Panasonic Hd Integrated Camera Aw He50hn Operating Instructions
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\f1 Web setting screen Preset position se\>tting screen p Preset This selects the pr\Reset position to b\Re operated from the pull\R‑down menu. This is used to re\Rgister the current \Rstatus in the preset posi\Rtion now selected on the pull‑down menu. It does not functio\Rn if “Home” has been selected on the pul\Rl‑down menu. The camera direction moves to the preset position which is n\Row selected on the pull‑down menu. The settings that \Rare reproduced at t\Rhis position are the s\Rettings which were established on the “Preset Scope” menu (see page \f5). The camera direction mo ves to the home position if “Home” has been selected on the pull‑down menu. p Zoom Use this to adjust\R the zoom (magnification)\R in the Wide direction. Use this to adjust\R the zoom (magnification)\R to 1.0. Use this to adjust\R the zoom (magnification)\R in the Tele direction. p Focus Use this to adjust\R the focus manually. Use this to adjust\R the focus in the Near direction.\R It does not work during automatic adjustmen\Rts. Use this to adjust\R the focus in the Far direction. It does not work during automatic adjustmen\Rts. When this is press\Red while the focus is being adjus\Rted manually, the focus will be temporarily adjusted automatically. It does not work during automatic adjustmen\Rts. Use this to adjust\R the focus automatically.

\f\b Web setting screen p \brightness Use this to adjust\R the image brightness manually. Use this to make the image darker. It does not work during automatic adjustments. Use this to make the image lighte\Rr. It does not work during automatic adjustments. Use this to adjust\R the image brightness automatically. p Control pad and its buttons To adjust the image\R in the horizontal or vertical direction (pan\Rning or tilting), left ‑click the pad and the \R b uttons. The more the outsi\Rde of the pad is clicked, the faster the camera operates. Adjustment is also possible by dragging the mouse. Right ‑click the pad to initi\Rate z ooming and focusing. When the top half \Rof the pad is clicked in the up or do\Rwn direction, the zoom (magnification)\R is adjusted in the Tele direction; conversely, when the bottom ha\Rlf of the pad is adjusted, the zoom is adjusted in\R the Wide direction. When the left half\R of the pad is clicked in the left or \Rright direction, the focus is adjusted in\R the Near direction; conversely when the right half of the pad is\R adjusted, the focus is adjusted in the\R Far direction. The zooming can also be \Radjusted by operating the mouse wh\Reel. wp When the mouse is \Rused for dragging and dropping from the \Rcontrol pad area to\R a position outside this area,\R the panning, tilt\Ring and other oper ations will not st\Rop. In a case like this, click the control pad a\Rrea to stop these operations. Note p Limitation Setting This establishes the up, down, left and right limit setting\Rs of the pan ‑tilt head. First, mov e the pan ‑tilt head to the p\Rosition where the \R limit is to be set\R, and press the cor\Rresponding button belo w to set the direct\Rion (up, down, left or right) in which the limit is to be\R set. After each setting \Rhas been selected, \Rpress the Set button to enter the\R setting. Tilt Up Use this to save the current posit\Rion as the upward limit. Tilt Down Use this to save the current posit\Rion as the downward limit. Pan Left Use this to save the current posit\Rion as the leftward limit. Pan Right Use this to save the current posit\Rion as the rightward limit. Set/Reset Use this to enable or disable the limit setting in each dir\Rection. This is used to clo\Rse this panel.

\f3 Web setting screen System This menu has items that r\Relate to the genlo\Rck phase adjustment\R and camera’s output image set\Rtings. p Genlock (AW‑\fE50S only) This item’s setting is refle\Rcted immediately. \forizontal Phase [–2\>06 to +49] This is used to ad\Rjust the horizontal phase during genlock. Subcarrier Phase \>Coarse [0° to 315 °] This is used to ad\Rjust coarsely the co\Rlor phase during genlock. This setting is valid for the VBS signal output. Subcarrier Phase \>Fine [–127 to +127\>] This is used to ad\Rjust finely the col\Ror phase during genlock. This setting is valid for the VBS signal output.

\f4 Web setting screen p Output This item’s setting is refle\Rcted when the Set b\Rutton is pressed. Format [1080i, 720p, 480i] The video format is changed on t\Rhis screen. Down CONV. Mode [Squeeze, SideCut, Letter\box] The down‑conversion mode is sel\Rected here. SqueezeWhen the 4:3 aspect\R ratio has been set \R for the monitor scre\Ren, the images are\R squeezed horizontally and extended vertically changing the\R view of the angle. SideCutWith the vertical height serving as the reference, the parts which extend beyond this at the two sides are cropped\R changing the view of the angle. LetterBox With the horizontal width serving as the reference, black bands are added \Rat the top and bottom changing\R the view of the angle. wp When output is sele\>cted for the color bar, the mode is fixed to Squeeze. If “SideCut” or “Letter\box” has been selected,\> the \fDMI output will not appe\>ar for a few seconds when the\> color bar display is set to ON or \>OFF. \fDMI Color (AW‑\fE50\f onl y) [RG\b ‑NOR, RG\b‑EN\f, YCbCr422, YCbCr444] Set here is the HD\RMI color output. p When an HDMI monit\Ror is used, use “YCbCr4\b\b” under nor mal circumstances. p In cases where, for instance , HDMI (RGB) signal\Rs are converted and output to \Ra DVI monitor, the settings required will diff\Rer depending on th\Re color gradation supported by the monitor. RGB‑NOR The RGB output sign\Rals are output in \R the 1\f to \b35 range. RGB ‑ENH The RGB output sign\Rals are output in \R the 0 to \b55 r ange. p If the black par ts of the images a\Rppear overexposed when “RGB ‑NOR” has been selected,\R use the “RGB ‑ ENH” setting instead. p Conversely , if the images ar\Re displayed with a loss of \R dark detail when “RGB ‑ENH” has been selected,\R use the “RGB ‑NOR” setting instead. wpIf an HDMI Color s\Retting which is not\R supported by the monitor has be\Ren specified, the H\RDMI Color setting ma y be changed automa\Rtically. (The menu display will remain uncha\Rnged.) Note With the AW‑HE50S, this item cannot \Rbe selected.

\f5 Web setting screen p Other This item’s setting is refle\Rcted when the Set b\Rutton is pressed. Install Position [Desktop, \fanging] “Desktop” or “Hanging” is selected here a\Rs the method used to install th\Re unit. Desktop Stand‑alone installation\R Hanging Suspended installa\Rtion p When “Hanging” has been selected,\R the top , bottom, left and right of the images\R will be reversed, and up/down/left/right control for panning and til\Rting will also be reversed. Preset Speed [1 to\> 30] There are 30 preset pan‑tilt operation speeds of wh\Ren regenerating the camera direction and oth\Rer inf ormation which are registere\Rd in the preset me\Rmory. wp If a high value is selected for the Preset Spee\Rd setting, the image\R on the screen ma y shake when operation stops. wp When connecting the \Runit to the AW‑RP\f55 f or use, the “DIAGONAL SPEED (P/T S\RETTING)” setting of the AW‑RP\f55 takes effect. To change the Preset\R Speed, change the \R AW‑RP\f55 setting. Notes Preset Scope [Mode\> A, Mode \b, Mode C] Selected here are t\Rhe setting items t\Ro be recalled when \R the contents of the\R preset memory are regenerated. Mode A Pan, Tilt, Zoom (includi\Rng digital z oom), Focus, Iris, Gain, White ‑BAL Mode B P an, Tilt, Zoom (includi\Rng digital zoom), Focus, Iris Mode C P an, Tilt, Zoom (includi\Rng digital zoom), Focus Digital Zoom [Disable, Enable] “Enable” or “Disable” is set here for the digital zoom function. If zooming is performed toward the Tele end beyond the maximum position when “Enable” has been selected,\R the digital zoom can be operated continuously. Zooming will stop temporarily at the positio\Rn where the optical\R zoom and digital zoom are switched so after it\R has stopped at this position, pro\Rceed with zooming again. When the setting i\Rs changed to “Disable” while already in \R the digital zoom region, the zoom will automatica\Rlly move to the maximum position of the\R optical zoom. Speed With Zoom POS. [Off, On] “On” or “Off ” is set here for the function use\Rd to adjust the camera direction’s adjustment speed\R in conjunction with\R the zoom magnification. When “On” is set, the panni\Rng and tilting ope\Rrations will become slower in the zoom status. This function has n\Ro effect during preset operations. Focus Mode [Auto, Man ual] “Auto” or “Manual” is set here for the focusing function. Auto The subjects are al\Rways brought into focus automatically. Manual The focus is operated manually. Focus ADJ With PTZ. [Off , On] “On” or “Off ” is set here for the function whi\Rch compensates for out ‑of‑focusing when it occur\Rs dur ing panning, tilting o\Rr zooming operations at the manual focus setting. When “Off ” is set, adjust th\Re focus as required af\Rter zooming or set the \Rfocus to the auto mo\Rde. This item can be selected only wh\Ren “Manual” has been selected \Ras the “Focus Mode” setting. Tally Enable [Disable, Enable] “Enable” or “Disable” is set here for the function whi\Rch turns on or turns off the tally l\Ramp using the tall\Ry control signal. OSD Status [Off, On] “On” or “Off ” is set here for the status disp\Rlay which appears during AWB operations.

\f\f Web setting screen wqUser mng. The authorization of those u\Rsers who can access t\Rhe camera from a PC or AW‑RP50 and those IP \Raddresses, from which the camera can be accessed, is\R registered on thi\Rs screen in order t\Ro restrict any other access. The screen itself co\Rnsists of two tabs, “User auth.” and “Host auth”. User auth. screen p User auth. User authorization is set to \R“On” or “Off ” here. Enter the setting \Rusing the Set button. p User name [1 to 32 \>half‑size c haracters] The user name is i\Rnput here. Enter the setting \Rusing the Set button. p Password p Retype passwor d [4 to 32 half ‑size c haracters] The password is input here. Enter the setting \Rusing the Set button. p Access level Select one of the f\Rollowing settings as t\Rhe user access level. Enter the setting \Rusing the Set button. 1. Administrator This access level allows the user to perform all the unit’s operations. \b. Camera control This access level allows only Control screen oper\Rations to be performed. p User check A pull‑down menu can be opened her\Re, and the registered users ch\Recked. A registered user \Ris indicated in the\R form of “Registered user name [Access le\Rvel]”. (Example: admin[1]) To delete a registe\Rred user, select the user t\Ro be deleted, and click the Delete button on the right.

\f7 Web setting screen \fost auth. screen p \fost auth. Host authorization is set to \R“On” or “Off ” here. p IP address The IP address of \Rthe PC from which a\Rccess to the camera is allowed is input here. The host name canno\Rt be input as the \RIP address. wpWhen the “IP address/subnet\R mask length” is input, the PCs which are a\Rllo wed to access the came\Rra can be restricted on a subnet b\Ry subnet basis. If, for instance, “19\b.1\f8.0.1/\b4” has been input an\Rd the “\b. Camera control” setting has been \Rselected as the access level setting, the PC\Rs from “19\b.1\f8.0.0” to “19\b.1\f8.0.\b55” will be able to access the came\Rra at the “\b. Camera control” access level. wp When an already re\Rgistered IP addres\Rs is input and the Set button is click ed, the host information will be overwritten. p Access level Select one of the f\Rollowing settings as t\Rhe host access level. 1. Administrator \b. Camera control For details on the \Raccess level, refer to page \f\f. p \fost check A pull‑down menu can be opened her\Re, and the IP addresses of the r\Registered hosts che\Rcked. A host is indicated\R in the form of “Registered IP addr\Ress [Access level]”. (Example: 19\b.1\f8.0.\b1 [1]) To delete a registe\Rred host (IP addre\Rss), select the hos\Rt to be deleted, and\R click the Delete button on the right.

\f8 Web setting screen wqServer This screen has ite\Rms that relate to \Rthe NTP server addresses, port numbers and other N\RTP server settings. NTP screen p Time adjustment Select one of the f\Rollowing settings as t\Rhe time adjustment method.\R The time is adjust\Red by the method select\Red here and used as the unit’s standard time. Off The time is counted\R from 0:00 on January 1, 1990 as the u\Rnit’s startup time. Synchronization with NTP server The time automatica\Rlly adjusted in synchronization wit\Rh the NTP server is used as the uni\Rt’s standard time. p NTP server address [1 to 63 half ‑size c haracters] The host name or I\RP address of the N\RTP server is input here. wpTo input the “NTP ser ver address” host name, the DNS setting must be selected on \Rthe Network screen (see page 70) of the Networ k settings. Note p NTP port [1 to 65535] The port number of the NTP s\Rerver is input here. p Time adjustment int\>erval The interval (1 to \b4 hours i\Rn 1 ‑hour increments) for acquir ing the time from \Rthe NTP server and updating th\Re time is selected he\Rre. p Time zone Select the time zone that correspond\Rs with the region \Rin which the unit is g\Roing to be used.

\f9 Web setting screen wqNetwork This screen has ite\Rms that relate to \Rthe network settings, DDNS (Dynamic DNS\R) and SNMP (Simple\R Network Management Protocol). It consists of the \Rthree tabs of “Network”, “DDNS” and “SNMP”. Network screen p IP network D\fCP Whether the DHCP f\Runction is to be us\Red is set by selecting “On” or “Off ” here. Set the DHCP server in such a way that the same IP\R address cannot be \Rused by PCs without the DHCP f\Runction or by other network cameras. For details on the \Rserver settings, consult your network administrator. IP address Input the unit’s IP address here \Rwhen the DHCP funct\Rion is not going to be\R used. Input an address \Rthat will not duplicate an existing IP address\R which has been set\R for a PC or another netw\Rork camera. wp Multiple IP addres\Rses cannot be used \Reven when the DHCP function is us\Red. For details on the \RDHCP server settings, consult your network administrator.

70 Web setting screen Subnet mask Input the unit’s subnet mask here\R if the DHCP functi\Ron is not going to be us\Red. Default gateway Input the unit’s default gateway if the DHCP funct\Rion is not going to be us\Red. wpMultiple IP addres\Rses cannot be used \Rfor the default gate way even when the DHCP f\Runction is used. For details on the \RDHCP server settings, consult your network administrator. DNS Whether the DNS se\Rrver address is to b\Re acquired automatically (Auto) or manually (Manual) is input here\R. If “Manual” has been selected,\R the DNS settings \Rmust be established. If “Auto” is selected when t\Rhe DHCP function is\R going to be used, the DN\RS server address is acqui\Rred automatically. For further details, consult your system adminis\Rtrator. Primary server address Secondary ser ver address Input the IP addre\Rss of the DNS server if the “Manual” setting has been s\Relected for “DNS”. For details on the \RIP address of the \RDNS server, consult your system adminis\Rtrator. \fTTP port [1 to 65535] The port number is allocated \Rhere separately. The following port numbers are used by the unit therefore cannot be used. Port numbers already used \b0, \b1, \b3, \b5, 4\b, 5\R3, \f7, \f8, \f9, 110, 1\b3, 1\f1, 1\f\b, \R554, 995, 10\f\f9, 10\R\f70, 59000 to 59999, \f00\R00 to \f1000 Line speed Select one of the f\Rollowing data line spe\Reds. Normally, it is recommended\R that the “Auto” default setting be used. Auto The line speed is \Rset automatically. 100 M‑Full The line speed is \Rset to 100 Mbps full duplex. 100 M‑Half The line speed is \Rset to 100 Mbps half duplex. 10 M‑Full The line speed is \Rset to 10 Mbps full duplex. 10 M‑Half The line speed is \Rset to 10 Mbps half duplex. FTP access to camer\>a Whether FTP access t\Ro the camera is to be allowed is set by selecting “Allow” or “Forbid”. \bandwidth control(bit rate) Select one of the f\Rollowing data bandwidt\Rh settings. Unlimited 384 kbps \b048 kbps \f4 kbps 51\b kbps 409\f kbps 1\b8 kbps 7\f8 kbps 819\b kbps \b5\f kbps 10\b4 kbps Easy IP Setup acco\>mmodate period Select “\b0min” or “Unlimited” as the time for enabling the operation of the network settings from th\Re Easy IP Setup Software. \b0min The setting operations from the Ea\Rsy IP Setup Software are enabled for \b0 minutes after the camer a has started operating. Unlimited The setting operations from the Ea\Rsy IP Setup Software are enabled at all times.