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Comdial Unisyn System Manual

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    							IMI66-112IStation Programming
    3.7.5 Automatic Hold
    Description:When you enable this feature, the telephone user can automatically place an existing line call on hold when
    she or he presses another line button to answer a second call.
    Default = Not enabled (AH LBDs = Off
    To Program:1.Dial 53 “STATION FEATURES”
    2. Dial 11 ‘AUTO HOLD 
    ,..;: :...;:,
    3.Select station ports (LED On = Feature Assigned): Station 10 - 25, Dial 10 - 25 or press Al - A16
    4.Dial +K for next station feature,
    Dial f # for configuration mode.
    5.To change setting, repeat procedure and make opposite selection.
    3.7.6 Automatic Ho/d For intercom
    Description:If you want the telephone user to ASO have the automatic hold feature when he or she is on an existing
    intercom call and presses another intercom button or a line button, take this additional programming action.
    Default = Not enabled (All LEDs = Ofl
    To Program:1.Dial 53 “STATION FEATURES”
    2.Dial 12 “ITCM AUTO HOLD”
    3.Select station ports (LED On = Feature Assigned): Station 10 - 25, Dial 10 - 25 or press Al - AI6
    4.Dial % for next station feature,
    Dial t # for configuration mode.
    5.To change setting, repeat procedure and make opposite selection.
    							Station ProgrammingZMZ6W123.7.7 Automatic Privacy
    Description:You can make a line private or non-private. In the private mode, a station has exclusive use of a line during
    a call.This information is repeated in 3.6.3. You do not need to program this feature again if you have
    done so in 3.6.3.
    Default = Privacy (BI -B6 LEDs = Ofi
    To Program:1.Dial 40 “PRIVACY RELEASE ”
    2.Select line ports to be non-private (LED On = Non Private Port)r-..:
    Line port l-6 = Dial 01 - 06 or Press Bl - B6:-.
    3.Dial +K for configuration mode.k
    To change setting, repeat procedure and make opposite selection.3.7.8 Automatic 
    Privacv Release
    Description:You can arrange for individual stations to automatically release privacy while on certain private lines. With
    this arrangement, other stations can join that particular station whenever it is on the line that you have
    assigned as a privacy release line (also see 3.8.10, Privacy Release Button).
    NOTE: This feature and all level 54 programming features are toggle on/toggle 08If the feature defaults as
    enabled, dialing the code automatically disables the feature.Similarly, 
    if the feature defaults as disabled,
    dialing the code automatically enables the feature.
    Default = Privacy (All LEDs = On
    To Program:1.Dial 54 “STMLINE CONFIG. ”2. Dial 4 ‘PRIVACY RELEASE“
    3.Select line ports (LED On = Selected Ports) Line port 1-6 = Dial 01 - 06 or Press Bl - B6
    4.Dial # when all line ports are selected.
    5.Select station ports (LED On = Feature Assigned) : Station 10 - 25, Dial 10 - 25 or press Al - A16
    6.Dial t when all station ports are selected,
    Dial +C G# for next station/line feature,
    Dial +C C+ C# for configuration mode.
    7.To change setting, repeat procedure and make opposite selection.
    							IMI6&I12Station Programming3.7.9 Call Forward On Busy/Ring 
    - No Answer
    Description:The system can automatically forward busy and ring-no answer calls.When a user places a call to station
    A, for example, that call can be automatically forwarded to any other station associated by intercom hunt
    group. Use this feature to arrange for calls to cycle rapidly through such associated stations testing each
    one in turn with several rings. You can set stations within the hunt group to ring at different intervals. For
    this feature to work, you must program hunt groups (3.7.10).
    /, :-:,.. ,.-.: .“..; -: .’,.).
    NOTE: If you enable this feature, also program the system intercom signaling as tone first.
    Default = Not enabled (AU LEDs = OjjJTo Program: 
    Dial 21 “CALL FWD RNA ”
    Dial 1 - 9 for 1 - 9 rings before forwarding ‘RING S= X”
    Select station ports (LED On = Feature Assigned): Station 10 
    - 25, Dial 10 - 25 or press Al - Al6
    To change setting, repeat procedure and make different selection (0 to cancel)
    After you have enabled Call Forward, set tone first intercom signaling by doing the following:Dial 16 
    Press Al to toggle from Voice To Tone (LED Off = Tone),
    Dial 2 for Tone First.“TONE ANN. FIRST”
    Dial +K for configuration mode
    To change setting, repeat procedure and make opposite selection
    # for additional station ring assignments,
    Dial + +K for next station feature,
    Dial +K +K % for configuration mode.
    3.7.10 Intercom Hunt Group
    Description:You can link stations together to form intercom hunt groups. Calls to a busy station in a hunt group will
    search the group for an idle station to ring.
    Default = None linked (All LEDs = Ofs)
    : ..::‘:.: .I
    To Program:l-.Dial 53 “STATION FEATURES”
    2.Dial 18 “ITCh4 HUNT LINK”
    3.Select first linking station: Station 10 - 25, Dial 10 - 25 or press Al - A16
    4.Select second linking station: Station 10 - 25, Dial 10 - 25 or press Al - A16
    5.Dial % for another link (Example A: 17 to 16, 18 to 16 and 19 to 16; Example B: 16 to 17,
    17 to 18, and 18 to 
    Dial +K % for next station feature,
    Dial f # % for configuration mode.
    6.Disable link by repeating procedure.
    							Station ProgrammingIn@%-I12
    3.7. I ICall Origination Denied
    (Line Origination Denied)
    Description:You can deny users of selected stations the ability to originate calls on specified lines. This feature does not
    prevent the user from answering incoming calls on these lines.
    Default = None denied (AU LBDs = Off)
    NOTE: This feature and all level 54 programming features are toggle on/toggle ofl the feature defaults m
    enabled, dialing the code automatically disables the feature.Similarly, if the feature defaults as disabled,
    dialing the code automatically enables the feature.
    To Program:1.Dial 54 “STA/zINE CONFIG. ”2. Dial 6 “ORIGINATION DENY”
    3.Select line ports (LED On = Selected Ports)
    Line port l-6 = Dial 
    01 - 06 or press Bl - B6
    4.Dial # when all line ports are selected
    5.Select station ports (LED On = Feature Assigned): Station 10 - 25, Dial 10 - 25 or press Al - A16
    6.Dial +I+ when all station ports are selected,
    Dial +C +C for next station/line feature,
    Dial +C +K %+G for configuration mode.
    7.To change setting, repeat procedure and make opposite selection.3.7.12 Data Security Port
    Description:While port is active on a cdl, this feature prevents any incoming tones associated with other system
    features from interrupting the call.
    Default = None assigned (AU LEDs = Off)
    To Program:1. Dial 53 “STATION FEATURES”
    2.Dial 26 “DATA SECURE PORT”
    3.Select station port (LED On = Feature Assigned): Station 10 - 25, Dial 10 - 25 or press Al - A16
    4.Dial +k for next station feature,
    Dial # +K for configuration mode.
    5.To change setting, repeat procedure and make opposite selection.
    							IMI66-1 I2
    _. ;
    : :
    Station Programming
    3.7.13Dedicated ITCM For Attendant
    Description:An intercom link can be reserved for exclusive use by a station.This feature should be used for stations
    that process a high rate of calls, usually the attendant.
    Default = None dedicated (AU LEDs = O&l
    To Program:1.Dial 53 “STATION FEATURES”
    2.Dial 17 “‘RESERVE ITCM”
    3.Dial 1-5 for link l-5
    (For 308, dial l-2, For 616, dial l-5)
    4.Select station port (LED On = Feature Assigned): Station 10 - 25, Dial 10 - 25 or press Al - Al6
    5.Dial % and repeat steps 3 and 4 to reserve another link
    +& +& for next station feature,
    Dial % % +I+ for configuration mode.
    NOTE: When a link is reserved, it reduces the number links for other stations use.
    3.7.14 Direct/Delayed Ringing
    Description:See Flexible Ringing Assignments for this feature (3.7.16).3.7.15 External Paging Interface
    Description:A station port can be programmed to interface with an external paging amplifier (PA Port).
    Default = None assigned (AU LEDs = Ofi
    To Program:1.Dial 53 “STATION FE4TURE.S’
    2. Dial 01 “PA PORT”
    3.Select station ports (LED On = Feature Assigned): Station 10 - 25, Dial 10 - 25 or press Al - Al6
    4.Dial t for next station feature,
    Dial X +i+ for configuration mode.
    5.To change setting, repeat procedure and make opposite selection.
    							Station ProgrammingIM166112
    3.7.16 Flexible RinginAssignments-Direct/Delayed inging
    Description:You must program ringing assignments on a per station/per line basis.You can control ringing for every
    line that has appearance at a station-assigning immediate, or direct, ringing to some lines and delayed
    ringing to others.
    Default = Direct ring all lines on stations 10 and 17 (Bl-B6, AI, A8 LEDs = On)
    NOTE: This feature and all level 54 programming features are toggle on/toggle 08If the 
    enabled, dialing the code automatically disables the feature.Similarly, 
    if the feature defaults as disabled,
    dialing the code automatically enables the feature.
    To Program:1.Dial 54 “STUINE CONFIG. ”2. Dial 1 
    Dial 2 “DELAY RING”
    3.Select line ports for ringing (LED On = Selected Ports)
    Line port 
    l- 6= Dial 01 - 06 or press Bl - B6
    4.Dial # when all line ports are selected
    5.Select station ports (LED On = Feature Assigned): Station 10 - 25, Dial 10 - 25 or press Al - Al6
    6.Dial +I+ when all station ports are selected,
    Dial +k C% for next station/line ringing assignment,
    Dial +I+ +# # for configuration mode.
    7.To change setting, repeat procedure and make opposite selection.3.7.17 Flexible Ringing Assi
    nmen ts-Night Ringing-Line/ 
    tation Assignments8
    Description:You, or the system attendant, can place the system into the night transfer (of ringing) mode of operation.
    While in this mode of operation, the system will activate special line/station ringing assignments. You
    must also program 3.7.18.
    ilefault = Night ring all lines on stations IO and 17 (Bl-B6, AI, A8 LEDs = On)
    NOTE: This feature and all level 54 programming features are toggle on/toggle ofJ:If the feature defaults as
    enabled, dialing the code automatically disables the feature.Similarly, 
    if the feature defaults as disabled,
    dialing the code automatically enables the feature.
    To Program:1. Dial 54 “‘STALINE CONFIG”2. Dial 3 
    3.Select line ports for night ringing (LED On = Selected Ports)
    Line port 
    l- 6= Dial 01 - 06 or press Bl - B6
    4.Dial # when all line ports are selected
    5.Select station ports (LED On = Feature Assigned): Station 10 - 25, Dial 10 - 25 or press Al - Al6
    6.Dial C% when all station ports are selected,
    Dial +K +C for next station/line feature,-OR-.
    Dial GK +C +K for configuration mode.
    7.To change setting, repeat procedure and make opposite selection.
    							IMI66-112Station Programming
    3.7.18 Flexible Ringin tdFgnmen ts-Night Ringing 
    Description:After you have assigned Night Ringing to the stations and lines desired, the attendant must enable the
    feature to activate night ringing.Default = (Al 
    LED = Ofi
    NOTE: You can program a speed dial button at the attendant’s telephone with a ?k # 0 3 string for easy activation.
    .“ L-,:To Program:1.Dial 03 “NIGHT XFER XXX ”
    2.Press Al to toggle between enable and disable (LED On = Enabled)
    ,Dial 1 to enable “‘NIGHT XFER ON 
    Dial 2 to disable”NIGHT XFER OFF”
    3.Dial f for configuration mode.
    4.To change setting, repeat procedure and make opposite selection.
    3.7.19 F/;FdedeRinging Assignments-
    To Program:You can assign a PA port to a station port and then enable that PA port with a particular ringing as&nrnent.
    Default = No flexible ring (All LJ3Ds = Ofs)
    1.Dial 53 “‘STATION FEATURES”
    2.Dial 23 to enable ringing at PA port “PA RING PORT”
    3.Identify PA port Station 10 - 25, Dial 10 - 25 or press Al - Al6
    4.Dial +K for next station/line feature,
    Dial C% X for configuration mode.
    							Station ProgrammingIMI46-112
    3.7.20 FIexible Station NumberingDescription:
    The system supports a flexible station numbering plan for calling individual stations. You can program
    each station port to respond to the dialing of any available number between 10 and 79, 100 and 799, or
    1000 and 7999. However, the system will not allow you to assign an extension number conflict such as 15
    and 1500.
    Default = IO - 25To Program:
    1.Dial 52 “ASSIGN EXT. NUM. ‘I
    2.Select station port: “EXT. XxXx ” - Station 10 - 25 = Dial 10 - 25 or press Al - Al6
    3.Dial new extension number “EXT. XXXX YYYY ”
    NOTE: Extension numbers can be maximum offour digits. If an extension number is less than four digits, you must
    dial leading zeros before the number. For example: For extension number 15, dial 0015
    4.Select next station number and assign extension number,
    Dial +K for configuration mode.
    5.To change setting, repeat procedure and make opposite selection.
    3.7.21 Headset InterfaceDescription:
    A station port can be enabled to allow headset operation through the handset jack.
    To use the headset, you
    must have the handset off of the cradle; use the SPKR button to disconnect a call.
    Default = None enabled (All LEDs = Ofi
    To Program:1.Dial 53 “STATION FEATURES”2. Dial 13 
    3.Select station ports (LED On = Feature Assigned): Station 10 - 25, Dial 10 - 25 or press Al - Al6
    4.Dial CK for next station feature,
    Dial % % for configuration mode.
    5.To change setting, repeat procedure and make opposite selection.3.7.22 
    /ST Distinctive Ringing
    All IST telephones are defaulted for distinctive ringing on (the normal intercom ring cadence-*/zsecond
    r/z second off, l/z second on, 4.5 seconds off ). You can program IST telephones to give an ouhk
    call ring cadence (1.5 seconds on, 4.5 seconds off).
    Default = Distinctive Ringing On (Al LED = On)
    To Program:1. Dial 53 “STATION FEATURES”
    2. Dial 33 
    3.Press Al to toggle between Distinctive Ring on / off (LED On = DIST RING ON)
    Dial 1 to enable “‘DIST RING ON”
    Dial 2 to disable “DIST RING OFF”
    4.Dial % for next station feature,
    Dial t %K for configuration mode.
    5.To change setting, repeat procedure and make opposite selection.
    							IMI6&1 I2
    Station Programming3.7.23 Idle Line Preference
    Description:When you enable idle line preference, a station will automatically connect to any assigned and idle line
    when the user takes the station off hook.
    Default = None enabled (All L,EDs = OjjI
    NOTE: If you have already assigned prime ITCM, you must remove it in order to assign Idle Line Preference.To
    7.Dial 54 
    ‘STA/LINE CONFIG. ”Dial 7
    Select line ports (LED On = Selected Port)
    Line port 
    l- 6= Dial 01 - 06 or press Bl - B6
    Dial # when all line ports are selected
    Select station ports (LED On = Feature Assigned): Station 10 
    - 25, Dial 10 - 25 or press Al - Al6
    Dial +K when all station ports are selected,
    Dial % +K for next station/line feature,
    Dial +K % % for configuration mode.
    To change setting, repeat procedure and make opposite selection.3.7.24 Languages
    Description:You can program stations to display LCD messages in one of three languages:
    1 = English
    2 = French
    = Spanish
    Default = English (Al-Al6 LEDs = On)
    To Program:1. Dial 53 “STATION FEATURES”2. Dial 
    3. Select Language
    Dial 1 for English“ENGLISH”
    Dial 2 for French’ ‘FRAh’CAIS ”
    Dial 3 for Spanish“ESPANOL”
    4.Select station ports (LED On = Feature Assigned)
    5.Dial +K for next language assignment,
    : Station 10 - 25, Dial 10 - 25 or press Al - Al6
    Press * +K for next station feature,
    Press +i+ f +K for configuration mode.
    6.To change setting, repeat procedure and make different selection.
    							St.&ion ProgrammingZMZ66-1123.7.25 Personal Ringing Tones
    Description:You can program stations to ring in one of four distinctive tones:
    1.509/610 Hz @ 10 Hz warble
    2.763/1016 Hz @ 10 Hz warble
    3.509/610 Hz @ 19 Hz warble
    763/1016 Hz @ 19 Hz warble
    Default = Tone 1 (Al-Al6 LEDs = On)
    To Program:1.Dial 53 “STATION FEATURES”
    2.Dial 14 “RINGING TONE”
    3.Select Ringing Tone
    1 for tone 1“RINGING TONE 1”
    Dial 2 for tone 2“RINGING TONE 2”
    Dial 3 for tone 3“RINGING TONE 3”
    Dial 4 for tone 4“RINGING TONE 4”
    4.Select station ports (LED On = Feature Assigned) : Station 10 - 25, Dial 10 - 25 or press Al - A16
    5.Dial # for next tone assignment,
    Press * # for next station feature,
    Press +++ % +I+ for configuration mode.
    6.To change setting, repeat procedure and make different selection.3.7.26 Port Definition
    Description:You can program a station port to accept one of several different types of station equipment, such as the
    Multiline Telephon+Multiline without LCDLCD-LCD Speakerphone
    Comdial Voice Mail
    Default = LCD (AI-Al6 LEDs = On)
    You should program feature Port Definition, before you do any other station programming.AU programming for
    a port 
    is lost when the port is redefined here.
    To Program:1. Dial 51 “PORT TYPE”
    2.Select port definition
    03(Multiline) ‘MULTILINE”
    07(LCD) “LCD”
    08(ExecuMail) “EXECUMAIL” (Future Feature)
    3.Select all station ports to match definition: Station 10-25, Dial 10-25 or press Al-Al6
    4.Press +i+ for next port definition,
    Press % t for configuration mode.
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