Starplus Triad S System Programming Manual
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Page 51
2-4 Sy stem Timers Sys te m Ho ld Re call Ti mer Pro g ram mi ng S te ps 1. Pres s the SYSTEM HOL D RECALL TIMER flex button (F L ASH 0 1, Bu tton #1). The fo ll owing mes sag e d is pla ys: 2. Enter a valid number on the dial pad that corresponds to 000-300 seconds. 3. Press HOLD to save the entry. A confirmation tone is heard and the display updates. Ta ble 2-1 : S yst em Ti me r D e fau l t s Program CodeFl ex ButtonFe at ureDe fault (after initialization) FLASH 01 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8...
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Syst em Timers 2-5 Des crip ti on The Sys te m Hol d Reca ll Ti mer de te rm ine s t he t i me be for e a ca ll pl aced on System Hold recalls the station placing the hold. If unanswered by that st at ion, t he ca ll r ec a ll s t he at te nda nt. By default, the System Hold Recall Timer is set for 60 seconds and is variable from 000-300 seconds. An entry of 000 disables the timer and there is no recall. Excl us ive Ho ld Re call Ti mer Pro g ram mi ng S te ps 1 . Pr es s t he...
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2-6 Sy stem Timers Attendant Recall Timer Pro g ram mi ng S te ps 1 . Pr es s t he AT TE NDA NT R EC AL L TI M ER fle x b utt on ( FLASH 01, Bu tton #3). Th e f oll owing me ssa ge dis pla ys: 2. Enter a valid number on the dial pad that corresponds to 00-60 minu tes. 3. Press HOLD to save the entry. A confirmation tone is heard and the display updates. Des crip ti on The Attendant Recall Timer determines the time a recalling call rings at the a tt end ant st at i on(s) bef ore t he...
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Syst em Timers 2-7 Des crip ti on The Transfer Recall Timer determines the time a transferred call rings at the station receiving the transfer before it recalls the station making the tr ans fer . If unans wer ed by tha t st at ion, t he c a ll r ec al l s t he at te ndan t. By def aul t, t he Tr ans fer Recal l Ti mer is se t f or 4 5 s econd s and i s v ar iab le fr om 000-300 seconds. A 000 entry disables the timer and there is no recall. Preset Forward Timer Pro g ram mi ng S te...
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2-8 Sy stem Timers Call Forward No Answer Ti me r Pro g ram mi ng S te ps 1. Press the CALL FORWARD NO ANSWER TIMER flex bu tton (FLASH 01, Bu tton #6). Th e f oll owing me ssa ge dis pla ys: 2. Enter a valid number on the dial pad that corresponds to 000-600 seconds. 3. Press HOLD to save the entry. A confirmation tone is heard and the display updates. Des crip ti on The C all F orwa rd No A ns wer Ti me r is use d wh en a st at i on i n t he syst e m spe cif ie s t hat no ans wer...
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Syst em Timers 2-9 Des crip ti on The P aus e Ti mer de te r mine s the l engt h of t he paus e w hen prog ram med for use with speed dialing and LCR Insert Tables. By default, the Pause Ti mer i s set a t 2 se con ds a nd i s var ia ble f rom 1–9 se conds. The re i s no 0entry. Usi ng t his feat ur e may affect Cent rex tr ansfers. Call Park Re call Ti mer Pro g ram mi ng S te ps 1 . Pr es s t he CALL PARK RE CALL TI MER fl e x but ton (FLASH 01, Bu tton #8). Th e f oll...
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2-10 Sy stem Timers 2. Enter a valid number on the dial pad that corresponds to 01-99 minu tes. 3. Press HOLD to save the entry. A confirmation tone is heard and the display updates. Des crip ti on The C onfer en ce / DI SA T ime r det e rmi ne s t he ti me an unsup er vis ed conference ca n continu e a fter the initiator of the conference has exited. By de faul t , t he C onfe re nce/ DI SA T ime r is se t a t 1 0 mi nute s a nd i s v ari ab le fr om 0 1–99 minutes. A 00 entry...
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Syst em Timers 2 -11 Des crip ti on The Pagi ng Ti me- Out T ime r de te rmi ne s the maxi mum le ngth of a pa ge announce me nt (inte rnal, external or a ll call). T he s ystem automatically di sconne ct s the p age at t he end of t hi s t i me unle ss th e p er son maki ng the p age has alre ady hung up. By de faul t , t he Pagi ng T ime -out T im er i s s et at 1 5 se conds and is var i abl e fr om 0 1–60 seconds. A 00 entry disables the timer and pages are not...
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2-12 Sy stem Timers 2. Enter a valid number that corresponds to 005-100 seconds. 3. Press HOLD to save the entry. A confirmation tone is heard and the display updates. Des crip ti on Single line telephones require the use of a DTMF receiver when going off- hook a nd di al ing . Wh en S MDR or t oll r es tr i cti on (v ia CO S ass ign ment s) is e nabl ed, a DTMF r ecei ve r moni tor s and s cre ens t he SLT digits for the du ration of this timer. By adjusting this timer, the...
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Syst em Timers 2 -13 SLT Ho ok Flash Tim er Pro g ram mi ng S te ps 1. Press the SLT HOOK FLASH TIMER flex button ( FLASH 01, Bu tton #14). T he f oll owin g me ssa ge dis pl ays: 2. Enter a valid number on the dial pad that corresponds to 0.5-2.0 seconds in 1/10 second increments. 3. Press HOLD to save the entry. A confirmation tone is heard and the display updates. Des crip ti on The S LT Hook F las h T ime r de te rmi ne s how lon g an SLT us er pr es se s t he hook s wit c h f or...