Communications System
Toshiba Perception Electronic Business Communications System Installation And Maintenance Manual
Toshiba Perception Electronic Business Communications System Installation And Maintenance Manual
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rint Code Restriction Data Authorization Procedure must be completed. If an “OK” response is received, proceed as follows: - EXECUTE,- REQ 1 NOTE 7 - The folio wing responses are possible: ALL = Output Code Restriction Data Block CRLX = Print Code Restriction List #X [CTR Ll /Xl = Ignore line entered [CTR LI [HI = Backspace [DEL] = Stop printing and return to REQ [Df L] [DEL] = Abort program Authorization Procedure must be completed. If an “OK” response is received, proceed as follows: NOTE I-The following responses are possible: ALL = Output all Speed Dial List Data Blocks SYST = Output System Speed Dial List Data Block LSTN = Output List #N Data Block [CTRLI [Xl = Ignore line entered [CTRLI [HI = Backspace [DELI = Stop printing and return to REC! [DELI [DELI = Abort program Program Name: Print Speed Dial List (PSDL) Error Code 1 Meaning ERPSD 00 1 List number is out of range (0 N 25 is available).

rocedure - ‘Prim SMDR Data Block Authorization Procedure must be completed. If an “OK” response is received, proceed as follows: ITEM PROMPT 1 USER ENTRY 1 NOTE I OK I FMDR - DISK LQADING - REQ 1 NOTE I-The following responses are possible: PRT = Output SMDR Data Block [CTRL] [X] = Ignore line entered [CTRL] [HI = Backspace [DEL] = Stop printing and return to REQ [DEL] [DEL] = Abort program Procedure - Print Trunk Group Data Authorization Procedure must be completed. If an “OK” response is received, proceed as follows: ITEM PROMPT 1 USER ENTRY 1 NOTE OK 1 PTGP - DISK LOADING - REQ I 1 - EXECUTE - REQ 1 NOTE I-The following responses are possible: ALL = Ali TGP Data Blocks will be output GRPXX= TGP XX Data Block will be output COT = All CO Trunk Data Blocks will be output FEX = All FX Trunk Data Blocks will be output WAT = All WATS Trunk Data Blocks will be output TIE = All TIE Trunk Data Blocks will be output DID = All DID Trunk Data Blocks will be output CSA = All CCSA Trunk Data Blocks will be output PVL = All PVL Trunk Data Blocks will be output [CTRL] [X] = Ignore line entered [CTRL] [H] = Backspace [DEL] = Stop printing and return to REQ [DELI [DEL] = Abort program Error Codes Program Name: Print Trunk Group Data Block (PTGP) Error Code Meaning ERPTG 00 Invalid Response. ERPTG 01 input trunk group number is out of range (REQ=GRPXX).,

Procedure - Print runk Data Block Authorization Procedure must be as follows: completed. If an “OK” response is received, proceed REQ I I NOTE I-The following responses are possible: PORAL L = All TDBs will be output in numerical order of ports (lowest first) PORNNX = TDB of Port NNX data will be output POR VAC = All unassigned trunk ports will be output TGPNN = All TDBs assigned to trunk group NN will be output COT = All CO Trunk Data Blocks will be output FEX = All FX Trunk Data Blocks will be output WAT = All WATS Trunk Data Blocks will be output TIE = All TIE Trunk Data Blocks will be output DID = All DID Trunk Data Blocks will be output CSA = All CCSA Trunk Data Blocks will be output NIT = Output the Night Station Assignments for all CO, FX, and WATS trunks PVL = All PVL Trunk Data Blocks will be output [CTRLI [Xl = Ignore line entered [CTRL] [HI = Backspace [DEL] = Stop printing and return to REQ [DELI [DELI = Abort program Pr0gram Name: Print Trunk Data Block (PTRK) Error Code Meaning ERPTR 00 Invalid response. ERPTR 01 PCB Number or Circuit number is out of range (REQ = PORNNX). ERPTR 02 Input trunk group is out of range (REQ = TGPXX). ERPTR 03 Input port is not assigned to trunk (REQ = PORNNX). ick-u Authorization Procedure must be completed. If an “Ol

NOTE I- The following responses are possible: ALL = Output all Call Pick-up Groups listed by DN DNXXX= List the numbers of all Call Pick-up Groups containing DN XXX [CTRLI [Xl = Ignore line entered [CTRLJ [HI = Backspace [DEL] = Stop printing and return to REQ [DELI [DELI = Abort program Error Codes Program Name: Print Call Pick-up Groups (PCPG) Error Code Meaning ERPCP 00 Invalid response. ERPCP 01 Input DN does not exist. Procedure - Print unting Arrangements Authorization Procedure must be completed. if an “OK” response is received, proceed as follows: [T-EM PROMPT USER ENTRY 1 NOTE OK PHNT -DISK LOADING - REQ I I - EXECUTE - REQ 1 NOTE I -The folio wing responses are possible: ALL = Output all Hunting sequences [CTRL] [X] = Ignore line entered [CTRL] [HI = Backspace [DELI = Stop printing and return to REQ [DELI [DELI = Abort program Procedure - Data Dump Authorization Procedure must be completed. If an “OK” response is received, proceed as follows: ITEM PROMPT USER ENTRY NOTE OK DDMP DPG I DUN 2&3- NOTES: I. Program is loaded and dump is proceeding. 2. Dump is complete. 3. Program aborts automatically.

Procedure - EKT Test Procedure Authorization Procedure must as follows: be completed. If an “OK” response is received, proceed ITEM PROMPT USEFI ENTRY NOTE OK TTRM - DISK LOADING - REQ 1 NOTES: I. Program is now active; proceed to the EKT to be tested, and enter *TEK ( * 835) lo wing commands in ~txpm~e: and the foi. Key Strip 11 -..~- -.., 8 = On (7 = Off) 11 =On (io=offj , 15 /LED 15=On il4=6ffi Handset off-hook .-..---. -,, (check riQht volume control) 1 Key Strip 2 ILED 2=On (1 =off) EKT

Procedure - Attendant Console Test Authorization Procedure must be completed, If an “OK” response is received, proceed as follows: ITEM 1 f’R0iVIP-r 1 USER ENTRY 1 NOTE OK 1 TTRM - DISK LOADING - REQ 1 NOTE: I. Program is now active. Proceed to the Attendant Console to be tested, depress an m key, and enter * TATand the following commands in sequence: IDial kev 7 1 ICI OPR=on,STATVCT=on, Others=off ev Strip 1 LPK 4 1 Associated LED=on, Others=off IR Key-Strip I MSG Key Strip 2 HOLD 1 Associated LED=on, Others=off 1 All LEOs=off DIS TOD key NOTE: [CTRLI [Xl = Ignore line entered [CTR Ll [HI = Backspace [DEL] = TTY = RECJ [DEL] [DEL] = Abort program

Procedure - Peripheral E. ment Diagnostic Authorization Procedure must be completed. if an “OK” response is received, proceed as follows: BTEM PROMPT 1 USER EiUTRY 1 NOTE OK 1 TPER -DISK LOAQING - REQ I 8 1 - EXECUTE - REQ 1 NOTE I-The following User Entries are inputted as required after each REQ prompt. ENTRY DESCRIPTION RESPONSE DSCDXXX Disable PCB XXX immediately PCB disabled, FALT LEDs on DSTKNNX Disable Trunk NNX* TRK disabled, FALT LED on, REQ prompted DSLCNNX Disable Line Circuit NNX* Line disabled, FALT LED on, REQ prompted ENCDXXX Enable PCB XXX PCB enabled, FALT LEDs off, REQ prompted ENTKNNX Enable Trunk NNX* Trunk enabled, FALT LED off if all circuits are enabled, REQ prompted ENLCNNX Enable Line NNX* Station line enabled, FALT LED off if all circuits are enabled, REQ prompted DSRCNNX Disable RCVR NNX* RCVR disabled, FALT LED on, REQ prompted ENRCOOX Enable RCVR Circuit 00X* RCVR enabled, FALT LED off if all circuits are enabled, REQ prompted DSCIXXXX Disable PCB XXXX when idle Each port disabled when idle, FALT LEDs on LIPS List all idle ports Idle por%=LNNX, TNNX, etc, REQ prompted LBPS List all busy ports Busy ports= LNNX, TNNX, etc, REQ prompted LDPS List al! disabled ports Disabled ports= LNNX, TNNX, etc, REQ prompted Type (Note I) Status (Note 2) 500/2500 IDL STLCNNX Status of Line Ckt NNX* EKT BSY, DIS CBL UNEQ D IS TTY UNAS D IS TLD R EQ prompted Type (Note I) Status (Note 2 WAT IDL FX BSY STTKNNX Status of TRK Ckt NNX* TIE D IS TTY co D IS TLD CCSA R EQ prompted UNEQ UNAS STRCNNX Status of RCVR 00X* Status= IDL, BSY, DIS, ENEQ, UNAS, REQprompte STCDXXX Status of PCB XXX Circuit #I = same as STLC, STTK, STRC Circuit #2 = same as STLC, STTK, STRC Circuit #3 = same as STLC Circuit #4 = same as STLC, REQ prompted -NN = PC6 number, X = Circuit number.

1 DESCRIPTION 1 RESPONSE Set up monitor link using TNNX. System User Note WAIT [CR1 4 STSTLK . . . or Auto advance to DN prompt STS WAIT.. . or [CR1 5 STS OV R [DELI tCR1 6 DN DN [CR1 7 DDL [CR1 8 STSTLK...or Auto advance to TRK prompt 9 STS RLSA . . or Auto return to REQ prompt 10 STS DDL [CR1 II TRK CALL TNNX 12 WAIT tCR1 4 STS TLK . . . or Auto advance to DN prompt 13 STSRLSA...or Auto return to REQ prompt 10 STS BSY . . . or Auto return to TRK prompt 14 STS QV R Auto return to TRK prompt 15 DN DN [CR] 16 DDL [CR] when test is complete 17 STS TLK . STS RLSA STS RLSB . . or Auto return to TRK prompt 18 . . or Auto return to REQ prompt 10 . . . or Auto return to TR K prompt 19 STS DDL 1 [CR1 NOTES: I. Type: UNEQ = No PC5 in that position UNAS = PCB is equipped but no data is assigned 2. Status: IDL = Idle BSY = 5usy DIS TTY = Manually disabled via TTY DIS CBL = EKTpor? disabled by software due to open cable DIS TLD = Software disabled due to traffic load (indicates faulty PCB) 3. [CTRL] [XJ = Ignore line entered [CTRLJ [HI = Backspace [DELJ = Stop printing and return to REQ [DEL] [DELI = Abort program 4. [CRJ is required to advance program. 5. Requested trunk (A) is busy. Enter [cRJ to try again. 6. Requested trunk (A) does not exist in the system. Enter [DELJ [CRJ to return to REQprompt. 7. Enter the test center DN followed by [cRJ. 8. Allow time for completion of dialing and then enter KRJ. 9. Dialing is complete, program advances to TRK prompt. IO. Trunk A (monitor link) has been released due to a malfunction or an outside influence, such as the distant end going on-hook (Ground Start). I I. Dialing was not complete when [CRJ was entered. A second [CR] is required. 12. Enter the port number (TNNX) of the trunk (B) to be tested. 13. Requested trunk was idle and has been sieved. 14. Requested trunk (B) is busy. 15. Requested trunk (B) does not exist in the system. 16. Enter the DN that should be dialed by the trunk under test followed by a [CRJ. 17. After the dialing is complete, the audio from the trunk under test will be heard via the monitor link. Enter [CRJ when the test is complete. 18. Test has ended. Program automatically returns to TRK prompt to permit another trunk to be selected. 19. The trunk under test (B) was released due to a malfunction or outside influencer such as the dis- tant end going on-hook (Ground Start). 20. [CR] was entered while Trunk B was still dialing. .See note 17.

Error Codes 1 Procwam Name: Fioww Disk Drive Error Error Code Meanina I ERFD 01 File is closed. ERFD 02 Read error. ERFD 03 Write error. ERFD 09 File is write protected. ERFD IO File not found. ERFD II Volume not initialized. ERFD 12 1 File already exists. I ERFD FF 1 Other hardware causing the error.

ITEM Time of Daily Routine Daily Routine Tasks Tenant Service? Intercept #I Intercept #2 PROMPT REQ TOR DRT TEN ICPI lCP7 ENTRY CHG Intercept #3 lCP3 All Page Access Code APG Not Used AAT 1 Not Used APX I [CR]* 1 Listed Directory Number *I Listed Directory Number #2 LDN #I Night Number LDN #2 Night Number LNI LN2 NT1 NT2 Busy Lamp Field #I BLFI 1 Eusy Lamp Field #2 Overflow DN - Attendant Console #O Overflow DN - Attendant Console #I Message Center - Tenant #0 Message Center -Tenant #I Meet-me Page DN Remote Access DN BLF2 OFLI OFL2 MC0 MCI MMP REM Remote Access Change Code “ * ” Access Code “#‘I Access Code Camp-on (or CWT) Time-out Ring No Answer Time-out Attendant Overflow Time-out Call Forward No Answer Time-out . .v..s ,, COT RNA AOF CFD L -. - Hold (500/2500) Time-out HLD Dial Pulse Time-out DPT Push-button Time-out PRT -. Line Lock-out Time-out LLO Automatic Callback Reserve Time ACB Handsfree Answerback-station HFS Handsfree Answerback-attendant HFA SMDR Equipped MDR *[CR1 = Depress Carriage Return