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Starplus Triad S System Programming Manual

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Page 41

1-24 D ata base Upl o ad/D o wn lo ad Ro utine
7. When the Receive XMODEM screen displays, enter path and file name 
for  database  file, then  press  to begin the  download  routine.
The download  is complete when a  confirmation tone  is heard  from 
the comm unications p acka ge  and the ADM>  prompt returns .
8. Type M and press .
9 . Pr es s < A lt > +  .
10. To ex it Procomm  and  return  to the DOS  prom pt,  pres s .
The  down load  fi le  cont ai ns a  se r ie s of  A SCI I  st r ings  wi th  a...

Page 42

Da taba se Uploa d/Download Rout ine 1 -25
PROCOMM -- Uploading an ASCII Database File
1 . Ent er  t he  inf orma ti on on  th e f oll owing  sc r ee n c ap tur e.
2. Pres s  to disp lay  the Up loa d Protocol  screen .
3. Type X to send the upload  file to the X-Modem for tracking and 
c or re c t ing er ror s dur ing th e up loa d pr oc edu re.
Eng. Ver. 0 .0 e- FFF F  DAT E:  MM/DD/YY  TIME:  HH:MM:SS
adm> ,
 (and press...

Page 43

1-26 D ata base Upl o ad/D o wn lo ad Ro utine
4. When the  Send XMODEM  screen displays, enter  a path  and  file name 
f or  the  da tab ase  fi l e a nd p re ss    t o upl oad  de sir e d fi le  t o t he 
The upload is complete when a confirmation tone is heard and the 
AD M > pro m p t re tu r n s.
5. Type M and press . The following screen displays:
6 . Pr es s < A lt > +  .
7 . To  exi t  P roc omm  and  re tur n t o t he  DO S p romp t,  pr es s < Ent er >.
8. When the  upload procedure is...

Page 44

Da taba se Uploa d/Download Rout ine 1 -27
HY PE R T ERMI NAL -- U ploading  a D at abase  File
Af te r o pe ning Hype r Te rm inal , and the  Ne w C o nnec t i o n sc r ee n di sp lay s, 
complete  the following steps:
1. Type  a  co nnectio n nam e a nd s elect the  app ropriate  icon, the n click 
2 . Whe n t he Pho ne N umbe r sc re en di spl ays, c hange  t he se tt in g i n t he 
C onnect Us ing  box to:  Direct  to  COM1, a nd then  click .
3. Once the  COM1 Properties screen  displays,  change...

Page 45

1-28 D ata base Upl o ad/D o wn lo ad Ro utine
HY PE R T ERMI NAL -- Dow nload ing  a  Databas e File
Af te r o pe ning Hype r Te rm inal , and the  Ne w C o nnec t i o n sc r ee n di sp lay s, 
complete  the following steps:
1. Type connection na me  and  select  appropria te ico n, then  click .
2 . Whe n t he Pho ne N umbe r sc re en di spl ays, c hange  t he se tt in g i n t he 
C onnect Us ing  box to:  Direct  to  COM1, a nd then  click . 
3. Once the  COM1 Properties screen  displays,  change the...

Page 46

Da taba se Uploa d/Download Rout ine 1 -29
ECO M - -  U pl oadi n g a Dat aba se Fi le
Af te r o pe n in g  EC OM :
1 . Pr es s<  A lt >  +    to  ope n CO M  Por t  O pt ions .
2 . Chan ge  COM p or t  set t ings  as  fol lows , a nd cl ick  .
†Baud  Rate = 9600
†Pa ri t y  =  N o n e
†Data  Bits = 8
†St op Bi ts  =  1
†Flow  Control =  no  boxes  checke d, X on=17, X off= 19
3. Press  and complete  the following  fields:
4. Pres s  on  key board or locate f ile  and s elect U ploa d.
5. Highlight...

Page 47

1-30 D ata base Upl o ad/D o wn lo ad Ro utine
ECOM -- Downloading  a  Database File
Af te r o pe n in g  EC OM :
1 . Pr es s<  A lt >  +    to  ope n CO M  Por t  O pt ions .
2 . Chan ge  COM p or t  set t ings  as  fol lows , a nd cl ick  .
†Baud  Rate = 9600
†Pa ri t y  =  N o n e
†Data  Bits = 8
†St op Bi ts  =  1
†Flow  Control =  no  boxes  checke d, X on=17, X off= 19
3. Press  and complete  the following  fields:
4. Press  on  keyboard or locate file  and  selec t  Download.
5. Highlight XMODEM...

Page 48

System Parameters
This chapter desc ribes the procedures and steps needed to program
system features  for the Triad-S Systems. 

Page 49


Page 50

Syst em Timers 2-3
Sy s t e m  T i m e r s
Pro g ram mi ng  S te ps
If the system is in the  programming mode,  continue using the program 
codes. If  starting to program  here, enter  the programming mode.
Pr es s FLASH and  di al  [01 ].  The following message displays:
Des crip ti on
Thi s  sect i on de scr ibe s  the  pr oced ure s a nd s te ps  to  pr ogra m s yst em 
ti me rs  in  the S yste m Ti me rs  pr ogr ammi ng a re a.  The  buttons on  a  digi tal  
telephone are shown in the  following...
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