii Acquiring satellites 8, 55 Activate flight plan 22, 68 Active flight plan 21, 67, 70, 72, 76, 77, 79, 83, 125, 134, 155, 159, 160 Active leg 13, 30, 72, 77, 93, 98, 188, 200 Airport Approach 117, 120, 124, 125, 197 Arrival 126 Departure 127 Frequency 122 Runway 121 Airspace 36, 144, 181, 185 Alarm 170, 172 Alert 20, 138, 145, 146, 147, 173 Frequencies 36 Alarms 170, 171, 173 Alerts Terrain 46 ALT 193 Altitude i, 14, 20, 31, 40, 42, 44, 52, 55, 56, 72, 89, 93, 97, 100, 101, 108, 110, 122, 123, 145, 147, 153, 154, 155, 158, 159, 170, 172, 174, 181, 185, 193, 196 Altitude buffer 147, 170, 172 Altitude input 102, 185 Annunciations 46, 59, 85, 124, 188 Approach 17, 74, 78, 83, 181, 186, 197, 200 Activate 84 Airport 124 DME arc 94 Hold 91 ILS 104 Localizer 114 LPV 109 Procedure turn 86 VTF 84, 97 Approach Channel 126 ARINC 185, 196 Arrival 17, 51, 75, 78, 83, 126, 173, 181, 200 ARTCC 18, 26, 137, 138, 142, 143, 189 Auto-tuning 24, 25, 150 Automatic CDI switching 114 Automatic operation 159 Autopilot 96, 105, 113, 114, 115, 200 Auto zoom 34, 38 Aux pages 153 Flight planning 154 Setup 1 170 Setup 2 176 Utility 163 Aviation data 43 B Backcourse 114 Backlight 177, 178, 182, 183 Bank angle 186, 200 Barometric pressure 155, 158, 174 Basemap 182, 185 Basic approach operation 85 C Catalog 11, 21, 67, 68 Cautions i, 46, 48, 146 CDI 4, 61, 114, 152, 171, 173, 182, 199, 200 Ceiling 20, 36, 145, 146 Channel spacing 176, 177 Checklists 7, 164, 165 City 37, 62, 129, 130 Clear 3 CLR 3 Com 2, 9, 182, 196 Configuration 177 Squelch 23 Tuning 24 Volume 23 Window 24 Comment 68, 71 Controlled airspace 20, 33, 36, 137, 138, 145 Count down timer 187 Course from 100 APPENDIX D Index 190-00356-00 Rev K

204 Course from fix to altitude 101 Course from fix to distance 100 Course from fix to DME distance 100 Course from fix to manual sequence 103 Create flight plan 21 Creating user waypoints 131 Crossfill 73, 159 Cross-side 161 Crossfill 70, 135, 155, 159, 183 CRSR 3, 189 CTAF 123, 139, 140, 189 Cursor 3 D Database i, iii, 32, 41, 45, 46, 49, 84, 125, 159, 160, 162, 163, 195, 198 Data base integrity error 186, 187 Database version 45, 165, 169 Data base integrity error 181, 182 Data fields 13, 14, 30, 32, 34, 37, 40, 52, 72, 156 Data transfer 159, 183 Date 161, 168, 169, 172, 175 Dead reckoning 59, 185 Declutter 14, 34 Default Nav page 13, 16, 30 Density altitude 155, 158 Departure 17, 51, 75, 78, 83, 127, 200 Departure time 158, 164, 167 DG heading 200 Direct-To 3, 16, 36, 61 Cancelling 65 Flight plan destination 63 Manual course 65 Nearest airport 63 Shortcuts 64 Display backlight 177, 178 Distance measurements 39 DME Arc 94 Dual units 32 Duplicate waypoint 119 E E6B 153, 154 EFF 156, 189, 193 EFIS 133 Emergency channel 2, 27 ENDUR 156, 189 ENR 85 ENT 3 Enter 3 Environmental 196 En route 51 EPU 56, 189, 193 F Facility name 62, 118, 119, 120, 129, 130, 142, 143 Factory settings 32, 41, 54, 176 FDE 56, 180 FIR 18, 137, 189 Flight plan 4, 21, 67, 154 Activate 22, 68 Active 72 Catalog 21, 67, 68 Copy 70 Create 21, 69 Delete 70 Editing 67 Invert 69 Shortcuts 78 Flight timers 164, 166 Flip-flop key 2 Floor 20, 36, 145, 146 Foreword ii FPL 4 Frequency 122 Frequency list 15, 26, 51, 122 FSS 26, 137, 138, 143 Fuel flow 6 Fuel on board 6 Fuel planning 154 G GAD 184 Geodesic 193 Glideslope 24, 149, 183, 196 GNC 420W/AW 1 GNS 430W/AW 1 GPS 184, 196 APPENDIX D Index 190-00356-00 Rev K

205 GPS 400W 1 Great circle 193 GTN Crossfill 162 H HFOM 56 Hold 91, 188 HSI 61, 152, 198 I Ident audio and volume 149 IFR 17 IFR procedures 17 ILS 104, 173 ILS CDI Selection 105, 114, 171, 173 Inhibit terrain 43 Inside airspace 20 Instrument panel self-test 6 Integ 8, 164, 190, 197 Interfaces 196 Intersection 129, 141 J Jeppesen 195 K Key descriptions 2 Key stuck 182 King autopilot 115 Knob descriptions 2 L LFOB 156 LNAV/VNAV Approach 85, 110, 112 Localizer 149, 196 Localizer Approach 114 Low alt 85 LPV Approach 85, 109 LRES 156 M Magnetic variation 172, 174 Map Auto zoom 34 Create user waypoint 133 Data fields 40 Datum 172, 175 Page 14, 32 Panning 35 Scale 33, 121 Setup 37 Symbols 33 MAPR 85 Measure dist? 39 Menu 3 Messages 4, 8, 181 Minimum safe altitude 52, 194 Missed approach 90, 202 Model descriptions 1 MSA 52, 194 MSG 4 N Navcom 15, 51 NavData Card 195 Navigation database 46 Navigation Terms 193 Nav pages 12, 29 On-screen data 31 NDB 129, 141 Nearest 4, 18, 137 Airport 177, 179 Airspace 20, 144 ARTCC 142 FSS 143 Intersection 141 Navigate to 139 NDB 141 User waypoint 142 VOR 141 Next FPL airport 120, 122, 124, 126, 127, 128 NRST 4 O OBS 4, 186, 198 OCN 85 Odometer 168 APPENDIX D Index 190-00356-00 Rev K

206 P Packing list iii Page groups 10, 29 Panning 35 Parallel track 77 PDA 48 Position 52, 172, 175 Power on 5 Power up 5 Premature descent alerting 48 Preset Com frequency 177 PROC 4 Procedures 4, 17 Procedure turn 86 PTT 182 R Railroads 37 RAIM 164, 168, 197 Range 3 Reference waypoint 53, 131 Remote frequency control 28, 177 REQ 156 Reset all 168 Reset max speed 167 Reset odometer 168 Reset trip 167 Restore defaults 78 Restoring factory settings 32, 54, 176 Rivers and Lakes 37 RNG 156 Roll steering 113 Runway 121, 179 S Satellite status 55 SBAS 179 Scheduler 155, 161, 186 Searching sky 8, 55 Select frequency 9, 15 Self-test 6 Setup page 170, 176 SIDs 17, 127 Slant golf 198 Software version 164, 169 Sort list 71 Special use airspace 20 Specifications 196 Squelch 23 Standard package iii Standby frequency 9 STARs 17, 75, 126 Stormscope 186 Stuck microphone 27 Sunrise/sunset 164, 169 Symbols 44 T Takeoff tour 1 Target altitude 181 TAS 155, 158 TERM 85 Terminology 181 Terrain 41 Alerts 50 Symbols 44 Time 8, 52, 172, 175 Timer 187 Traffic 40, 187 Transitions 124 Trip planning 154 Trip statistics 167 Troubleshooting 197 Turn anticipation 200 U Units of measure 172, 174 User comment 68 User waypoint 131 UTC 172, 175 Utility 163 V Vectors to Final 74, 84, 97 Vertical navigation 56 Vertical speed 58, 174 VFOM 56 VHF com 196 APPENDIX D Index 190-00356-00 Rev K

207 VLOC 2, 9, 114, 149, 186, 187 Ident audio 149 Tuning 149 VNAV 56, 181 Volume 23 VOR 130, 141, 149, 196 VSR 58, 194 W WAAS approach ID 126 Warranty iv Waypoint 117, 200 Airport 120 Airport frequency 122 Airport runway 121 Approach 124 Arrival 126 City 118 Departure 127 Duplicate 119 Facility 118 Identifier 118 Intersection 129 Modify user 133 NDB 129 User 131, 142 VOR 130 WGS 84 172 Winds 155, 158 Wind vector 37, 39 Wx broadcast 130 APPENDIX D Index 190-00356-00 Rev K

208 Blank Page APPENDIX D Index 190-00356-00 Rev K

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