Samsung Plasma HDTV PN59D6500 User Manual
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▶◀▶ English ❑ Us\fng the Favor\fte C\Bhannels ■ Favor\ftes OSMART HUB → Favor\ftes → ENTER E View all of you\f favo\f\fite channels\b You\f favo\fite channel\fs a\fe o\fganized in up t\fo five g\foups (Favor\ftes 1-5)\b If you want to move f\fom one favo\fite g\foup to anothe\f, follow these step\fs: 1. Move the cu\fso\f to \fthe g\foup name displayed \fon the top of the s\fc\feen, and then p\fess the ENTER E button\b A list of \fg\foups appea\fs\b 2. Use the up o\f down a\f\fow key to select a g\foup, and then p\fess the ENTER E button\b The g\foup you select app\fea\fs on the sc\feen\b
◀▶ English ◀ Funct\fons on the Fav\Bor\ftes Screen To access the functi\fons listed below, use the a\f\fow buttons to move\f the cu\fso\f to the icon of you\f\f choice on the top\f \fight co\fne\f of the sc\feen, and then p\fess ENTER E\b ● V\few Mode: Toggles between the\f Text v\few and Thumbna\fl v\few of you\f favo\fite channels\b Thumbna\fl v\few displays a pictu\fe of the p\fog\fam cu\f\fently on\b ● Antenna: Toggles between A\fr and Cable\b ● Sort\fng: Toggles between so\ft\fing favo\fites by Category and so\fting by T\ftle\b ● Ed\ft Mode: Delete channels \ff\fom the Favo\fites li\fst\b Fo\f inst\fuctions\f, see the next page\b
▶◀▶ English To use V\few Mode, Antenna, o\f Sort\fng, select the app\fop\fiate icon as des\fc\fibed above, and then p\fess ENTER E\b Use the left o\f \fi\fght a\f\fow button to make \fyou\f selection, and then\f p\fess ENTER E\b Us\fng Ed\ft Mode to \BDelete a Favor\fte 1. Select the Ed\ft Mode icon on the uppe\f \f\fight of you\f sc\feen, and then p\fess the ENTER E button\b 2. P\fess the l / r / u / d buttons to select\f a channel, and the\fn p\fess ENTER E\b A check appea\fs t\fo the left of the c\fhannel\b NYou can select mo\fe than one channel\f\b NP\fess ENTER E again to deselect \fthe channel\b 3. Select Delete at the bottom of y\fou\f sc\feen, and then p\fess ENTER E\b A pop- up appea\fs asking i\ff you want to delet\fe the item\b
◀▶ English ◀ 4. Select OK, p\fess ENTER E, and then p\fess ENTER E again\b The channel\f is deleted f\fom Favo\fites\b NThe Deselect functi\fon that appea\fs wit\fh the Delete functi\fon lets you deselec\ft all selected channels\b NIf you have assigne\fd a channel to mo\fe than one favo\fite\f g\foup (say Favo\fites \f 1 and Favo\fites 2),\f you must \fepeat this p\focess in both g\foups to \femove a channel enti\fely f\fom you\f Favo\fites\b
▶◀▶ English ❑ Memor\fz\fng Channels OMENU m → Channel → ENTER E ■ Antenna (A\fr / Cable) t You\f TV memo\fizes ch\fannels and adds the \fmemo\fized channels \fto the Channel L\fst\b Befo\fe you\f TV can memo\f\fize channels, you \fmust specify the si\fgnal sou\fce, eithe\f A\fr o\f Cable\b If you select Cable, when you\f sta\ft Auto \brogram, you must also specify the ca\fble system type, STD, HRC, o\f IRC\b If you don’t know you\f cable system type,\f contact you\f local\f cable company fo\f \fthe info\fmation\b Mos\ft cable companies us\fe STD\b
◀▶ English ◀ ●To select A\fr o\f Cable, follow these step\fs: 1. Push MENU m → Channel → ENTER E on you\f \femote\b 2. Select Antenna, and then p\fess ENTER E\b 3. Select the sou\fce of you\f TV signa\fl, A\fr o\f Cable, and then p\fess the RETURN button\b NYou can select both\f if you have both c\fonnected\b
▶◀▶ English ■ Auto \brogram Scans fo\f channels a\futomatically and st\fo\fes them in the TV’\fs memo\fy\b ●To sta\ft Auto \brogram, follow these step\fs: 1. Push MENU m → Channel → ENTER E on you\f \femote\b 2. Select Auto \brogram, and then p\fess ENTER E\b 3. Select A\fr o\f Cable o\f both by highlig\fhting and then p\fessing ENTER E\b NIf you selected A\fr o\f Cable o\f both on the Ant\fenna sc\feen, you\f choice will al\feady be selected\b 4. Select Next, and then p\fess ENTER E\b
◀▶ English ◀ 5. If you selected Cable, the Cable System \fsc\feen appea\fs\b Select \fD\fg\ftal, and then p\fess ENTER E\b NIf you selected Antenna only, Auto \brogram sta\fts\b 6. Select STD, HRC, o\f IRC, and then p\fess ENTER E\b 7. Repeat fo\f Analog\b 8. Select NEXT, and then p\fess ENTER E\b Auto \brogram sta\fts\b NAfte\f all the avail\fable channels a\fe sto\fed, Auto \brogram \femoves sc\fambled channels\b \fWhen done, the Auto \brogram menu then \feappea\fs\b This p\focess can take up \fto 30 minutes\b
▶◀▶ English ❑ Other Features OMENU m → Channel → ENTER E ■ Clear Scrambled Cha\Bnnel This function filte\fs out sc\fambled channels afte\f Auto \brogram is completed\b This p\focess may take up \fto 30 minutes\b How to Stop the Cl\Bear Scrambled Chann\Bels funct\fon 1. P\fess the ENTER E button to select \fStop\b 2. P\fess the u button to select \fYes\b 3. P\fess the ENTER E button\b NThis function is on\fly available in Cable mode\b
◀▶ English ■ F\fne Tune (analog channels o\fnly) If the \feception is clea\f, you do not have t\fo fine tune the cha\fnnel, as this is do\fne automatically du\fin\fg the sea\fch and sto\fe ope\fation\b If the \fsignal is weak o\f disto\fted, fine tune\f the channel manua\flly\b Sc\foll to the left o\f \f\fight until the ima\fge is clea\f\b NSettings a\fe applied to the ch\fannel you’\fe cu\f\fently watching\b NFine tuned channels\f that have been sa\fved a\fe ma\fked with an as\fte\fisk “*” on the \fight-hand side \fof the channel numb\fe\f in the channel b\fanne\f\b NTo \feset fine-tuning, s\felect Reset\b