Communications System
Toshiba Perception Electronic Business Communications System Installation And Maintenance Manual
Toshiba Perception Electronic Business Communications System Installation And Maintenance Manual
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(P The Utility are divided 1) Data Inplt 2) Data outp 3) ntcenance Pr Each Utility Program has a kdentify it and to call it up fr mst be executed before a Utility Pr The Utility nits and the etablethats I..- ‘, DATAINPUTP- c UrdTelephoneDataBlcck G
(PRELmImRY) the PEXEEIXON system data can be i ions then listed on the System Record ( 11, 11 thenserveasaprogramninggui ation record,, contains a .form for eat by the Utility Program e: System Data Block-DsYS Program). ing data via a Utility Program is a matter of responding to the ts are listed in their pr order in the Sys Record spaceisprovidedtorecordarespo ord forms to record the var in ethe 0 systan Data Rl S misCXl.1~ entries that are meaningful to le rather individual. station or trunk, 0 Data is entered as follows: (Request)--1 cates programhasloaded. Since ta is only the response is possible: pr-tb ily DrzT (Daily Routine !FaskF-3pecifies Linre specified themaintenance tobe run at the in r mter: KEI T!E%f Wsnant Service+-Specifies if tenant service is Lo calls, dial tOI calls, attZEZ%t I&al 11 be routed to the proper attendant console (Att. . #1 for 3enant#l) according tm the response to Data Block (DEKT Program), Standard Telephone Block (IxMTprogram) andTrunkGroupData&Lock WIu?Program). If entered, the attend&cmsoleswilloperateintheloadshaxingnrode, ERter: Y (yes) or N (no), Icp 1 (Intercept the trunk group --If the attendant takes control of a trunk grcup using SC0 ::-/4 f !. /, , ill be routed to feature, stations calling that trunk group Intercep tone tOEL) or attendant NiT), This entry defines ICP 1 as being overfl Enter: ATT or OF% ICP 2 (Inter service and to n night service defines ICP 2 as being overfl tone (OF%) or att
19 ES lb- 1 for 2b- ines 2 for use tb DID or Universal. ines of (l--=9) * EILF 2 msy Field --Defines one of dispr;;yed by mole Enter: 1 digit (l-9);
19 6 OFT.4 1 ( DN- Attendant Console O)-Defines the , i< i, ? calls r fran attef&nt console 1 due to the att t 1‘ 7 facility. Enter: 1, 2, 3 digits or t amiole, ines the desti.fWzion for erfl facility. Enter: 1, 2, 3 digits or is datamaya attendant console. not print the Page DN tom DN used tto for the 1, 2, or 3 digits. Remte Access DNb--Defines the phantcxn DN used to assign a trunk for teAccesst0 servicesn uperation 0mxim.m: 3 digits). The phantmDN mSt be the sane as an assigned station DN. p.; ,, ‘:.. . mter: 1, 2, or 3 digits, (Recnote Access ines the access ines the digit to by-f dial : not conflict e. Access Code) Defines the digit Lo a r dial in place of E mter: 1 digit, : not conflict with DN or other access codes-not checked by iting Time-outF-Defines j.i a/,* f f ; 0 (for le: 30). ( .. F--Defines the ri for Enter: Timeinseco le: 301, 3 * ‘7 (
19 7 AOF (Attendant Overfl Time-cutb-Defines the t for the at t Overflow facility. Enter: Time in seconds (for le: 301, I*,. z:; :) __ cm (Cal.1 Time-out)--Mines the Enter: The in seconds (for le: 12). or HID (Hold [500/25001 Tine out)--Defines the out for the recall of a before the or a hear Enter: Tik in seconds (for example: 15). Also~cmntrols the release of an idle attendant console LPK key. PBT U?ush-button Timz=-outf-Defines the bemeen Gits dialed on a trunk line fran a MMF t voice path fromaMMFtelephoneto a00 line is brokendwbg dialing. The PBT timer determines quicklythepathis restoredand, therefore, shouldbe as short as pass Eater; Tine in s&onds, e.g., 6, LTd3 (tineLockout@m&=--Defines the length of time that over tone is apPlied to a station after having been released due to the timer. After this timt, the station will hear nothinq. EMer: Time in seconds, e,g.# 15. UWmmatic CallbackReserve Time)--Defines the length of time that the led station or trunk in an call is reservedforthecaller ( : 6secmds), Eater: Tk in -&, eegep 3, /:e,/t-.i /b z ._)I“ - : * HFS (Handsfree Answerbck Station) --A Y response all calls frcm any station to a Handsfree Answerback-equipped ,EKT to voice announce and be replied to handsfree. Enter: Y (yes) or N (no). FB?A (Handsfree Answerback Attendant)--A calls fr attendenttoaEl[andsfreeAnswerback-equipped~to anncxmce replied, to handsfree. and activates response informs the sys alarm on the console, is to
d DID Station)--+ response enables a DID station ri w- 0 s Code Data Block ( ram signs S used for feature execution, 0 Data is entered as fol is I?==& acter feature (See Table E- desired access Stan code assig : WCXSS assigned at the factory are feature not requiring change need not be entered. in Table E-l. Any entemdinanyorder, Features may be . Data is enter e-e responses are sible: is entered, only port entryisnecessary, b--1ndentifi portnuxrber location of .the ERT circuit to 1. DFXU l?CB location: LOO-Ll.4 0nthatFCB: th circuit on the DEXD in e, the port justdefin
of Key Strips+-Informs the system of s the EKT 11 have. 1 (for lo-key EKZ) or of gr s of 10 _cos (classof Group ces+-Assigns one of the 16 of Service are defined using (o--15), P--AssignsEXTtooneofthe f tenant service is not 0 orliftenantserviceis sel i.R stem - Block OSYS = Y). ines an inter Qg (Cal.1 Forward to tside the systemusing theCallForward-All calls feature Enter: Y or N. n (Toll Restricted Class)--Assigns one of the ten classes of Toll Restriction to the EKT. Classes O--7 are definedin the Toll Restriction Block UXQLprogram). Class 8 is sin-p toll res Oorlaredialedas the first or seco asunrestricted. digit. e activates the free response activates the D display on the Enter: Y (yes) or N ho). E (Key AssigmentsP-Assigns a DN or feature to one of the flexible keys. Enter: of the key to be defined fo aspacebar. Keys 9 (or 19 for 20 starting fran the ip (the four keys ing the key number 1 Feature or Directory ( ssible assig nts
19 ( 1 10 sc!RNNNxxx- Single Call Ring 0 Inmxning calls will ring Em. = Directory (Station) =FAmtrllmber=enterDNto S e fordistributedhunt (see e Station Hunt - Distributed: the hunt le: X Onaxi&m: 8 stations x = Distributed Hunt Gr iv&e Co Lines: eRing ring EKT oXXX=!LDNas Features: AC-AU i.cGdblback ADL-Au ic Dialing cm-CallForward-AllCalls DIS - Display Date Tim&lap DND- Do Not Disturb of to sig PRS- Privacy Release SCF-speaker- RND- RepeatLas Dialed SDS - SpeedDial-System lfg 2 - Speed Dj.L-Stat+on (controller - Speed Dial-Station (user of lis VCF xxx - Voice Page (XXX=DNtobepaged) FIX- Flash (sends flash toCOline) W-Release e P= isentered. 11 be repeated until lentries DEL Standard Telephone Data Block iven conventional telephone. h conventional telephone in the system.
0 Data is entered as follows: Wquest+-Indicates program has loaded, ee responses e possible: -Tocreatea STT Data Blocky -9Balter anexisting SlTData - To delete a let; existing Data Block, is enter&, only theport snecessary, location of the ines thedirectory 1, 2 or 3 digits. a station DN entered above also exists on an EKT that the DN does not exist on an Classof Group F-4ssigns one of the 16 classes of the telephone, ( ces are defined using pr 1 : ( l!5)* +4ssigns the station tooneof the possible sys t:enants. Enter: tenant service is not selected in Syst N) e 0 orliftenantserviceis selectedinSys Data Block DSYS - TEIN = II), (Call Pick-up GroupF4ssign.s the station to one of the 32 sible groups for use with the Call Pit feature. Enter: Group number (O-311 )-Defines the station to ich this DN hunts. 1 Fbrward-No Answer features,) in hunt group, b) Par Station Hunt - Distri (N = (X = cl DLG (Dialing station. )--Defines the t of dialing, if 8 to used by the
19 (PmLIMmARY) E 12 Enter:DIP for dial pllse IDN for DTkF. MtG 0 or 1 for xnmml line (off-hook rings operator 0 or 1). for hot line (off- Dial ListF-Assigns one of 25 sonal, lo-number dial the station a controller of s the station a user of list - A ( ning Wne All ~~ - k--Defines an interruption-protected station. An Nn response will prevent warning tones from being applied to the station. Enter: Y or N. Calls feature TOL (Toll Restriction C%aSSk-Assigns one of the ten classes of 3311 ZZriction to the station. Classes O--7 are defined in the Toll RestrictionDataBlock (M0L PrograM. Class 8 is siqle toll restriction: restricting when 0 or 1 are dialed as the first or second digit, None defines the stations asunrestricted. mter: O-8 or None. asses of ess rkstrxted COS are mthisDataBlock. 0 DC0S program assigns a (O--15) to each gr of restrictions to The number defin ereisthenentered to the 00s tin theDSTT, DEXTandIYIGPprograms. o Any numbers not entered or otherwise defined 0 Data is entered as follows: restrictions. k?Q (Request)--Indicates program has 1 EiZ. ed, Theonlyresponsepossibleis s (Class of !Service)--Defines the COS nun&r (O--15) and the restrictions to be associated with it. The possible restrictions are listed in Table H-l. Enter: COS number, foil by the restriction, in the following format: 0 Too OVR Ace, In this example, COS 0 and attendant control override. trunk group 00, erride cos: Repeat for all COS entries.