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Panasonic Kx Ta824 Programming Manual

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6.1 Connect
Programming Manual 101
3.Click OK.
The parameters are as follows:
When connecting the KX-TA Maintenance Console to the PBX using an RS-232C cable, assign the following 
values to the Serial Interface (RS-232C) port of the PBX:
Baud Rate (bps): 9600
Word Length: 8 bits
Parity Bit: None
Stop Bit: 1 bit
To connect to the PBX by USB
From the Connect menu, select Connect.
The Connect to PBX window will be displayed.
2.Select a connection option.
 Select the Use profile check box if you want to...

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6.1 Connect
102 Programming Manual
To connect to the PBX by Modem
From the Connect menu, select Connect.
The Connect to PBX window will be displayed.
2.Select a connection option.
 Select the Use profile check box if you want to use a pre-saved profile.
a.Select the profile to use from the drop-down list.
The Setup button will become unavailable.
b.If the system password for the PBX has not been stored with the profile, enter it.
If the system password has been stored with the selected profile, it...

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6.2 Disconnect
Programming Manual 103
The parameters are as follows:
Connecting to an Older Version of PBX
When a PC is connected to an older version of PBX, the compatible version of Maintenance Console is 
automatically star ted.
6.2 Disconnect
Disconnects the PC from the PBX. Data transmission ends, and Maintenance Console returns to Initial 
To disconnect
From the Connect menu, select Disconnect.
If there is data that has been edited but not yet sent to the PBX, a confirmation window will be...

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6.3 Profile Setup
104 Programming Manual
6.3 Profile Setup
Profiles are useful when one PC is used to connect to multiple PBXs. Rather than manually adjusting the 
connection parameters each time a different PBX is accessed, it is possible to store the connection 
parameters for several PBXs. Then, when you wish to connect to a specific PBX, you can simply choose 
that PBXs profile from 6.1 Connect.
The functions of the buttons on this screen are as follows:
6.4 Profile Editor
Allows the creation and...

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6.4 Profile Editor
Programming Manual 105
The functions of the buttons on this screen are as follows:
To create or edit a profile
From the Connect menu, select Profile Setup.
The Profile Setup window (6.3 Profile Setup) will be displayed.
2.Click New or Edit.
The Profile Editor window will be displayed.
3.Enter a name for this profile.
4.Enter the system password used to connect to the PBX.
5.Select the default connection method.
6.Enter the detailed connection method parameters as required. See the...

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6.4 Profile Editor
106 Programming Manual
The parameters are as follows:
When connecting the KX-TA Maintenance Console to the PBX using an RS-232C cable, assign the following 
values to the Serial Interface (RS-232C) port of the PBX:
Baud Rate (bps): 9600
Word Length: 8 bits
Parity Bit: None
Stop Bit: 1 bit
Connection parameters for ModemParameter Values Explanation
Port COMx Specify the number of the COM port assigned 
to the PCs RS-232C interface. Only available 
COM ports will be displayed.
Baud Rate...

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6.4 Profile Editor
Programming Manual 107
The parameters are as follows:
Parameter Values Explanation
Dial Number 0-9, *, #, - (hyphen) 
and , (comma)Telephone number to be dialed to access the 
Dial Type Auto (Tone), Auto 
(Pulse), ManualOutgoing dialing method. If Manual is 
selected, a telephone must be connected in 
parallel to dial.
Comment – Enter a comment to help to identify this profile.
Port COMx Specify the number of the COM port assigned 
to the PCs modem interface. Only available 

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6.4 Profile Editor
108 Programming Manual 

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Programming Manual 109
Section 7
PC Programming—View
This section describes the View menu, which allows you to 
customize the operation of Maintenance Console. 

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7.1 Tool Bar
110 Programming Manual
7.1 Tool Bar
Selects whether the tool bar, which provides icons allowing easy access to commonly used functions, is 
displayed or not.
A check mark before this menu option means that the tool bar is set to be displayed.
To change the display status of the tool bar
 From the View menu, select Tool Bar.
7.2 Programmer Code Change
Allows you to change the codes used to log on to Maintenance Console at startup.
Users logged on at Installer level may change both Installer...
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