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Panasonic Kx Ta824 Programming Manual

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Page 171

9.2 Extension [2]
Programming Manual 171
Message Waiting
Value Range
Not Stored, Direct Station Selection (DSS), One-touch Dialing, Message Waiting
Programming Manual References
9.2.7 Flexible Buttons [2-4] Message button
Feature Manual References
1.1.61 Flexible Buttons
Operating Manual References
3.1.3 Flexible Button Assignment
9.2.5 Flexible Buttons [2-4] CO buttons
Each CO button can be customized to access a cer tain feature with a one-touch operation. A maximum of 
12 CO buttons can be...

Page 172

9.2 Extension [2]
172 Programming Manual
Value Range
Programming Manual References
9.2.4 Flexible Buttons [2-4]—Extension jack
Extension Number (for DSS)
Selects the number of the extension to be accessed.
Value Range
Extension no. and name specified in Ext. no. and Name on the 9.1.3 Numbering Plan [1-3] screen
Programming Manual References
9.1.3 Numbering Plan [1-3]—Ext. no., Name
9.2.4 Flexible Buttons [2-4]—Extension jack
Dial (for One-touch Dialing)
Specifies the number to be dialed.
Value Range...

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9.2 Extension [2]
Programming Manual 173
VM Extension Number (for Voice Mail Transfer)
Selects the voice mail extension number.
Value Range
Extension no. and name specified in Ext. no. and Name on the 9.1.3 Numbering Plan [1-3] screen
Programming Manual References
9.1.3 Numbering Plan [1-3]—Ext. no., Name
9.2.4 Flexible Buttons [2-4]—Extension jack
Extension Number (for Another Extension Message Waiting)
Selects the extension number of another extension for which messages are checked.
Value Range...

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9.2 Extension [2]
174 Programming Manual
9.2.7 Flexible Buttons [2-4] Message button
The MESSAGE button can be customized to access a certain feature with a one-touch operation. Select the 
desired extension from the Extension jack list on the 9.2.4 Flexible Buttons [2-4] screen. Depending on 
the button type, additional parameters are required as follows:
Extension Number (for DSS)
Selects the number of an extension to be accessed.
Value Range
Extension no. and name specified in Ext. no. and Name on the...

Page 175

9.2 Extension [2]
Programming Manual 175
9.2.8 DSS Console [2-5]
A Direct Station Selection (DSS) Console can be used in conjunction with a proprietary telephone (PT). A 
maximum of 2 DSS Consoles can be connected to the PBX. Each flexible DSS/Programmable Feature (PF) 
button can be customized to allow one-touch access to a certain feature. The desired button settings of one 
DSS Console can be copied to the other DSS Console. Select the DSS Console that has the settings to 
copy to the other DSS...

Page 176

9.2 Extension [2]
176 Programming Manual
Value Range
Disable, Jack 02–24
Programming Manual References
[003] DSS Console Jack Assignment
Feature Manual References
1.1.54 Extension Jack Configuration
1.1.59 Fixed Buttons
Pair Extension
Selects the extension number of the PT to be used in pair with the DSS Console. The extension number 
and name are shown with the jack number.
Value Range
Disable, Jack 01–24 (Extension no. and name specified in Ext. no. and Name on the 9.1.3 Numbering Plan...

Page 177

9.2 Extension [2]
Programming Manual 177
Operating Manual References
3.1.3 Flexible Button Assignment
PF buttons
Specifies the feature to be assigned to the flexible PF button.
All buttons: Not Stored
Value Range
Not Stored, One-touch Dialing
Programming Manual References
9.2.10 DSS Console [2-5] PF buttons
Feature Manual References
1.1.61 Flexible Buttons
Operating Manual References
3.1.3 Flexible Button Assignment 

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9.2 Extension [2]
178 Programming Manual
9.2.9 DSS Console [2-5] DSS buttons
Each Direct Station Selection (DSS) button can be customized to access a certain feature with a one-touch 
operation. A maximum of 32 DSS buttons can be customized for each DSS Console. Select the desired DSS 
Console from the DSS Console No. list on the 9.2.8 DSS Console [2-5] screen. Depending on the button 
type, additional parameters are required as follows:
Extension Number (for Extension Lock)
Selects the extension number...

Page 179

9.2 Extension [2]
Programming Manual 179
9.2.8 DSS Console [2-5]—DSS Console No.
VM Extension Number (for 2-way Transfer)
Selects the voice mail extension number.
Value Range
Extension no. and name specified in Ext. no. and Name on the 9.1.3 Numbering Plan [1-3] screen
Programming Manual References
9.1.3 Numbering Plan [1-3]—Ext. no., Name
9.2.8 DSS Console [2-5]—DSS Console No.
VM Extension Number (for Voice Mail Transfer)
Selects the voice mail extension number.
Value Range
Extension no. and name...

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9.2 Extension [2]
180 Programming Manual
9.2.10 DSS Console [2-5] PF buttons
Each Programmable Feature (PF) button can be customized to access a certain feature with a one-touch 
operation. A maximum of 16 PF buttons can be customized for each Direct Station Selection (DSS) 
Console. Select the desired DSS Console from the DSS Console No. list on the 9.2.8 DSS Console [2-5] 
One-touch Dialing
Specifies the number to be dialed.
Value Range
Max. 24 digits (consisting of 0–9,  , #, P [pause], F...
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