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Christie Projector J Series 2.0, 2.4, And 3.0kW User Manual

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Page 81

Section 3: Operation
J Series 2.0, 2.4, and 3.0kW User Manual3-25020-100707-01  Rev. 1  (10-2011)
Enables or disables film motion detection. Film mode detect is a control that you will not need to adjust. The 
image processor automatically detects the type of input for most types of interlaced signals. i.e. 3:2, 2:2. 
However, there are cases where progressive segmented frame signals (PsF, a broadcast Sony standard) are not 
detected properly. For those cases, the de-interlacer can be...

Page 82

3-26J Series 2.0, 2.4, and 3.0kW User Manual020-100707-01  Rev. 1   (10-2011)
Section 3: Operation
Good RGB or input levels—that is, the drives and black levels for each of the three colors, red, green and 
blue—ensure that images from analog sources other than decoded video have maximum contrast without 
crushing black or white. By default (and in an “Auto Setup”), the projector automatically determines the best 
input levels by monitoring image content and adjusting the controls appropriately—further...

Page 83

Section 3: Operation
J Series 2.0, 2.4, and 3.0kW User Manual3-27020-100707-01  Rev. 1  (10-2011)
Brightens the image produced from certain high-resolution high-frequency graphic sources. The projector 
automatically selects the best clamp location for most sources. Use the normal Back Porch location if the 
image is either sufficiently bright or overly bright. Select Sync Tip if the image appears unusually dim, if there 
are horizontal streaks across the image, or if there is...

Page 84

3-28J Series 2.0, 2.4, and 3.0kW User Manual020-100707-01  Rev. 1   (10-2011)
Section 3: Operation
Select which color or colors you want to see in the display, useful while working with color temperature white 
levels or input levels. 
NOTES: 1) Input levels apply for the current source only, but for any color temperature 
2) If color temperature is set up based on the internal test patterns, you can set up input levels for a given 
source so that it matches the color temperature of...

Page 85

Section 3: Operation
J Series 2.0, 2.4, and 3.0kW User Manual3-29020-100707-01  Rev. 1  (10-2011)
The 2.22 curve is a power curve typically used to encode graphics 
and video sources, see Figure 3-29 Gamma Curve. The standard 
curve (auto setup default) is a modified 2.22 curve with a small 
linear section in the black that enhances the detail in darker areas 
of the projected content. Typically standard or 2.22 is used for all 
sources. Alternatively, if neither default is ideal, apply a simple 

Page 86

3-30J Series 2.0, 2.4, and 3.0kW User Manual020-100707-01  Rev. 1   (10-2011)
Section 3: Operation
Selects a filter sensitivity to noise. A higher value may improve noisy sources, but it will soften the image.
Locates and reduces block edges produced by discrete cosine transform (DCT) based compression processing.
Reduces mosquito artifacts around sharp edges in DCT based compression by...

Page 87

Section 3: Operation
J Series 2.0, 2.4, and 3.0kW User Manual3-31020-100707-01  Rev. 1  (10-2011)
Optical Aperture
The optical aperture inside the projector controls the diameter of the light beam passing through the system. 
With a fully open aperture (slidebar default of 0), the maximum amount of light passes through for 
maximum brightness in your images. Increase the slidebar setting to reduce the aperture diameter and 
maximize contrast ratio instead. Performance of aperture depends on the lens in...

Page 88

3-32J Series 2.0, 2.4, and 3.0kW User Manual020-100707-01  Rev. 1   (10-2011)
Section 3: Operation
Select the available language to use in the projector menus. The change will take effect immediately.
Select the on screen image orientation from Front, Rear, Front Inverted, and Rear Inverted.
Select how the projector controls the output frame timing based on the input signal. When set to Framelock, 
output image...

Page 89

Section 3: Operation
J Series 2.0, 2.4, and 3.0kW User Manual3-33020-100707-01  Rev. 1  (10-2011)
When this control is selected, the holding current is removed from the zoomand focus motors so that they can 
be changed manually.
 NOTE: Zoom and Focus should not be adjusted manually when this control is not 
selected, as this will result in damage to the motors.
The lens calibration procedure is needed each time a new lens is installed in order for the ILS feature to...

Page 90

3-34J Series 2.0, 2.4, and 3.0kW User Manual020-100707-01  Rev. 1   (10-2011)
Section 3: Operation
This sets the activation interval (in minutes) for Auto Shutdown. If all activity (input signals, web or serial port 
activity, key presses) is lost for this length of time, and Auto Shutdown is enabled, an Auto Shutdown cycle 
will begin.
This sets the interval (in minutes) between starting Auto Shutdown and entering Standby mode. Once Auto 
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