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Starplus Triad S System Programming Manual

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Page 141

3-10 Page  A I ntro ductio n
CO  Li ne  Gr ou p  Pr ogram m in g 
Pro g ram mi ng  S te ps
1 . Pr es s t h e  CO  L I N E  G R OU P  f le x i b le  b u tt o n  ( FLASH 40, Butto n #8 ).
2. Enter a valid number on the dial pad (0-23)  which corresponds to 
Groups 0-23.
3. Press HOLD to save the entry. A confirmation  tone is  heard  and the 
display updates.
Des crip ti on
Twenty four line groups are  available  for CO line assignment. Groups 
shoul d b e a ssi gne d a ccor di ng t o t ype  (l ocal , F X,...

Page 142

Page A  Introduction 3-11
COS 4  = Re stri cts [0],  [1],  [* ], [# ] di al ed a s fi rst-di git a nd pl aces  a 7-d igi t 
dialing  limitatio n. Allowed are: 1-800, 1-888, 1-866, 1-877, 1-911,  and 
1-611. Denied are:  411, 976,  and  555.
COS5  =  Overrides Station COS  2, 3, 4, 5 and allows unrestricted 
di ali ng.
3. Press HOLD to save the entry. A confirmation  tone is  heard  and the 
display updates.
Des crip ti on
Thr ough ass ignm ent s of  a CO  Cl ass  of Se rv ice , t he ass ign ed CO li ne...

Page 143

3-12 Page  A I ntro ductio n
CO Line Ringing Assignments
Pro g ram mi ng  S te ps
1 . Pr es s t he  RI NG ASS IGN MENT  fl exi bl e  butt on (F LA SH 40 ,  Pa ge  A,  
Bu tton  #10).  Th e d isp lay  shows  t he  foll owi ng i nfor mat ion :
2. Enter a  valid  De stina tion (D DD)  and  Rin g type  (R) f ollowed  by the  
H OLD  but ton . A confi r mat ion  tone  i s  hear d a nd t he  di spl ay  updat es .
Adding Multiple Stations
Ent er : DDD R HO LD D DDR HOLD  DD DR HO LD ...e tc.
(Example:  1073...

Page 144

Page A  Introduction 3-13
Des crip ti on
Each CO Line may be ass ig ned to ring a ny s ta tion in the sys te m; UCD,  
Voice Mail or  Hunt Group,  or  Off-Net  (via speed dial).  CO Line  ringing is 
pr ogra mmed  on a pe r C O L ine  des ti nat i on bas is.  Each d est i nat ion m ay be  
des ig nat ed  to  ri ng du ri ng t he  day , dur i ng t he  nigh t,  or  re cei ve  bot h D ay 
and  Nig ht ringin g. S ta tions that a re  as sig ned  for  initial ring -in mu s t ha v e 
a L OO P but ton (s) t o a...

Page 145

3-14 Page  A I ntro ductio n
The  nam e m ay b e e nte red  in  any comb ina tion up  to  12-cha ra cte rs  
(t his  re pr es ent s 2 4 -di gi ts  ent er ed ).
3. Press HOLD to save the entry. A confirmation  tone is  heard  and the 
display updates.
Des crip ti on
The Co  Line Identification  Display feature allows  the entry  of a  name for 
each line (trunk) connected to the system.  Once entered into the 
dat aba se , LC D p hones , i nclu ding  t he A t te nda nt  st at ions , r ece iv e t he  

Page 146

Page A  Introduction 3-15
A  mes sag e s im il ar  t o t he f oll owi ng di spl ay  is  use d  for  al l C O  Lin e d is pla ys 
when  a n ame  is  pr ogr amme d f or  a C O L ine .
CO  Di rec ti on
Pro g ram mi ng  S te ps
1 . Pr es s t he  TR UN K DI R EC TI ON  fl exi bl e b utt on. (FLASH  40, Page A, 
Bu tton  #12).  Th e f oll owing  me ssa ge  dis pl ays:
2. Enter a valid number (0-3) on  the dial pad which corresponds to the 
desired CO type:
[0] =  Out-of -S ervice ( OOS)
[1] =  In com ing  Onl...

Page 147

3-16 Page  A I ntro ductio n
Outgo ing
†Outgoing restric ts the CO Line to outgoing calls only.
†Use rs  can  pla ce ca ll on  hold,  park the  call,  and  other stations ca n 
pi ck -up the  cal l .
Incoming and Outgoing
†Incom ing and outgoing typ e allow ca lls to b e receiv ed or dia led out.
†By defau lt, all CO Lines default  to  both incoming and outgoing type.
Display Ring Assignments
Pro g ram mi ng  S te ps
1. Press FL ASH  40, Pag e  A, Bu tton  #13 to d isp lay  ring  ass ign ments....

Page 148

Page A  Introduction 3-17
91 1 Tru n k 
Pro g ram mi ng  S te ps
1. Press FL ASH  40, Pag e  A, Bu tton  #15 to designate the line  for  911 
use . Th e f oll owin g me ssa ge  dis pl ays:
2. Enter a 0 or 1 on the dial pad to enable/disable this feature.
[0] =  Disab le d
[1] =  Ena ble d
3. Press HOLD to save the entry. A confirmation  tone is  heard  and the 
display updates.
Des crip ti on
Whe n t he 91 1  sys te m f eat ur e is ena ble d (FLA SH 06 ), th is id ent if ie s whi c h 
CO lines are to be...

Page 149

3-18 Page  B I ntro ductio n
Page B Introduction
Pro g ram mi ng  S te ps
If the system is in the  programming mode,  continue using the program 
codes. If  starting to program  here, enter  the programming mode. If Page 
B CO  Li ne  fe at ure s m ust  be  chang ed:
1. Press FLASH and  di al  [40 ].  The following message displays:
2. Enter a valid number for the range of lines being programmed. If only 
on e l in e i s  bei ng  prog ram med,  ent er  t hat  num ber  t wi ce  (0 0 1  00 1) .
3. Press...

Page 150

Page B Introduction 3-19
Whe n pr ogr ammi ng t he  P age  B f eat ur es , t he  fl exi ble  b utt ons  ar e 
mapp ed as fol lows :
Tr an s m i t  Vo l u m e
Pro g ram mi ng  S te ps
1 . Pr es s t he  TR A NS M IT  VO LU ME  fl exi bl e  but ton (FLASH  40, Page B, 
Bu tton  #1).  The  fo ll owing  mes sag e d is pla ys:
2. Enter a valid number (0-9) for the desired volume level.
3. When the desired level is selected, press HOLD to complete the entry. 
A conf ir mat ion  to ne i s  hea rd  and  the  di...
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