Comdial Unisyn System Manual
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InstuUationIMI64-1122.6.4 Connecting A Three Line, Eiht Station Common Equipment (T90308, TO308-INT) Table 2.2, below, shows the color coded connections on a type 66-xx connector block for a three line, eight station system (TO308, TO308-INT). Table 2.2 Three Line, Eight Station Common Equipment Connections 25.PAIR CABLE CONNECTIONS4-WIRE CONNECTIONS J-l CONNECTIONS PINCLIPWIRE WIRE COLORPAIR NO.TERM.PAIR COLORSTA. LOCATIONWHITE-BLUE 1261VOICEGREEN I9BLUE-WHITE12RED WHITE-ORANGE2273DATAYELLOW ORANGE-WHITE 2 4BLACK iREEN ii1 -..--.. . . . . . .-~1EDWHITE-BROWN 429 ;DATAYELLOW BROWN-WHITE4 aBLACK WHITE-SLATE5309VOICEGREENSLATE-WHITE 510RED RED-BLUE6 3111DATAYELLOW BLUE-RED 6 12BLACKRIiREENZD-ORANGE1 7 1 32 1 131 VOICE /dNGF-REDI 7 I I4/ REDRFD-GRFFN833I15DATAYELLOWED81 16BLACK ” l2 l3 liiREEN1 1122/Fl,cn15 BLACK-ORANGE 1: )137123 11211DATAj&wORANGE-BLACK 24/ BLACKBLACK-GREEN1: 3’--38’ -- 25I VOICEI:‘rREENGREEN-BLACK 1326*rnlirv16 _BLACK-BROWN llI3927YELLOW BROWN-BLACK. _1428DATA __ __._BLACKBLACK-SLATE1540 29 VOICEGREEN SLATE-BLACK1530RED17 YELLOW-BLUE lfBLUE-YELLOW YELLOW-ORANGTORANGE-YELLOV 54131’DATAYELLOWI1632BLACK,IE1742 33 v1734343 35 .ow1836 OWN194437 ELLOW 1938 UNISOS: 2-14
IMI66-112Installation2.6.5 Connecting A Six Line, Sixteen Station Common Equipment (T0616, TO6164NT)Table 2.3, below, shows the color coded connections on two type 66-xx connector blocks for a six line, sixteen station (T0616, TO616-INTI. Table 23 Six Line, Sixteen Station Common Equipment Connections 25-PAIR CABLE CONNECTIONS 14-WIRE CONNECTIONS1J-1CONNECTIONS/J-2CONNECTIONSm1 PIN1CLIP11WIREWIRE COLORPAIR NO.TERM.PAIR COLORSTA.LOCATION STA.LOCATIONWHITE-BLUE 1261VOICEGREEN1018“LUE-WHITE12RED . . ..-- --. ..--n-.l....r.- l----- ;F I“‘ILOW1214IIBLACK;G”l ,t-“llANQORANGE-WHI: r WHITE-GREENGREEN-WHIT WHITE-Pnn#.uRRnWNII ,I.328;VOICEGREEN I 1, I ‘E3 6Rl,&l”907nATAVI-..-....,,,,....-WHITE ( ’ 14 1a1 BLACKWCIITE-SLATE pA 5 1 39 I9j VOICE p.. . .SLATE-WHITE510IFiRED-BLUE 63111DPBLUE-RED612RED-ORANGE73213vonRANCE.RF_-“IIraI.“- ..- ED71 iitTRED-GREENA81331151DATAj-’GREEN-RED RED-BROWNBRO YN-RED RECI-SLATE SI ATF.RFD- YELLOW-816BLACK934 17 VOICEGREEN918RED-I_I 10 1 35 I 19j DATA cYELLOW10 I 20 I I BLACK--.- ..--I!I AC&BLUE11361iiVOICEGREEN1lr;I -BLACK11122R 1422 I-BLACK1326, R BLACK-BROWN143927 DATA YELLOW BROWN-BLACK1428 BLACK BLACK-SLATE 154029 SLATE-BLACKI1 15 I 30I RSYELLOW-41 I 31VOICE 1 GREEN 1725EDDATA 1 YELLOW CK-ORANGE / 17 I 42 I 33 I ~“,IBLA . . ..:,..-: YELLOW-SLATEj 20 I 45 1 39iSLATE-YELLOW ORANGE-VIOLET22 44 VIOLET-GREEN234045 _GREEN-VIOLET23 46 GREEN STA.STA. 17 SLATE-VIOLETRED17AUDIBLEUNISO:2-15
ZnstuUiztionZMZt%-I122.7 Ins falling Sys tern Options ‘Ihe Unisyn system offers several options that are not part of the regular installation of the common equipment. YOU may consider an option board or a power failure station connection, for example, as a non-mandatory installation option.The following is a list of the non-mandatory options:l Power Failure Station(s)--Addition power fail stations are available through the use of a I’XIST Boardl Common Audible Interface. Auxiliary Station Interface. External Paging Interface-Station PA PortlExternal Paging Interface-Line Port l Data Device (Through the TX232 Module)l Music Interface 2.7. IUnderstanding a Key System /Hybrid System The Unisyn telephone system automatically assumes the hybrid mode whenever a programmer assigns lines to line groups (see Section 3.6.5).The hybrid system may have a higher monthly tariff from the telephone company, so the FCC requires that the installer report the equipment category designation number (KF for key system, MF for hybrid system) to the telephone company at the time of installation. 2-16
IMI66-112Instuulztion; , 2.7.2 Connecting A Power Failure Station :ze .:) The base system provides a power-fail circuit that connects the voice pair (Tip and Ring) of certain station port(s) to the line port(s) in the event of a commercial AC power failure.You can connect an industry-standard, single-line telephone, such as a model 2500-xx, to the appropriate station ports and use those station(s) to provide communications capability until the AC power to the system is restored.Connect only the voice pair (T and R) to the IST telephone. Each TXIST board provides an additional power-fail relay (see IMI89-133). If you have installed TXIST board(s), the regular Station IST device can also serve as the power-fail IST device for the appropriate station port. The power failure is detailed in Figure 2.7, below. NOTE: When power is interrupted or restored, the powerfail relays will interrupt calls in progress. Use the following chart for power-fail reference. SystemConfiguration Base SystemPower Fail Connection Station IO-CO 1 TO308 T0308-INT TO616 TO61 6-INT TXIST in Slot 1 TXIST in Slot 2 BaseSystem TXIST in Slot 1 TXIST in Slot 2Station 13-CO 2 Station 17-CO 3 Station 1O-CO 1, Station 1I-CO2 Station W-CO 3 Station 17-CO 4 TXIST in Slot 3 TXIST in Slot 4Station 21-CO 5Station 25-CO 6 Typical StatiorCymtor Block TYPICAL STATION WALL JACK WlRlNcLCD SpcakcrphoneData LCD Only Indusuy-standardt&phone(Power fail interface)Figure 2.7 Typical Power Failure Station Connection 2-17
ZnstallwionzM1661122.7.3 Connecting A Common Audible And Auxilraty Station Interface You can connect an external audible ringer, such as a loud bell or flashing light, that will operate when the system receives an outside call.The contact points for this operation are dry, meaning that the external ringer or light must have its own power supply. There are two different ways to install an external ring indicator device.The two sets of relay closures with dry contact points are as follows:l One set (common audible) provides a dry-contact relay closure whenever any ofthe outside lines, connected to the common equipment, ring.l The other set (station 17 audible) provides a dry-contact relay closure whenever station 17 rings. You must program the lines that you want to ring on station 17 (station 17 defaults to all lines, and you must remove the lines that you do not want to ring the external ringer). These contact closures track the ringing pattern in both cases.The contacts are closed during the ringing period and are open during the silent period. p?izEq Do not exceed a load of 1 amp at 24 volts (0.5 amp at 48 volts) on these control terminals.If the load requirements exceed this limit, connect the load through an external she relayDo not connect these control terminals directly to the 117vac line. Refer to the section 2.7.5 for a discussion on using these terminals in an alternate paging function. Contact closure connections are located as follows.l Clip terminals 47-48 on the station connector jack J-l for Common Audible. Clip terminals 49-50 on the station connector jack J-l for Station 17 2-18
IMI66412Instauution (Wiring shown with slave relay connection for high current application - see caution text)Common Equipment mPowerCommon Audible or24V @ 1A Max.Source for0 ACorDC Auxiliary Station48V @ SA Max.SlaveInput asInterface Relay 04RelayRequired 4~) Voltage Clamping Diode Recommended &QmJSlave Relay Source forSignalling Device* ACorDC Input asRequired 6-L3-Line, S-Station or,ine,16Station on 31Station 17lAudible LJNIS035 Figure 2.8 Common Audible Auxiliary Interface 2-19
Instullution 2.7.4 Connecting An External Paging In tetface-Sta tion PA Porf IMI66-112 You can program any station port, except for station 10, as a PA port. The station port that you choose thell couples a station voice path to an external paging amplifier. You can configure the external paging amplifier so that an external music source plays music over the PA. When someone wants to voice-over the music, the station 17 contact disconnects the music source and enables the voice connection. You must use station 17; no other station port allows voice over. Refer to Chapter 3, section 3.7.19 for more information on programming a PA port. Before you configure a port as a PA port, consider the following:l The audio input connection of the paging amplifier must be isolated with a 600 ohm to 600 ohm audio matching transformer.Terminate the audio input of the paging amplifier with a 600 ohm (nominal value) resistor.l If you program station port 17 as a PA port, the Auxiliary Station Interface (station 17 audible) contact points are automatically re-configured as PA enable terminals.The contact closure now occurs when a user dials the code for PA station 17. The normal auxiliary station interface function, as discussed in section 2.7.3, is disabled as long as station 17 is a PA station. Connect the audio input of an external paging amplifier to the audio pair of the desired station port (refer to Tables 2-2 through 2-3 for station connection details). If the paging amplifier needs to be enabled in order to function, connect the audio input to station port 17 and the enabling leads according to the following discussion and as illustrated below.l 6-line, 16-station (T0616, TO616-lNT) and 3-line, &station 0308, TO308-INT) base unit: connectors 49-50 on terminal clip JlStation Connector Block @J-f-- ---.M--f-- .---.CLIP TERMIINALS UNlSO3 To station port 17 if enable is required or to any unused station port if enable is not required. 600n to 600n (1:l) AudioPA Svstem 6OOnEnable InputP I/r---------- 1To station 17 audible terminals if enable is required. Figure 2.9 Typical PA ConnectionCtation Port2-20
_.! IMI66-112 2.7.5 Connecting An External Paging Interface-Line Port Installation You can program a line port to be an “auxiliary port” external paging device.As an external paging port, the line port can be used to couple a station voice path to an external paging device.Any station with that line appearance can use the PA port simply by selecting the line.Users can dial DTMF tones or dial pulses to the external paging device through the Auxiliary port. If users need to be able to voice-over PA music, you must connect the external paging device to a station port as described in Section 2.7.4. For more information, see Chapter 3, Section 3.6.7. when configuring a line port as a PA port, consider the following:l The audio input of an external paging amplifier can be connected to the tip and ring leads of the Auxiliary port as shown below.l You can use DTMF tone select, zone-paging amplifier if desired. If you install this type of amplifier, users must dial the zone-select code after pressing the paging port line select button.Program line port as auxiliary port and connect PA system to tip and ring pair of that port.PA System 0 AudioInput 0 COlPBXLINES LINETERMINATION‘TYPE 66~.XX CONNECTOR BLOCK OR . INDIVIDUAL B-POSITION MODULAR JACKS UNIS025. Figure 2.10 Typical PA Connection-Line Port 2-21
InstullationZMZ66-1122.7.6 Connecting A Data Device With the TX232 module, the system provides two RS232 Data Ports for use in connecting a data printer, personal computer (PC), or modem for remote upload 1 download. Before you connect anything to a data port, consider all of the following:l When you use a personal computer to perform class of service programming, connect it to RS232 Data Port A (future feature).l When you use a serial data printer for SMDR (and Caller ID, future), connect it to the RS232 Data Port B.l The distance between the data device and the common equipment can be up to 500 feet in a quiet electrical environment.Shielded cable may be required at some sites for long runs. For longer distances, a limited distance modem must be used to relay the data communications between the common equipment and the data device. Wiring The Data Device NOTE: You can use a commercially available straight through 9-pin cable to connect the TX?32 to a standard PC DB9 serial port. When preparing a cable for connection to a data device, refer to the manufacturer’s manual for the equipment being interfaced, and make the following wiring connections:l Wire the common equipment RD (data from device to common equipment) connection to the device TD (transmit data) connection.l Wire the common equipment TD (data to device from common equipment) connection to the device RD (receive data) connection.l Wire the common equipment SG (signal ground) connection to the device SG (signal ground) connection.l If required for proper operation, wire the common equipment CTS (clear-to-send status from device to common equipment) connection to the device RTS (request-to-send) connection. NOTE: The common equipment requires a positive voltage, with respect to signal ground, in order to send data Configuring The Data Device The default data format is as follows.Configure the data device to match this data format for initial operation.l 8-bit data with 1 stop bit and no parityl Baud rate of 1200 baud -- 2-22