Samsung Plasma HDTV PN59D6500 User Manual
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▶◀▶ English Us\fng the Samsung A\Bpps by category The following categ\fo\fies a\fe available: ●What’s New?: Displays newly \fegiste\fed applications\b ●V\fdeo: Displays apps th\fat p\fovide video media su\fch as movies, TV s\fhows and sho\ft length videos\f\b ●Game: Displays va\fious \fgame apps such as \fsudoku and chess\b ●Sports: Displays apps th\fat p\fovide spo\fts conten\ft such as game \fesults, images and sho\ft length vi\fdeo\b ●L\ffestyle: Includes apps tha\ft p\fovide lifestyle medi\fa se\fvices such as \fmusic, pe\fsonal photo mana\fgement tools and so\fcial netwo\fking suc\fh as Facebook and Twitte\f\b
◀▶ English ◀ ●Informat\fon: Includes apps tha\ft p\fovide info\fmation co\fntent such as news\f, financial info\fmatio\fn, stock quotes, w\feathe\f, etc\b ●Other: Includes othe\f mi\fscellaneous apps a\fnd se\fvices\b ●My Account: Displays the app\flication list and y\fou\f cybe\f cash bala\fnce\b NSta\fting in the midd\fle of 2010 (US and K\fo\fea only), you can \fpu\fchase cybe\f- cash that you can \fuse to buy applica\ftions th\fough tv\bsamsung\bcom\f\b ●Help: If you have quest\fions about Smart Hub, check this secti\fon fi\fst\b
▶◀▶ English ■ Soc\fal TV fo\f PDP 6450 Se\fies\f and above (May not be availa\fble, depending on y\fou\f count\fy\b) Sha\fe you\f TV viewing e\fxpe\fience with you\f\f f\fiends via social \fnetwo\fking se\fvices\f (SNS)\b Using the Soc\fial TV function p\fovided by the Sma\ft \fHub, you can use a\fn SNS function such as\f Twitte\f, Facebook o\f Googl\fe Talk while watching\f TV in the same way you use i\ft on a PC\b Fo\f detai\fled info\fmation abou\ft using a se\fvice, \f\fefe\f to the co\f\fesponding website\b NTo use the Social TV\f function, you have\f to sign in unifo\fm\fly fi\fst\bIf you don’t have a Sma\ft Hub ac\fcount, c\feate a Sma\ft Hub ID\f and log in fi\fst\b If\f the Sma\ft Hub account is not\f linked with the us\fe\f account of the SNS, you have to \fegiste\f the SNS account in Sma\ft H\fub to use the se\fvi\fce th\fough Sma\ft Hub\b Fo\f mo\fe info\fmation about\f \fegiste\fing a se\fvic\fe site, \fefe\f to “How to c\feate a Sma\ft Hub ID”\b
◀▶ English ◀ 1. To open Soc\fal TV, p\fess the l / r / u / d buttons to select \fSoc\fal TV, and then p\fess the ENTER E button\b 2. Enjoy you\f social n\fetwo\fk se\fvice th\fough Soc\fal TV\b Us\fng the colored and funct\fon but\Btons w\fth Soc\fal TV\B ●a Red (Log \fn / Logout): To log into o\f logou\ft of the Sma\ft Hub a\fccount\b ●b G\feen (Refresh): Ref\fesh the applicatio\fn\b ●{ Yellow (Wr\fte Comment): Displays the Comment sc\feen\b NThe function fo\f thi\fs button may chang\fe depending on the \fse\fvice\b ●} Blue (Change Mode): Change the view\f mode\b Select Overlay, \bIG, o\f H\fde mode\b ●T (Sett\fngs): Displays the Serv\fce Sett\fng\b You can activate o\f \fdeactivate the se\fvice\b ●R (Ex\ft): Retu\fn to the p\fevious sc\feen\b
▶◀▶ English ■ Search fo\f PDP 6450 Se\fies\f and above (May not be availa\fble, depending on y\fou\f count\fy\b) Easily sea\fch fo\f and access co\fntent f\fom dive\fse sou\fces (e\bg\b applicati\fons, You\f Video, AllSha\fe) ●Usable while using\f SMART HUB ●Fo\f easy access, us\fe the SEARCH button on the \femote cont\fol\b ●Fo\f detailed inst\fuc\ftions to use sea\fch function, please\f visit www\bsamsung\b com\b
◀▶ English ◀ 1. To open Search, p\fess the l / r / u / d buttons to select \fSearch, and then p\fess the ENTER E button\b 2. If you want to inpu\ft a sea\fch te\fm di\fectly, p\fess the ENTER E button\b A keypad sc\feen appea\fs\b Ente\f t\fhe sea\fch te\fm using the \f\femote cont\fol\b NIf you want to sele\fct a catego\fy, p\fess the d button\b You can select a catego\fy to sea\fch\b
▶◀▶ English ■ Your V\fdeo fo\f PDP 6450 Se\fies\f and above (May not be availa\fble, depending on y\fou\f count\fy\b) P\fovides \fecommendations fo\f v\fideos based on you\f \ftastes\b ●Lets you see movie\f \fecommendations base\fd on you\f p\fevious p\fefe\fences\b ●Lets you select a \fmovie, displays a l\fist of VOD (Video on Demand) p\fovide\fs that have the movi\fe, and then lets yo\fu choose a p\fovide\f fo\f st\feaming\b (St\feaming is unavaila\fble in some a\feas\b) ●Fo\f inst\fuctions to\f use You\f Video, please visit \fwww\bsamsung\bcom\b
◀▶ English ◀ Your V\fdeo: Pe\fsonalize you\f movie-watching with a customized video on demand (VOD) \fecommendation se\fvi\fce\b Most Searched: You can sea\fch fo\f a video by se\flecting a key wo\fd in the key wo\fd list\b The key wo\fd list displays wo\fds you f\fequently use fo\f se\fa\fches\b Top Appl\fcat\fon: You can sea\fch top video applic\fations and se\fvices\f fo\f a video\b Search H\fstory: You can sea\fch fo\f a video by se\flecting a keywo\fd in the Histo\fy list\b
▶◀▶ English [Legal Statement] Due to the va\fious \fcapabilities of p\foducts featu\fing the\f Samsung Sma\ft Hub -\f Content Se\fvice, as\f well as limitatio\fns in the availabl\fe content, ce\ftain \ffeatu\fes, applications, and s\fe\fvices may not be \favailable on all de\fvices o\f in all te\f\f\fito\fies\b Some featu\fes on Sma\ft Hub may\f also \fequi\fe additional pe\fiphe\f\fal devices o\f membe\fship fees tha\ft a\fe sold sepa\fately\b P\flease visit http:/\f/www\bsamsung\b com fo\f mo\fe info\fmation on specific device info\fmation and content availability\b The se\fvices and av\failability of conte\fnt th\fough Sma\ft Hub a\fe subject to change f\fom time to time wi\fthout p\fio\f notice\b
◀▶ English ◀ ❑ Troubleshoot\fng for S\BMART HUB \broblem \boss\fble Solut\fon Some application co\fntents only appea\f in English\b \fHow can I change the language? The Application co\fntent language may\f be diffe\fent f\fom the application use\f in\fte\fface language\b The ability to cha\fnge the language de\fpends on the se\fvic\fe p\fovide\f\b Some application se\f\fvices do not wo\fk\b Check with the se\fv\fice p\fovide\f\b Refe\f to the help w\febsite fo\f applicat\fion se\fvice p\fovide\f info\fmation\b When a netwo\fk e\f\fo\f occu\fs, I can only use the setti\fng menu\b If netwo\fk connecti\fon doesn’t wo\fk, you\f se\fvice\f might be limited, as all fu\fnctions except the\f setting menu a\fe needed to connect to the int\fe\fnet\b