ViewSonic Pjl6233 Projector User Manual
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15 Installation Connecting to Video Equipment Cables used for connection

Installation Connecting to Component Video and RGB (Scart) Equipment 3Note: :KHQWKH$8,2287LVSOXJJHGLQWKHSURMHFWRU VEXLOWLQVSHDNHULVQRWDYDLODEOH Cables used for connection

17 Installation Connecting the AC Power Cord 7KLV SURMHFWRU XVHV QRPLQDO LQSXW YROWDJHV RI 9$& and it automatically selects the correct input voltage. It is GHVLJQHG WR ZRUN ZLWK VLQJOHSKDVH SRZHU V\VWHPV KDYLQJ D grounded neutral conductor. To reduce the risk of electrical shock, do not plug into any other type of power system. If you are not sure of the type of power being supplied, FRQVXOW\RXUDXWKRUL]HGGHDOHURUVHUYLFHFHQWHU Connect the projector with all peripheral equipment before turning the projector on. 3Note: Unplug the AC power cord when the projector is not in use. When this projector is connected to an outlet ZLWKWKHDOLWWOHHOHFWULFSRZHU To the AC outlet. (200 - 240 V AC) NOTE ON THE POWER CORD AC power cord must meet requirement of the country where you use the projector. Confirm the AC plug type with the chart below and proper AC power cord must be used. If supplied AC power cord does not match your AC outlet, contact your sales dealer. To power cord connector on your projector. Projector side AC outlet side To the AC outlet. (120 V AC) For the U.S.A. and Canada To the AC outlet. (200 - 240 V AC) For the U.K. For Continental Europe CAUTION The AC outlet must be near this equipment and must be easily accessible. Connect the AC power cord (supplied) to the projector. Ground Ground¹º Using the Ferrite Core Before using the AC Power Cord, attach the ferrite core (supplied) as shown below. (See below for mounting location.) The Power Cord with ferrite core must be used for RF interference suppression. PP AC Power Cord Ferrite Core Keep closing until it makes a clicking sound.

7KHSUHSDUDWLRQGLVSOD\ZLOOGLVDSSHDUDIWHU seconds. 6HHSDJHIRU/DPSFRQWUROVWDWXV Turning On the Projector Connect the projector’s AC power cord into an AC outlet. The POWER indicator lights red. Open the lens FDSVHHSDJHV 3UHVVWKH2167$1%

What is PIN code? PIN (Personal Identification Number) code is a security code that allows the person who knows it to operate the SURMHFWRU6HWWLQJD3,1FRGHSUHYHQWVXQDXWKRUL]HGXVHRI the projector. $3,1FRGHFRQVLVWVRIDIRXUGLJLWQXPEHU5HIHUWRWKH3,1 locking operation of the projector with your PIN code. Enter a PIN code Use the Point xz buttons to enter a number. Press the Point {yEXWWRQVWRIL[WKHQXPEHUDQGPRYHWKHUHG IUDPHSRLQWHUWRWKHQH[WER[7KHQXPEHUFKDQJHVWR

720$,17$,17+(/,)(2)7+(/$0321&( YOU TURN THE PROJECTOR ON, WAIT AT /($67),9(0,187(6%()25(7851,1*,7 OFF. Power off?GLVDSSHDUVDIWHUVHFRQGV Turning Off the Projector 3UHVVWKH2167$1%

21 Basic Operation How to Operate the On-Screen Menu Menu. The menus have a hierarchical structure, with a main menu that is divided into submenus, which are further divided into other submenus. For each adjustment and setting procedure, refer to respective sections in this manual. Use the Point xz buttons to highlight or select a main menu item. Press the Point yRUWKH6(/(&7button to access the submenu items. (The selected item is highlighted in orange.) Use the Point xz buttons to select the desired VXEPHQXLWHPDQGSUHVVWKH6(/(&7EXWWRQWRVHWRU access the selected item. Press the MENU button on the top control or the UHPRWHFRQWUROWRGLVSOD\WKH2Q6FUHHQ0HQX 1 2 3 On-Screen MenuTop Control MENU buttonPOINT buttons (arrowhead) Remote Control SELECT button MENU buttonSELECT buttonPOINT buttons (arrowhead) Point y or SELECT button Use the Point xz{ybuttons to adjust the setting or VZLWFKEHWZHHQHDFKRSWLRQDQGSUHVVWKH6(/(&7 button to activate it and return to the submenu.4 Press the Point {button to return to the main menu. 3UHVVWKH0(18EXWWRQWRH[LWWKH2Q6FUHHQ0HQX5 Dynamic Standard Real Blackboard(Green) Colorboard Red Image 1 Image 2 Image 3 Image 4 ► Dynamic Standard Real Blackboard(Green) Colorboard Red Image 1 Image 2 Image 3 Image 4 ► The currently set item is check marked. The selected item is highlighted in orange.


Basic Operation 5RWDWHWKH=RRP5LQJWR]RRPLQDQGRXW Rotate the Focus Ring to adjust the focus of the image. Zoom and Focus Adjustment If a projected picture still has keystone distortion after pressing the AUTO SETUP button on the top control or the AUTO SET button on the remote control, correct the image manually as follows: Press the KEYSTONE button on the remote control. The .H\VWRQHGLDORJER[DSSHDUV8VHWKH3RLQW xz buttons to correct keystone distortion. The keystone adjustment can be VWRUHGVHHSDJH Reduce the upper width with the Point x button. Reduce the lower width with the Point z button. ‡7KHZKLWHDUURZVLQGLFDWHWKDWWKHUHLVQR correction.

Sound Adjustment 1 2 3UHVVWKH0(18EXWWRQWRGLVSOD\WKH2Q6FUHHQ0HQX Use the Point xz buttons to select Sound. Press the Point y or WKH 6(/(&7 EXWWRQ WR DFFHVV WKH VXEPHQX items. 3UHVV WKH 92/80(