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Starplus Triad S System Programming Manual

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Page 91

2-44 Prog ra mmable Flash  Rat es
In co mi ng  In t erco m  R in g in g
Pro g ram mi ng  S te ps
1 . Pr es s t he  I NC  IC M  R IN G fl ex  but ton (FLA SH 07 ,  Bu tton  #2). The 
following message displays:
2. Enter a valid number (00-28) on the dial pad to correspond to one of 
t he  2 9 avai la ble  opt i ons. Refe r to Ta b l e  2 - 6 :  F l a s h  R at e s.
3. Press HOLD to save the entry. A confirmation  tone is  heard  and the 
display updates.
Des crip ti on
The  Incoming Inte rco m Ringing...

Page 92

Program mable Flash  Rat es 2 -45
Des crip ti on
The Call Forward  Button flash rate  is the  rate at which the  Call Forward 
but ton  fla she s whe n any  typ e of  forwa rd  mode  is  use d. T his  fla sh r at e ca n 
be  pr ogra mme d t o 2 9  dif fer en t  opti ons  id ent if ie d i n t he  fl ash  ra te  t abl e.  
Thi s enab le s t he  pr ogr amme r to cust omiz e  t he key sys te m confi gur at ion 
to  desired flash rates. By  default,  Call  Forward Button flash rate is  set for a 
Red  St ea...

Page 93

2-46 Prog ra mmable Flash  Rat es
Me ss age  Callback -  DS S / BLF
Pro g ram mi ng  S te ps
1 . Pr es s t he  MSG  CBCK –  DSS /BL F fl ex  but ton  (FLASH  07, Button  #5). 
The following  message displays:
2. Enter a valid number (00-28) on the dial pad to correspond to one of 
the 29  available options.  (Refer to Ta b l e  2 - 6 :  F l a s h  R at e s.
3. Press HOLD to save the entry. A confirmation  tone is  heard  and the 
display updates.
Des crip ti on
The  Mes sag e C al l  Back D SS/BLF  fl...

Page 94

Program mable Flash  Rat es 2 -47
Des crip ti on
The Do No t Disturb DSS/BLF flash rate is the rate at which a  DSS button of 
a s ta ti on f las hes  whe n you  ar e i n a  Do  Not  Di st urb  mode .  Thi s f las h r at e 
c an b e p rogr am med  to  29  d iff er ent  opt i ons i de nti fi ed  in  th e f la sh r at e 
ta bl e. Thi s e nab le s t he  pr ogra mme r to cu st omiz e th e k ey syst e m 
configura tion to d esired  fla sh rates . By  de fault,  Do  Not Disturb  DS S/BLF 
flash  rate is set...

Page 95

2-48 Prog ra mmable Flash  Rat es
2. Enter a valid number (00-28) on the dial pad to correspond to one of 
the 29  available options.  (Refer to Ta b l e  2 - 6 :  F l a s h  R at e s.)
3. Press HOLD to save the entry. A confirmation  tone is  heard  and the 
display updates.
Des crip ti on
The UCD Available/Unavailable DSS/BLF flash rate is the rate at  which  a 
DSS  ap pea ra nce f or a  st at ion  in  AC D/UCD  Unav ai lab le  mode  fl as hes . Th is  
flash  rate can  be  programmed to 29  different...

Page 96

Program mable Flash  Rat es 2 -49
Recall CO Ri nging
Pro g ram mi ng  S te ps
1. Press the RECALL CO RING flex button (FLASH 07, Button  #10). T he 
following message displays:
2. Enter a valid number on the dial pad to correspond  to  one  of the 
29 ava ilable  options . (Refer to Tab l e 2- 6: Fl as h R a tes.)
3. Press HOLD to save the entry. A confirmation  tone is  heard  and the 
display updates
Des crip ti on
The  Re ca ll C O  Ringing f las h rate  is  th e rate  at which a  CO Line  button  or...

Page 97

2-50 Prog ra mmable Flash  Rat es
Des crip ti on
The  Qu eue d CO  Ring ing f la sh r at e i s t he r at e  at  which a  CO  Li ne b utt on or  
Loop  but ton  fla she s wh en a  que ued  li ne  be comes  av ail ab le . T his  fl ash  
ra te  c an  be  pr ogra mme d t o 2 9  dif fer en t  opti ons  id ent if ie d i n t he  fl ash 
rate table. This  enables  the programmer to customize the  key system 
configura tion to d esired  fla sh rates . By  de fault,  Qu eue d C O Ringing flas h 
rate is set for a...

Page 98

Program mable Flash  Rat es 2 -51
2. Enter a valid number (00-28) on the dial pad to correspond to one of 
the 29  available options.  (Refer to Ta b l e  2 - 6 :  F l a s h  R at e s.)
3. Press HOLD to save the entry. A confirmation  tone is  heard  and the 
display updates.
Des crip ti on
The  S yst em  Hold  fl ash  ra te  i s t he  r at e a t  which  a C O  Lin e b utt on or  L oop 
but ton f la shes  whe n a cal l i s pl ace d on S yst em H old.  Thi s fl as h ra te  can be  
pr ogra mmed  to  29...

Page 99

2-52 Prog ra mmable Flash  Rat es
Camp-O n Butto n
Pro g ram mi ng  S te ps
1 . Pr es s t he  CAMP-O N BT N fl ex  but ton (FLASH  07, Button  #15). T he 
following message displays:
2. Enter a valid number (00-28) on the dial pad to correspond to one of 
the 29  available options.  (Refer to Ta b l e  2 - 6 :  F l a s h  R at e s.)
3. Press HOLD to save the entry. A confirmation  tone is  heard  and the 
display updates.
Des crip ti on
The  C amp- On  Button f las h rate  is  th e rate  at which the...

Page 100

Program mable Flash  Rat es 2 -53
Des crip ti on
The Call Back Button  flash  rate is the  rate at which the Call Back  Button 
fl ashe s w hen  a s tat i on at  wh ich  you l eft  a  cal l  back  re ques t  be com es 
ava il abl e.  Th is fl ash ra te  can be pr ogra mmed  t o 2 9 dif fer ent  op ti ons 
identified in the  flash  rate table.  This  enables the programmer  to 
cust omiz e  t he k ey  syst e m confi gur at ion  to d es ir ed  fla sh r at es . By  def aul t, 
Cal l  Back  Bu tt on fl as h...
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