Starplus Triad S System Programming Manual
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1-14 I ntro ductio n Pho ne Nu mb er2-822None Na me 2-823None Cl e a r E nt r y 2-824None ICLID FEATURES 5-5FLA SH 56 Ena b le/D isa b le5-51Disabled Na me i n D i sp la y 5-620=Number Ba ud R at e D ispl a y 5-69 600 Por t Assignment 5-74Port #1 AUTOMATIC CALL DISTRIBUTION* 6-1 ACD GR OUP P ROGR AMMING*6-3FLA SH 60 Gro up N a me6-41None Alter nate G ro up 6-52None Over flow Stati on 6-53None Supervisor 6-64None CI Q T hr e s h ol d 6-7500 Wra p -Up Tim er 6-764 sec Prim ary Ag ents 6-87None...
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Introduction 1-15 ACD No-Answer Recall Timer6-155 000 sec (D isa b led) ACD N o-An swer Retr y Timer 6-156300 sec ACD Guaranteed Message Timer 6-1675 sec ACD RAN AN NOU NCEMENT TABLES* 6-17FLA SH 62 1–8None P C/ ACD I NTER FACE TR ACE 6-20FLA SH 63 Event Trace Disable/Enabl e6-201No (Disabled) Trace Por t Assignment 6-212Port #1 Ba ud R at e D ispl a y 6-21- - 9600 B aud UNIFORM CALL DISTRIBUTION (UCD) 7-1 U C D G ROU P PR OGRA MMIN G7-3FLA SH 60 Alter nate U CD G ro up Assig nm ent7-42None UCD...
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1-16 I ntro ductio n Retr iev e Ma il Ind ex Ent ry8-611 440 = 1 Sta tio n Assi gn men t(s) 8-612 None V O IC E MAIL O U TPUL SIN G TABL E 8-7FLA SH 66 Voi ce Ma il In -Ba n d Si gn a lin g8-10 (Table 0)8-81Pre=P7 Suf=None (Table 1) 8-82Pre=P7 Suf=6 (Tables 2 -6) 8-83-7 N on e (Table 7) 8-88Pre=P7 Suf=2 Voi ce M a il D is co nn e ct Ta b le 8-99None V OIC E MAIL I N-B AND F EATU RES 8-10FLA SH 67 Voi ce M a il In - Ba n d D ig it s8-101Enabled Voi ce Mail Tr ansfer/ Fo rward 8-112Enabled Voi...
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Introduction 1-17 Area Code for Spec ial Table 19-139None Area Code for Spec ial Table 2 9-1310 None Area Code for Spec ial Table 3 9-1311 None Displaying Toll Table Entries 9-1512 None LEAST COST R OUTI NG PROG RAMMI NG 10-1 LCR TABLES PROGRAMMING10-4FLA SH 75 3-Digi t Ar ea/ Office Code Tabl e10-81 See LCR Tables 6-Digi t Ar ea/ Office Code Tabl e 10-92None Exception Code Table10-103 See LCR Tables Ro ute L ist Ta b le 10-104 Insert/ Delete Table10-135 Da il y St a rt Time Ta bl e10-156...
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1-18 I ntro ductio n In iti al ize V oic e Ma il * Gro up Pa ra met ers11-2112 Default In iti al ize V erified Ac co un t Code Table 11-2214 Default System Reset 11-2320 P RINTING SY STEM DATABASE PARAMETERS 12-1 I NTR ODUCTI ON12-3FLA SH 85 Prin ti ng Syst em Parameter s12-41Default Prin ti ng CO Lin e Att ribu tes 12-72Default Prin ti ng Sta tio n Attr ib utes 12-93Default Prin ti ng CO Po rt Parameter s 12-114Default Prin ti ng Exc ept ion Ta b les 12-125Default Printi ng Syst em Speed Num...
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Program Mode Ent ry ( Key S tat ion) 1 -19 Program Mode Entry (Ke y Statio n) P rogr amm ing is pe rf orme d a t any 2 4 -but t on Di gi ta l Dis pl ay T el e phone. Programming is always done at this type of station regardless of the class of s ervice or wh ich s ta tion ha s b ee n as signed the Attenda nt(s ). To enter the Program Mode: 1 . Pr es s t he O N/ OF F but ton ( opt iona l). L ED l igh ts a nd in te rc om di al tone is he ard. 2. On the dial pad, press [ 6][6][3][2][2]...
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1-20 I nitial izatio n Initialization The system has been pre-programmed with certain features called def aul t dat a (r e fer t o Table 1-1: Default Values) . T hes e f eat ur es ar e loa ded int o m emor y wh en t he sy st em is ini t ia li ze d. Returning System Database to Default Values: 1 . Place Swi t ch #1 on th e BKS U i n t he ON pos it ion. 2. Turn the power off and on to initialize the system database to the default. 3. Once database is initialized, place Switch #1 in...
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Da taba se Uploa d/Download Rout ine 1 -21 Database Uplo ad/D ownload Ro utine The Da ta bas e U ploa d/Download Routine (FLAS H 86) provid es a maintenance facility which permits the user to download the database to a PC , whe n a sof twa re chang e i s made or whe n t he sys te m ne ed s t o be initialized and reprogrammed. In addition, the routine facilitates the progra mming of a datab ase on an in- house sys tem wh ich is d ownloa ded to a PC and then uploaded to a system...
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1-22 D ata base Upl o ad/D o wn lo ad Ro utine PRO COMM - - Down l oadi n g a Dat aba se Fi le 1 . M ake ne ce ss ar y c ha nges t o t he are as shown in th e f oll owing t abl e, and save i nfor mat ion to capt ure ne w s yst em set t ing s. 2 . Pr es s < Ent e r> and t he f oll owin g scr ee n di sp lay s: 3. Type the password [default=3226VODAVI] and press . Proper entry of the password results in the ADM> pr ompt . Table 1-2: Database Download Settings S yst em Opti o ns S et ti ngs...
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Da taba se Uploa d/Download Rout ine 1 -23 4 . To s el ec t t he a ppr opri at e c ode s for t he fol l owing s c re en c ap tur e, r ef er to Fi gur e 1-1 for t er mi nal char act er s tha t re pre se nt the k ey set b utt ons. For ass is ta nce, typ e a [? ] t o di spl ay a H el p s cr ee n. 5 . Pr es s < PgDn> t o di sp lay th e D ownlo ad Pro tocol scr ee n. 6. Type X to send the upload file to the X-Modem for tracking and c or re c t ing er ror s dur ing th e up loa d pr oc...