Starplus Triad S System Programming Manual
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Page 21
1-4I ntr o ducti o n The sy st em dat aba se is upd ate d on a re al -t ime ba si s a s ne w da ta i s entered, by pressing the Hold button. The system continues to operate with the current database and is updated with any newly entered or c hange d d ata wi tho u t int er r u pti o n t o t e le pho ne o pe ra ti o n o r c a ll pr ocess ing in pr ogre ss . Ho weve r, i f for e xamp le a st at ion’s a tt ri but es ar e changed wh ile tha t s ta tion is off- hook on an a ctive...
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Introduction1-5 Figure 1-2: Programming Button Mapping F LEX 5 F L EX 6 F LEX 7 F L EX 8 F L EX 9 F LEX 1 0 F L EX 1 1 F LEX 1 2 FL EX 1 3 FL EX 14 FLE X 15F LEX 1 6 FLE X 17 FL EX 1 8 FLEX 19 FL EX 2 0 FLE X 2 1 F LEX 2 2 F L EX 2 3 F LEX 2 4 TYUI OP AS DF GH J KL; Z XCV F LEX 1 F L EX 2 F LEX 3 FL EX 4 Q WER
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1-6I ntr o ducti o n Tabl e 1 -1: Def aul t Val ues Fea turesPage #Progra m CodeFlex ButtonDe fault Value SYSTEM PARAMETER S PROG RAMMI NG 2-1 SYSTEM TI MERS2-3FLA SH 01 Sy stem Ho ld Rec a ll Ti mer 2-4 1 60 sec Exclusive Hold Recall Timer 2-5 2180 sec Atten da n t R eca ll Timer 2-6 31 min Tra n sfer Rec a ll Ti mer 2-6 4 45 sec Preset For ward Tim er 2-7 5 10 sec Ca l l F or wa r d No /A n s we r T i me r 2-8 6 15 sec Pause Tim er 2-8 72 sec Ca l l Pa rk Rec a ll Ti mer 2-9 8180 sec Co...
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Introduction1-7 DTMF On/Off Tim e Operation2-21 6 1=1 00 ms SYSTEM FEATURES 1 P ROGRAMMI NG 2-21FLA SH 05 Atten dan t Overr ide2-231Disabled Ho ld Preference 2-23 2System Ext ernal Ni ght R ing 2-24 3Disabled Exec uti ve O ver ride Warning Tone 2-24 4Enabled Pa ge Wa rn in g Ton e 2-25 5Enabled Ba ck g rou nd Mu sic 2-26 6Enabled Least Cost Rout ing (LCR) 2-26 7Disabled Acc ou nt Co des – For ced 2-27 8Disabled Gro up L isten in g 2-28 9Disabled Id le Sp ea ker Mod e 2-28 10 Disabled Call Cost...
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1-8I ntr o ducti o n ACD Ag ent Rec al l2-3912 Disabled 911 Feat ure 2-4013 Disabled Enhanced 911 2-4014 Disabled VM I D S t at io n N um be r s 2-4115 -- FLASH RATES (Progr am mable) 2-42FLA SH 07 Incoming CO Line Ringing2-431 Red 480 ipm flu tter Incoming Intercom Ringing 2-442 Red 120 ipm flu tter Cal l For ward Bu tto n 2-443 R ed St eady On Message Wait /VM Bu tto n 2-454 R ed St eady On Message CallB ack – DSS/BLF 2-465 Red 120 ipm flu tter Do N ot D is t ur b – DSS/B LF 2-466 R ed 6 0 ip m D...
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Introduction1-9 SYSTEM TI ME AND DATE2-58FLA SH 11 1 MM M/DD/ YY, 12-h r display P BX DI A L IN G C O DE S 2-59FLA SH 12 - - None EXECUTIVE/SECRETA RY PAIR S 2-60FLA SH 13 1-4 N on e ON-BOARD R ELAY PR OGRAM MING 2-61FLA SH 14 1-2 N on e BAUD RATE ASSIGNMENTS 2-62FLA SH 15 Por t #1 (MI SU)2-621 9600 B aud Por t #2 (MI SU) 2-622 9600 B aud Por t #3 (Mo dem ) 2-623 9600 B aud NETWORKING TABLES 2-63FLA SH 16 Tr u nk G r ou p 2-63100 S ta tio n R a ng e ( F RO M ) 2-632 1 000 S ta tio n R a ng e ( TO )...
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1-10 I ntro ductio n Da y of Week Pr og ra mmi ng2-72None DIRECTORY DIALING 2-72FLA SH 23 Bin /I C M2-741None Na me 2-752None Cl e a r 2-753None Back sp ace to Corr ect Erro r 2-754None HUNT GROUPS 2-76FLA SH 30 Hunt Group Programming2-761-1 2 N on e Sta tio n/ Pil ot/ Pi lot Ri ng All -- Hunting Assignments 2-781 3 P ilo t V E RI FI E D A C CO U NT CO D E S 2-79FLA SH 31 Acc ou nt Co de2-791None Cl a s s of S e r vi ce 2-792None De l e te C od e 2-803None Erase Di gi ts 2-804None CO LINE...
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Introduction 1-11 CO L in e Ri ng in g A ss i gn me n ts3-1210 (blank) CO Lin e Ident ific atio n Display 3-1311 Line XXX CO D ir e c ti on 3-151 2 In co mi ng /Ou tgo in g Di spl ay R ing Assi gnments 3-161 3 100A 911 Trun k3-1715 Disabled PAGE B INTRODUCTION 3-18FLA SH 40Btn 20 Transmit Volume Option3-19Page B 1 5=0 dB Preset Call Forw ar d Desti nati on 3-202 #### Preset For ward Vo ice Mail I D 3-213 #### Un iv ersa l D a y An swer (U D A) 3-214Disabled Musi c-On- Ho ld (per CO Line) 3-225 C...
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1-12 I ntro ductio n Ro ute Num ber3-341 DI D P ho ne N u mb e r 3-362 Na me A s si gn e d to Nu mb e r 3-363None Erasing a DID Table Entry 3-374 STATIO N ATTR IBU TES PRO G RAMMI NG 4-1 PAGE A I NTR ODUCTI ON4-3FLA SH 50Btn 19 Pagin g Acc ess4-4Pa g e A 1 Ena b led Do N ot D is t ur b 4-52Enabled Co nferen ce En a b le/D isa b le (Per St a tio n) 4-53Enabled Exec uti ve O ver ride 4-64Disabled Privacy (Per Station) 4-75Enabled System Speed Dial Ac cess 4-86Enabled Li ne Q u e ui ng 4-97Enabled...
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Introduction 1-13 Station Night Class of Ser vice (COS)4-233COS 1 Speakerpho ne/ Headset Pr ogrammi ng 4-2440 (Full Speakerphone) Pick-Up Group(s) Programming 4-245Group 1 Paging Zone(s) Progr amming 4-256Zone 1 Li ne G ro up Acc ess - Stati on 4-268Group 1 LCR Class of Service (COS) 4-269 0 (Un restr ic ted Access) Off-Ho ok Preference Programm ing 4-271 0 00 (K eyset ) Flexible Button Programming 4-2811 (blank) Key set Mo de 4-3312 Inactive Mode Voice Mail ID Translation 4-331 3 XXXX (Station #)...