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Christie Projector J Series 2.0, 2.4, And 3.0kW User Manual

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Page 91

Section 3: Operation
J Series 2.0, 2.4, and 3.0kW User Manual3-35020-100707-01  Rev. 1  (10-2011)
Select how you want to be notified of errors detected in either the incoming signal or projector. Select Screen 
or All (default) to see brief on-screen messages. This is recommended during setup or testing of the projector. 
Or select “Serial Ports” to receive messages via RS-232 or RS-422 serial communication only. To hide error 
message displays, such as during shows and...

Page 92

3-36J Series 2.0, 2.4, and 3.0kW User Manual020-100707-01  Rev. 1   (10-2011)
Section 3: Operation
Enter a three-digit number (such as “001”) to assign or change a number to the projector currently in use. If the 
current projector already has a number assigned, that number will appear here (for example “004” in the menu 
shown below. Numerical identity for projectors enables you to communicate with a single projector within a 
multiple-projector application (see also P
ROJ key in,...

Page 93

Section 3: Operation
J Series 2.0, 2.4, and 3.0kW User Manual3-37020-100707-01  Rev. 1  (10-2011)
NOTE: Recommended for network administrators only.
Determines whether the IP Address is configured Static (manual) or Dynamic (HDCP). Dynamic (HDCP) is 
the factory default setting.
Enter a valid and unique IP address for use on the network to which the projector is currently connected. This 
address will overwrite any previous IP address such as the...

Page 94

3-38J Series 2.0, 2.4, and 3.0kW User Manual020-100707-01  Rev. 1   (10-2011)
Section 3: Operation
• If both interfaces are selected, the DMXC input card will take priority if it is actively receiving data. While 
data is active on this card, ArtNet packets will be ignored.
• Only 1 DMXC card can be used at a time. If more than one is populated, the 2nd and subsequent cards will 
not be activated.
• The DMXC card will always be active, even when the projector is powered down (i.e. in standby mode).  

Page 95

Section 3: Operation
J Series 2.0, 2.4, and 3.0kW User Manual3-39020-100707-01  Rev. 1  (10-2011)
For DMX512, each universe represents a separate electrical circuit (up to 512 devices/channels).  For ArtNet 
however, DMX data is broadcasted over an Ethernet network, so every device will receive every packet of 
data, whether they belong to that universe or not.  This control specifies which universe the projector belongs 
to, so it can filter out all other data packets. The Universe...

Page 96

3-40J Series 2.0, 2.4, and 3.0kW User Manual020-100707-01  Rev. 1   (10-2011)
Section 3: Operation
Horizontal keystone is used to correct a keystoned image shape in which the left and right borders of the image 
are unequal in length, and the top and bottom are slanted to one of the sides, see Figure 3-34 Horizontal 
All settings to adjust keystone are in the Geometry Correction submenu. Brightness Uniformity, Edge 
Blending and Black Level Blending should be disabled before performing Keystone...

Page 97

Section 3: Operation
J Series 2.0, 2.4, and 3.0kW User Manual3-41020-100707-01  Rev. 1  (10-2011)
The FUNC+HELP key combination will immediately disable the Keystone, Brightness Uniformity, Edge 
Blending and Black Level Blending features. This is helpful when, in some extreme keystone configurations, 
some image corruption may appear and/or the menus may not be readable. Although F
UNC+HELP disables 
these features, it will not overwrite their settings. If keystone is simply enabled again, the same...

Page 98

3-42J Series 2.0, 2.4, and 3.0kW User Manual020-100707-01  Rev. 1   (10-2011)
Section 3: Operation
USE A “USER” COLOR TEMPERATURE—Always adjust brightness uniformity for a User color temperature 
defined when you matched primary colors, and continue to use it for all sources displayed on the wall. 
Your other color temperatures will not necessarily be matched from screen-to-screen.
WHITE UNIFORMITY SLIDE BARS—White Uniformity slide bar values may not reduce to “0”. Each slide 
bar adjusts overall...

Page 99

Section 3: Operation
J Series 2.0, 2.4, and 3.0kW User Manual3-43020-100707-01  Rev. 1  (10-2011)
b. Return to the Brightness Uniformity menu. Beginning with the screen that exhibits the most obvious 
color shift(s), for each edge that exhibits a noticeably different color temperature from the center, select the 
corresponding Uniformity adjustment menu—Left, Right, Top or Bottom. For example, if any part of 
the left side is too blue, too red or too green, go to the Left Uniformity menu and adjust the...

Page 100

3-44J Series 2.0, 2.4, and 3.0kW User Manual020-100707-01  Rev. 1   (10-2011)
Section 3: Operation
What is a Blend?
In simple terms, a blend appears as a gradient strip along an edge of a 
projected image. It is darkest along the extreme edge of the image, and 
lightens nearer to the rest of the image (see right).
How Are Blends Used?
In multiple-projector walls, complementary blends between neighboring 
images can compensate for the extra “brightness” or intensity where these 
edges overlap. By...
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