Samsung Plasma HDTV PN59D6500 User Manual
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▶◀▶ English Read These Notes Be\Bfore Us\fng the 3D Func\Bt\fon... NNOTE ●3D Mode is set to Off automatically whe\fn you access Smart Hub o\f e-Manual functions\b ●3D Mode is set to its mem\fo\fized configu\fation\f value automatical\fly when you change the inp\fut sou\fce ●Some \b\fcture functions a\fe disabled in 3D mode\b ●\bI\b is not suppo\fted i\fn 3D mode\b

◀▶ English ◀ ●3D Active Glasses \ff\fom Samsung’s p\fevious p\foduct (IR type) o\f \fothe\f manufactu\fe\fs not be suppo\fte\fd\b ●When the TV is ini\ftially powe\fed on, it may take \fsome time until th\fe 3D display is optimize\fd\b ●The 3D Active Glas\fses may not wo\fk p\f\fope\fly if the\fe is any othe\f 3D p\foduct o\f elect\fonic devices tu\fned on nea\f the gla\fsses o\f TV\b If the\fe is a p\foblem, keep othe\f e\flect\fonic devices as fa\f \faway as possible f\f\fom the 3D Active Glasses\b

▶◀▶ English ●Be su\fe to stay within t\fhe viewing angle a\fnd optimum TV viewi\fng distance when watching 3D p\fictu\fes\b Othe\fwise, you \fmay not be able to\f see 3D effects p\fope\fly\b ●The ideal 3D viewin\fg distance is th\fee times o\f mo\fe the height of the\f sc\feen\b Fo\f example, i\ff you\f sc\feen is two feet hig\fh, you should sit a\ft least six feet f\fom the sc\feen\b We \fecommend sitting so\f that you\f eyes a\fe level with the sc\feen\b

◀▶ English ◀ ❑ Smart Hub Using Smart Hub, you can st\feam movies, videos, and music f\f\fom the Inte\fnet, access va\fious fo\f pay o\f f\f\fee-of-cha\fge applic\fations and view them on yo\fu\f TV\b Application conte\fnt includes news, spo\fts, weathe\f fo\fecasts, stock ma\fket quotes, maps\f, photos, and games\f\b OYou can also sta\ft t\fhis function by p\fessing the SMART HUB button on the \femote cont\fol\b a Log\fn b Sort by { Ed\ft Mode } Sett\fngs Recommended Favor\ftes Source Channel V\fdeos\bhotos Mus\fcSchedule Manager ● The displayed image\f may diffe\f depending on the\f model\b

▶◀▶ English Smart Hub at a Glan\Bce TV Sc\feen: Displays the \f cu\f\fent input sou\fce sc\feen\b\b My Applications: D\fisplays you\f pe\fsonal galle\f\fy of applications which\f you can add to, modify, and d\felete\b\b Cont\fols: ● a Red (Log\fn): To log in to Smart Hub\b ● b G\feen (Sort by): To so\ft the applicat\fions\b ● { Yellow (Ed\ft Mode): To edit the applicat\fions\b ● } Blue (Sett\fngs): To change the setti\fngs of Sma\ft Hub\b N The colo\fed buttons may wo\fk\f diffe\fently depending on \fthe application\b Info\fmation: Displa\fys notices, new appli\fcations, and adve\ftisements b\fought to you by Samsung p\foduct int\foductions\b Samsung Apps : You can download va\fious fo\f \fpay o\f f\fee-of-cha\fge applic\fation se\fvices\b Recommended : Displ\fays \fecommended contents\f managed by Samsung\b Exit: Exits the SMA\fRT HUB\b a Log\fn b Sort by { Ed\ft Mode } Sett\fngs Recommended Favor\ftes Channel Source \bhotos Mus\fcSchedule Manager V\fdeos

◀▶ English ◀ NNOTE ●Samsung Elect\fonics takes no leg\fal \fesponsibility fo\f a\fny inte\f\fuption of t\fhe Sma\ft Hub se\fvice ca\fused by the se\fvice\f p\fovide\f fo\f any \feason\b ●The Sma\ft Hub se\fvic\fe downloads and p\focesses data via th\fe Inte\fnet so that you can enjoy\f the Inte\fnet contents on yo\fu\f TV sc\feen\b If the Inte\fnet connection is unst\fable, the se\fvice m\fay be delayed o\f int\fe\f\fupted\bFu\fthe\fmo\fe, the playe\f may tu\fn off automatically in \f\fesponse to conditio\fns on the Inte\fnet\b If this occu\fs, che\fck the Inte\fnet connection and \ft\fy again\b ●Application se\fvice\fs may be p\fovided in English o\fnly and the content\fs available may va\fy, depending \fon you\f a\fea\b

▶◀▶ English ●Fo\f mo\fe info\fmation about\f a Sma\ft Hub se\fvice\f, visit the web si\fte of the applicable se\fvice \fp\fovide\f\b ●The se\fvices p\fovided a\fe subject to chang\fe by the Sma\ft Hub \fse\fvice p\fovide\f without notice\b ●The Sma\ft Hub se\fvic\fe contents may diffe\f depending on the\f playe\f’s fi\fmwa\fe ve\fsion\b ●Fo\f pay DivX conten\fts with copy p\fotection can only \fbe played th\fough a composite, a compo\fnent o\f an HDMI cab\fle\b

◀▶ English ◀ Start\fng Smart Hub t\Bhe F\frst T\fme To sta\ft Sma\ft Hub fo\f\f the fi\fst time, fo\fllow these steps :\f 1. P\fess the SMART HUB button\b 2. The Smart Hub sc\feen appea\fs\b In a fe\fw cases, the Country sc\feen appea\fs immediately afte\f\b 3. If the Country sc\feen has appea\fed, p\fess the u / d / l / r buttons to select\f you\f count\fy, then \fp\fess the ENTER E button\b NCe\ftain application\fs a\fe available only i\fn ce\ftain count\fies\f\b 4. The General D\fscla\fmer sc\feen appea\fs\b P\fess the l / r buttons to select\f Agree, then p\fess the ENTER E button\b NSc\feens can take a few\f seconds to appea\f\b

▶◀▶ English 5. The Internet \br\fvacy \bol\fcy sc\feen appea\fs\b P\fess the l / r buttons to select\f Agree, then p\fess the ENTER E button\b 6. The Serv\fce Update sc\feen appea\fs and ins\ftalls a numbe\f of s\fe\fvices and applications\b When \fdone, it closes\b Th\fe applications and \fse\fvices downloaded \fa\fe displayed on the Smart Hub sc\feen\b This may take \fsome time\b NSma\ft Hub may close\f momenta\fily du\fing \fthe installation p\f\focess\b NA numbe\f of sc\feens may appea\f aft\fe\f installation\b You can p\fess the ENTER E button to close t\fhem o\f let them clo\fse on thei\f own\b 7\b To sta\ft an applicat\fion, p\fess the u / d / l / r buttons to highli\fght a application,\f then p\fess the ENTER E button\b

◀▶ English ◀ Us\fng the Keypad Th\fough you\f \femote, you can use\f the On-Sc\feen Keypad to ente\f\f lette\fs, numbe\fs, and symbol\fs\b ●Ente\fing Text, Numbe\fs and Sym\fbols To ente\f text, p\fess the numbe\f butt\fon on the \femote that co\f\fesponds to the lette\f you want to \fente\f\b P\fess the button \fapi\fdly to ente\f a lett\fe\f that is not the \f fi\fst lette\f listed \fon the On-Sc\feen keypad button\b \fFo\f example, if you\f want to ente\f the lette\f b,\f p\fess the 2 button on you\f \femote \fapidly twice\f\b To ente\f the fi\fst lette\f listed \fon a button, p\fess, \felease, and then wa\fit\b To move within the \ftext, use the a\f\fow buttons\b To delete text, move\f the cu\fso\f to the \fight of the\f cha\facte\f you want\f to delete, and the\fn p\fess the \bRE-CH button\b To change case o\f en\fte\f numbe\fs o\f punct\fuation, p\fess the - button\b