Panasonic Hd Integrated Camera Aw He50hn Operating Instructions
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71 Web setting screen DDNS screen Use DHCP to acquire\R the global IP add\Rress. The DDNS function m\Rust be set in orde\Rr to access the unit\R over the Internet. When using the DDN\RS function, access th\Re unit using the “address of host n\” which was registered in t\Rhe DDNS server. To use the DDNS fun\Rction, a connection w\Rith a dedicated DDN\RS server is required. p DDNS Whether the DDNS f\Runction is to be us\Red is selected by setting “On” or “Off ”. p \fost name [1 to 64 \>half‑size characters] Input here the hos\Rt name to be used.\R p User name [1 to 32 \>half‑size c haracters] Input here the use\Rr name (log ‑in name) for accessing the DDNS ser ver. p Password [0 to 32 half‑size c haracters] Input here the pas\Rsword for accessing the DDN\RS server. p Access interval Select one of the s\Rettings below to be used as th\Re access interval in which the IP \Raddress and host n\Rame are checked with the DDNS s\Rerver. 1min 1 minute 10min 10 minutes 30min 30 minutes 1h 1 hour \fh \f hours \b4h \b4 hours

7\b Web setting screen SNMP screen The settings relat\Red to the SNMP fun\Rction are selected o\Rn this screen. When the SNMP mana\Rger is used for the connection, t\Rhe unit’s statuses can be ch\Recked. When the SNMP funct\Rion is to be used,\R consult with your network administrator. p Community [0 to 32 half\>‑size characters] Input here the comm\Runity name which is\R to be monitored. wpWhen using the SNM\RP function, be abso\Rlutely sure to input the community name. This function cannot\R be used if the com\Rmunity name field is left\R blank. Note p System name [0 to 3\>2 half‑size c haracters] Input here the sys\Rtem name for controlling the \Runit using the SNMP function. p Location [0 to 32 \>half‑size c haracters] Input here the loca\Rtion where the uni\Rt has been install\Red. p Contact [0 to 255 h\>alf‑size c haracters] Input here the ema\Ril address or tele\Rphone number of the administrator.

73 Web setting screen wqMaintenance Among the various maintenance op\Rerations performed on this screen \Rare system log checks, system version upgrading and initialization of \Rthe unit. The screen itself co\Rnsists of five tabs: “System log”, “Upgrade”, “Default reset”, “Back up” and “Other”. System log screen A maximum of a hundred sy\Rstem logs can be st\Rored in the unit’s internal memory. When this maximum number has been exceeded, the old lo\Rgs are overwritten successively by the new logs. The logs are cleare\Rd when the unit’s power is turned off. p No The running numbers of the syst\Rem logs are displa\Ryed here. p Time & date The times and date\Rs when the logs were generated are displayed here. The \b4 ‑hour system is use\Rd to display this inf ormation. p Error description Details of the err\Ror logs are displa\Ryed here. For further details on th\Re system logs, refer to page 79.

74 Web setting screen Upgrade screen On this screen, it \Ris possible to check the unit’s software versions and upgrade them to the la\Rtest versions. For details on the \Rsoftware used for version upgrading, consult your dealer. The “Model no.”, “MAC address”, “Serial no.”, “Firmware version” and other information about the u\Rnit is displayed. 1 After consulting wi\>th your dealer, download the latest software\> to the hard disk of your personal computer. wpNo spaces or full‑size char acters can be used f\Ror the directory in which the soft\Rware will be stored\R. Note 2 Select the software\> to be upgraded by clicking the [Camera Main] o\>r [Network] radio button. 3 Click the \browse button, and specify the downloaded software. 4 Click the radio button underneath, and after the software version has been upgr\>aded, select whether to i\>nitialize the data. wp Judge whether or no\Rt to initialize the data after reading through th\Re Readme file which \Raccompanies the software . 5 Click the Execute button. The software version is upgraded, and the scree\Rn on which to check data initializat\Rion is displayed. If the data is not\R going to be initi\Ralized after the version has been upgraded, the check screen is not dis\Rplayed. After upgrading the software version, be absolut\Rely sure to delete the temp\Rorary Internet files.

75 Web setting screen wpUse the personal co\Rmputer on the same\R subnet as the camera to upgr ade the software version. wpBefore using the version upg rading software, be absolutely sure to\R check the precautions t\Ro be observed with your dealer, and follow the dealer’s instructions. wp Use the following files specifie\Rd b y Panasonic System Networks Co., Ltd. as the software used for version upgrading. Camera Main bin files Network img files wp Be absolutely sure \Rto write the filenames \Ras below (see *) f or the files of th\Re software used for version upgrading. Camera Main he50_cameramain_xxxxx.bin* Network he50_network_xxxxx.img* *: Enter the software version in the “xxxxx” part. wp Do not turn off the unit’s po wer while a software version is being up\Rgraded. wp While a software version is being up\Rg raded, do not attempt to execute any other operations until the version has been up\Rgraded. wp Even when “Reset the settings\R to the def aults after completing th\Re upgrade” has been selected,\R the network ‑related data liste\Rd below will not be initializ ed. · DHCP On/Off · IP address · Subnet mask · Default gateway · HTTP port · Line speed · Bandwidth contro\Rl (bit rate) Notes

7\f Web setting screen Default reset scree\>n The unit’s setting data and\R HTML files are in\Ritialized and the unit is\R restarted on this screen.\R p Reset to the defau\>lt (Except the network settings) When the Execute button is clicked, the unit’s settings are returned to their defaults. However, the network ‑related settings a\Rre not initialized. (See page 75) When the initializ\Ration operation is star ted, no operations can be undertaken for about \b minutes . p Load the default \fTM\>L files (setup menu) When the Execute button is clicked, the HTML files\R are returned to their defaults. When the initializ\Ration operation is started, no operations can be undertaken for about \b minutes . p Reset to the defau\>lt and load the defa\>ult \fTML files When the Execute button is clicked, the unit’s settings and HTML files are\R returned to their defaults. However, the network ‑related settings a\Rre not initialized. (See page 75) When the initializ\Ration operation is star ted, no operations can be undertaken for about \b minutes . p Reboot When the Execute button is clicked, the unit is re\Rbooted. After the unit has\R been rebooted, no\R operations can be undertaken for about \b minutes as is the case\R when the unit’ s power is turned on.

77 Web setting screen \back up screen On this screen, the\R unit’s settings can be s\Raved to a personal co\Rmputer or settings\R saved in a personal co\Rmputer can be loade\Rd into the unit for use. p Download The unit’s settings are saved in the personal\R computer. After displaying the save destination dial\Rog box using the Execute button, specify the \Rsave destination folder. Listed below are the settings\R to be saved. • Scene FullAuto settings • Scene Manual1 settings • Scene Manual\b settings • Scene Manual3 settings • System setting\Rs • Preset setting\Rs p Upload The unit’s setting files, which were saved in the personal\R computer by the download function, ar\Re uploaded. Click the Browse button to display the dialog box, and specify the saved file. wpUse the files downloaded by the unit as the \Rdata to be used f or uploading. Do not change the e\Rxtension (.dat) of\R the files which have been downloaded. wp Do not turn off the unit’s po wer while downloading or uploading is un\Rderway. wp Do not attempt to \Rperform an y operations while downloading or uploading is underway. Instead, wait until the downloading or uploa\Rding is completed. Notes

78 Web setting screen Other screen The images output \Rfrom the unit can b\Re switched between camera images and color \Rbars on this screen\R. p CAM/\bAR Camera The unit’s output images ar\Re switched to “camera images”. Colorbar The unit’s output images ar\Re switched to “color bar”.

79 System log \fisplays DDNS‑related error displays CategoryDisplay Description of err\>or Connection error No response from t\Rhe DDNS server. wp A mistake may ha ve been made in spe\Rcifying the DDNS server. Check the DDNS setting\Rs again. wp The DDNS server ma y be down. Consult your network administrator. User name or password isn't correct. wp The user name or p\Rassword ma y be incorrect. Check the DDNS setting\Rs again. IP address update \Rfailed. wp An IP address upda\Rte error has occurre\Rd in the DDNS server . Consult your network administrator. Internal error Undefined error. wp A problem has occurred in \Rthe DDNS function. Chec k the DDNS setting\Rs again. NTP‑related error displays CategoryDisplay Description of err\>or Connection error No response from t\Rhe NTP server. wp The IP address of \Rthe server ma y be incorrect. Check the server’s IP address setti\Rngs again. wp The NTP server ma y be down. Consult your server administrator. Internal error Undefined error. wp A problem has occurred in \Rthe NTP function. Chec k the NTP settings\R again. Successful NTP ‑based time synchronization NTP update succeeded\R. wp The time has been \Rupdated successfully\R. Login‑related displays Category Display Description of err\>or Login (User name or IP a\Rddress) wpIf user authorization has been s\Ret, the name of th\Re user who has logged onto th\Re unit is display ed. wpIf host authorization has been s\Ret, the IP address\R of the user who has logged ont\Ro the unit is disp\Rlay ed.

80 Limiters This unit comes wit\Rh settings (referred to as “limiters”) that restrict the panning and\R tilting movement ranges. Depending on where\R the unit has been\R installed, a subj\Rect which the user does\R not wish to be sh\Rot may be present in the movement ranges. In a case like this, the unit’s shooting range can be limited\R by setting the limi\Rters at the positi\Rons just before the subject which the user does\R not wish to be sh\Rot. The positions of f\Rour limiters — nam\Rely, the upper, lower, left ‑most and right‑most limits of the\R tra vel range — can be set. Once they have been set, the po\Rsitions will not b\Re lost even after the power has been turned off. The limiters can be\R set or released b\Roth by the wireless remote control and \Rcontroller or web setting screen. Whatever was set or released\R last takes precedence. For the controller o\Rperations, refer to the Operating Instructions of the contr\Roller. The settings of th\Re limiters using t\Rhe wireless remote\R control will be described here.