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Panasonic Kx Ta824 Programming Manual

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Page 81

Programming Manual 81
Section 3
PC Programming—Introduction
This section serves as reference operating instructions when 
using the KX-TA Maintenance Console software to program 
the PBX. 

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3.1 Introduction
82 Programming Manual
3.1 Introduction
Maintenance Console allows you to perform system setup and maintenance of the PBX, KX-TA824. The 
types of operations that can be performed with Maintenance Console are as follows:
 Backing up and restoring system data
 Viewing and modifying system settings
 Upgrading the firmware of the PBX
 Resetting the PBX, and clearing set values
 Initializing the BV message card, and clearing all OGMs stored for DISA
3.2 PC Programming
3.2.1 Installing...

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3.3 Software Modes
Programming Manual 83
PBX box on the password entry window when starting up Maintenance Console, or select an 
option from the Connect menu.
When a new window is opened and the relevant data is downloaded from the PBX, that data is 
cached temporarily in the PC. To reduce data transfer times, when the same window is reopened 
within the same programming session (without disconnecting the PC from the PBX), the cached 
data is used.
The table below shows which options can be accessed...

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3.4 Status Bar
84 Programming Manual
3.4 Status Bar
The status bar is the bar at the bottom of the Maintenance Console window that displays information on the 
current state of the Maintenance Console software.
The information displayed is as follows, in order from left to right:View Tool Bar
Code ChangeInstaller Level
User Level
Screen Customize
System Data Setting Menu
Utility Firmware Upgrade
Quick Setup
System Reset Normal
System Data Clear
BV Card Initialization...

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3.5 Access Levels
Programming Manual 85
3.5 Access Levels
There are 2 main levels of access to the Maintenance Console software: Installer and User.
Installer-level users can view and edit all settings, in addition to choosing the options and screens available 
to User-level users, through the 7.3 Screen Customize option in the View menu. 
It is necessary to enter the Installer-level password to log on to Maintenance Console at Installer level. 
However, User level access may or may not require a...

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3.6 Standard Buttons
86 Programming Manual 

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Programming Manual 87
Section 4
PC Programming—Opening Screen
This section describes the options available when star ting 
Maintenance Console. 

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4.1 Software Modes
88 Programming Manual
4.1 Software Modes
Every time Maintenance Console is started, a dialog box will appear. From here, you can enter any of the 3 
available software modes.
To start Maintenance Console in Initial mode
Enter the relevant programmer code (User or Installer level).
2.Click OK.
Maintenance Console will start.
To start Maintenance Console in Batch mode
Enter the relevant programmer code (User or Installer level).
2.Click OK.
Maintenance Console will start.

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4.1 Software Modes
Programming Manual 89
When connecting the KX-TA Maintenance Console to the PBX using an RS-232C cable, assign the following 
values to the Serial Interface (RS-232C) port of the PBX:
Baud Rate (bps): 9600
Word Length: 8 bits
Parity Bit: None
Stop Bit: 1 bit
Connection parameters for Modem
Connecting to an Older Version of PBX
When a PC is connected to an older version of PBX, the compatible version of Maintenance Console is 
automatically star ted.Word Length 8 bits Displays the number...

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4.1 Software Modes
90 Programming Manual 
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