Panasonic Hd Integrated Camera Aw He50hn Operating Instructions
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41 Setting the menu items wwPicture 1/2 screen P i c t u r e 1 / 2 C h r o m a L e v e l \f A W B \b o d e A W B A D e t a i l H i g h F l e s h T o n e \b o d e O f f C o l o r \b a t r i x E B U D N R H i g h R e t u r n Chroma Level [–3 to +3] Set here is the col\Ror intensity (chrom\Ra level) of the images. AW\b Mode [ATW, AW\b A, AW\b \b] The white balance m\Rode is selected her\Re. Select the mode whe\Rn the coloring is not natural because of the nature of t\Rhe light source or \Rother factors. If the white color \Rserving as the reference can be recognized, subjects can be \Rshot with natural coloring. ATW: In this mode, the white balance\R is compensated for automatically , even if changes occur i\Rn the light source or colo\Rr temperature, by a process of continuous and automatic \Radjustment. AW\b A, A W\b \b: When AWB A or AWB B is selected and th\Re white balance is ex ecuted, the adjustm\Rent results obtained are store\Rd in the memory selected. When AWB A or AWB B is then selected, \Rthe white balance stored in t\Rhe selected memory can be recalled. wp When preset settin\Rgs have been called from \Rthe A W‑RP\f55, the AWB mode which was set when the preset data was registered by the AW‑RP\f55 will be called. Note Detail [Off, Low, \figh] The image detail (\Rimage sharpness) is adjusted\R here. When “Low” or “High” is selected, the d\Retail is enhanced. Flesh Tone Mode [Off, Low, \figh] Set here is the fl\Resh tone mode for displaying the subjects’ skin so that it a\Rppears more smooth\Rly and eye‑pleasingly. When “Low” or “High” is selected, the e\Rffect is enhanced even more. Color Matrix [Normal,\> E\bU, NTSC] This item is used \Rto load the preset\R color matrix data and compensate for the saturation and color pha\Rse. DNR [Off, Low, \figh] Set here is the le\Rvel of the digital \Rnoise reduction eff\Rect so that light, noise ‑free and clear imag\Res will be output \Rev en at night and in ot\Rher low ‑brightness en vironments. When “Low” or “High” is selected, even more noise can be eliminated. However, there is an incre\Rased possibility t\Rhat afterimages may occur. Return Use this to return to the previous menu.

4\b Setting the menu items wwPicture 2/2 screen P i c t u r e 2 / 2 P e d e s t a l 0 D R S O \f \f G a m m a T \b p e N o r m a l G a m m a L e v e l M i d B a c k L i g h t C O M P . O \f \f R e t u r n Pedestal [–10 to +10\>] This item is used \Rto adjust the black level (adjust the pedestal) so that \Rthe dark parts of the images a\Rre easier to see. These parts become darker when a negative setting is selected and, conversely, lighter when a p\Rositive setting is selected. DRS [Off, Low, \figh] Set here is the DRS\R function which provides just the right amount of compensat\Rion when images wi\Rth significant light/dark differences are displayed. When “Low” or “High” is selected, the e\Rffect is enhanced even more. This may make noise more perceptible with some scenes. Gamma Type [Off, Normal, Cinema] Selected here is th\Re type of gamma cur\Rve. The selected settin\Rg takes effect when “Off ” is selected as the “DRS” item setting. Normally, the “Normal” setting is used. When “Cinema” is selected, image\Rs giving off an atmosphere like movies can be shot. Gamma Level [Low, Mid, \figh] This item is used \Rto adjust the gamm\Ra compensation level. The selected settin\Rg takes effect when “Off ” is selected as the “DRS” item setting or w\Rhen “Normal” is selected as the “Gamma Type” setting. When “Low” is set, the image\Rs appear sedate an\Rd composed. The resulting gamm\Ra curve has a gentle gradient in the low ‑brightness areas , and the contrast is sharper. Conversely, when “High” is set, the tonal range in the dark area is expanded so that th\Re images take on a lighter tone. The resulting gamm\Ra curve has a sharp gradient in the low ‑brightness areas , and the contrast is softer. \back Light COMP. [Off, On] “On” or “Off ” is set here for the backlight compensation\R function. Under backlight conditions, the function prevents darkening as a result \Rof light striking the backs of subjects, and makes it possible to shoot images\R in shade or shadow more brightly. The function takes effect when “Auto” has been selected \R as the Contrast Mode, Gain or Frame Mix item setti\Rng. Return Use this to return to the previous menu. wwSystem screen This menu has items that r\Relate to the genlo\Rck phase adjustment and came\Rra’s output image set\Rtings. S y s t e m G e n l o c k O u t p u t O t h e r R e t u r n Genlock (AW‑\fE50S only) This displays the Genlock screen on which to\R perform the phase adjustments. With the AW‑HE50H, this item \Rcannot be selected. Output This displays the Output scree\Rn on which to select\R the camera’s output image set\Rtings. Other This displays the Other screen\R on which to select \Rthe settings for the installatio\Rn status of the cam\Rera’s pan ‑tilt head unit and oper\Rating speed as w ell as the setting\Rs relating to the ot\Rher functions. Return Use this to return to the previous menu.

43 Setting the menu items wwGenlock screen (AW‑\fE50S only) G e n l o c k H o r i z o n t a l P h a s e 0 S \f b c a r r i e r P h a s e C o a r s e 9 0 \b F i n e 0 H P h a s e . S C F i n e S t e p 1 R e t \f r n \forizontal Phase [–2\>06 to +49] This is used to ad\Rjust the horizontal phase during genlock. Subcarrier Phase \>Coarse [0° to 315°] This is used to ad\Rjust coarsely the co\Rlor phase during genlock. This setting is valid for the VBS signal output. Subcarrier Phase \>Fine [–127 to +127\>] This is used to ad\Rjust finely the col\Ror phase during genlock. This setting is valid for the VBS signal output. \f Phase. SC Fine Step [1 to\> 10] This is used to se\Rlect the amount by which the horizontal phase (Horizontal Phase) is to\R be adjusted and b\Ry which the color phase (Su\Rbcarrier Phase Fine) is\R to be adjusted finely. Return Use this to return to the previous menu. wwOutput screen O u t p u t F o r m a t 1 0 8 0 i D o w n C O N \f . M o d \b S q u \b \b z \b H D M I C o l o r Y C b C r 4 2 2 R \b t u r n Format [1080i, 720p, 480i] The video format is changed on t\Rhis screen. For details on how to change the format, refer to “Changing the format” (page 45). Down CONV. Mode [Squeeze, SideCut, Letter\box] The down‑conversion mode is sel\Rected here. Squeeze When the 4:3 aspect\R ratio has been set \R for the monitor scre\Ren, the images are\R squeezed horizontally and extended vertically changing the\R view of the angle. SideCutWith the vertical height serving as the reference, the parts which extend beyond this at the two sides are cropped\R changing the view of the angle. Letter\boxWith the horizontal width serving as the reference, black bands are added \Rat the top and bottom chan\Rging the view of the angle. wp When output is sele\>cted for the color bar, the mode is fixed to Squeeze. If “SideCut” or “Letter\box” has been selected,\> the \fDMI output will not appe\>ar for a few seconds when the\> color bar display is set to ON or \>OFF.

44 Setting the menu items \fDMI Color (AW‑\fE50\f only) [RG\b ‑NOR, RG\b‑EN\f, YCbCr422, YCbCr444] Set here is the HD\RMI color output. p When an HDMI monit\Ror is used, use “YCbCr4\b\b” under nor mal circumstances. p In cases where, for instance , HDMI (RGB) signal\Rs are converted and output to \Ra DVI monitor, the settings required will diff\Rer depending on th\Re color gradation supported by the monitor. RGB‑NOR The RGB output sign\Rals are output in \R the 1\f to \b35 range. RGB ‑ENH The RGB output sign\Rals are output in \R the 0 to \b55 r ange. p If the black par ts of the images a\Rppear overexposed when “RGB ‑NOR” has been selected,\R use the “RGB ‑ ENH” setting instead. p Conversely , if the images ar\Re displayed with a loss of \R dark detail when “RGB ‑ENH” has been selected,\R use the “RGB ‑NOR” setting instead. wpIf an HDMI Color s\Retting which is not\R supported by the monitor has be\Ren specified, the H\RDMI Color setting ma y be changed automa\Rtically. (The menu display will remain uncha\Rnged.) Note With the AW‑HE50S, this item cannot \Rbe selected. Return Use this to return to the previous menu.

45 Setting the menu items wqChanging the format When the format is changed on t\Rhe Output screen fr\Rom its current setting, th\Re Format change check screen appears. Format change check screen F o r m a t D o y o u w a n t t o s e t F o r m a t ( 1 0 8 0 i \f ? C A \b C E L O . K . p The format (1080i, 7\b0p or\R 480i) to be set is\R displayed within the parenth\Reses on the screen.\R p When the cursor is \Rmoved to “O.K.” on the format change check screen and the se\Rtting is entered, \Rthe Format Set screen appe\Rars for 5 seconds, and the f ormat is changed. After the format has been change\Rd, the display returns to the Output scree\Rn. Format Set screen F o r m a t ( 1 0 8 0 i ) S e t p The format (1080i, 7\b0p or\R 480i) to be set is\R displayed within the parenth\Reses on the screen.\R p When the cursor is \Rmoved to “CANCEL” on the format change check screen and the se\Rtting is entered, \Rthe Format unchanged screen\R appears for 5 seconds, the f ormat is left unchang\Red, and the displa\Ry returns to the Output screen. Format unchanged screen F o r m a t u n c h a n g e d

4\f Setting the menu items wwOther 1/2 screen O t h e r 1 / 2 I n s t a l l P o s i t i o n D e s k t o \f P r e s e t S \f e e d 1 0 P r e s e t S \b o \f e M o d e A D i g i t a l Z o o m D i s a b l e S \f e e d W i t h Z o o m P O S . O n F o \b u s M o d e A u t o F o \b u s A D J W i t h P T Z . O n R e t u r n Install Position [Desktop, \fanging] “Desktop” or “Hanging” is selected here a\Rs the method used to install th\Re unit. Desktop: Stand‑alone installation\R \fanging: Suspended installa\Rtion p When “Hanging” has been selected,\R the top , bottom, left and right of the images\R will be reversed, and up/down/left/right control for panning and til\Rting will also be reversed. Preset Speed [1 to\> 30] There are 30 preset pan‑tilt operation speeds of wh\Ren regenerating the camera direction and oth\Rer inf ormation which are registere\Rd in the preset me\Rmory. wp If a high value is selected for the Preset Spee\Rd setting, the image\R on the screen ma y shake when operation stops. wp When connecting the \Runit to the AW‑RP\f55 f or use, the “DIAGONAL SPEED (P/T S\RETTING)” setting of the AW‑RP\f55 takes effect. To change the Preset\R Speed, change the \R AW‑RP\f55 setting. Notes Preset Scope [Mode\> A, Mode \b, Mode C] Selected here are t\Rhe setting items t\Ro be recalled when \R the contents of the\R preset memory are regenerated. Mode A: Pan, Tilt, Zoom (includi\Rng digital z oom), Focus, Iris, Gain, White ‑BAL Mode \b: Pan, Tilt, Zoom (includi\Rng digital z oom), Focus, Iris Mode C: Pan, Tilt, Zoom (includi\Rng digital z oom), Focus Digital Zoom [Disable, Enable] “Enable” or “Disable” is set here for the digital zoom function. If zooming is performed toward the Tele end beyond the maximum position when “Enable” has been selected,\R the digital zoom can be operated continuously. Zooming will stop temporarily at the positio\Rn where the optical\R zoom and digital zoom are switched so after it\R has stopped at this position, pro\Rceed with zooming again. When the setting i\Rs changed to “Disable” while already in \R the digital zoom region, the zoom will automatica\Rlly move to the maximum position of the\R optical zoom. Speed With Zoom POS. [Off, On] “On” or “Off ” is set here for the function use\Rd to adjust the camera direction’s adjustment speed\R in conjunction with\R the zoom magnification. When “On” is set, the panni\Rng and tilting ope\Rrations will become slower in the zoom status. This function has n\Ro effect during preset operations. Focus Mode [Auto, Manual] “Auto” or “Manual” is set here for the focusing function. Auto: The subjects are al\Rways brought into f ocus automatically. Manual: The focus is operated man ually. Focus ADJ With PTZ. [Off, On] “On” or “Off ” is set here for the function whi\Rch compensates for out ‑of‑focusing when it occur\Rs dur ing panning, tilting o\Rr zooming operations at the manual focus setting. When “Off ” is set, adjust th\Re focus as required af\Rter zooming or set the \Rfocus to the auto mo\Rde. This item can be selected only wh\Ren “Manual” has been selected \Ras the “Focus Mode” setting. Return Use this to return to the previous menu.

47 Setting the menu items wwOther 2/2 screen O t h e r 2 / 2 T a l l y E n a b l e E n a b l e O S D O f f W \f t h T a l l y O f f O S D S t a t u s O f f W \f r e l e s s C \b n t r \b l E n a b l e R e t u r n Tally Enable [Disable, Enable] “Enable” or “Disable” is set here for the function whi\Rch turns on or turns off the tally l\Ramp using the tall\Ry control signal. OSD Off With Tally [Off, On] This is used to en\Rable or disable the function for clearing the OSD menu displays when the tally \Rsignal is received by a command or conta\Rct. When the tally sig\Rnal is released, t\Rhe original OSD menu displays are restored. OSD Status [Off, On] “On” or “Off ” is set here for the status disp\Rlay which appears during AWB operations. Wireless Control [Disable, Enable] “Enable” or “Disable” is set here for operations conducted from the wireless \Rremote control. The operations are enabled when the unit’\Rs power is turned on from an external device other than a w\Rireless remote control, and\R they are disabled when the power is turned on from a wire\Rless remote control\R. p At the point when \Rthis item’s setting is change\Rd, the new setting is not r\Reflected in oper ation. It is reflected whe\Rn the unit is set \Rto the standby mode and its power is turned on. Follow one of the proced\Rures below if the item’s setting is changed by mistake and the unit can \Rno longer be operated from a wirele\Rss remote control. p When menu operations can b\>e performed using another contr ol device: First change the it\Rem using a control \Rdevice capable of perf orming menu operations, and then turn off the unit’s power and turn it back on. p When menu operations canno\>t be performed using other contr ol devices: 1. Turn off the po wer of the units an\Rd devices that are connected. \b. Disconnect the unit’\Rs pow er cable, and plug it back in. 3. Perfor m the operation for turning on the unit’s power from the wirele\Rss remote control. 4. After changing this\R item, turn off the unit’s po wer and turn it back on. Return Use this to return to the previous menu.

48 Setting the menu items wwMaintenance screen\> M a i n t e n a n c e F i r m w a r e V e r s i o n I n i t i a l i z e R e t \f r n Firmware Version This is selected to\R display the Firmware Version screen on which to check the version of the firmware used. Initialize This is selected to display the Initialize screen on which to initialize the camera’s settings. For details on oper\Ration, refer to “Concerning initialization” on page 49. Return Use this to return to the previous menu. wwFirmware Version screen F i r m w a r e V e r s i o n C P U S o f t w a r e C a m e r a M a i n V \f 1 . \f \f P a n / \b i l t V \f 1 . \f \f N e t w o r k V \f 1 . \f \f P L D C a m e r a V \f 1 . \f \f O u t p u t V \f 1 . \f \f R e t u r n CPU Software Camera\> Main This is selected to\R display the software version of the camera unit. CPU Software Pan/Tilt This is selected to\R display the software version of the pan ‑tilt unit. CPU Software Network This is selected to\R display the software version of the network unit. PLD Camera This is selected to\R display the PLD version of the camer\Ra unit. PLD Output This is selected to\R display the PLD version of the outp\Rut unit. Return Use this to return to the previous menu.

49 Setting the menu items wqConcerning initializ\>ation When “Initialize” is selected on the\R Maintenance screen,\R the Initialize screen appears. Initialize screen I n i t i a l i z e D o y o u w a n t t o i n i t i a l i z e M e n u s e t t i n g s ? C \f N C E L \b . K . R e t u r n p When the cursor is \Rmoved to “O.K.” on the Initialize screen and the sett\Ring is entered, th\Re Menu settings initialize screen is displayed for 5 seconds, and the camer a settings are res\Rtored to the setti\Rngs which were established when the cam\Rera was purchased. However, the Format settings (see \Rpage 43) and networ k settings are not\R initialized. When the initializ\Ration operation is completed,\R the Initialize screen is restore\Rd to the display. Menu settings initiali\>zed screen M e n u s e t t i n g s i n i t i a l i z e d p When the cursor is \Rmoved to “CANCEL” on the Initialize screen and the se\Rtting is entered, \Rthe Menu settings unchanged \Rscreen is displayed for 5 seconds, the initialization\R oper ation is not performed, and the Initialize screen returns to the display. Menu settings unchanged screen M e n u s e t t i n g s u n c h a n g e d

50 Menu item table MenuItemFactory setting Selection items FullAutoManual1 to 3 Top Menu Camera Scene SceneFullAuto FullAuto, Manual1, Manual\b, Manual3 Contrast Contrast Mode ‑‑‑‑Auto A uto, Manual Contrast Level 0 0–5 to +5 Shutter Mode ‑‑‑‑ ‑‑‑‑Off, Step, Synchro Step/Synchro ( When “Step” is selected as the “Shutter Mode”)‑‑‑‑ ‑‑‑‑1/100, 1/\b50, 1/500\R, 1/1000, 1/\b000, 1/4000, 1/1\R0000 Step/Synchro ( When “Synchro” is selected as the \R “Shutter Mode”)‑‑‑‑ ‑‑‑‑\f0.\b4Hz to \f4\f.\b1Hz (1 to \b55 steps) Fr ame Mix ‑‑‑‑‑‑‑‑Auto, Off , \fdB, 1\bdB, 18dB AutoF.Mix Max Gain ‑‑‑‑18dB 0dB, \fdB, 1\bdB , 18dB Gain ‑‑‑‑Auto A uto, 0dB, 3dB, \fdB, 9dB, 1\bdB, 15dB, 18dB AGC Max Gain ‑‑‑‑18dB \fdB, 1\bdB, 18dB Picture Picture 1/\b Chroma Level ‑‑‑‑0–3 to +3 AWB Mode ‑‑‑‑AWB A A TW, AWB A, AWB B Detail ‑‑‑‑High Off, Low , High Flesh Tone Mode ‑‑‑‑Off Off, Low , High Color Matrix ‑‑‑‑EBU Nor mal, EBU, NTSC DNR ‑‑‑‑High Off, Low , High Picture \b/\b Pedestal ‑‑‑‑0 –10 to +10 DRS ‑‑‑‑Off Off, Low , High Gamma Type ‑‑‑‑Normal Off , Normal, Cinema Gamma Level ‑‑‑‑Mid Low, Mid, High Bac k Light COMP. ‑‑‑‑‑‑‑‑Off, On System Genloc k (AW‑HE50S only) Horizontal Phase 0 –\b0\f to +49 Subcarrier Phase Coarse 90° 0° to 315° Fine 0 –1\b7 to +1\b7 H Phase.SC Fine Step 1 1 to 10 Output Format1080i 1080i, 7\b0p, 480i Down CONV. Mode Squeeze Squeeze, SideCut, LetterBo\Rx HDMI Color (AW‑HE50H only) YCbCr4\b\b RGB ‑NOR, RGB‑ENH, YCbCr4\b\b, YCbCr444 Other Other 1/\bInstall Position Desktop Desktop, Hanging Preset Speed 10 1 to 30 Preset Scope Mode AMode A, Mode B, Mode C Digital Zoom Disable Disab le, Enable Speed With Zoom POS. On Off, On Focus Mode Auto Auto, Manual Focus ADJ With PTZ. ‑‑‑‑Off, On Other \b/\b Tally Enab leEnable Disable, Enable OSD Off With Tally Off Off, On OSD Status Off Off, On Wireless Control Enable Disable, Enable Maintenance Firmware Version CPU Software Camera MainVersion shipped ‑‑‑‑ Pan/TiltVersion shipped‑‑‑‑ NetworkV ersion shipped ‑‑‑‑ PLD CameraVersion shipped ‑‑‑‑ OutputVersion shipped‑‑‑‑ Initialize‑‑‑‑CANCEL CANCEL, OK