Samsung Plasma HDTV PN59D6500 User Manual
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▶◀▶ English All content and se\f\fvices accessible t\fh\fough this device be\flong to thi\fd pa\fties and a\fe p\fotected by copy\fight, patent, \ft\fadema\fk and/o\f othe\f\f intellectual p\fope\fty laws\b Such co\fntent and se\fvices \fa\fe p\fovided solely fo\f yo\fu\f pe\fsonal noncomm\fe\fcial use\b You may not use any\f content o\f se\fvice\fs in a manne\f that has not\f been autho\fized by\f the content owne\f \fo\f se\fvice p\fovide\f\b Without limiting th\fe fo\fegoing, unless exp\f\fessly autho\fized by\f the applicable co\fntent owne\f o\f se\fvi\fce p\fovide\f, you may not modify, copy, \fepublish, upload, p\fost, t\fansmit, t\fan\fslate, sell, c\feate de\fivative wo\fk\fs, exploit, o\f dist\f\fibute in any manne\f o\f me\fdium any content o\f\f se\fvices displayed \fth\fough this device\b YOU EXPRESSLY ACKNOWLEDGE AND \fAGREE THAT USE OF THE DEVICE\f IS AT YOUR SOLE RISK AND THAT THE ENTIRE RISK A\fS TO SATISFACTORY QUALITY, PERFORMANCE AND \fACCURACY IS WITH YOU\b THE DE\fVICE AND ALL THIRD\f PARTY CONTENT AND SERVICES ARE PROVIDED \f“AS IS” WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIN\fD, EITHER EXPRESS O\fR IMPLIED\b SAMSUNG E\fXPRESSLY DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES AND CONDITIONS WITH RESPECT TO THE DEVICE AND ANY CONTENT AND SERVICES, EITHER EXPRE\fSS OR, IMPLIED, INC\fLUDING BUT NOT LIM\fITED TO, WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, OF SATISFACTORY QUALITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, OF\f ACCURACY, OF QUIET ENJOYME\fNT, AND NON-INFRINGE\fMENT OF THIRD PARTY RIGHTS\b SAMSUNG DOES NOT GUARANTEE \fTHE ACCURACY, VALIDITY, TIMELINESS, LEGAL\fITY, OR COMPLETENESS OF ANY CONTENT OR \fSERVICE MADE AVAILABLE THROUGH TH\fIS DEVICE AND DOES \fNOT WARRANT THAT THE DEVICE, CONT\fENT OR SERVICES WILL MEET YOU\fR REQUIREMENTS, OR \fTHAT OPERATION OF THE DEVICE\f OR SERVICES WILL BE UNINT\fERRUPTED OR ERROR-\fFREE\b
◀▶ English ◀ UNDER NO CIRCUMSTANCES, INCLUDING NE\fGLIGENCE, SHALL SAM\fSUNG BE LIABLE, WHE\fTHER IN CONTRACT OR TOR\fT, FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL OR CONS\fEQUENTIAL DAMAGES, ATTORNEY FEES, EXPEN\fSES, OR ANY OTHER D\fAMAGES ARISING OUT \fOF, OR IN CONNECTION WITH, A\fNY INFORMATION CONTAINED IN, OR AS A R\fESULT OF THE USE OF THE\f DEVICE, OR ANY CON\fTENT OR SERVICE ACCESSED BY YO\fU OR ANY THIRD PARTY, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSI\fBILITY OF SUCH DAMA\fGES\b Thi\fd pa\fty se\fvices may\f be changed, suspen\fded, \femoved, te\fminated o\f\f inte\f\fupted, o\f acc\fess may be disabled at any tim\fe, without notice,\f and Samsung makes \fno \fep\fesentation o\f wa\f\fan\fty that any conten\ft o\f se\fvice will \femain available fo\f\f any pe\fiod of time\b\f Content and se\fvic\fes a\fe t\fansmitted by th\fi\fd pa\fties by means of netwo\fk\fs and t\fansmission \ffacilities ove\f whi\fch Samsung has no c\font\fol\b Without limiting the gene\fality of t\fhis disclaime\f, Samsung exp\fessly disclaims any\f \fesponsibility o\f li\fability fo\f any cha\fnge, inte\f\fuption, disabl\fing, \femoval of o\f suspen\fsion of any content\f o\f se\fvice made ava\filable th\fough this device\b Samsung may impose limits on the use of o\f access to ce\ftain se\fvices o\f content, in any case and without notice o\f l\fiability\b Samsung is neithe\f \f\fesponsible no\f liab\fle fo\f custome\f se\fv\fice \felated to the conte\fnt and se\fvices\b Any\f question o\f \fequest fo\f se\fvice \f\felating to the con\ftent o\f se\fvices sh\fould be made di\fectly to the \fespective content and se\fvice\f p\fovide\fs\b
▶◀▶ English ❑ AllShare™ AllShare™ connects you\f TV a\fnd compatible Samsu\fng mobile phones /\f devices th\fough a netwo\fk\b On \fyou\f TV, you can view cal\fl a\f\fivals and SMS me\fssages, and \feceived by you\f mobile phones\b In addition, you can play media contents including videos, photos, and music saved on you\f mobile phones o\f the othe\f devices (such as you\f PC) by cont\f\folling them on the\f TV via the netwo\fk\f\b Additionally, you \fcan use you\f TV fo\f b\fowsing web pages o\fn you\f mobile phone\fs\b NFo\f mo\fe info\fmation, visi\ft “www\bsamsung\bcom” o\f con\ftact the Samsung ca\fll cente\f\b Mobile devices ma\fy need additional so\fftwa\fe installation\b Fo\f\f details, \fefe\f to each device’\fs use\f’s guide\b
◀▶ English ◀ NIf you\f Samsung TV c\fonnects to a non-Sa\fmsung DLNA se\fve\f, a compatibility \f issue may occu\f du\fi\fng video playback\b NBy connecting you\f \fSamsung TV to a net\fwo\fk via AllSha\fe™, you can use Samsung’s o\figinal function\fs as follows: –Playback of va\fious\f video fo\fmats (DivX\f,XVID, MP4, 3GPP, AVI, ASF, MKV, etc\b) –Video thumbnail feat\fu\fe –Bookma\fk function (\fto \fesume video playbac\fk) –Auto-chapte\fing (sc\fene navigation) –Digital content ma\fnagement –Compatibility with\f va\fious subtitle f\fo\fmats (SRT, SMI, SUB, TXT, TTXT) –Sea\fch with file names –And many othe\fs NTo use the o\figinal \fDLNA functions of Sa\fmsung fully, it is \f\fecommended that you use the AllSha\f\fe™ softwa\fe p\fovided with you\f TV\b
▶◀▶ English ❑ Sett\fng Up AllShare™ OMENU → Network → AllShare Sett\fngs → ENTER E ■ AllShare Sett\fngs ●Med\fa (On / Off): Enables o\f disab\fles the media function\b When the \fmedia function is o\fn, you can cont\fol Media contents p\flay using mobile p\fhones o\f othe\f devices that \fsuppo\ft DLNA DMC\bAllShare Sett\fngs Med\fa ● The displayed image\f may diffe\f depending on the mo\fdel\b
◀▶ English ◀ ■ Med\fa Shows a list of mob\file phones o\f conne\fcted devices which \fhave been set up t\fo use the Med\fa function with this\f TV\b NThe Media function \fis available in al\fl devices which sup\fpo\ft DLNA DMC\b ●Allowed / Den\fed: Allows/Blocks th\fe devices\b ●Delete: Deletes the devic\fes f\fom the list\b NThis function only \fdeletes the name of\f the device f\fom the list\b If the\f deleted device is tu\fned on o\f t\fies to c\fonnect to the TV, it may appea\f on \fthe list again\b
▶◀▶ English Us\fng the Med\fa Func\Bt\fon An ala\fm window app\fea\fs info\fming you t\fhat media contents \f(videos, photos, mu\fsic) sent f\fom a mobile phone \fwill be displayed o\fn you\f TV\b The contents a\fe played automatically 3 se\fconds afte\f the ala\f\fm window appea\fs\b If\f you p\fess the RETURN o\f EXIT button when the a\fla\fm window appea\fs,\f the media contents\f a\fe not played\b NNOTE ●The fi\fst time a dev\fice accesses you\f T\fV th\fough the media func\ftion, a wa\fning popup window appea\f\fs\b P\fess the ENTER E button to select \fAllow\b This pe\fmits the phone t\fo access the TV f\feely and use the Me\fdia function to pla\fy content\b
◀▶ English ◀ ●To tu\fn off media contents t\fa\fnsmissions f\fom a mobile phone,\f set Med\fa to Off in the AllShare Sett\fngs\b ●Contents may not p\flay on you\f TV depe\fnding on thei\f \fesolution and fo\fmat\f\b ●The ENTER E and l / r buttons may not w\fo\fk depending on the\f type of media content\b ●Using the mobile de\fvice, you can cont\f\fol the media play\b \fFo\f details, \fefe\f to each mobile’s use\f’s guide\b
▶◀▶ English ❑ Anynet+(HDMI-CEC) ■ What \fs Anynet+? t Anynet+ is a functi\fon that enables yo\fu to cont\fol all connected Sa\fmsung devices that \f suppo\ft Anynet+ wit\fh you\f Samsung TV’s \femote\b The Anynet+ \fsystem can be used \f only with Samsung d\fevices that have t\fhe Anynet+ featu\fe\b To be su\fe you\f Samsung device has this fea\ftu\fe, check if the\fe is an Anynet+ lo\fgo on it\b NNOTE ●You can only cont\fol Anynet+ devices \fusing the TV’s \femote cont\fol, not the buttons on the TV\b ●The TV \femote cont\fol may not wo\fk und\fe\f ce\ftain condition\fs\b If this occu\fs, \feselect the Anynet\f+ device\b ●The Anynet+ functio\fns do not ope\fate w\fith othe\f manufactu\f\fe\fs’ p\foducts\b
◀▶ English ◀ ●Fo\f inst\fuctions ex\fplaining how to co\fnnect Anynet+ exte\f\fnal devices, \fefe\f to the device’s use\f manual You must connect an\f Anynet+ device usi\fng an HDMI cable\b Some HDMI cables ma\fy not suppo\ft Anyne\ft+ functions\b ●Anynet+ wo\fks when \fthe AV device suppo\fting\f Anynet+ is in the\f standby o\f on status\b ●Anynet+ suppo\fts up\f to 12 AV devices in total\b\f Note that you can\f connect up to 3 devices of the same\f type\b