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Nitsuko 124i/384i Software Manual

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Page 201

Class of Service Options (Part A), Program 0406
Item Name This option... Is used with...Default
COS 1-14
 COS 1-9384i 
COS 15
COS 10
83 ISDN Calling Party
SubaddressRefer to the PRI Manual (P/N 92000PRI**) or the BRI Manual (92000BRI**)
84(384i prior to
3.07.10 and 124i)
Account Codes Enables/disables an extension’s
ability to enter Account Codes Account Codes  0 (Disabled) 
84(384i 3.07.10 or
Account CodesEnables/disables operator alert
when an extension improperly
enters an...

Page 202

Class of Service Options (Part A), Program 0406
Item Name This option... Is used with...Default
COS 1-14
 COS 1-9384i 
COS 15
COS 10
100 Voice Over Initiate Enables/disables an extension’s
ability to initiate Voice Over Voice Over  0 (Disabled)  1 (Enabled) 
101 Voice Over Receive Enables/disables an extension’s
ability to receive Voice OverVoice Over  1 (Enabled) 0 (Disabled) 
102-104 Not used
105 Group Listen  Enables/disables an extension’s
ability to use Group Listen Group Listen 0...

Page 203

Class of Service Options (Part A), Program 0406
Item Name This option... Is used with...Default
COS 1-14
 COS 1-9384i 
COS 15
COS 10
120 Forced Trunk
Disconnect Enables/disables an extension’s
ability to use Forced Trunk
Disconnect Forced Trunk
Disconnect 0 (Disabled)  1 (Enabled)
121,122 Not used
123 Caller ID Display Enables/disables the Caller ID
display at an extensionCaller ID 1 (Enabled)
124 Edit Caller ID Enables/disables an extension’s
ability to edit the stored Caller

Page 204

Class of Service Options (Part B), Program 0419
Item Name This option... Is used with...Default
384i COS 1-14
124i COS 1-9
384i COS 15
124i COS 10
1(384i 3.05.10 or
Manual Tandem
TrunkingAllows an extension user to set
up a tandem call by pressing
their CONF (TRF) key.Tandem Trunking
Conference)0 (Disabled)
2(384i 3.05.10 or
Tandem Trunking
on Hang upAllows an extension user to set
up a tandem call automatically
when they hang up.Tandem Trunking

Page 205

Class of Service Options (Part B), Program 0419
Item Name This option... Is used with...Default
384i COS 1-14
124i COS 1-9
384i COS 15
124i COS 10
11(384i 3.07.12 or
TAPI Auto Idle
Mode (Driver ID)Enter 0 for this option if you are
installing the Nitsuko TAPI
Service Provider 1.02.01 driver.
Enter 1 for this option if you are
installing the Nitsuko 384i
Proprietary Mode Telephony
SPV 1.00.01 (or higher) driver.TAPI
Compatibility0 (Nitsuko TAPI Service
Provider 1.02.01 )
12(384i 3.07.24 or...

Page 206

Related Features
Night Service
An extension can have a different Class of Service for each Night Service mode: Day, Night, Midnight or Rest.
To change an extension’s Class of Service (via Service Code 177):
1. Press idle CALL key.
2. Dial 177.
You see: Enter Password-
3. Dial password and press HOLD.
Use the Time and Date and MOH password (normally 0000). You see: Enter Station#.
You’ll hear error tone and have to start over if you dial an incorrect code.
4. Dial the extension number you want...

Page 207

Computer Telephony Integration (CTI) Applications
 124i Available. 384i Available.
Computer Telephony Integration (CTI) applications automate your office with TAPI compatibility and external
PC control. CTI puts your telephone system on the cutting edge of modern office productivity with:
Personal Computer Interface (PCI)
Use a DCI Module installed in your Super Display or 32-Button Display keyset as a Personal Computer Inter-
face. Installing Nitsuko’s TAPI software driver (P/N 94000) and...

Page 208

 124i The system allows either 8 four-
party conferences or 4 eight-party
conferences. 384i Each DTU-A/C allows either 4
four-party conferences or 2 eight-
party conferences per PCB.
- Split (From Conference) is not
available.- Split (From Conference) requires
system software 3.07.24 or higher.
- Adding a parked call to a Conference
requires Base 4.02, EXCPRU 4.02 or
higher.- Adding a parked call to a Conference
requires system software 3.07.24 or
- The Conference...

Page 209

— For Your Notes —
Features B-D
92000SWG08   Issue 1-0FEATURES   179 

Page 210

(Skip this decision
for 124i)
Should the system have
Conference capability?In 0308, assign the blocks
on the CDTU PCB for
Conference (entry 0).In 0308, assign the
blocks on the CDTU
PCB for entry 1.
Should each CDTU
PCB allow four 4-
party conferences or
two 8-party
In 0302:2, enter 0.In 0302:2, enter 1.
Should an extension
be allowed to initiate
a Conference?In 0406:16, enter 1.In 0406:16, enter 0.
In 1005, assign
Class of Service
to extensions.
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