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Steinberg Nuendo 3 Operation Manual

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    of 730
    Audio effects 11 – 281
    3.On the menu, select “Routing”.
    Each send is now shown as a small routing diagram, showing (from left to right) pre/
    post selector, send on/off switch, send level, pan (where applicable) and send routing. 
    You can adjust all of these settings here if needed.
    4.Deactivate the “Link Send Routing Panners...” button above the rout-
    ing display.
    When this is activated, the send panners follow the pan for the channel.
    5.Click and drag the pan control for the desired send(s) in the display.
    As usual, you can reset the pan control to the center position by pressing [Ctrl]/[Com-
    mand] and clicking on the pan control slider.
    •If the FX channel is configured in a surround format, the pan control will 
    be a miniature surround panner, similar to the one found in the mixer.
    You can click and drag the “ball” in this figure to position the send in the surround field, 
    or double click the figure to bring up the surround panner. See page 311.
    • If both the send (the audio channel) and the FX channel is in mono, the 
    pan control is not available.
    About sends for FX channels
    The FX channels themselves have sends, too. However, these can 
    only be routed to output busses, not to effects.   
    11 – 282 Audio effects
    Setting effect levels
    After you have set up the sends as described in the previous sections, 
    the following is now possible:
    •You can use the send level slider in the Channel Settings, Inspector, 
    or the extended part of the mixer to set the send level.
    By adjusting the send level you control the amount of signal sent from the audio chan-
    nel to the FX channel.
    Setting the effect send level.
    •In the mixer, you can use the level fader for the FX channel to set the 
    effect return level.
    By adjusting the return level you control the amount of the signal sent from the FX 
    channel to the output bus.
    Setting the effect return level.   
    Audio effects 11 – 283
    FX channels and the Solo Defeat function
    When mixing, you might sometimes want to solo specific audio chan-
    nels, and listen only to these while other channels are muted. How-
    ever, this will mute all FX channels as well. If the soloed audio 
    channels have sends routed to FX channels, this means you won’t 
    hear the send effects for the channels.
    To remedy this, you can use the Solo Defeat function for the FX chan-
    1.First press [Alt]/[Option] and click on the Solo button for the FX 
    This activates the Solo Defeat function for the FX channel. In this mode, the FX 
    channel will not be muted if you solo another channel in the mixer.
    2.You can now solo any of the audio channels without having the effect 
    return (the FX channel) muted.
    3.To turn off the Solo Defeat function for the FX channel, [Alt]/[Option]-
    click the Solo button for the FX channel again. 
    11 – 284 Audio effects
    Using external effects
    Although this program comes with a top selection of VST effect plug-
    ins and there’s a huge range of additional plug-ins available on the 
    market, you may still have some hardware effect units that you want to 
    use - valve compressors, reverb units, vintage tape echo machines, 
    etc. By setting up external FX busses you can make your outboard 
    equipment part of Nuendo’s virtual studio!
    An external FX bus is basically a combination of outputs (sends) and 
    inputs (returns) on your audio hardware, along with a few additional 
    settings. All external FX busses you have created will appear on the 
    effect pop-up menus and can be selected in the same way as any ef-
    fect plug-in. The difference is that if you select an external effect as an 
    insert effect for an audio track, the audio will be sent to the corre-
    sponding audio output, processed in your hardware effect (provided 
    that you have connected it properly) and returned via the specified au-
    dio input.
    • To use external effects, you need audio hardware with multiple inputs and out-
    puts. This is necessary because your external effect will require at least one 
    input and one output (or input/output pairs for stereo effects) - apart from the 
    input/output ports you use for recording and monitoring.
    • As always, audio hardware with low-latency drivers is a good thing to have. 
    Nuendo will compensate for the input/output latency and ensure that the au-
    dio processed through the external effect isn’t shifted in time. However, this 
    automatic delay compensation results in added latency - if your audio hard-
    ware has a high latency to start with, this could be a problem.
    Setting up
    To set up an external effect device, proceed as follows:
    1.Connect an unused output pair on your audio hardware to the input 
    pair on your hardware effect.
    In this example, we assume that the hardware effect has stereo inputs and outputs.
    2.Connect an unused input pair on your audio hardware to the output 
    pair on your hardware effect.
    3.Open the VST Connections window from the Devices menu. 
    Audio effects 11 – 285
    4.Click the External FX tab and click “Add External FX”.
    5.In the dialog that appears, select Stereo on both pop-up menus 
    (Send and Return configurations).
    Again, this is because the hardware uses stereo connections in our example. If it uses 
    mono connections, you should select Mono on the pop-ups, etc.
    This adds a new External FX bus.
    6.Click in the Device Port column for the Send Bus “Left” and “Right” 
    ports and select the outputs on your audio hardware that you con-
    nected in step 1 above.
    7.Click in the Device Port column for the Return Bus “Left” and “Right” 
    ports and select the inputs on your audio hardware that you con-
    nected in step 2 above.
    8.Select the bus, click in the Bus Name column and enter a name for 
    the external effect (e.g. the name of the actual hardware effect).
    9.If you like, make additional settings for the bus.
    These are found in the three columns to the right. Note however that you can adjust 
    these while using the external effect - that may be easier as you can hear the result.
    Setting Description
    Delay If your hardware effect device has an inherent delay (latency), 
    you should enter this value here. This allows Nuendo to compen-
    sate for that delay during playback. Note that you don’t have to 
    take the latency of the audio hardware into account - that is han-
    dled automatically by the program.
    In most cases you should be able to leave this setting at 0 ms. 
    Effect devices that may have noticeable latency include digital 
    dynamics processors with look-ahead - consult the technical 
    specifications of the device if you’re uncertain.  
    11 – 286 Audio effects
    10.When you are done, close the VST Connections window.
    How to use the external effect
    If you now click an insert effect slot for any channel and look at the ef-
    fect pop-up menu, you will find the new external FX bus listed under 
    the “External Plugins” heading.
    When you select it, the following happens:
    • The external FX bus is loaded into the effect slot just like a regular effect plug-in.
    • The audio signal from the channel will be sent to the outputs on the audio 
    hardware, through your external effect device and back to the program via the 
    inputs on the audio hardware.
    • A parameter window appears, showing the Delay, Send Gain and Return Gain 
    settings for the external FX bus. You can adjust this as necessary while playing 
    Like any effect, you can use the external FX bus as an insert effect or 
    as a send effect (an insert effect on an FX channel track). You can de-
    activate or bypass the external effect with the usual controls.
    Send Gain Allows you to adjust the level of the signal being sent to the ex-
    ternal effect.
    Return Gain Allows you to adjust the level of the signal from the external ef-
    fect. Note however that excessive output levels from an external 
    effect device may cause clipping in the audio hardware. Return 
    gain cannot be used to compensate for this - lower the output 
    level on the effect device instead. Setting Description  
    Audio effects 11 – 287
    Making settings for the effects
    Selecting effect presets
    Most VST effect plug-ins come with a number of useful presets for in-
    stant selection. You can select presets in the control panel for the ef-
    fect, but they are also available for selection from the Channel 
    Settings window:
    1.Open the Channel Settings for the channel with the insert effects.
    This means that to select presets for send effects, you should open the FX Settings 
    window for the FX channel track.
    2.Pull down the Display Modes pop-up menu above the insert slots and 
    select “Preset”.
    Now the insert slots show the currently selected presets.
    3.Click on a preset name to open the pop-up menu and select another 
    You can also use the small arrow buttons to the right of the Preset field to step through 
    the available presets.   
    11 – 288 Audio effects
    Editing effects
    All inserts and sends have an Edit (“e”) button. Clicking this opens the 
    selected effect’s control panel in which you can make parameter set-
    The contents, design and layout of the control panel depends on the 
    selected effect. However, all effect control panels have a power but-
    ton, a Bypass button, Read/Write automation buttons (for automating 
    effect parameter changes – see page 337), a preset selection pop-up 
    menu and a file pop-up menu for saving or loading programs. In Nu-
    endo for Mac OS X these are located at the bottom of the control 
    panel, whereas they are at the top of the control panel in Nuendo un-
    der Windows.
    The Rotary effect control panel.
    •Please note that all effects can be edited using a simplified control 
    panel (horizontal sliders only, no graphics) if you prefer this. To edit 
    effects using this “basic” control panel instead, press [Ctrl]/[Com-
    mand]+[Shift] and click on the Edit button for the effect send or slot.
    Making settings
    Effect control panels may have any combination of knobs, sliders, but-
    tons and graphic curves. 
    • For specifics about the included effects and their parameters, please re-
    fer to the separate pdf document “Audio Effects and VST Instruments”.   
    Audio effects 11 – 289
    Naming effects
    If you edit the parameters for an effect, these settings are saved auto-
    matically in the project. If you want to name the current settings, the 
    following points apply:
    • The basis for the current settings may have been a preset effect program, in 
    which case there is a name in the preset field.
    • The basis for the current settings may have been a default setting program lo-
    cation in which case “Default” is displayed in the preset field.
    In both cases, if you have changed any effect parameter settings, 
    these are already saved! To name the current settings, click the Name 
    field, type in a new name and press [Return]. The new name replaces 
    the previous name on the program pop-up menu.
    Saving effects
    You can save your edited effects for further use (e.g. in other projects) 
    by using the file pop-up menu to the right of the name field.
    1.Pull down the file pop-up menu.
    •If you want to save the current program only, select “Save Effect”.
    Effect programs have the Windows file extension “fxp”.
    •If you want to save all programs for the effect, select “Save Bank”.
    Effect banks have the Windows file extension “fxb”.
    2.In the file dialog that appears, select a name and location for the file 
    and click Save.
    It might be a good idea to prepare a special folder for your effects.
    Loading effects
    1.Pull down the file pop-up menu.
    2.Select “Load Effect” or “Load Bank”.
    3.In the file dialog that opens, locate the file and click Open.
    If you loaded a Bank, it will replace the current set of all effect programs. If you loaded 
    a single effect, it will replace the currently selected effect program only.
    Automating effect parameters
    Effects parameters can be automated – see the chapter “Automation”. 
    11 – 290 Audio effects
    Installing and managing effect plug-ins
    There is a wide range of additional effect plug-ins available in the two 
    formats supported by Nuendo (VST and DirectX). The two formats are 
    handled differently when it comes to installation and organizing:
    VST plug-ins
    Mac OS X
    Plug-ins in Mac OS 9.X format cannot be used.
    There is a large number of VST plug-ins available for purchase or 
    download. To install a VST plug-in under Mac OS X, quit Nuendo and 
    drag the plug-in file to one of the following folders:
    • /Library/Audio/Plug-Ins/VST/
    This is only possible if you are the system administrator. Plug-ins installed in this folder 
    will be available to all users, for all programs that support them.
    • Users/Username/Library/Audio/Plug-Ins/VST/
    “Username” above is the name you use to log on to the computer (the easiest way to 
    open this folder is to go to your “Home” folder and use the path /Library/Audio/Plug-
    Ins/VST/ from there). Plug-ins installed in this folder are only available to you.
    When you launch Nuendo again, the new effects will appear on the 
    effect pop-up menus.
    • An effect plug-in may also come with its own installation application, in 
    which case you should use this.
    Generally, always read the documentation or readme files before installing new plug-ins.
    Under Windows, VST plug-ins are usually installed simply by drag-
    ging the files (with the extension “.dll”) into the Vstplugins folder in the 
    Nuendo application folder, or into the Shared VST Plug-in folder – 
    see below. When you launch Nuendo again, the new effects will ap-
    pear on the Effect pop-up menus.
    • If the effect plug-in comes with its own installation application, you 
    should use this.
    Generally, always read the documentation before installing new plug-ins. 
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