Samsung Plasma HDTV PN59D6500 User Manual
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▶◀▶ English \battern2: This test sc\feen demonst\fates th\fe effect of the display \fsettings on colo\fs\b NAfte\f selecting \battern1 o\f \battern2, you can adjust an\fy of the advanced settings fo\f the des\fi\fed effect\b NWhile the Expert \battern is \funning, the TV\f does not output so\fund\b NOnly enabled in DTV\f, Component, and HD\fMI modes\b ●RGB Only Mode (Off / Red / Green / Blue): Displays the Red, Green and Blue colo\fs so you can \fmake fine adjustmen\fts to the hue and s\fatu\fation\b
◀▶ English ◀ ●Color Space (Auto / Nat\fve / Custom fo\f PDP TV ): Adjusts the \fang\fe and va\fiety of colo\fs (t\fhe colo\f space) ava\filable to c\feate images\b NTo adjust Color, Red, Green, Blue and Reset, set Color Space to Custom\b ●Wh\fte Balance: Adjusts the colo\f\f tempe\fatu\fe fo\f a mo\fe natu\fal pictu\fe\b R-Offset / G-Offset / B-Offset: Adjusts each colo\f\f’s (\fed, g\feen, blue) da\fkness\b R-Ga\fn / G-Ga\fn / B-Ga\fn: Adjusts each colo\f\f’s (\fed, g\feen, blue) b\fightne\fss\b Reset: Resets the White\f Balance to its def\fault settings\b
▶◀▶ English ●10p Wh\fte Balance (Off / On ) fo\f PDP TV : Cont\fols the white balance in 10 point inte\fvals by adjust\fing the \fed, g\feen, and blue b\figh\ftness\b NAvailable fo\f all in\fputs when you set \fthe pictu\fe mode to Mov\fe\b NSome exte\fnal devices may not\f suppo\ft this funct\fion\b Interval: Select inte\fval t\fo adjust\b Red: Adjust the \fed level\b Green: Adjust the g\feen level\b Blue: Adjust the blue l\fevel\b Reset: Resets the 10p Wh\fte Balance to its default set\ftings\b
◀▶ English ◀ ●Flesh Tone: Emphasizes pink \f“Flesh Tone\b” ●Edge Enhancement (Off / On): Emphasizes obje\fct bounda\fies\b ●Mot\fon L\fght\fng (Off / On): Reduces powe\f consu\fmption by \feducing sc\feen b\fightness when the\f pictu\fe on the sc\feen is in motion\b NWhen you change th\fe Backl\fght fo\f LED TV / Cell L\fght fo\f PDP TV , Contrast and Br\fghtness, the TV sets Mot\fon L\fghtn\fng to Off\b ●xvYCC (Off / On) fo\f PDP TV : Setting xvYCC on inc\feases pictu\fe detail and enla\fges the colo\f \fspace when you\f a\fe watching movies \finput f\fom an exte\fnal device (e\bg\b BD/DVD \fplaye\f) connected t\fo the TV’s HDMI o\f Component\f IN jacks\b NAvailable only when\f you set the pictu\f\fe mode to Mov\fe and the exte\fnal input to HDMI o\f Co\fmponent\b NSome exte\fnal devices may not\f suppo\ft this funct\fion\b ●LED Mot\fon \blus (Off / On) fo\f LED 5550 Se\fies\f : Removes blu\f and \fjudde\f f\fom scenes with a lot \fof fast movement to\f p\fovide a clea\fe\f pictu\fe\b
▶◀▶ English ■ \b\fcture Opt\fons OMENU m → \b\fcture → \b\fcture Opt\fons → ENTER E Select an option us\fing the up and down\f a\f\fow keys, and the p\fess ENTER E\b Use the a\f\fow keys to change the setting\f, and then p\fess ENTER E\b NWhen connecting a PC, you can only make changes to Color Tone\b ●Color Tone (Cool / Standard / Warm1 / Warm2) NWarm1 o\f Warm2 will be deactivate\fd when the pictu\fe mode is Dynam\fc\b NYou can adjust and s\fto\fe settings fo\f each\f exte\fnal device connected to\f an input on the T\fV\b ● The displayed image\f may diffe\f depending on the mo\fdel\b \b\fcture Opt\fons Color Tone Standard D\fg\ftal No\fse F\flter Auto M\bEG No\fse F\flter Auto HDMI Black Level Normal F\flm Mode Off
◀▶ English ◀ ●D\fg\ftal No\fse F\flter \B(Off / Low / Med\fum / H\fgh / Auto / Auto V\fsual\fzat\fon): If the b\foadcast signal \feceived by you\f TV is weak, you can activate the D\fg\ftal No\fse F\flter featu\fe to \feduce any static an\fd ghosting that may\f appea\f on the sc\feen\b NWhen the signal is\f weak, t\fy all othe\f\f options until the\f TV displays the be\fst pictu\fe\b Auto V\fsual\fzat\fon: When changing an\falog channels, disp\flays signal st\fength\b NOnly available fo\f \fanalog channels\b NWhen the ba\f is g\feen, you a\fe \feceiving the best \fpossible signal\b ●M\bEG No\fse F\flter (Off / Low / Med\fum / H\fgh / Auto ): Reduces MPEG noise to p\fovide imp\foved pictu\fe quality\b
▶◀▶ English ●HDMI Black Level (Low / Normal): Lets you adjust \fthe sc\feen depth by selecting a black \flevel\b NAvailable only in H\fDMI mode\b ●F\flm Mode (Off / Auto1 / Auto2 / C\fnema Smooth fo\f PDP TV ): Sets the TV so that it senses and \fthen p\focesses film signal\fs f\fom all sou\fces automatically \f and adjusts the pic\ftu\fe fo\f optimum quali\fty\b The C\fnema Smooth function is only active when t\fhe TV inputs an HD\fMI 24Hz signal\b NAvailable in TV, AV, COMPONENT (480i \f/ 1080i) and HDMI (\f480i / 1080i)\b
◀▶ English ◀ ■ Reset \b\fcture (Yes / No) Resets you\f cu\f\fent pictu\fe mode to its defaul\ft settings\b
▶◀▶ English ❑ Us\fng the TV w\fth Y\Bour \bC Set the input sou\fce to PC\b ■ Auto Adjustment t OMENU m → \b\fcture → Auto Adjustment → ENTER E Automatically adjus\fts the pictu\fe’s f\fequency, position,\f and fine tune sett\fings in the \bC mode\b NAvailable in \bC mode only\b NNot available if yo\fu connect you\f PC w\fith an HDMI to DVI\f cable\b
◀▶ English ◀ ■ \bC Screen Adjustment OMENU m → \b\fcture → Screen Adjustment → \bC Screen Adjustment → ENTER E NAvailable in \bC mode only\b ●Coarse / F\fne: Removes o\f \feduces pictu\fe noise\b If the noi\fse is not \femoved by Fine-tuning alo\fne, use the Coarse function to adjust\f the f\fequency as best as possible (Coarse) and Fine-tune aga\fin\b Afte\f the noise \fhas been \feduced, \fe-adjust the pictu\f\fe so that it is al\figned to the cente\f\f of sc\feen\b ●\bos\ft\fon: To adjust the PC’s sc\feen position if it \fis not cente\fed o\f does not fit the TV sc\feen\b P\fess the u o\f d button to adjust t\fhe Ve\ftical Position\b P\f\fess the l o\f r button to adjust t\fhe Ho\fizontal Posit\fion\b ●Image Reset: Resets the image\f to the default set\ftings\b