Samsung Plasma HDTV PN59D6500 User Manual
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▶◀▶ English Canad\fan Engl\fsh Ra\Bt\fng: You can block TV p\fog\fams based on the\fi\f Anglophone Canadian\f \fating\b Canad\fan Engl\fsh Ra\Bt\fng displays a column \fwith locks and the \ffollowing \fatings catego\fies:\f –C: P\fog\famming intended f\fo\f child\fen unde\f age 8\b / C8+: P\fog\famming gene\fally conside\fed acceptable fo\f ch\fild\fen 8 yea\fs and ove\f \fto watch on thei\f own\b / G: Gene\fal p\fog\famming, suitable\f fo\f all audiences\b \f/ \bG: Pa\fental Guidance\b / 14+: P\fog\famming contains \fthemes o\f content which may not be s\fuitable fo\f viewe\fs \funde\f the age of 14\b\f / 18+: Adult p\fog\famming\b
◀▶ English ◀ NTo block ce\ftain con\ftent, you select a\f lock, and p\fess ENTER E (That is, you “click it”\b)\b Fo\f exa\fmple, click the 18+ lock and you block\f all TV p\fog\fams \fated 18+\b Th\fe \fating catego\fies\f a\fe also g\fouped so that clicking one categ\fo\fy blocks all the \fcatego\fies a pa\fent would block along with it\b Fo\f \fexample, if you blo\fck the G catego\fy, then \bG, 14+ and 18+ will automaticall\fy be blocked\b NTo unblock a catego\f\fy, click the lock\b\f
▶◀▶ English Canad\fan French Rat\fng: You can block TV p\fog\fams based on the\fi\f F\fench Canadian \fating\b Canad\fan Engl\fsh Ra\Bt\fng displays a column \fwith locks and the \ffollowing \fatings catego\fies:\f –G: Gene\fal / 8 ans+: P\fog\famming gene\fally\f conside\fed acceptable fo\f child\fen 8 yea\fs and ove\f \fto watch on thei\f o\fwn\b / 13 ans+: P\fog\famming may not be suitabl\fe fo\f child\fen unde\f the age of \f13\b / 16 ans+: P\fog\famming is not su\fitable fo\f child\fen unde\f the age of \f16\b / 18 ans+: P\fog\famming \fest\ficted to adults\b\f
◀▶ English ◀ NTo block ce\ftain con\ftent, you select a\f lock, and p\fess ENTER E (That is, you “click it”\f\b)\b Fo\f example, cli\fck the 18 ans+ lock and you block\f all TV p\fog\fams \fated 18 ans+\b The \fating catego\f\fies a\fe also g\fouped so that clicking one \fcatego\fy blocks all\f the catego\fies a p\fa\fent would block along with it\b Fo\f \fexample, if you blo\fck the 8 ans+ cate\fgo\fy, then 13 ans+, 16 ans+ and 18 ans+ will automaticall\fy be blocked also\b NTo unblock a catego\f\fy, click the lock\b\f Downloadable U.S. \BRat\fng: Pa\fental \fest\fiction info\fmati\fon you can use whi\fle watching DTV chann\fels\b
▶◀▶ English NNOTE ●If info\fmation is no\ft downloaded f\fom the b\foadcasting station,\f Downloadable U.S. \BRat\fng menu is deactivate\fd\b ●Pa\fental \fest\fiction info\fmati\fon is automaticall\fy downloaded while y\fou watch DTV channels\f\b It may take seve\f\fal seconds\b ●The Downloadable U.S. \BRat\fng menu is available\f fo\f use afte\f info\fmation is downl\foaded f\fom the b\foadcasting station\b\f Howeve\f, depending on the in\ffo\fmation f\fom the b\foadcasting station,\f it may not be available fo\f use\b ●Pa\fental \fest\fiction levels d\fiffe\f depending on the\f b\foadcasting station\b\f The default menu na\fme and Downloadable U.S. \BRat\fngs change depending on the dow\fnloaded info\fmation\b
◀▶ English ◀ ●Even if you set the\f on-sc\feen display to anot\fhe\f language, the Downloadable U.S. \BRat\fng menu will appea\f i\fn English only\b ●Blocking one \fating\f level will automa\ftically block othe\f\f catego\fies that deal with mo\fe sensitive mate\fia\fl\b ●The \fating titles (\fFo\f example: Humo\f \fLevel\b\betc) and TV \f\fatings (Fo\f example: DH, MH, H\f\b\betc) may diffe\f depending on the\f b\foadcasting station\b
▶◀▶ English ●Change \bIN: The Change \bIN sc\feen will appea\f\b Choose any 4 digi\fts fo\f you\f PIN and ente\f it in\f Enter New \bIN\b Re-ente\f the same\f 4 digits in Confi\fm\f New PIN\b When the Confi\f\fm sc\feen disappea\fs, p\fess the Close button\b The TV has\f memo\fized you\f new P\fIN\b How to watch a restr\fcted program or mov\fe If the TV is tuned \fto a \fest\ficted p\fog\fam o\f movie, the\f \brogram Rat\fng Lock will block it\b The sc\feen will go blank \fand the following m\fessage will appea\f:\f “This channel is bl\focked by \brogram Rat\fng Lock\b Please ente\f the \fPIN to unblock\b” Ente\f the PIN to un\fblock the p\fog\fam o\f movie\b NIf you fo\fget the PI\fN code, p\fess the \femote cont\fol buttons in the \ffollowing sequence in Standby\f mode, which \fesets the PIN to “\f0-0-0-0”: MUTE → 8 → 2 → 4 → \bOWER (on)\b
◀▶ English ◀ ❑ Econom\fcal Solut\fon\Bs ■ Eco Solut\fon OMENU m → System → Eco Solut\fon → ENTER E ●Energy Sav\fng (Off / Low / Med\fum / H\fgh / \b\fcture Off): Lets you adjusts\f the b\fightness of t\fhe TV in o\fde\f to \feduce powe\f consump\ftion\b If you select\f \b\fcture Off, the sc\feen is tu\fned off, but the sound \femains on\b P\fess any button except the \fvolume button to t\fu\fn on the sc\feen\b
▶◀▶ English ●Eco Sensor (Off / On ): To enhance you\f powe\f savings, the pictu\fe settings will automatically adapt\f to the light in t\fhe \foom\b NIf you adjust Backl\fght fo\f LED TV / Cell L\fght fo\f PDP TV in the Pictu\fe menu, the Eco Sensor will be set to Off\b M\fn Backl\fght fo\f LED TV / M\fn Cell L\fght fo\f PDP TV : When Eco sensor is On, you can manually a\fdjust the minimum s\fc\feen b\fightness\b NIf Eco Sensor is On, the display b\figh\ftness may change (\fbecome slightly da\fke\f o\f b\fighte\f) de\fpending on the su\f\founding light inten\fsity\b You can cont\fol the sc\feen’s minimum b\fightnes\fs with the M\fn Backl\fght / M\fn Cell L\fght function\b
◀▶ English ◀ ●No S\fgnal \bower Off (Off / 15 m\fn. / 30 m\fn. / 60 m\fn.): To avoid unnecessa\fy\f ene\fgy consumption,\f you can set how l\fong you want the T\fV to \femain on if it’s not \feceiving a signal\b NDisabled when an at\ftached PC is in pow\fe\f saving mode\b ●Auto \bower Off (Off / On): The TV will aut\fomatically tu\fn off if you don’t p\fess a button on the \femote o\f touch a bu\ftton on TV’s f\font panel within 4\f hou\fs to p\fevent ove\fheating\b