Fujitsu Series 3 Manual
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Page 1331
5. Endianness and Valid Byte Lanes Example: When a byte access is performed to a 16-bit wide target, only 2 bytes are valid according to endianness shown in the above table. Data in the internal bus is assigned to 16 bits according to endianness, and input or output. 31 0 23 15 7 Unused Little endian HADDR[1]=0 310 23 15 7 H*DATA External I/O MDATA HADDR[1]=1 HADDR: AHB address input As shown in the above figure, only HADDR[1] is involved in data assignment. This is also the case with...
Page 1332
5. Endianness and Valid Byte Lanes The following figure shows a correlation between internal data and ex ternal I/O when the 8-bit wide target is accessed. Only a single byte is valid according to endianness. 31 Unused HADDR[1:0]= 10 HADDR[1:0]=01HADDR[1:0]=11 HADDR[1:0]=00 23 15 70 31 23 15 70 Internal bus data H*DATA External I/O MDATA Little endian For an 8-bit target, the HADDR[1:0] value determines the I/O data. When a word or half word access is performed, the ex ternal bus...
Page 1333
6. Connection Examples 6. Connection Examples This section provides an example of connections with external devices. 8-bit SRAM Figure 6-1 shows an example of connecting an 8-bit SRAM. Figure 6-1 Example 8-bit SRAM connection This LSI x8 SRAM MAD [24:0] MCSX [0] MOEX MWEX MDATA [7:0] Adr CS OE WE DQ [7:0] 8-bit SRAM 2 Figure 6-2 shows an example of connecting two 8-bit SRAMs. Figure 6-2 Example dual 8-bit SRAMx2 connection This LSI x8 SRAM x8 SRAM MDATA [7:0] MDATA...
Page 1334
6. Connection Examples 16-bit SRAM Figure 6-3 shows an example of connecting a 16-bit SRAM. Figure 6-3 Example 16-bit SRAM connection This LSI X16 SRAM MAD [24:1] MCSX [0] MOEX MWEX MDQM [1:0] MDATA [15:0] A CS OE WE DQM [1:0] DQ [15:0] 8-bit NAND Figure 6-4 shows an example of connecting an 8-bit NAND flash memory. Figure 6-4 Example 8-bit NAND flash memory connection This LSI x8 NAND MAD [24:0] MCSX [0] MNCLE MNALE MNREX MNWEX MDATA [7:0] A CS CLE ALE RE WE DQ [7:0]...
Page 1335
7. Registers 7. Registers This section explains the configuration and functions of registers used for the external bus interface. The following explains the registers used for the external bus interface. The bit width of every register is 32. Each register can be accessed by the APB interface w ith 32-bit width (word). Write 0 to reserved areas. A rewritten register value is not immediately applied to the operation. When you rewrite a register value during access to an external memory, the...
Page 1336
7. Registers 7.1. Mode Register 0 to Mode Register 7 The following shows the configuration of the Mode Register (0 to 7). bit 31 30 29 28 27 26 25242322 21 20 19 18 17 16 Field Reserved Attribute - Initial value - bit 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 876 5 4 3 2 1 0 Field Reserved TESTPAGENAND WEOFF RBMON WDTH Attribute - R/WR/W Initial value - 0 0 0 0 0 0*1 [bit 6] TEST Always set this bit to 0. It must not be set to 1. The read value is 0. [bit 5] PAGE (PAGE access...
Page 1337
7. Registers [bit 3] WEOFF (WEX OFF): Write Enable OFF This bit can disable the write enable signal (MWEX) operation. When the byte mask signal (MDQM) is used as a de vice write enable signal, disabling unnecessary MWEX operation can reduce current consumption. When this bit is set to disable, MWEX is fixed to HIGH. Bit Description 0 Enable [Initial value] 1 Disable [bit 2] RBMON: Read Byte Mask ON This bit can enable the byte mask signal (MDQM) for read access. The setting controls the...
Page 1338
7. Registers 7.2. Timing Register 0 to Timing Register 7 The following shows the configuration of the Timing Register (0 to 7). bit 31 30 29 28 27 2625242322212019 18 17 16 Field WIDLC WWEC WADC WACC Attribute R/W Initial value 0000 0101 0101 1111 bit 15 14 13 12 11 109 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 Field RIDLC FRADC RADC RACC Attribute R/W Initial value 1111 0000 0000 1111 [bit 31:28] WIDLC: Write Idle Cycle These bits set the number of idle cycles after write access. Bit...
Page 1339
7. Registers [bit 23:20] WADC: Write Address Setup cycle These bits set the number of setup cycles of write address. The address is output during the cycle set by these bits, but a write enable signal is not asserted until the set cycle starts. Bit 23 Bit 22 Bit 21 Bit 20 Description 0 0 0 0 1 cycle ... ... 0 1 0 1 6 cycles [Initial value] ... ... 1 1 1 0 15 cycles 1 1 1 1 Setting disabled [bit 19:16] WACC: Write Access Cycle These bits set the number of cycles required for write...
Page 1340
7. Registers [bit 11:8] FRADC: First Read Address Cycle These bits exclusively set a NOR flash memory that supports page mode access. They set the initial wait time of the address during read access to flash memory. The address for the set cycle is retained only during the first cycle. After the first access, the access is performed according to the numb er of cycles set by RACC. In page mode access, MCSX and MOEX are asserted simultaneously. If values other than 0 is set to these bits , set...
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