ViewSonic Pjl6233 Projector User Manual
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25 Basic Operation Remote Control Operation Using the remote control for some frequently used operations is advisable. Just pressing one of the buttons QJXSWKH2Q6FUHHQ0HQX 3UHVVWKH&20387(59,(269,(2DQG COMPONENT buttons on the remote control to select the LQSXWVRXUFH6HHSDJHVIRUGHWDLOV COMPUTER 1/2, VIDEO, S-VIDEO and COMPONENT buttons FREEZE button Display the input source information: Input,H-sync freq., V-sync freq.,Screen,Language,Lamp status,Lamp counter,Power management,Keylock,PIN code lock andRemote controlS INFO. button Press the D.ZOOM buttons on the remote control to enter to D.ZOOM buttonsRemote Control FREEZE button D.ZOOM buttonsLAMP button 3Note: 6HHWKHQH[WSDJHIRUWKHGHVFULSWLRQRIRWKHU buttons. LAMP button COMPUTER 1/2 buttons VIDEO button High ........... Brighter than the Normal mode. Normal ....... Normal brightness Eco ............/RZHUEULJKWQHVVUHGXFHVWKHODPSSRZHU FRQVXPSWLRQDQGH[WHQGVWKHODPSOLIH 3UHVV WKH /$03 EXWWRQ RQ WKH UHPRWH FRQWURO WR VHOHFW WKH lamp mode for changing the brightness on the screen. INFO. button S-VIDEO button COMPONENT button the picture on the screen, meanwhile, volume is muted. To or press any other button. function is working. Fig.1

Basic Operation NO SHOW button the Count up/Count down function. Refer to p.51 for detail of 6HWWLQJIRUWKH3WLPHUIXQFWLRQ 7RVWRSWKHFRXQWWLPHSUHVVWKH37,0(5EXWWRQ 7 button. P-TIMER button Press the IMAGE button on the remote control to select a details. IMAGE button No show GLVDSSHDUVDIWHUVHFRQGV 37LPHUGLVSOD\ 3Note: See the previous page for the description of other buttons. IMAGE button NO SHOW button P-TIMER button SCREEN button SCREEN button 0 EODFNRXW:FDSWXUHGLPDJH:QRUPDO:‡‡‡‡‡ Press the NO SHOW button on the remote control to black out the image. To restore to normal, press the NO SHOW button again or press any other button. When the projected image is screen changes each time you press the NO SHOW button as follows. 3Note: When use the MUTE button to release the No Show function, the mute function can not be operated at the same time.

27 Choose either Computer 1(RGB) orComputer 2(RGB) by pressing the COMPUTER 1 or COMPUTER 2 button on the remote control. Before using these buttons, correct input source should be selected through Menu operation as described below. 1 Input Menu 2 3 Computer Input COMPUTER 1 button 3Note: When the Input Search function is set to On1 or On2 in the Auto setup function, the input signal will be searched DXWRPDWLFDOO\S Computer 1 Remote Control 3UHVVWKH0(18EXWWRQWRGLVSOD\WKH2Q6FUHHQ Menu. Use the Point xz buttons to select Input and then press the Point yRUWKH6(/(&7EXWWRQ Use the Point xz buttons to select Computer 1. WhenComputer 1 is selected, press the Point y button to access the submenu items. Use the Point x z buttons to select the RGB input source and then SUHVVWKH6(/(&7EXWWRQ Computer 1(RGB) Computer 1(Scart) Computer 1RGB Component RGB(Scart) S-video ► Input Source Selection (RGB: Computer 1/Computer 2) Computer 2 (RGB) COMPUTER 2 button Direct Operation Menu Operation

Computer Input PC System Menu PC System Menu Computer System Selection VZLWKLWV0XOWLVFDQV\VWHPDQG$XWR3& Adjustment. If a computer is selected as a signal source, this projector automatically detects the signal format and tunes to project a proper image without any additional settings. (Signal formats provided in this projector are VKRZQRQSDJH One of the following messages may appear when: :KHQWKHSURMHFWRUFDQQRWUHFRJQL]HWKH connected signal conforming to the provided PC systems, Auto is displayed on the System 0HQXER[DQGWKH$XWR3&$GMXVWPHQWIXQFWLRQ works to display proper images. If the image is not projected properly, a manual adjustment is UHTXLUHGSS There is no signal input from the computer. Check the connection between your computer and the projector. (See “Troubleshooting” on S Auto ----- The preset system is manually adjusted in the PC adjust Menu. The adjusted data can be stored in Mode 1–10SSMode 1 PC Systems provided in this projector is chosen. The projector chooses a proper system provided in the projector and displays it.SVGA 1 0RGHDQG69*$DUHH[DPSOHV 1 2 PC system can also be selected manually. Selecting Computer System Manually 3UHVVWKH0(18EXWWRQWRGLVSOD\WKH2Q6FUHHQ Menu. Use the Point xz buttons to select Input and then press the Point yRUWKH6(/(&7EXWWRQ Use the Point xz buttons to select System and then press the Point yRUWKH6(/(&7EXWWRQ Use the Point xz buttons to select the desired system DQGWKHQSUHVVWKH6(/(&7EXWWRQ3 ► ► Computer 1 RGB Computer 2 RGB Vi deo System XGA 1 The PC System Menu Selected system is displayed. 6\VWHPVLQWKLVGLDORJER[ can be selected.&XVWRPL]HGMode (1–10) set in the PC adjust Menu SS

Computer Input Auto PC Adjustment function is provided to automatically adjust Fine sync,Total dots,Horizontal and Vertical positions to conform to your computer. PC adjust Menu Auto PC Adjustment To store adjustment parameters The adjusted parameters from the Auto PC Adjustment can be stored in the projector. Once the parameters are stored, the setting can be done just by selecting a Mode (1–10) in SDJH 3Note:

Computer Input PC adjust Menu Manual PC Adjustment 6RPH FRPSXWHUV HPSOR\ VSHFLDO VLJQDO IRUPDWV ZKLFK PD\ QRW EH WXQHG E\ 0XOWLVFDQ V\VWHP RI WKLV SURMHFWRU Manual PC Adjustment enables you to precisely adjust several parameters to match those signal formats. The SURMHFWRUKDVLQGHSHQGHQWPHPRU\DUHDVWRVWRUHWKRVHSDUDPHWHUVPDQXDOO\DGMXVWHG,WDOORZV\RXWRUHFDOO the setting for a specific computer. 1 2 Use the Point {y buttons to adjust the value, eliminating a IOLFNHUIURPWKHLPDJHGLVSOD\HGIURPWR Fine sync Use the Point {y buttons to adjust the number of total dots LQRQHKRUL]RQWDOSHULRGWRPDWFK\RXU3&LPDJH Total dots Use the Point {yEXWWRQVWRDGMXVWWKHKRUL]RQWDOSLFWXUH position. Horizontal Use the Point {y buttons to adjust the vertical picture position. Vertical Use the Point {y buttons to adjust the clamp level. When the image has dark bars, try this adjustment. Clamp 3UHVVWKH0(18EXWWRQWRGLVSOD\WKH2Q6FUHHQ Menu. Use the Point xz buttons to select PC adjust and then press the Point yRUWKH6(/(&7EXWWRQ Use the Point xz buttons to select the desired item DQGWKHQSUHVVWKH6(/(&7EXWWRQWRGLVSOD\WKH DGMXVWPHQWGLDORJER[8VHWKH3RLQW {y buttons to adjust the setting value. Use the Point {y buttons to adjust the vertical area displayed by this projector. Display area V Use the Point {y EXWWRQV WR DGMXVW WKH KRUL]RQWDO DUHD displayed by this projector. Display area H Auto PC adj. Fine sync Total dots 1365 Horizontal 0 Vertical 0 Current mode Clamp 0 Display area H 1024 Display area V 768 Reset Mode free Store0 ► Auto PC adj. Fine sync Total dots 1365 Horizontal 0 Vertical 0 Current mode Clamp 0 Display area H 1024 Display area V 768 Reset Mode free Store0► 3UHVVWKH6(/(&7EXWWRQWRVKRZH-sync freq. and V-sync freq.of the connected computer. Current mode

Computer Input Store To store the adjusted data, select Store and then press the Point yRUWKH6(/(&7EXWWRQ. Move the highlight to one SUHVVWKH6(/(&7EXWWRQ Mode free To clear the stored data, select Mode free and then press the Point yRUWKH6(/(&7EXWWRQ0RYHWKHKLJKOLJKWWRWKH button. 3Note:

Computer Input Image select Menu IMAGE button Dynamic Real Image 1 Image 2 Image 3 Image Mode Selection Image 4 Blackboard(Green) Standard Remote Control IMAGE button Select the desired image mode among Dynamic,Standard, Real,Blackboard (Green),Colorboard,Image 1,Image 2, Image 3 and Image 4 by pressing the IMAGE button on the remote control. Standard Picture mode with improved halftone for graphics. Real Blackboard (Green) Image 1–4 For the image projected on a blackboard. This mode helps enhance the image projected on a blackboard. This is mainly effective on a green colored board, not truly effective on a black colored board. Dynamic Direct Operation For viewing pictures in a bright room. Normal picture mode preset on the projector. For viewing with the user preset image mode in the Image $GMXVW0HQXVHHSDJHV7KLV,PDJHPHPRU\LV SURYLGHGLQHDFKFRPSXWHUFRPSRQHQW6YLGHRDQGYLGHR input source. 1 2 Menu Operation Colorboard Colorboard At the time of simple projection on the colored wall, you can get the close color image to the color image projected on a white screen by selecting the similar color to the wall color from the preset four colors. Use the Point xz buttons to select Image select and then press the Point yRUWKH6(/(&7EXWWRQ Use the Point xz buttons to select the desired item DQGWKHQSUHVVWKH6(/(&7EXWWRQ Dynamic Standard Real Blackboard(Green) Colorboard Red Image 1 Image 2 Image 3 Image 4 ►

Computer Input Image Adjust Menu Image Adjustment Reset 3UHVVWKH0(18EXWWRQWRGLVSOD\WKH2Q6FUHHQ Menu. Use the Point xz buttons to select Image adjust and then press the Point yRUWKH6(/(&7 button. 1 2Use the Point xz buttons select the desired item DQGWKHQSUHVVWKH6(/(&7EXWWRQWRGLVSOD\WKH DGMXVWPHQWGLDORJER[8VHWKH3RLQW {y buttons to adjust the setting value. 3Note: ‡:KHQ:KLWHEDODQFH Red,Green or Blue is adjusted, Color temp. will change to User. ‡:KHQBlackboard(Green) or Colorboard is selected in Image select, Color temp. will change to Blackboard or Colorboard. Press the Point { button to decrease the contrast; press the Point yEXWWRQWRLQFUHDVHWKHFRQWUDVWIURPWR Press the Point { button to decrease the brightness; press the Point yEXWWRQWRLQFUHDVHWKHEULJKWQHVVIURPWR Contrast Brightness Press the Point{ button to lighten red tone; press the Point yEXWWRQWRGHHSHQUHGWRQHIURPWR White balance (Red) Press the Point { button to lighten green tone; press the Point yEXWWRQWRGHHSHQJUHHQWRQHIURPWR White balance (Green) Press the Point { button to lighten blue tone; press the Point yEXWWRQWRGHHSHQEOXHWRQHIURPWR White balance (Blue) Use the Point {y buttons to select the desired Color temp. OHYHO;/RZ/RZ0LGRU+LJK Color temp. Use the Point {y buttons to adjust the gamma value to Gamma Press the Point { button to decrease the sharpness of the image; press the Point y button to increase the sharpness RIWKHLPDJHIURPWR Sharpness To reset the adjusted data, select Resetand press the 6(/(&7EXWWRQ$FRQILUPDWLRQER[DSSHDUVDQGWKHQVHOHFW Ye s. All adjustments will return to their previous figures. Use the Point {ybuttons to adjust the setting value.Selected Image mode

Computer Input Store HQDEOHV\RXWRFXVWRPL]HWKHLPDJHVL]H Screen Menu Screen Size Adjustment 3URYLGHWKHLPDJHWRILWWKHVFUHHQVL]H Normal True automatically. Use the Point xz{ybuttons to pan the image. When adjusted, the arrows will turn red. When reached to the correction limits, the arrows will disappear. Full Provide the full screen image. 3Note: