ViewSonic Pjl6233 Projector User Manual
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Appendix Status Read Command Format The command is sent from PC to the projector with the format below; ‘CR’ [Command] ‘CR’ Command: one character (refer to the command table below. The projector decodes the command and returns the ‘Character string’ with the format below; UFRQWUROOLQJWKHSURMHFWRU3OHDVHFRQVXOW\RXU local dealer for further information of other commands. Command Function Projector Return Projector status &5Status ReadPower On 6WDQGE\PRGH Countdown Cooling down Power Malfunction Cooling down at the temperature anomaly anomaly. Cooling down at Power Management mode Power Management mode after Cooling down 21Cooling down after the projector is turned off when the lamps are out. 6WDQGE\PRGHDIWHU&RROLQJGRZQZKHQWKHODPSV are out. &5Temperature Read 7HPSHUDWXUHDW6HQVRU

7777 For technical support or product service, see the table below or contact your reseller. Note : You will need the product serial number. Country/Region WebsiteT = Telephone F = FAXEmail Australia/New Zealand$86 1= [email protected] Canada www.viewsonic.com77ROO)UHH 77ROO ) [email protected] Europe www.viewsoniceurope.comZZZYLHZVRQLFHXURSHFRPXNVXSSRUWFDOOGHVN Hong Kong [email protected] India [email protected] Ireland (Eire) VXSSRUWFDOOGHVNVHUYLFHBLH#YLHZVRQLFHXURSH com Korea [email protected] /DWLQ$PHULFD (Argentina) [email protected] /DWLQ$PHULFD& [email protected] /DWLQ$PHULFD (Columbia) [email protected] /DWLQ$PHULFD0H[ [email protected] &21/,1($6 7HO HLQGH[KWP0H[LFR /DWLQ$ [email protected] Macau [email protected] Middle East Contact your reseller [email protected] Puerto Rico & Virgin Islands www.viewsonic.com7 (QJOLVK 7 6SDQLVK ) [email protected] [email protected] Singapore/Malaysia/Thailand www.ap.viewsonic.com7 [email protected] South AfricaDSYLHZVRQLFFRP]DContact your reseller [email protected] United Kingdom VXSSRUWFDOOGHVNVHUYLFHBJE#YLHZVRQLFHXURSH com United States www.viewsonic.com77ROO)UHH 77ROO ) [email protected] Customer Support

Limited Warranty VIEWSONIC® PROJECTOR What the warranty covers: ViewSonic warrants its products to be free from defects in material and workmanship, under normal use, during the warranty period. If a product proves to be defective in material or workmanship during the warranty period, ViewSonic will, at its sole option, repair or replace the product with a like product. Replacement product or parts may include remanufactured or refurbished parts or components. Limited Three (3) year General Warranty Subject to the more limited one (1) year warranty set out below, North and South America: Three \HDUVIRUODERUDQGRQH\HDUIRUWKH SHH[FHSW3RODQG7KUHH\HDUV ODERUDQGQLQHW\GD\VIRUWKH QG7ZR\HDUVZDUUDQW\IRUDOO SDUWVH[FOXGLQJWKHODPSWZR\HDUVIRUODERUDQGQLQHW\GD\VIRUWKHRULJLQDOODPSIURPWKH GDWHRIWKH¿UVWFRQVXPHUSXUFKDVH Limited One (1) year Heavy Usage Warranty: 8QGHUKHDY\XVDJHVHWWLQJVZKHUHDSURMHFWRU

How to get service: 1. For information about receiving service under warranty, contact ViewSonic Customer Support (please refer to “Customer Support” page). You will need to provide your product’s serial number. 2. To obtain warranted service, you will be required to provide (a) the original dated sales slip, (b) your name, (c) your address, (d) a description of the problem, and (e) the serial number of the product. 3.7DNHRUVKLSWKHSURGXFWIUHLJKWSUHSDLGLQWKHRULJLQDOFRQWDLQHUWRDQDXWKRUL]HG9LHZ6RQLF service center or ViewSonic. 4. For additional information or the name of the nearest ViewSonic service center, contact ViewSonic. Limitation of implied warranties: GWKHGHVFULSWLRQFRQWDLQHGKHUHLQ UDSDUWLFXODUSXUSRVH Exclusion of damages: ViewSonic’s liability is limited to the cost of repair or replacement of the product. ViewSonic shall not be liable for: 1. Damage to other property caused by any defects in the product, damages based upon ISUR¿WVORVVRIEXVLQHVV opportunity, loss of goodwill, interference with business relationships, or other commercial loss, even if advised of the possibility of such damages. 2.Any other damages, whether incidental, consequential or otherwise. 3.Any claim against the customer by any other party. Effect of state law: KDYHRWKHUULJKWVZKLFKYDU\IURP state to state. Some states do not allow limitations on implied warranties and/or do not allow the OLPLWDWLRQVDQGH[FOXVLRQVPD\QRW apply to you. Sales outside the U.S.A. and Canada: For warranty information and service on ViewSonic products sold outside of the U.S.A. and Canada, contact ViewSonic or your local ViewSonic dealer. QJ0DFDRDQG7DLZDQ([FOXGHG is subject to the terms and conditions of the Maintenance Guarantee Card. For users in Europe and Russia, full details of warranty provided can be found in www. under Support/Warranty Information. 3URMHFWRU:DUUDQW\ 35-B/:5HYK

Mexico Limited Warranty VIEWSONIC® PROJECTOR What the warranty covers: ViewSonic warrants its products to be free from defects in material and workmanship, under normal use, during the warranty period. If a product proves to be defective in material or workmanship during the warranty period, ViewSonic will, at its sole option, repair or replace the product with a like product. Replacement product or parts may include remanufactured or refurbished parts or components & accessories. How long the warranty is effective: purchase. DSSURYDO$SSOLHVWRPDQXIDFWXUHU

Contact Information for Sales & Authorized Service (Centro Autorizado de Servicio) within Mexico: Name, address, of manufacturer and importers: 0p[LFR$YHUSDOPDV &RO6DQ)HUQDQGR+XL[TXLOXFDQ(VWDGRGH0p[LFR 7HOKWWSZZZYLHZVRQLFFRPODVRSRUWHLQGH[KWP NÚMERO GRATIS DE ASISTENCIA TÉCNICA PARA TODO MÉXICO: 001.866.823.2004 Hermosillo: Distribuciones y Servicios Computacionales SA de CV. &DOOH-XDUH]ORFDO &RO%XJDPELOLDV&3 7HO (0DLOGLVF#KPRPHJDUHGQHWP[Villahermosa: &RPSXPDQWHQLPLHWQRV*DUDQWL]DGRV6$GH&9 $9*5(*25,20(1(= &2/)/25,$&3 7HO (0DLOFRPSXPDQWHQLPLHQWRV#SURGLJ\QHWP[ Puebla, Pue. (Matriz): RENTA Y DATOS, S.A. DE C.V. Domicilio: 685&2//$3$= 38(%/$38( 7HO&21/,1($6 (0DLOGDWRV#SXHEODPHJDUHGQHWP[Veracruz, Ver.: &21(;,21

ENGLISH CAUTION IN USING THE PROJECTOR VIA NETWORKS ”When you find a problem with the projector, remove the power cable immediately and inspect the unit. Using the projector with failure may cause fire or other accidents. ” If you remotely use the projector via networks, carry out a safety check regularly and take particular care to its environment. Incorrect installation may cause fire or other accidents. CAUTION IN USING NETWORK FUNCTION ”We assume no responsibility for the loss or damage of data, or damage of the computer caused by using this projector. Making back-up copies of valuable data in your computer is recommended.